HB 129: "An Act relating to requests for supplemental appropriations for the current fiscal year."
00HOUSE BILL NO. 129 01 "An Act relating to requests for supplemental appropriations for the current fiscal 02 year." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. FINDINGS. (a) The legislature makes annual appropriations for the cost of 05 operation of state government for the upcoming fiscal year based on estimates and program 06 plans presented by the administration. During the course of the fiscal year program plans 07 change and estimates must be revised as additional information becomes available. This 08 frequently leads to appropriation shortfalls resulting in supplemental requests for additional 09 funding being made of the legislature. 10 (b) At the time the legislature convenes, the fiscal year is more than half over. 11 Supplementals approved by the administration are incorporated into the operating plan of the 12 agency, and a dependency on the receipt of additional funding from the legislature is built into 13 the program plans. 14 (c) It is the legislature's constitutional authority to appropriate funds. If the legislature
01 chooses to exercise this authority through the denial of additional funding, the decision must 02 be made as early as possible in order for the program managers to revise their operating plans 03 to accommodate less funding. 04 (d) The legislature finds that the statutory deadline for the submission to the 05 legislature of supplemental funding requests needs to be as early as is practicable to facilitate 06 the legislative review and decision making process. 07 * Sec. 2. AS 37.07.070 is amended to read: 08 Sec. 37.07.070. LEGISLATIVE REVIEW. The legislature shall consider the 09 governor's proposed comprehensive operating and capital improvements programs and 10 financial plans, evaluate alternatives to the plans, make program selections among the 11 various alternatives and determine, subject to available revenues, the level of funding 12 required to support authorized state services. The operating and capital budgets of 13 each agency shall be separately reviewed. During each regular session of the 14 legislature, legislative review of the governor's supplemental appropriation bills and 15 the governor's budget amendments shall be governed by the following time limits: 16 (1) Requests by the governor for supplemental appropriations for state 17 agency operating and capital budgets for the current fiscal year may be introduced by 18 the rules committee only through the 10th [30TH] legislative day. 19 (2) Requests by the governor for budget amendments to state agency 20 budgets for the budget fiscal year may be received and reviewed by the finance 21 committees only through the 60th legislative day.