00 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 1 01 Proposing amendments to the Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature relating to 02 the 2020 edition of "Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure" and relating to standing 03 committees; and providing for an effective date for the amendments. 04 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05  * Section 1. Rule 4, Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, is amended to read: 06 Rule 4. Duties of the Presiding Officer. The presiding officer of each house 07 has the duties set forth in Section 575, MASON'S MANUAL OF LEGISLATIVE 08 PROCEDURE, 2020 [2010] edition, when not inconsistent with these Uniform Rules. 09 In the absence of the regular presiding officer, the majority leader of the house serving 10 ex officio as presiding officer pro tempore shall preside; except that the regular 11 presiding officer may temporarily relinquish the chair to any member. 12  * Sec. 2. Rule 20(a), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, is amended to read:  13 (a) Each house has the following standing committees with the jurisdiction 14 indicated: 15 Education (the programs and activities of the Department of Education and Early 01 Development and of the University of Alaska) 02 Finance (all appropriation, revenue, capital improvement, and bonding measures, the 03 executive budget, and the programs and activities of the Department of Revenue) 04 Health and Social Services (the programs and activities of the Department of Health 05 and the Department of Family and Community [SOCIAL] Services) 06 Judiciary (the programs and activities of the Alaska Court System and the Department 07 of Law, and the legal and substantive review of bills referred to it for that purpose) 08 Labor and Commerce (the programs and activities of the Department of Labor and 09 Workforce Development relating to labor-management relations, industrial safety, 10 unemployment compensation, and workers' compensation and the programs and activities of 11 the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development that do not primarily 12 relate to local government or to government services or functions in the unorganized borough) 13 Community and Regional Affairs (the programs and activities of the Department of 14 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development that primarily relate to local 15 government and government services or functions in the unorganized borough, and other 16 matters relating to political subdivisions) 17 Resources (the programs and activities of the Departments of Fish and Game, Natural 18 Resources, and Environmental Conservation) 19 Rules (interpretation of the Uniform Rules, calendar, the internal administration of the 20 house and matters pertaining to the management of the legislature as a whole) 21 State Affairs (programs and activities of the Office of the Governor and the 22 Departments of Administration, Military and Veterans' Affairs, Corrections, and Public 23 Safety, and programs and activities of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 24 relating to public facilities) 25 Transportation (programs and activities of the Department of Transportation and 26 Public Facilities relating to transportation and other legislative matters relating to 27 transportation). 28  * Sec. 3. Rule 26, Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, is amended to read: 29 Rule 26. Decorum in Debate. Decorum in debate is governed by the 30 provisions of Sections 120 through 126, MASON'S MANUAL OF LEGISLATIVE 31 PROCEDURE, 2020 [2010] edition, when not inconsistent with these Uniform Rules. 01  * Sec. 4. Rule 55(a), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, is amended to read: 02 (a) The rules of parliamentary practice comprised in MASON'S MANUAL 03 OF LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE, 2020 [2010] edition, implement and govern the 04 Uniform Rules of the Legislature in all cases not covered by these Uniform Rules. 05  * Sec. 5. The amendments proposed by this resolution take effect immediately.