00 SENATE BILL NO. 65 01 "An Act relating to immunity for consulting physicians, podiatrists, osteopaths, 02 advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants, dentists, optometrists, and 03 pharmacists." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05  * Section 1. AS 09.55 is amended by adding a new section to read: 06 Sec. 09.55.552. Consulting health care provider immunity; uncompensated  07 consultation. (a) A consulting health care provider is immune from civil liability for 08 claims arising from professional services provided to a patient if 09 (1) the patient is not a current or former patient of the consulting health 10 care provider or of the consulting health care provider's practice; 11 (2) the consulting health care provider does not examine or treat the 12 patient; 13 (3) the consulting health care provider or the consulting health care 14 provider's practice is not compensated for the consultation; 01 (4) the consulting health care provider is not a subordinate or 02 supervisor of the health care provider who requested the consultation; 03 (5) the consulting health care provider is not serving as a locum tenens 04 or otherwise temporarily managing the practice of the health care provider who 05 requested the consultation; 06 (6) the consulting health care provider is not on call at the health care 07 facility in which the patient is being treated at the time of the consultation; 08 (7) the consulting health care provider did not accept responsibility to 09 be on call for the patient about whom the consultation is requested before the 10 consultation; 11 (8) the consulting health care provider is not required to provide 12 medical services to the patient under 42 U.S.C. 1395dd (Emergency Medical 13 Treatment and Active Labor Act) at the time of the consultation; and 14 (9) a written report is not prepared as a result of the consultation. 15 (b) Notwithstanding AS 09.17.080, a court may not reduce the civil liability 16 of, or damages awarded against, a health care provider who requests a consultation on 17 grounds that a consulting health care provider under (a) of this section should be held 18 liable. 19 (c) In this section, 20 (1) "consulting health care provider" means a health care provider who 21 provides advice to another health care provider; 22 (2) "health care facility" means a private, municipal, or state hospital, 23 psychiatric hospital, emergency department, independent diagnostic testing facility, 24 residential psychiatric treatment center as defined in AS 47.32.900, kidney disease 25 treatment center (including freestanding hemodialysis units), office of a private 26 physician or dentist whether in individual or group practice, ambulatory surgical 27 center as defined in AS 47.32.900, free-standing birth center as defined in 28 AS 47.32.900, and rural health clinic as defined in AS 47.32.900; 29 (3) "health care provider" means a physician, podiatrist, or osteopath 30 licensed under AS 08.64.170 - 08.64.250, an advanced practice registered nurse 31 licensed under AS 08.68, a physician assistant licensed under AS 08.64.107, a dentist 01 licensed under AS 08.36, an optometrist licensed under AS 08.72, or a pharmacist 02 licensed under AS 08.80.