00 Enrolled SB 23 01 Making appropriations, including capital appropriations, supplemental appropriations, 02 reappropriations, and other appropriations; amending appropriations; making appropriations 03 to capitalize funds; and providing for an effective date. 04 _______________ 05 (SECTION 1 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 2) 01 * Section 1. The following appropriation items are for capital projects and grants from the 02 general fund or other funds as set out in section 2 of this Act by funding source to the 03 agencies named for the purposes expressed and lapse under AS 37.25.020, unless otherwise 04 noted. 05 Appropriation General Other 06 Allocations Items Funds Funds 07 * * * * * * * * * * 08 * * * * * Department of Administration * * * * * 09 * * * * * * * * * * 10 Alaska Land Mobile Radio System (HD 1- 1,534,600 1,534,600 11 40) 12 Case Management Database System (HD 1- 665,000 665,000 13 40) 14 General Services Public Building Fund 4,500,000 4,500,000 15 Buildings Deferred Maintenance (HD 1- 16 40) 17 Replacement of Pension and Benefits 500,000 500,000 18 System Hardware (HD 1-40) 19 * * * * * * * * * * 20 * * * * * Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development * * * * * 21 * * * * * * * * * * 22 Alaska Energy Authority - Bulk Fuel 2,420,000 2,420,000 23 Upgrades (HD 1-40) 24 The appropriation to the Alaska Energy Authority is conditional upon participation by a 25 federal agency at a minimum of a commensurate funding level. 26 Alaska Railroad Corporation -- Seward 300,000 300,000 27 Cruise Ship Terminal Planning & Design 28 (HD 29) 29 Alaska Railroad Corporation -- Seward 1,200,000 1,200,000 30 Dock Safety Enhancements (HD 29) 31 Community Block Grants (HD 1-40) 6,060,000 60,000 6,000,000 01 Grants to Named Recipients (AS 02 37.05.316) 03 Alaska Community Foundation - 250,000 250,000 04 Statewide Domestic Violence Shelter 05 Improvements (HD 1-40) 06 Alaska Travel Industry Association 3,000,000 3,000,000 07 Grant for Tourism Marketing and 08 Development (HD 1-40) 09 Hoonah Cruise Ship Dock Company -- 2,000,000 2,000,000 10 Inner Point Sophia Phase 1 New Dock 11 Mooring Buoys (HD 35) 12 Hoonah Cruise Ship Dock Company -- 500,000 500,000 13 Outer Point Sophia Dock Safety 14 Improvements (HD 35) 15 Hope Community Resources, Inc. - 90,000 90,000 16 Upgrades to Housing to Meet State 17 Licensing Requirements (HD 1-40) 18 Inter-Island Ferry Authority (HD 33- 115,000 115,000 19 36) 20 The language sections of the bill include a reappropriation of unexpended and unobligated 21 funding, estimated to be $135,000, to provide a total of $250,000 to the Inter-Island Ferry 22 Authority. 23 Marine Exchange of Alaska - Alaska 400,000 400,000 24 Vessel Tracking System Upgrades and 25 Expansion (HD 1-40) 26 Grants to Municipalities (AS 27 37.05.315) 28 Anchorage - Police Department Patrol 200,000 200,000 29 of the Seward Highway Between 30 Anchorage and Indian (HD 12-28) 31 It is the intent of the legislature that the Municipality of Anchorage coordinate with the 01 Department of Public Safety to patrol the Seward Highway. 02 Ketchikan - Port of Ketchikan Cruise 2,000,000 2,000,000 03 Ship Berths (HD 36) 04 * * * * * * * * * * 05 * * * * * Department of Environmental Conservation * * * * * 06 * * * * * * * * * * 07 Clean Water Capitalization Grant - 587,700 587,700 08 Subsidy Funding (HD 1-40) 09 Drinking Water Capitalization Grant - 2,041,000 2,041,000 10 Subsidy Funding (HD 1-40) 11 Prince William Sound Tanker Escort 250,000 250,000 12 Contingency Plan Review (HD 9) 13 Fairbanks PM2.5 Nonattainment Area 2,477,250 2,477,250 14 Voluntary Heating Device Change Out 15 Program (HD 1-5) 16 Village Safe Water and Wastewater 64,830,000 12,080,000 52,750,000 17 Infrastructure Projects 18 First Time Service Projects 38,898,000 19 (HD 1-40) 20 Expansion, Upgrade, and 25,932,000 21 Replacement of Existing 22 Service (HD 1-40) 23 * * * * * * * * * * 24 * * * * * Department of Fish and Game * * * * * 25 * * * * * * * * * * 26 R/V Resolution Refurbishment and 1,000,000 1,000,000 27 Repair (HD 32) 28 Sport Fish Recreational Boating and 3,000,000 3,000,000 29 Angler Access (HD 1-40) 30 * * * * * * * * * * 31 * * * * * Office of the Governor * * * * * 01 * * * * * * * * * * 02 State-wide Agency Deferred Maintenance 20,000,000 20,000,000 03 (HD 1-40) 04 It is the intent of the legislature that the Office of the Governor prioritize the deferred 05 maintenance needs of all state agencies and distribute this funding to address the highest 06 priority issues. 07 * * * * * * * * * * 08 * * * * * Department of Health and Social Services * * * * * 09 * * * * * * * * * * 10 Emergency Medical Services Match for 500,000 500,000 11 Code Blue Project (HD 1-40) 12 Statewide Electronic Health 7,628,548 762,855 6,865,693 13 Information Exchange System (HD 1-40) 14 * * * * * * * * * * 15 * * * * * Department of Military and Veterans Affairs * * * * * 16 * * * * * * * * * * 17 National Guard Counterdrug Support (HD 100,000 100,000 18 1-40) 19 State Homeland Security Grant Programs 6,000,000 6,000,000 20 (HD 1-40) 21 * * * * * * * * * * 22 * * * * * Department of Natural Resources * * * * * 23 * * * * * * * * * * 24 Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation 3,200,000 3,200,000 25 Federal Program (HD 1-40) 26 Assessment of Transitional North Slope 750,000 750,000 27 Oil Reservoirs (HD 1-40) 28 EVOS Parks Habitat Restoration and 2,018,930 2,018,930 29 Protection (HD 29-31) 30 EVOS Purchase of Interest in Land - 1,500,000 1,500,000 31 Kachemak Bay (HD 31) 01 EVOS Purchase of Interest in Land - 8,500,000 8,500,000 02 Portage Lake, Northern Afognak Island 03 (HD 32) 04 EVOS Purchase of Interest in Land - 7,000,000 7,000,000 05 Thorsheim Drainage, Northern Afognak 06 Island (HD 32) 07 Federal and Local Government Funded 1,400,000 1,400,000 08 Forest Resource and Fire Program (HD 09 1-40) 10 Geologic Mapping for Natural Resource 2,100,000 300,000 1,800,000 11 Development (HD 1-40) 12 Industry Projects Application Review 400,000 400,000 13 (HD 1-40) 14 Land and Water Conservation Fund 600,000 600,000 15 Federal Grant Program (HD 1-40) 16 National Historic Preservation Fund 400,000 400,000 17 (HD 1-40) 18 National Recreational Trails Federal 1,500,000 1,500,000 19 Grant Program (HD 1-40) 20 Snowmobile Trail Development Program 250,000 250,000 21 and Grants (HD 1-40) 22 * * * * * * * * * * 23 * * * * * Department of Public Safety * * * * * 24 * * * * * * * * * * 25 Marine Fisheries Patrol Improvements 1,200,000 1,200,000 26 (HD 1-40) 27 * * * * * * * * * * 28 * * * * * Department of Revenue * * * * * 29 * * * * * * * * * * 30 Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation - 4,050,000 4,050,000 31 Headquarters Renovation (HD 33) 01 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation 02 AHFC Cold Climate Housing Research 1,000,000 1,000,000 03 Center (CCHRC) (HD 1-40) 04 AHFC Competitive Grants for Public 1,100,000 350,000 750,000 05 Housing (HD 1-40) 06 AHFC Federal and Other Competitive 15,200,000 1,500,000 13,700,000 07 Grants (HD 1-40) 08 AHFC Housing and Urban Development 2,500,000 2,500,000 09 Capital Fund Program (HD 1-40) 10 AHFC Housing and Urban Development 4,500,000 750,000 3,750,000 11 Federal HOME Grant (HD 1-40) 12 AHFC Rental Assistance for Victims - 1,500,000 1,500,000 13 Empowering Choice Housing Program 14 (ECHP) (HD 1-40) 15 AHFC Senior Citizens Housing 1,000,000 1,000,000 16 Development Program (HD 1-40) 17 AHFC Supplemental Housing Development 3,000,000 3,000,000 18 Program (HD 1-40) 19 AHFC Teacher, Health and Public Safety 1,750,000 1,750,000 20 Professionals Housing (HD 1-40) 21 AHFC Weatherization Program (HD 1-40) 1,500,000 1,500,000 22 * * * * * * * * * * 23 * * * * * Department of Transportation and Public Facilities * * * * * 24 * * * * * * * * * * 25 Alaska Marine Highway System - 244,000,000 22,000,000 222,000,000 26 Construction of a New Ocean Going 27 Vessel To Replace the F/V Tustumena 28 (HD 1-40) 29 It is the intent of the legislature that the new oceangoing vessel to replace the F/V Tustumena 30 be constructed by a shipyard facility that produces the best value and most advantageous 31 proposal to the state. The commissioner of transportation and public facilities shall award the 01 contract using a competitive proposal procurement method unless the commissioner 02 concludes, in writing, that the use of the competitive proposal procurement method is not in 03 the best interests of the state. The Department of Transportation and Public Facilities shall 04 consult with the Federal Highway Administration to determine whether an open and 05 competitive proposal procurement method can be used. 06 Alaska Marine Highway System Vessel 11,000,000 11,000,000 07 Overhaul, Annual Certification and 08 Shoreside Facilities Rehabilitation 09 (HD 1-40) 10 Public and Community Transportation 1,000,000 1,000,000 11 State Match (HD 1-40) 12 State Equipment Fleet Replacement (HD 12,500,000 12,500,000 13 1-40) 14 Municipal Harbor Facility Grant Fund 15 (AS 29.60.800) 16 Municipal Harbor Facility Grant Fund 5,000,000 5,000,000 17 Projects (HD 1-40) 18 Federal Program Match 46,200,000 46,200,000 19 Federal-Aid Aviation State 10,800,000 20 Match (HD 1-40) 21 Federal-Aid Highway State 34,100,000 22 Match (HD 1-40) 23 The language sections of the bill include reappropriations of unexpended and unobligated 24 funding, estimated to be $23,900,000, to provide a total of $58,000,000 for Federal-Aid 25 Highway State Match. 26 Other Federal Program Match 1,300,000 27 (HD 1-40) 28 Airport Improvement Program 269,500,000 269,500,000 29 Alaska International 129,500,000 30 Airport System (HD 1-40) 31 Rural Airport Improvement 140,000,000 01 Program (HD 1-40) 02 Surface Transportation Program 03 Surface Transportation Program (HD 1- 580,000,000 580,000,000 04 40) 05 Statewide Federal Programs 38,611,819 111,819 38,500,000 06 Commercial Vehicle 5,500,000 07 Enforcement Program (HD 1- 08 40) 09 Cooperative Reimbursable 15,000,000 10 Projects (HD 1-40) 11 Federal Transit 10,000,000 12 Administration Grants (HD 13 1-40) 14 Highway Safety Grants 8,111,819 15 Program (HD 1-40) 16 * * * * * * * * * * 17 * * * * * University of Alaska * * * * * 18 * * * * * * * * * * 19 Deferred Maintenance, Renewal, and 5,000,000 5,000,000 20 Repair (HD 1-40) 21 * * * * * * * * * * 22 * * * * * Judiciary * * * * * 23 * * * * * * * * * * 24 Deferred Maintenance, Renewal, Repair 2,525,400 2,525,400 25 and Equipment (HD 1-40) 26 (SECTION 2 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON THE NEXT PAGE) 01 * Sec. 2. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 1 of 02 this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Department of Administration 05 1017 Group Health and Life Benefits Fund 153,200 06 1023 FICA Administration Fund Account 2,200 07 1029 Public Employees Retirement Trust Fund 240,300 08 1034 Teachers Retirement Trust Fund 97,200 09 1042 Judicial Retirement System 800 10 1045 National Guard & Naval Militia Retirement System 6,300 11 1147 Public Building Fund 4,500,000 12 1243 Statutory Budget Reserve Fund 2,199,600 13 *** Total Agency Funding *** 7,199,600 14 Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development 15 1002 Federal Receipts 6,000,000 16 1200 Vehicle Rental Tax Receipts 1,650,000 17 1206 Commercial Vessel Passenger Excise Tax 6,400,000 18 1243 Statutory Budget Reserve Fund 4,485,000 19 *** Total Agency Funding *** 18,535,000 20 Department of Environmental Conservation 21 1002 Federal Receipts 54,727,250 22 1052 Oil/Hazardous Release Prevention & Response Fund 250,000 23 1075 Alaska Clean Water Fund 587,700 24 1100 Alaska Drinking Water Fund 2,041,000 25 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 500,000 26 1243 Statutory Budget Reserve Fund 12,080,000 27 *** Total Agency Funding *** 70,185,950 28 Department of Fish and Game 29 1002 Federal Receipts 2,250,000 30 1024 Fish and Game Fund 750,000 31 1109 Test Fisheries Receipts 1,000,000 01 *** Total Agency Funding *** 4,000,000 02 Office of the Governor 03 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 20,000,000 04 *** Total Agency Funding *** 20,000,000 05 Department of Health and Social Services 06 1002 Federal Receipts 6,865,693 07 1243 Statutory Budget Reserve Fund 1,262,855 08 *** Total Agency Funding *** 8,128,548 09 Department of Military and Veterans Affairs 10 1002 Federal Receipts 6,100,000 11 *** Total Agency Funding *** 6,100,000 12 Department of Natural Resources 13 1002 Federal Receipts 9,650,000 14 1018 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trust--Civil 19,018,930 15 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 400,000 16 1195 Snow Machine Registration Receipts 250,000 17 1243 Statutory Budget Reserve Fund 300,000 18 *** Total Agency Funding *** 29,618,930 19 Department of Public Safety 20 1002 Federal Receipts 1,200,000 21 *** Total Agency Funding *** 1,200,000 22 Department of Revenue 23 1002 Federal Receipts 22,200,000 24 1105 Permanent Fund Corporation Gross Receipts 4,050,000 25 1139 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Dividend 9,350,000 26 1180 Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment & Prevention Fund 1,500,000 27 *** Total Agency Funding *** 37,100,000 28 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 29 1002 Federal Receipts 1,078,000,000 30 1026 Highways Equipment Working Capital Fund 12,500,000 31 1027 International Airports Revenue Fund 22,000,000 01 1082 AMHS Vessel Replacement Fund 22,000,000 02 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 10,000,000 03 1243 Statutory Budget Reserve Fund 63,311,819 04 *** Total Agency Funding *** 1,207,811,819 05 University of Alaska 06 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 5,000,000 07 *** Total Agency Funding *** 5,000,000 08 Judiciary 09 1243 Statutory Budget Reserve Fund 2,525,400 10 *** Total Agency Funding *** 2,525,400 11 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * 1,417,405,247 12 (SECTION 3 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON THE NEXT PAGE) 01 * Sec. 3. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 1 of 02 this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Unrestricted General 05 1139 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Dividend 9,350,000 06 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 25,000,000 07 1243 Statutory Budget Reserve Fund 86,164,674 08 *** Total Unrestricted General *** 120,514,674 09 Designated General 10 1052 Oil/Hazardous Release Prevention & Response Fund 250,000 11 1082 AMHS Vessel Replacement Fund 22,000,000 12 1109 Test Fisheries Receipts 1,000,000 13 1180 Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment & Prevention Fund 1,500,000 14 1195 Snow Machine Registration Receipts 250,000 15 1200 Vehicle Rental Tax Receipts 1,650,000 16 *** Total Designated General *** 26,650,000 17 Other Non-Duplicated 18 1017 Group Health and Life Benefits Fund 153,200 19 1018 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trust--Civil 19,018,930 20 1023 FICA Administration Fund Account 2,200 21 1024 Fish and Game Fund 750,000 22 1027 International Airports Revenue Fund 22,000,000 23 1029 Public Employees Retirement Trust Fund 240,300 24 1034 Teachers Retirement Trust Fund 97,200 25 1042 Judicial Retirement System 800 26 1045 National Guard & Naval Militia Retirement System 6,300 27 1105 Permanent Fund Corporation Gross Receipts 4,050,000 28 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 10,900,000 29 1206 Commercial Vessel Passenger Excise Tax 6,400,000 30 *** Total Other Non-Duplicated *** 63,618,930 31 Federal Receipts 01 1002 Federal Receipts 1,186,992,943 02 *** Total Federal Receipts *** 1,186,992,943 03 Other Duplicated 04 1026 Highways Equipment Working Capital Fund 12,500,000 05 1075 Alaska Clean Water Fund 587,700 06 1100 Alaska Drinking Water Fund 2,041,000 07 1147 Public Building Fund 4,500,000 08 *** Total Other Duplicated *** 19,628,700 09 (SECTION 4 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON THE NEXT PAGE) 01 * Sec. 4. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION. The unexpended and unobligated 02 balance, not to exceed $3,000,000, of the appropriation made in sec. 7, ch. 43, SLA 2010, 03 page 33, lines 4 - 7 (Department of Public Safety, Public Safety Academy driver training 04 facility, land acquisition and construction - $5,000,000) is reappropriated to the Department of 05 Administration for the Alaska land mobile radio system. 06 * Sec. 5. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. The 07 unexpended and unobligated balance, estimated to be $213,155, of the appropriation made in 08 sec. 34(a), ch. 38, SLA 2015 (Department of Labor and Workforce Development, refreshment 09 of technology at the Alaska Vocational Technical Center) is reappropriated to the Department 10 of Labor and Workforce Development for deferred maintenance, renewal, repair, and 11 equipment. 12 * Sec. 6. FUND CAPITALIZATION. The sum of $20,000,000 is appropriated from the 13 budget reserve fund (AS 37.05.540) to the oil and gas tax credit fund (AS 43.55.028) to pay 14 outstanding tax credit liabilities. 15 * Sec. 7. FEDERAL AND OTHER PROGRAM RECEIPTS. Federal receipts, designated 16 program receipts under AS 37.05.146(b)(3), information services fund program receipts under 17 AS 44.21.045(b), Exxon Valdez oil spill trust receipts under AS 37.05.146(b)(4), receipts of 18 the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, receipts of the Alaska marine highway system fund 19 under AS 19.65.060(a), receipts of the University of Alaska under AS 37.05.146(b)(2), 20 receipts of commercial fisheries test fishing operations under AS 37.05.146(c)(21), and 21 receipts of the Alaska Aerospace Corporation that are received during the fiscal year ending 22 June 30, 2018, and that exceed the amounts appropriated by this Act, are appropriated 23 conditioned on compliance with the program review provisions of AS 37.07.080(h). 24 * Sec. 8. INSURANCE CLAIMS. The amounts to be received in settlement of insurance 25 claims for losses and the amounts to be received as recovery for losses are appropriated from 26 the general fund to the 27 (1) state insurance catastrophe reserve account (AS 37.05.289(a)); or 28 (2) appropriate state agency to mitigate the loss. 29 * Sec. 9. NATIONAL PETROLEUM RESERVE - ALASKA IMPACT GRANT 30 PROGRAM. The amount received by the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska special 31 revenue fund (AS 37.05.530(a)) under 42 U.S.C. 6506a(l) or former 42 U.S.C. 6508 by 01 August 31, 2017, estimated to be $1,378,346, is appropriated from that fund to the 02 Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for capital project grants 03 under the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska impact grant program to the following 04 municipalities in the amounts stated: 05 MUNICIPALITY PROJECT ALLOCATION 06 (1) City of Barrow Local government operations $899,392 07 (2) City of Wainwright Local government operations 222,123 08 (3) City of Anaktuvuk Pass Local operations 256,831 09 * Sec. 10. ALASKA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION. Section 23(c), ch. 1, SSSLA 10 2017, is amended to read: 11 (c) The amount set out in (a) of this section, less the amount retained under (b) 12 of this section and less deductions for appropriations for operating and capital 13 purposes, estimated to be $4,950,087 [$18,444,387], is appropriated from the Alaska 14 Housing Finance Corporation to the general fund. 15 * Sec. 11. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION. (a) The sum of $1,500,000 is 16 appropriated from general fund program receipts to the Department of Administration, 17 division of motor vehicles, for capital costs to implement P.L. 109-13, Division B (REAL ID 18 Act of 2005) and for the production of federally compliant drivers' licenses and identification 19 cards. 20 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance, estimated to be $55,000, of the 21 appropriation made in sec. 2, ch. 3, 4SSLA 2016, page 48, lines 13 - 16 (SB 74 Medicaid 22 reform; telemedicine; drug database, Department of Administration, centralized 23 administrative services, office of the commissioner, 1004 gen fund - $834,600) is 24 reappropriated to the Department of Administration to complete outstanding analytical work 25 on the feasibility of establishing a health care authority, to support additional analysis related 26 to a health care authority, to make progress on strategies to reduce or slow the growth of 27 health care costs, and for public outreach efforts related to a health care authority for the fiscal 28 year ending June 30, 2018. 29 * Sec. 12. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC 30 DEVELOPMENT. (a) The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to exceed $330,000, of 31 the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 50, lines 25 - 27 (Department of 01 Education and Early Development, state library, archives and museum facility construction 02 funding - $37,500,000) is reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and 03 Economic Development, Alaska Energy Authority, for electrical emergencies. 04 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the renewable energy grant fund 05 (AS 42.45.045) as of June 30, 2017, not to exceed $3,156,000, is appropriated to the Alaska 06 Energy Authority for rural power systems upgrades for the purpose of matching each dollar 07 received in federal funds for rural power systems upgrades. 08 * Sec. 13. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS. (a) The unexpended and unobligated 09 balance, after the appropriation made in sec. 12(a) of this Act, not to exceed $1,850,000, of 10 the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 50, lines 25 - 27 (Department of 11 Education and Early Development, state library, archives and museum facility construction 12 funding - $37,500,000) is reappropriated to the Department of Corrections for underground 13 storage tank upgrades. 14 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance, after the appropriation made in (a) of 15 this section and sec. 12(a) of this Act, not to exceed $740,000, of the appropriation made in 16 sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 50, lines 25 - 27 (Department of Education and Early 17 Development, state library, archives and museum facility construction funding - $37,500,000) 18 is reappropriated to the Department of Corrections for deferred maintenance, renovation, 19 repair, and equipment. 20 * Sec. 14. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT. (a) The 21 unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, estimated to be a total of $3,503,492, of 22 the following appropriations are reappropriated to the major maintenance grant fund 23 (AS 14.11.007): 24 (1) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 136, lines 13 - 14, and allocated on page 25 136, lines 17 - 18, as amended by sec. 26(a) and (b), ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, and sec. 28(a), ch. 26 38, SLA 2015 (Department of Education and Early Development, school construction grant 27 fund (AS 14.11.005), Marshall K-12 School replacement), estimated balance of $187,578; 28 (2) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 136, lines 13 - 14, and allocated on page 29 136, lines 19 - 21 (Department of Education and Early Development, school construction 30 grant fund (AS 14.11.005), Chaptnguak K-12 renovation and addition, Chefornak - 31 $44,182,623), estimated balance of $587,499; 01 (3) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 136, lines 24 - 25, and allocated on page 02 137, lines 8 - 10 (Department of Education and Early Development, major maintenance grant 03 fund (AS 14.11.007), Ignatius Beans K-12 School improvement, Mountain Village - 04 $11,706,209), estimated balance of $216,395; 05 (4) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 136, lines 24 - 25, and allocated on page 06 137, lines 17 - 19, as amended by sec. 7(b), ch. 14, SLA 2009 (Department of Education and 07 Early Development, major maintenance grant fund (AS 14.11.007), Maudry J. Sommers K-12 08 School major maintenance - $7,457,381), estimated balance of $186,435; 09 (5) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 136, lines 24 - 25, and allocated on page 10 138, lines 12 - 13 (Department of Education and Early Development, major maintenance 11 grant fund (AS 14.11.007), Tuluksak K-12 School power generation - $559,462), estimated 12 balance of $27,974; 13 (6) sec. 61(c), ch. 29, SLA 2008 (Department of Education and Early 14 Development, projects in accordance with the Department of Education and Early 15 Development's December 17, 2008, rankings), estimated balance of $924,737; 16 (7) sec. 10, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 146, lines 27 - 28, and allocated on page 17 147, lines 11 - 13 (Department of Education and Early Development, major maintenance 18 grant fund (AS 14.11.007), Annette Island School District phone system replacement - 19 $95,422), estimated balance of $7,879; 20 (8) sec. 10, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 146, lines 27 - 28, and allocated on page 21 147, lines 21 - 23 (Department of Education and Early Development, major maintenance 22 grant fund (AS 14.11.007), St. Mary's backup generators replacement - $1,133,912), 23 estimated balance of $636,325; 24 (9) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 111, lines 19 - 20, and allocated on page 25 111, lines 24 - 26 (Department of Education and Early Development, major maintenance 26 grant fund (AS 14.11.007), Kaltag K-12 School mechanical and electrical upgrades - 27 $853,165), estimated balance of $124,432; 28 (10) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 111, lines 19 - 20, and allocated on page 29 111, lines 29 - 31 (Department of Education and Early Development, major maintenance 30 grant fund (AS 14.11.007), Metlakatla High School annex roof replacement - $41,345), 31 estimated balance of $4,608; 01 (11) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 111, lines 19 - 20, and allocated on page 02 112, lines 15 - 16 (Department of Education and Early Development, major maintenance 03 grant fund (AS 14.11.007), Bristol Bay School voc ed wing renovation - $1,538,395), 04 estimated balance of $58,620; 05 (12) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 61, lines 14 - 15, and allocated on page 06 61, lines 20 - 22 (Department of Education and Early Development, major maintenance grant 07 fund (AS 14.11.007), Petersburg Elementary School exterior wall renovation - $2,152,775), 08 estimated balance of $24,295; 09 (13) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 61, lines 14 - 15, and allocated on page 10 61, lines 23 - 25 (Department of Education and Early Development, major maintenance grant 11 fund (AS 14.11.007), Nenana K-12 School south ADA access improvements - $903,785), 12 estimated balance of $200,983; 13 (14) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 61, lines 14 - 15, and allocated on page 14 62, lines 12 - 14 (Department of Education and Early Development, major maintenance grant 15 fund (AS 14.11.007), Galena Interior Learning Academy composite building roof renovation - 16 $1,019,387), estimated balance of $182,633; 17 (15) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 61, lines 14 - 15, and allocated on page 18 62, lines 15 - 17 (Department of Education and Early Development, major maintenance grant 19 fund (AS 14.11.007), Nome-Beltz Jr/Sr High School HVAC control upgrades - $584,428), 20 estimated balance of $19,371; and 21 (16) sec. 28(a)(4), ch. 38, SLA 2015 (Department of Education and Early 22 Development, Lower Kuskokwim School District, replacement of boilers at the Bethel 23 campus - $2,636,146), estimated balance of $113,728. 24 (b) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, not to exceed $4,430,000 25 of the total estimated balance of $47,000,000, of the following appropriations are 26 reappropriated to the school construction grant fund (AS 14.11.005) for payment as a grant by 27 the Department of Education and Early Development under AS 14.11.015 to the Northwest 28 Arctic Borough School District for the Kivalina K-12 replacement school: 29 (1) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 107, line 12, and allocated on page 107, 30 line 26, as amended by sec. 20(k), ch. 30, SLA 2007 (Department of Transportation and 31 Public Facilities, transportation initiative, Juneau access - $35,842,600); 01 (2) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 80, line 13 (Department of Transportation 02 and Public Facilities, economic development, Juneau access - $4,600,000); 03 (3) sec. 32(b), ch. 16, SLA 2013 (Department of Transportation and Public 04 Facilities, Juneau access project); and 05 (4) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 63, line 4, and allocated on page 63, line 11 06 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, economic development, Juneau access - 07 $35,000,000). 08 (c) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, estimated to be a total of 09 $2,179,929, of the appropriations made in sec. 4, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 12, lines 27 - 28, 10 and allocated on page 12, lines 29 - 30, as amended by sec. 27(e), ch. 2, 4SSLA 2016 11 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred maintenance projects, armory 12 facilities deferred maintenance - $8,408,000) and sec. 4, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 12, lines 27 - 13 28, and allocated on page 12, lines 31 - 33 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, 14 deferred maintenance projects, Army Guard facilities projects match funding - $892,000) are 15 reappropriated to the school construction grant fund (AS 14.11.005) for payment as a grant by 16 the Department of Education and Early Development under AS 14.11.015 to the Northwest 17 Arctic Borough School District for the Kivalina K-12 replacement school. 18 (d) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, not to exceed $500,000 19 of the total estimated balance of $5,000,000, of the appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 20 2003, page 44, lines 31 - 32, and allocated on page 49, lines 24 - 26 (Department of 21 Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation program, Knik Arm Crossing 22 environmental impact statement - $33,600,000) and sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 63, line 4, 23 and allocated on page 63, lines 12 - 13 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, 24 economic development, Knik Arm bridge project development - $55,000,000) are 25 reappropriated to the school construction grant fund (AS 14.11.005) for payment as a grant by 26 the Department of Education and Early Development under AS 14.11.015 to the Northwest 27 Arctic Borough School District for the Kivalina K-12 replacement school. 28 (e) If the amount appropriated in sec. 1, ch. 38, SLA 2015, page 3, lines 25 - 26, and 29 (b) - (d) of this section for the Kivalina K-12 replacement school is less than $50,475,822, the 30 amount necessary to appropriate $50,475,822 is appropriated from the budget reserve fund 31 (AS 37.05.540) to the school construction grant fund (AS 14.11.005) for payment as a grant 01 by the Department of Education and Early Development under AS 14.11.015 to the Northwest 02 Arctic Borough School District for the Kivalina K-12 replacement school. 03 * Sec. 15. DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME. The unexpended and unobligated 04 balances, after the appropriations made in secs. 12(a) and 13 of this Act, as applicable, not to 05 exceed a total of $500,000, of the appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 2, 06 lines 13 - 14 (Department of Administration, classification system conversion - $500,000), 07 sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 2, lines 18 - 20 (Department of Administration, general 08 services Douglas Island building year 2 of 2 - $9,000,000), and sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 09 50, lines 25 - 27 (Department of Education and Early Development, state library, archives and 10 museum facility construction funding - $37,500,000) are reappropriated to the Department of 11 Fish and Game for vessels and aircraft maintenance, repair, and upgrades. 12 * Sec. 16. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES. (a) The unexpended 13 and unobligated balances, after the appropriations made in secs. 12(a), 13, and 15 of this Act, 14 as applicable, not to exceed a total of $773,432, of the appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 5, 15 FSSLA 2011, page 2, lines 13 - 14 (Department of Administration, classification system 16 conversion - $500,000), sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 2, lines 18 - 20 (Department of 17 Administration, general services Douglas Island building year 2 of 2 - $9,000,000), and sec. 1, 18 ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 50, lines 25 - 27 (Department of Education and Early Development, 19 state library, archives and museum facility construction funding - $37,500,000) are 20 reappropriated to the Department of Health and Social Services for deferred maintenance, 21 renovation, repair, and equipment for Alaska Pioneers' Homes. 22 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balances, after the appropriations made in (a) of 23 this section and secs. 12(a), 13, and 15 of this Act, as applicable, not to exceed a total of 24 $382,143, of the appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 2, lines 13 - 14 25 (Department of Administration, classification system conversion - $500,000), sec. 1, ch. 16, 26 SLA 2013, page 2, lines 18 - 20 (Department of Administration, general services Douglas 27 Island building year 2 of 2 - $9,000,000), and sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 50, lines 25 - 27 28 (Department of Education and Early Development, state library, archives and museum facility 29 construction funding - $37,500,000) are reappropriated to the Department of Health and 30 Social Services for deferred maintenance, renovation, repair, and equipment for facilities of 31 the department other than Alaska Pioneers' Homes. 01 * Sec. 17. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. The 02 unexpended and unobligated balances, after the appropriations made in secs. 12(a), 13, 15, 03 and 16 of this Act, as applicable, not to exceed a total of $550,000, of the appropriations made 04 in sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 2, lines 13 - 14 (Department of Administration, 05 classification system conversion - $500,000), sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 2, lines 18 - 20 06 (Department of Administration, general services Douglas Island building year 2 of 2 - 07 $9,000,000), and sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 50, lines 25 - 27 (Department of Education 08 and Early Development, state library, archives and museum facility construction funding - 09 $37,500,000) are reappropriated to the Department of Labor and Workforce Development for 10 deferred maintenance, renewal, repair, and equipment. 11 * Sec. 18. DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AND VETERANS' AFFAIRS. The proceeds 12 from the sale of state-owned land in Fox, Alaska, that was intended for a veterans' cemetery in 13 Interior Alaska are appropriated to the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs for land 14 purchase, planning, and construction for a veterans' cemetery in Interior Alaska. 15 * Sec. 19. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. (a) The unexpended and 16 unobligated balance, after the appropriations made in secs. 12(a), 13, and 15 - 17 of this Act, 17 as applicable, not to exceed $150,000, of the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, 18 page 50, lines 25 - 27 (Department of Education and Early Development, state library, 19 archives and museum facility construction funding - $37,500,000) is reappropriated to the 20 Department of Natural Resources for the national recreation trails federal grant program. 21 (b) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, estimated to be a total of 22 $7,303,482, of the following appropriations are reappropriated to the Department of Natural 23 Resources for the Arctic strategic transportation and resources (ASTAR) project for the fiscal 24 years ending June 30, 2017, June 30, 2018, June 30, 2019, and June 30, 2020: 25 (1) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 159, lines 28 - 29, as amended by sec. 26 35(c), ch. 18, SLA 2014 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Trunk Road, 27 phase 1), estimated balance of $2,905,729; 28 (2) sec. 7, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 31, lines 26 - 28 (Department of Natural 29 Resources, reservoir studies for North Slope and Cook Inlet - $3,500,000), not to exceed 30 $2,797,753 of the estimated balance of $3,297,753; and 31 (3) sec. 32(c), ch. 17, SLA 2012 (Alaska Railroad Corporation, Tanana River 01 bridge access for military training grounds and river training), estimated balance of 02 $1,600,000. 03 * Sec. 20. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. The sum of $1,350,000 is appropriated from 04 the budget reserve fund (AS 37.05.540) to the Department of Revenue, tax division, for the 05 reprogramming of the tax revenue management system and revenue online tax portal. 06 * Sec. 21. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES. (a) The 07 unexpended and unobligated general fund balance, not to exceed $10,000,000 of the estimated 08 balance of $17,798,000, of the appropriation made in sec. 19, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 186, 09 line 8, as amended by sec. 35(b), ch. 5, FSSLA 2011 (Department of Transportation and 10 Public Facilities, transportation projects - $271,700,000) is reappropriated to the Department 11 of Transportation and Public Facilities for the Izembek Road project. 12 (b) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balance, not to exceed $7,798,000 13 of the estimated balance of $17,798,000, after the appropriation made in (a) of this section, of 14 the appropriation made in sec. 19, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 186, line 8, as amended by sec. 15 35(b), ch. 5, FSSLA 2011 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, transportation 16 projects - $271,700,000) is reappropriated to the Department of Transportation and Public 17 Facilities for federal-aid highway match. 18 (c) The unexpended and unobligated balance, estimated to be $281,393, of the 19 appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 135, lines 20 - 21, and allocated on page 20 135, lines 24 - 25 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, municipal harbor 21 facility grant fund (AS 29.60.800), Hydaburg, small boat harbor - $2,698,000) is 22 reappropriated to the harbor facility grant fund (AS 29.60.800). 23 (d) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, not to exceed 24 $21,285,000 of the total estimated balance of $47,000,000, remaining after the appropriation 25 made in sec. 14(b) of this Act, of the following appropriations are reappropriated to the 26 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for the Juneau access project: 27 (1) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 107, line 12, and allocated on page 107, 28 line 26, as amended by sec. 20(k), ch. 30, SLA 2007 (Department of Transportation and 29 Public Facilities, transportation initiative, Juneau access - $35,842,600); 30 (2) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 80, line 13 (Department of Transportation 31 and Public Facilities, economic development, Juneau access - $4,600,000); 01 (3) sec. 32(b), ch. 16, SLA 2013 (Department of Transportation and Public 02 Facilities, Juneau access project); and 03 (4) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 63, line 4, and allocated on page 63, line 11 04 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, economic development, Juneau access - 05 $35,000,000). 06 (e) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, not to exceed 07 $21,285,000 of the total estimated balance of $47,000,000, remaining after the appropriation 08 made in sec. 14(b) of this Act, of the appropriations listed in (d)(1) - (4) of this section are 09 reappropriated to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for enhancement of 10 transportation and infrastructure in the greater Lynn Canal area. 11 (f) If the amount available for reappropriation under (d) and (e) of this section is less 12 than $42,570,000, then the reappropriations made in (d) and (e) of this section shall be 13 reduced in proportion to the amount of the shortfall. 14 (g) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, not to exceed $1,000,000 15 of the total estimated balance of $5,000,000, remaining after the appropriation made in sec. 16 14(d) of this Act, of the appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2003, page 44, lines 31 - 17 32, and allocated on page 49, lines 24 - 26 (Department of Transportation and Public 18 Facilities, surface transportation program, Knik Arm Crossing environmental impact 19 statement - $33,600,000) and sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 63, line 4, and allocated on page 20 63, lines 12 - 13 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, economic development, 21 Knik Arm bridge project development - $55,000,000) are reappropriated to the Department of 22 Transportation and Public Facilities, Alaska marine highway system, for vessel overhaul, 23 annual certification, and shoreside facilities rehabilitation. 24 (h) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, not to exceed $1,000,000 25 of the total estimated balance of $5,000,000, remaining after the appropriation made in sec. 26 14(d) of this Act and (g) of this section, of the appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 27 2003, page 44, lines 31 - 32, and allocated on page 49, lines 24 - 26 (Department of 28 Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation program, Knik Arm Crossing 29 environmental impact statement - $33,600,000) and sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 63, line 4, 30 and allocated on page 63, lines 12 - 13 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, 31 economic development, Knik Arm bridge project development - $55,000,000) are 01 reappropriated to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for federal-aid 02 highway match. 03 (i) The unexpended and unobligated balance, estimated to be $481,530, of the 04 appropriation made in sec. 10, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 43, lines 27 - 30 (Anchorage, 120th 05 Avenue pedestrian and road safety upgrades, Oceanview Elementary - $600,000) is 06 reappropriated to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, for federal-aid 07 highway match. 08 (j) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, estimated to be a total of 09 $14,633,919, of the following appropriations are reappropriated to the Department of 10 Transportation and Public Facilities, federal-aid highway match: 11 (1) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2003, page 36, lines 9 - 10 (Department of 12 Transportation and Public Facilities, community access roads - $5,000,000), estimated 13 balance of $287,774; 14 (2) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 86, lines 27 - 29 (Department of 15 Transportation and Public Facilities, Matanuska-Susitna area-wide advanced right of way 16 acquisition - $2,000,000), estimated balance of $45,530; 17 (3) sec. 5(c), ch. 10, SLA 2007, as amended by secs. 12(b) and 30(a) - (c), ch. 18 38, SLA 2015 (Department of Health and Social Services, Fairbanks virology laboratory 19 completion), estimated balance of $875,266; 20 (4) sec. 4, ch. 30, SLA 2007, page 99, lines 14 - 17 (Department of Natural 21 Resources, oil and gas royalty settlement agreements reopener arbitration - $500,000), 22 estimated balance of $406,063; 23 (5) sec. 10, ch. 11, SLA 2008, page 57, lines 30 - 31 (Department of 24 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, climate change impact mitigation 25 program - $1,100,000), estimated balance of $31,374; 26 (6) sec. 7, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 21, lines 11 - 13 (Anchorage, Goose Lake 27 Park building and boathouse - $90,000), estimated balance of $33,046; 28 (7) sec. 10, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 69, lines 22 - 23, and allocated on page 29 70, lines 7 - 9 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, statewide facility deferred 30 maintenance, Camp Carroll, building upgrades for code compliance - $625,000), estimated 31 balance of $101,743; 01 (8) sec. 10, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 77, lines 7 - 10 (Department of 02 Transportation and Public Facilities, infrastructure and erosion control design and 03 environmental permitting - $600,000), estimated balance of $57,004; 04 (9) sec. 10, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 79, lines 27 - 28, and allocated on page 05 79, lines 29 - 30 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, facilities deferred 06 maintenance, exterior door repair or replacement - $490,000), estimated balance of $10,004; 07 (10) sec. 10, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 79, lines 27 - 28, and allocated on page 08 79, lines 31 - 32 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, facilities deferred 09 maintenance, exterior siding repair and replacement - $1,952,000), estimated balance of 10 $49,475; 11 (11) sec. 10, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 79, lines 27 - 28, and allocated on page 12 80, lines 11 - 14 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, facilities deferred 13 maintenance, upgrade and repair heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and 14 utilities - $3,958,000), estimated balance of $15,040; 15 (12) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 123, lines 27 - 29, as amended by sec. 16 36(g), ch. 18, SLA 2014 (Fairbanks North Star Borough, road service area projects), 17 estimated balance of $7,044; 18 (13) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 151, lines 27 - 28, as amended by sec. 19 11(a), ch. 5, SLA 2012 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, Anchorage Armory 20 roof replacement and G-Wing preparation - $4,000,000), estimated balance of $382,643; 21 (14) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 151, lines 29 - 30 (Department of 22 Military and Veterans' Affairs, Army Guard facilities projects - $1,500,000), estimated 23 balance of $8,233; 24 (15) sec. 1, ch. 15, SLA 2009, page 16, lines 30 - 31 (Department of Military 25 and Veterans' Affairs, Army Guard facilities projects - $2,500,000), estimated balance of 26 $35,695; 27 (16) sec. 1, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 4, line 17, and allocated on page 4, lines 28 22 - 26 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, regulatory compliance, 29 revegetation of Anchor River and Deep Creek highway embankments, Clean Water Act, 30 section 404 settlement - $800,000), estimated balance of $38,767; 31 (17) sec. 7, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 29, lines 13 - 14 (Department of Military 01 and Veterans' Affairs, Army Guard facilities projects - $8,342,000), estimated balance of 02 $27,609; 03 (18) sec. 7, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 29, lines 15 - 17 (Department of Military 04 and Veterans' Affairs, cold weather generation storage and maintenance - $50,000), estimated 05 balance of $27,082; 06 (19) sec. 7, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 36, lines 17 - 18 (Department of 07 Transportation and Public Facilities, Debarr Road school zone - $200,000), estimated balance 08 of $95,296; 09 (20) sec. 7, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 36, lines 32 - 33, as amended by sec. 10 38(c), ch. 16, SLA 2013 (Kenai Peninsula Borough, planning and research for the Nikiski 11 area environmental investigation), estimated balance of $11,417; 12 (21) sec. 10, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 74, lines 5 - 7 (Anchorage, Klatt 13 Elementary School sound system purchase - $30,000), estimated balance of $10,677; 14 (22) sec. 10, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 78, lines 4 - 8 (Anchorage, Northern 15 Lights Boulevard bike pathway rehabilitation, Lake Otis Parkway to Seward Highway - 16 $150,000), estimated balance of $56,490; 17 (23) sec. 10, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 79, lines 3 - 5 (Anchorage, Nunaka 18 Valley Park facility improvement plan - $50,000), estimated balance of $15,175; 19 (24) sec. 10, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 85, lines 10 - 13 (Anchorage, Tyson 20 Elementary School intercom/bell/clock system - $123,000), estimated balance of $37,564; 21 (25) sec. 10, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 86, lines 20 - 23 (Anchorage, Wonder 22 Park Elementary School interactive whiteboards - $99,250), estimated balance of $6,002; 23 (26) sec. 10, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 90, lines 23 - 26 (Fairbanks North Star 24 Borough, road service area improvements - $5,000,000), estimated balance of $65,282; 25 (27) sec. 10, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 98, lines 18 - 20, as amended by sec. 26 34(a), ch. 17, SLA 2012 (Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Knik River Road milepost 0 to 27 milepost 11.2 reconstruction - $2,100,000), estimated balance of $12,319; 28 (28) sec. 10, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 102, line 31, through page 103, line 3 29 (North Slope Borough, fire station deferred maintenance and safety equipment - $342,500), 30 estimated balance of $12,295; 31 (29) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 5, lines 21 - 23 (Anchorage, 73rd 01 Avenue and 74th Avenue road water line extension - $1,300,000), estimated balance of 02 $9,576; 03 (30) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 6, lines 28 - 30 (Anchorage, Aquarian 04 Charter School lighting - $100,000), estimated balance of $13,233; 05 (31) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 12, lines 5 - 6 (Anchorage, Eagle River 06 Road upgrade - $2,800,000), estimated balance of $33,132; 07 (32) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 15, lines 6 - 8 (Anchorage, Homestead 08 Elementary School improvements - $175,000), estimated balance of $15,285; 09 (33) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 18, lines 27 - 29 (Anchorage, Nunaka 10 Valley Elementary School improvements - $191,000), estimated balance of $18,317; 11 (34) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 19, lines 19 - 23 (Anchorage, Pine Street 12 and 4th Avenue area storm reconstruction - DeBarr Road to Boniface Parkway - $1,000,000), 13 estimated balance of $21,564; 14 (35) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 20, lines 3 - 6 (Anchorage, police 15 department citizen's policy academy support - $56,150), estimated balance of $55,027; 16 (36) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 20, lines 23 - 26 (Anchorage, Ptarmigan 17 Elementary School technology upgrade - $180,000), estimated balance of $17,353; 18 (37) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 21, lines 15 - 18 (Anchorage, Rogers 19 Park Elementary Northern Lights Boulevard overpass safety upgrades - $100,000), estimated 20 balance of $73,202; 21 (38) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 25, lines 8 - 11 (Anchorage, Tudor 22 Elementary School fire alarm replacement - $175,000), estimated balance of $12,830; 23 (39) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 32, lines 12 - 14 (Hoonah, Hoonah 24 marine industrial center phase III - $1,219,119), estimated balance of $7,441; 25 (40) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 35, lines 21 - 23 (Kodiak Island 26 Borough, long term care facility planning and design - $1,275,000), estimated balance of 27 $248,521; 28 (41) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 39, lines 24 - 26 (North Slope Borough, 29 village clinic morgue additions - $2,000,000), estimated balance of $169,433; 30 (42) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 52, lines 17 - 21 (Association of Village 31 Council Presidents, Yuut Yaqungviat, LLC, Alaska rural aviation training program equipment 01 - $170,000), estimated balance of $79,170; 02 (43) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 74, lines 19 - 22 (Yukon-Kuskokwim 03 Health Corporation, Qungasvik youth sobriety project - $1,624,800), estimated balance of 04 $24,984; 05 (44) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 85, lines 14 - 17 (Department of Health 06 and Social Services, international classification of diseases (ICD-10) implementation - 07 $5,100,000), estimated balance of $9,731; 08 (45) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 85, lines 25 - 27 (Department of Health 09 and Social Services, Medicaid management information system completion - $3,283,800), 10 estimated balance of $57,091; 11 (46) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 88, lines 6 - 7, and allocated on page 88, 12 lines 15 - 17 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, Army Guard facilities projects, 13 Fort Richardson, Camp Denali fire sprinkler system design - $250,000), estimated balance of 14 $28,900; 15 (47) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 89, lines 5 - 7, and allocated on page 89, 16 lines 23 - 25 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, Military and Veterans' Affairs 17 deferred maintenance projects, Fort Richardson, Camp Denali Armory deferred maintenance - 18 $1,048,800), estimated balance of $335,350; 19 (48) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 89, lines 5 - 7, and allocated on page 90, 20 lines 5 - 8 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, Military and Veterans' Affairs 21 deferred maintenance projects, Military Youth Academy deferred maintenance, renewal, and 22 replacement - $3,000,000), estimated balance of $424,531; 23 (49) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 89, lines 5 - 7, and allocated on page 90, 24 lines 11 - 12 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, Military and Veterans' Affairs 25 deferred maintenance projects, Sitka Armory deferred maintenance - $475,000), estimated 26 balance of $137,500; 27 (50) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 89, lines 5 - 7, and allocated on page 90, 28 lines 15 - 17 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, Military and Veterans' Affairs 29 deferred maintenance projects, Wasilla, Alcantra Armory deferred maintenance - $2,162,000), 30 estimated balance of $193,587; 31 (51) sec. 4, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 135, lines 24 - 25, and allocated on page 01 136, lines 7 - 9 (Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, Alaska 02 Energy Authority, ARCTEC energy projects, AEA, Girdwood and Sterling substation 03 improvements - $2,000,000), estimated balance of $43,536; 04 (52) sec. 7, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 141, lines 21 - 22, as amended by sec. 05 41(h), ch. 16, SLA 2013 (Hoonah, berthing facility), estimated balance of $91,934; 06 (53) sec. 41(a), ch. 5, FSSLA 2011 (Delta-Greely School District, school 07 district wood chip heating system project), estimated balance of $76,731; 08 (54) sec. 4, ch. 5, SLA 2012, page 10, lines 16 - 18 (Cordova, hospital roof 09 emergency repairs and replacement - $2,000,000), estimated balance of $11,502; 10 (55) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 5, lines 26 - 29, as amended by sec. 33(e), 11 ch. 16, SLA 2013 (Fairbanks North Star Borough, Fairbanks North Star Borough School 12 District, conversion of the school heating system to a natural gas heating system), estimated 13 balance of $8,478; 14 (56) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 14, lines 20 - 23 (Anchorage, Lake Otis 15 Parkway expansion, 15th Avenue to Northern Lights Boulevard - $2,500,000), estimated 16 balance of $2,450,000; 17 (57) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 14, lines 24 - 27 (Anchorage, Lake Otis 18 Parkway pedestrian overpass study, Lake Otis Elementary - $100,000), estimated balance of 19 $55,131; 20 (58) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 15, lines 20 - 24 (Anchorage, Northern 21 Lights Boulevard pedestrian safety, Lois Drive West to Captain Cook Estates Circle - 22 $920,000), estimated balance of $23,644; 23 (59) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 28, lines 16 - 19 (Ketchikan Gateway 24 Borough, South Tongass volunteer fire department emergency generator - $234,000), 25 estimated balance of $43,717; 26 (60) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 31, lines 20 - 23 (Matanuska-Susitna 27 Borough, Glacier View Elementary School gym floor upgrade - $75,000), estimated balance 28 of $18,871; 29 (61) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 38, lines 12 - 13 (Sitka, community 30 hospital roof replacement - $1,200,000), estimated balance of $36,338; 31 (62) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 41, lines 5 - 7 (Wasilla, regional 01 transportation planning - $150,000), estimated balance of $66,599; 02 (63) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 113, lines 30 - 32, and allocated on page 03 114, lines 7 - 9 (Department of Environmental Conservation, municipal water, sewage, and 04 solid waste facilities grants (AS 46.03.030), Hoonah, water transmission line replacement 05 phase 3 - $1,732,357), estimated balance of $350,116; 06 (64) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 122, lines 19 - 21, and allocated on page 07 122, lines 22 - 23 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred maintenance, 08 renewal, repair and equipment, Alcantra Armory deferred maintenance - $320,000), estimated 09 balance of $10,000; 10 (65) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 122, lines 19 - 21, and allocated on page 11 122, lines 26 - 28 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred maintenance, 12 renewal, repair and equipment, civil support team facility deferred maintenance - $560,000), 13 estimated balance of $208,795; 14 (66) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 122, lines 19 - 21, and allocated on page 15 122, lines 31 - 32 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred maintenance, 16 renewal, repair and equipment, Haines Armory deferred maintenance - $320,000), estimated 17 balance of $156,697; 18 (67) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 122, lines 19 - 21, and allocated on page 19 122, line 33, through page 123, line 5 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred 20 maintenance, renewal, repair and equipment, Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson facilities 21 deferred maintenance - $5,128,000), estimated balance of $1,251,134; 22 (68) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 122, lines 19 - 21, and allocated on page 23 123, lines 14 - 15 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred maintenance, 24 renewal, repair and equipment, Valdez Armory deferred maintenance - $75,000), estimated 25 balance of $37,500; 26 (69) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 133, lines 23 - 24 (Department of 27 Transportation and Public Facilities, Umiat, airport survey and property plan - $250,000), 28 estimated balance of $32,020; 29 (70) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 19, lines 29 - 33 (Matanuska-Susitna 30 Borough, Fronteras Charter School rural development application costs - $150,000), estimated 31 balance of $48,706; 01 (71) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 22, lines 17 - 20 (Matanuska-Susitna 02 Borough, warm storage fire station in the Crystal Lakes area - $350,000), estimated balance of 03 $10,755; 04 (72) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 22, line 32, through page 23, line 4 05 (Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Willow community center area improvements - $65,000), 06 estimated balance of $5,792; 07 (73) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 24, lines 31 - 33 (Northwest Arctic 08 Borough, Shungnak heavy equipment - $350,000), estimated balance of $25,972; 09 (74) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 63, lines 24 - 26, and allocated on page 10 64, lines 16 - 17 (Department of Environmental Conservation, municipal water, sewage, and 11 solid waste facilities grants (AS 46.03.030), Unalaska, water treatment plant - $3,090,000), 12 estimated balance of $90,000; 13 (75) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 69, lines 23 - 24, and allocated on page 14 69, lines 25 - 26 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, Army Guard facilities 15 projects, Alcantra, covered shelter buildings - $450,000), estimated balance of $450,000; 16 (76) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 69, lines 23 - 24, and allocated on page 17 69, lines 29 - 31 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, Army Guard facilities 18 projects, Alcantra, road service connection and parking - $950,000), estimated balance of 19 $950,000; 20 (77) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 69, lines 23 - 24, and allocated on page 21 70, lines 11 - 14 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, Army Guard facilities 22 projects, Joint Base Richardson Elmendorf (JBER), parking lot replacement - $2,000,000), 23 estimated balance of $119,000; 24 (78) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 70, lines 15 - 17, and allocated on page 25 70, lines 25 - 26 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred maintenance, 26 renewal, repair and equipment, Kenai Armory deferred maintenance - $250,000), estimated 27 balance of $125,000; 28 (79) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 70, lines 15 - 17, and allocated on page 29 70, lines 27 - 28 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred maintenance, 30 renewal, repair and equipment, Kodiak Armory deferred maintenance - $600,000), estimated 31 balance of $300,000; 01 (80) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 70, lines 15 - 17, and allocated on page 02 70, lines 29 - 30 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred maintenance, 03 renewal, repair and equipment, Kotzebue Armory deferred maintenance - $100,000), 04 estimated balance of $80,000; 05 (81) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 70, lines 15 - 17, and allocated on page 06 71, lines 4 - 6 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred maintenance, renewal, 07 repair and equipment, Southeast Armories deferred maintenance - $2,480,000), estimated 08 balance of $287,263; 09 (82) sec. 1, ch. 16, SLA 2013, page 79, line 21, and allocated on page 79, lines 10 29 - 33 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, regulatory compliance, 11 Environmental Protection Agency mandated airport deicing conversion to potassium acetate - 12 $235,000), estimated balance of $21,727; 13 (83) sec. 33(j), ch. 16, SLA 2013 (Alaska Peace Officers Association, Inc., 14 Farthest North Chapter, construction and remodel of the existing building), estimated balance 15 of $75,000; 16 (84) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 13, lines 6 - 8 (Kenai Peninsula Borough, 17 Tall Tree Bridge rebuild and road upgrade - $380,000), estimated balance of $46,884; 18 (85) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 20, lines 24 - 26 (Alaskan Marine Dealers 19 Association, float plan/weather digital app - $25,000), estimated balance of $15,775; 20 (86) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 21, lines 4 - 5 (Anchor Point Public 21 Library, new library planning - $15,000), estimated balance of $15,000; 22 (87) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 37, lines 30 - 32 (Delta Sportsman's 23 Association, Delta Sportsman's club building weatherization - $46,136), estimated balance of 24 $46,136; 25 (88) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 44, lines 15 - 16 (Native Village of 26 Napaskiak, loader - $233,935), estimated balance of $33,659; 27 (89) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 51, lines 21 - 22, and allocated on page 28 51, lines 23 - 25 (Department of Environmental Conservation, municipal water, sewage, and 29 solid waste facilities grants (AS 46.03.030), Anchorage wastewater disinfection 30 improvements - $4,120,000), estimated balance of $120,000; 31 (90) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 51, lines 21 - 22, and allocated on page 01 51, lines 26 - 27 (Department of Environmental Conservation, municipal water, sewage, and 02 solid waste facilities grants (AS 46.03.030), Juneau water treatment improvements - 03 $1,030,000), estimated balance of $17,605; 04 (91) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 51, lines 21 - 22, and allocated on page 05 52, lines 4 - 6 (Department of Environmental Conservation, municipal water, sewage, and 06 solid waste facilities grants (AS 46.03.030), Sitka water and sewer improvements, Hollywood 07 Way and Archangel - $571,630), estimated balance of $11,088; 08 (92) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 51, lines 21 - 22, and allocated on page 09 52, lines 10 - 12 (Department of Environmental Conservation, municipal water, sewage, and 10 solid waste facilities grants (AS 46.03.030), Sitka water and sewer improvements, Monastery 11 and Baranof - $789,705), estimated balance of $14,547; 12 (93) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 56, line 3, and allocated on page 56, lines 13 4 - 5 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, armory facilities projects, Fairbanks 14 facilities projects - $750,000), estimated balance of $187,500; 15 (94) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 56, line 3, and allocated on page 56, lines 16 6 - 8 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, armory facilities projects, Joint Base 17 Elmendorf Richardson facilities projects - $2,350,000), estimated balance of $550,000; 18 (95) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 56, lines 11 - 12, and allocated on page 19 56, lines 17 - 19 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred maintenance, 20 renewal, repair and equipment, Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson deferred maintenance - 21 $6,469,200), estimated balance of $661,100; and 22 (96) sec. 1, ch. 18, SLA 2014, page 56, lines 11 - 12, and allocated on page 23 56, lines 27 - 28 (Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs, deferred maintenance, 24 renewal, repair and equipment, Kotzebue hangar deferred maintenance - $605,000), estimated 25 balance of $605,000. 26 (k) The unexpended and unobligated federal receipt balances, estimated to be a total 27 of $675,600,000, of the following appropriations are reappropriated to the Department of 28 Transportation and Public Facilities for previously authorized federal-aid highway surface 29 transportation program projects: 30 (1) sec. 19, ch. 79, SLA 1993, page 22, lines 36 - 37 (Department of 31 Transportation and Public Facilities, central region federal highway program - $130,381,800); 01 (2) sec. 100, ch. 123, SLA 1996, page 59, line 29 (Department of 02 Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation program - $199,092,900); 03 (3) sec. 131, ch. 139, SLA 1998, page 71, line 5 (Department of 04 Transportation and Public Facilities, demonstration projects - $32,200,000); 05 (4) sec. 100, ch. 2, FSSLA 1999, page 63, lines 18 - 19, as amended by sec. 06 50(a)(34), ch. 30, SLA 2007, and sec. 18(a)(20), ch. 14, SLA 2009 (Department of 07 Transportation and Public Facilities, community transportation program (CTP)); 08 (5) sec. 100, ch. 2, FSSLA 1999, page 69, lines 29 - 30, as amended by sec. 09 18(a)(23), ch. 14, SLA 2009 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, national 10 highway system program (NHS) construction); 11 (6) sec. 1, ch. 135, SLA 2000, page 31, lines 16 - 17 (Department of 12 Transportation and Public Facilities, community transportation program (CTP) construction - 13 $247,703,777); 14 (7) sec. 1, ch. 61, SLA 2001, page 35, line 19, as amended by sec. 19(c), ch. 15 11, SLA 2008 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation 16 program - $485,506,482); 17 (8) sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2002, page 57, lines 28 - 29 (Department of 18 Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation program - $444,116,000); 19 (9) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2003, page 43, line 33, through page 44, line 4 20 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Anchorage metropolitan area 21 transportation system (AMATS) projects - $54,624,000); 22 (10) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2003, page 44, lines 31 - 32 (Department of 23 Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation program - $339,962,600); 24 (11) sec. 1, ch. 159, SLA 2004, page 40, lines 12 - 13, as amended by sec. 25 15(b), ch. 6, SLA 2005, sec. 32(b), ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, sec. 19(b), ch. 11, SLA 2008, and 26 secs. 15(c) - (e), ch. 16, SLA 2013 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, 27 surface transportation program); 28 (12) sec. 1, ch. 159, SLA 2004, page 48, line 14 (Department of 29 Transportation and Public Facilities, congressional earmarks - $415,229,100); 30 (13) sec. 1, ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, page 76, lines 18 - 19, as amended by sec. 31 11(g), ch. 13, SLA 2006, and sec. 39(a), ch. 82, SLA 2006 (Department of Transportation and 01 Public Facilities, surface transportation program); 02 (14) sec. 1, ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, page 85, line 20, as amended by secs. 50(b) 03 and (c), ch. 30, SLA 2007 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, congressional 04 earmarks - $69,469,600); 05 (15) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 94, lines 13 - 14, as amended by sec. 7(c), 06 ch. 10, SLA 2007, and sec. 66(d), ch. 29, SLA 2008 (Department of Transportation and 07 Public Facilities, surface transportation program - $355,365,200); 08 (16) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 102, line 18 (Department of 09 Transportation and Public Facilities, congressional earmarks - $441,288,750); 10 (17) sec. 4, ch. 30, SLA 2007, page 110, lines 15 - 16, as amended by sec. 11 19(i), ch. 11, SLA 2008, and sec. 21(e), ch. 18, SLA 2014 (Department of Transportation and 12 Public Facilities, surface transportation program); 13 (18) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 166, lines 24 - 25 (Department of 14 Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation program - $255,020,150); 15 (19) sec. 1, ch. 15, SLA 2009, page 29, lines 32 - 33 (Department of 16 Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation program - $359,730,000); 17 (20) sec. 7, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 43, lines 25 - 26 (Department of 18 Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation program - $537,350,240); 19 (21) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 109, lines 8 - 9 (Department of 20 Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation program - $482,635,000); and 21 (22) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 141, lines 21 - 22 (Department of 22 Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation program - $451,764,000). 23 (l) The unexpended and unobligated non-international airport federal receipt balances, 24 estimated to be a total of $247,600,000, of the following appropriations are reappropriated to 25 the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for previously authorized federal-aid 26 aviation rural airport improvement program projects: 27 (1) sec. 100, ch. 123, SLA 1996, page 65, line 33 (Department of 28 Transportation and Public Facilities, aviation program - $90,552,000); 29 (2) sec. 131, ch. 139, SLA 1998, page 83, line 13, as amended by sec. 30 14(a)(17), ch. 14, SLA 2009 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, airport 31 improvement program); 01 (3) sec. 100, ch. 2, FSSLA 1999, page 57, line 15 (Department of 02 Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $172,931,263); 03 (4) sec. 1, ch. 61, SLA 2001, page 26, line 33 (Department of Transportation 04 and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $344,555,732); 05 (5) sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2002, page 49, line 30, as amended by sec. 29(i), ch. 06 159, SLA 2004 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement 07 program - $248,224,100); 08 (6) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2003, page 37, line 24 (Department of Transportation 09 and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $331,877,778); 10 (7) sec. 1, ch. 159, SLA 2004, page 35, line 22, as amended by sec. 15(a), ch. 11 6, SLA 2005, and sec. 32(a), ch. 3, FSSLA 2005 (Department of Transportation and Public 12 Facilities, airport improvement program - $265,391,788); 13 (8) sec. 1, ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, page 69, line 11, as amended by sec. 11(c), ch. 14 13, SLA 2006, and sec. 19(k), ch. 11, SLA 2008 (Department of Transportation and Public 15 Facilities, airport improvement program - $488,630,111); 16 (9) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 88, line 32, as amended by sec. 7(a), ch. 10, 17 SLA 2007, sec. 20(c), ch. 30, SLA 2007, and sec. 28(c), ch. 11, SLA 2008 (Department of 18 Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement program); 19 (10) sec. 4, ch. 30, SLA 2007, page 105, line 27, as amended by sec. 19(e), ch. 20 11, SLA 2008, and sec. 16(c), ch. 38, SLA 2015 (Department of Transportation and Public 21 Facilities, airport improvement program); 22 (11) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 161, line 33, through page 162, line 3, as 23 amended by sec. 21(f), ch. 18, SLA 2014 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, 24 airport improvement program); 25 (12) sec. 1, ch. 15, SLA 2009, page 23, lines 9 - 10 (Department of 26 Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $362,126,491); 27 (13) sec. 7, ch. 15, SLA 2009, page 51, lines 10 - 11 (Department of 28 Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $9,500,000); 29 (14) sec. 10, ch. 15, SLA 2009, page 59, lines 17 - 18 (Department of 30 Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $75,290,000); 31 (15) sec. 1, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 4, lines 27 - 28 (Department of 01 Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $18,957,500); 02 (16) sec. 7, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 39, lines 13 - 14 (Department of 03 Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $267,940,500); 04 (17) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 103, lines 7 - 8 (Department of 05 Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $339,509,799); 06 (18) sec. 13, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 154, lines 21 - 22 (Department of 07 Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $18,250,000); 08 (19) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 137, lines 27 - 28 (Department of 09 Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $227,038,158); and 10 (20) sec. 7, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 167, lines 30 - 31 (Department of 11 Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement program - $12,900,000). 12 (m) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, estimated to be a total of 13 $3,332,000, of the following appropriations are reappropriated to the Department of 14 Transportation and Public Facilities for state match for previously authorized federal-aid 15 highway program projects: 16 (1) sec. 100, ch. 123, SLA 1996, page 58, line 30, and allocated on page 58, 17 lines 31 - 32, as amended by sec. 5(b), ch. 7, SLA 1998, sec. 50(a)(15), ch. 30, SLA 2007, and 18 sec. 14(a)(11), ch. 14, SLA 2009 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, 19 statewide programs, state match for federal-aid highways projects); 20 (2) sec. 53(c), ch. 2, FSSLA 1999, as amended by sec. 18(a)(1), ch. 14, SLA 21 2009 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, state matching funds for federal 22 aid-highway projects); 23 (3) sec. 100, ch. 2, FSSLA 1999, page 63, lines 18 - 19, and allocated on page 24 63, line 20, as amended by sec. 50(a)(34), ch. 30, SLA 2007, and sec. 18(a)(20), ch. 14, SLA 25 2009 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, community transportation program 26 (CTP), CTP state match); 27 (4) sec. 100, ch. 2, FSSLA 1999, page 69, lines 29 - 30, and allocated on page 28 69, lines 31 - 32, as amended by sec. 18(a)(23), ch. 14, SLA 2009 (Department of 29 Transportation and Public Facilities, national highway system program (NHS) construction, 30 national highway system (NHS) state match); 31 (5) sec. 100, ch. 2, FSSLA 1999, page 76, lines 10 - 11, and allocated on page 01 76, line 12 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, trails and recreational access 02 for Alaska (TRAAK), TRAAK state match - $2,002,449); 03 (6) sec. 1, ch. 135, SLA 2000, page 29, lines 23 - 25, and allocated on page 04 29, line 26 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Anchorage metropolitan area 05 transportation study (AMATS) projects, AMATS state match - $3,212,067); 06 (7) sec. 1, ch. 135, SLA 2000, page 31, lines 16 - 17, and allocated on page 07 31, line 18 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, community transportation 08 program (CTP) construction, CTP state match - $25,134,777); 09 (8) sec. 1, ch. 135, SLA 2000, page 36, line 33, and allocated on page 37, lines 10 3 - 4 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, marine transportation projects, 11 marine transportation state match - $6,880,036); 12 (9) sec. 1, ch. 135, SLA 2000, page 42, lines 4 - 5, and allocated on page 42, 13 line 6 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, trails and recreational access for 14 Alaska (TRAAK) construction, TRAAK state match - $1,112,213); 15 (10) sec. 1, ch. 61, SLA 2001, page 26, line 14, and allocated on page 26, lines 16 24 - 25 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, 17 federal-aid highway state match - $41,000,000); 18 (11) sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2002, page 49, line 11, and allocated on page 49, 19 lines 19 - 20, as amended by sec. 27(b), ch. 17, SLA 2012 (Department of Transportation and 20 Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, federal-aid highway state match); 21 (12) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2003, page 36, line 27, and allocated on page 37, lines 22 11 - 12 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, 23 federal-aid highway state match - $35,949,500); 24 (13) sec. 15(a), ch. 82, SLA 2003 (Department of Transportation and Public 25 Facilities, federal-aid highway program state match); 26 (14) sec. 56(b), ch. 82, SLA 2003 (Department of Transportation and Public 27 Facilities, federal-aid highway program state match); 28 (15) sec. 4, ch. 30, SLA 2007, page 104, line 26, and allocated on page 105, 29 lines 17 - 18 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, 30 federal-aid highway state match - $40,000,000); 31 (16) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 161, line 3, and allocated on page 161, 01 lines 25 - 26 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, 02 federal-aid highway state match - $40,600,000); 03 (17) sec. 7, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 38, line 21, and allocated on page 39, lines 04 5 - 6 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, federal- 05 aid highway state match - $41,100,000); and 06 (18) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 141, lines 21 - 22, and allocated on page 07 141, lines 23 - 24 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, surface transportation 08 program, federal-aid highway state match - $47,200,000). 09 (n) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, estimated to be a total of 10 $1,199,000, of the following appropriations are reappropriated to the Department of 11 Transportation and Public Facilities for state match for previously authorized federal-aid 12 aviation program projects: 13 (1) sec. 100, ch. 123, SLA 1996, page 58, line 30, and allocated on page 59, 14 lines 4 - 5, as amended by sec. 50(a)(16), ch. 30, SLA 2007, and sec. 14(a)(12), ch. 14, SLA 15 2009 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide programs, state match for 16 federal-aid aviation projects); 17 (2) sec. 100, ch. 2, FSSLA 1999, page 57, line 15, and allocated on page 57, 18 lines 16 - 17 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement 19 program, airport improvement program state match - $5,000,000); 20 (3) sec. 1, ch. 61, SLA 2001, page 26, line 14, and allocated on page 26, lines 21 19 - 20 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, 22 federal-aid aviation state match - $7,587,400); 23 (4) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2003, page 36, line 27, and allocated on page 37, lines 24 9 - 10 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, 25 federal-aid aviation state match - $8,070,000); 26 (5) sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 87, line 25, and allocated on page 88, lines 27 11 - 12 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, 28 federal-aid aviation state match - $16,000,000); 29 (6) sec. 4, ch. 30, SLA 2007, page 104, line 26, and allocated on page 105, 30 lines 15 - 16 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, 31 federal-aid aviation state match - $15,000,000); 01 (7) sec. 13, ch. 29, SLA 2008, page 161, line 3, and allocated on page 161, 02 lines 23 - 24 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, 03 federal-aid aviation state match - $9,200,000); 04 (8) sec. 1, ch. 15, SLA 2009, page 22, line 17, and allocated on page 22, lines 05 30 - 31 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, 06 federal-aid aviation state match - $6,320,000); 07 (9) sec. 7, ch. 43, SLA 2010, page 38, line 21, and allocated on page 39, lines 08 3 - 4 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, federal- 09 aid aviation state match - $8,600,000); 10 (10) sec. 1, ch. 5, FSSLA 2011, page 102, line 13, and allocated on page 102, 11 lines 26 - 27 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, statewide federal programs, 12 federal-aid aviation state match - $11,900,000); and 13 (11) sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 137, lines 27 - 28, and allocated on page 14 137, lines 29 - 30 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, airport improvement 15 program, federal-aid aviation state match - $11,700,000). 16 (o) It is the intent of the legislature that the Department of Transportation and Public 17 Facilities use the appropriations made in (k) - (n) of this section to reprogram funding on 18 previously authorized federal projects in order to clean up and lapse those older 19 appropriations. 20 (p) An amount equal to one percent of the appropriations made in sec. 37(a), ch. 43, 21 SLA 2010 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, construction of an Alaska 22 marine highway Alaska class ferry - $60,000,000) and sec. 1, ch. 17, SLA 2012, page 132, 23 lines 9 - 11 (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Alaska marine highway 24 system, Alaska class ferry - $60,000,000), estimated to be $1,200,000, that was required 25 under AS 35.27.020 to be deposited in the art in public places fund (AS 44.27.060) is 26 appropriated from the art in public places fund (AS 44.27.060) to the Department of 27 Transportation and Public Facilities for purchase of equipment for the Alaska class ferries. 28 (q) If the amount appropriated in sec. 1 of this Act and (b) and (h) - (j) of this section 29 for federal-aid highway match is less than $58,000,000, the amount necessary to appropriate 30 $58,000,000 to federal-aid highway match, estimated to be $0, is appropriated from the 31 budget reserve fund (AS 37.05.540) to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 01 for federal-aid highway match. 02 * Sec. 22. FUND TRANSFER. (a) The balance of the large passenger vessel gaming and 03 gambling tax account (AS 43.35.220) as of June 30, 2018, estimated to be $8,100,000, is 04 appropriated to the Alaska capital income fund (AS 37.05.565). 05 (b) The sum of $8,000,000 is appropriated from the budget reserve fund 06 (AS 37.05.540) to the community assistance fund (AS 29.60.850) to be added to the amount 07 to be distributed under AS 29.60.850(c), before the distribution under AS 29.60.855, for a 08 total distribution of $38,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018. 09 * Sec. 23. HOUSE DISTRICTS 1 - 40. The sum of $37,500 is appropriated from the budget 10 reserve fund (AS 37.05.540) to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic 11 Development for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.316 to Arctic Winter Games Team 12 Alaska for team participation in the 2018 Arctic Winter Games. 13 * Sec. 24. HOUSE DISTRICTS 33 - 36. The unexpended and unobligated balance, 14 estimated to be $134,865, of the appropriation made in sec. 35(b), ch. 38, SLA 2015 (Inter- 15 Island Ferry Authority, northern route service) is reappropriated to the Department of 16 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 17 AS 37.05.316 to the Inter-Island Ferry Authority for service between Ketchikan and Prince of 18 Wales Island. 19 * Sec. 25. OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR. (a) Section 16(d), ch. 16, SLA 2013, is 20 amended to read: 21 (d) The unexpended and unobligated balances, estimated to be a total of 22 $738,000, of the appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 15, SLA 2012, page 16, line 16 23 (Office of the Governor, commissions/special offices - $2,547,800), sec. 1, ch. 15, 24 SLA 2012, page 16, line 18 (Office of the Governor, executive operations - 25 $18,757,600), sec. 1, ch. 15, SLA 2012, page 16, lines 29 - 30 (Office of the 26 Governor, Office of the Governor state facilities rent - $1,221,800), and sec. 1, ch. 15, 27 SLA 2012, page 17, lines 3 - 4 (Office of the Governor, office of management and 28 budget - $2,751,100), and the unexpended and unobligated balance, after the 29 appropriation made in (b) of this section, estimated to be $75,000, of the appropriation 30 made in sec. 1, ch. 15, SLA 2012, page 17, line 12, and allocated on page 17, line 13 31 (Office of the Governor, elections, elections - $7,855,900) are reappropriated to the 01 Office of the Governor for facilities repairs and maintenance, security, [AND] 02 computer systems improvements, and state government efficiency efforts, and to 03 pursue economic development opportunities for consideration at the state and 04 federal levels. 05 (b) Section 46, ch. 18, SLA 2014, is amended to read: 06 Sec. 46. OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR. The unexpended and unobligated 07 general fund balances, estimated to be a total of $2,000,000, of the appropriations 08 made in sec. 1, ch. 14, SLA 2013, page 17, line 9 (Office of the Governor, 09 commissions/special offices - $2,585,600), sec. 1, ch. 14, SLA 2013, page 17, line 11 10 (Office of the Governor, executive operations - $19,214,100), sec. 1, ch. 14, SLA 11 2013, page 17, lines 22 - 23 (Office of the Governor, Office of the Governor state 12 facilities rent - $1,221,800), sec. 1, ch. 14, SLA 2013, page 17, line 27 (Office of the 13 Governor, office of management and budget - $2,902,100), and sec. 1, ch. 14, SLA 14 2013, page 17, line 30 (Office of the Governor, elections - $4,289,000) are 15 reappropriated to the Office of the Governor for costs associated with the capitol 16 remodel project, information technology, [AND] security improvements, and state 17 government efficiency efforts, and to pursue economic development opportunities 18 for consideration at the state and federal levels. 19 (c) Section 29, ch. 2, 4SSLA 2016, is amended to read: 20 Sec. 29. OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR. The unexpended and unobligated 21 general fund balances, estimated to be a total of $850,000, of the following 22 appropriations are reappropriated to the Office of the Governor to advance state 23 government efficiency efforts and to evaluate the current structure and focus of the 24 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, the Alaska Energy Authority, and the Alaska 25 Industrial Development and Export Authority for the fiscal years ending June 30, 26 2017, [AND] June 30, 2018, and June 30, 2019: 27 (1) sec. 1, ch. 23, SLA 2015, page 17, line 32 (Office of the Governor, 28 commissions/special offices - $808,700); 29 (2) sec. 1, ch. 23, SLA 2015, page 18, line 3 (Office of the Governor, 30 executive operations - $3,795,200); 31 (3) sec. 1, ch. 23, SLA 2015, page 18, lines 8 - 9 (Office of the 01 Governor, Office of the Governor state facilities rent - $306,900); 02 (4) sec. 1, ch. 23, SLA 2015, page 18, line 13 (Office of the Governor, 03 office of management and budget - $706,100); 04 (5) sec. 1, ch. 23, SLA 2015, page 18, line 16 (Office of the Governor, 05 elections - $1,471,300); 06 (6) sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2015, page 10, line 21 (Office of the 07 Governor, commissions/special offices - $1,609,000); 08 (7) sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2015, page 10, line 23 (Office of the 09 Governor, executive operations - $10,016,700); 10 (8) sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2015, page 10, lines 28 - 29 (Office of the 11 Governor, Office of the Governor state facilities rent - $809,900); 12 (9) sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2015, page 10, line 33 (Office of the 13 Governor, office of management and budget - $1,863,700); and 14 (10) sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2015, page 11, line 5 (Office of the 15 Governor, elections - $2,489,600). 16 (d) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, estimated to be a total of 17 $950,000, of the appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 3, 4SSLA 2016, page 18, line 25 (Office of 18 the Governor, commissions/special offices - $2,386,600), sec. 1, ch. 3, 4SSLA 2016, page 18, 19 line 27 (Office of the Governor, executive operations - $13,698,400), sec. 1, ch. 3, 4SSLA 20 2016, page 18, lines 32 - 33 (Office of the Governor, Office of the Governor state facilities 21 rent - $1,086,800), sec. 1, ch. 3, 4SSLA 2016, page 19, line 6 (Office of the Governor, office 22 of management and budget - $2,528,700), and sec. 1, ch. 3, 4SSLA 2016, page 19, line 12 23 (Office of the Governor, elections - $4,212,900) are reappropriated to the Office of the 24 Governor for costs associated with state government efficiency efforts and to pursue 25 economic development opportunities for consideration at the state and federal levels for the 26 fiscal years ending June 30, 2018, and June 30, 2019. 27 * Sec. 26. REAPPROPRIATION OF LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATIONS. The 28 unexpended and unobligated general fund balances, estimated to be a total of $6,465,000, of 29 the following appropriations are reappropriated to the Alaska Legislature, Legislative 30 Council, council and subcommittees, for legislative renovations, projects, and technology 31 improvements: 01 (1) sec. 1, ch. 3, 4SSLA 2016, page 45, line 10 (Alaska Legislature, Budget 02 and Audit Committee - $14,867,600), estimated balance of $3,120,000; 03 (2) sec. 1, ch. 3, 4SSLA 2016, page 45, line 14 (Alaska Legislature, 04 Legislative Council - $25,333,800), estimated balance of $380,000; 05 (3) sec. 1, ch. 3, 4SSLA 2016, page 45, line 26 (Alaska Legislature, 06 information and teleconference - $3,106,100), estimated balance of $55,000; 07 (4) sec. 1, ch. 3, 4SSLA 2016, page 45, line 29 (Alaska Legislature, legislative 08 operating budget - $21,396,800), estimated balance of $2,910,000; and 09 (5) sec. 1, ch. 3, 4SSLA 2016, page 46, lines 3 - 4 (Alaska Legislature, 10 legislature state facilities rent Anchorage 716 W 4th - $844,900), estimated balance of $0. 11 * Sec. 27. LAPSE. (a) The appropriations made in secs. 4, 5, 8(2), 9, 11(a), 12, 13, 14(b) - 12 (e), 15 - 18, 19(a), 20, 21(a), (b), (d), (e), (g) - (n), (p), and (q), and 26 of this Act are for 13 capital projects and lapse under AS 37.25.020. 14 (b) The appropriations made in secs. 6, 8(1), 14(a), 21(c), and 22 of this Act are for 15 the capitalization of funds and do not lapse. 16 (c) A grant awarded in this Act to a named recipient under AS 37.05.316 is for a 17 capital project and lapses under AS 37.05.316 unless designated for a specific fiscal year. 18 * Sec. 28. RETROACTIVITY. (a) Sections 4 - 6, 11(b), 12 - 17, 19, 21(a) - (o), and 24 - 27 19 of this Act are retroactive to June 30, 2017. 20 (b) Sections 1 - 3, 7 - 10, 11(a), 18, 20, 21(p) and (q), 22, 23, and 29 of this Act are 21 retroactive to July 1, 2017. 22 * Sec. 29. CONTINGENCIES. (a) The appropriation made in sec. 20 of this Act is 23 contingent on passage by the Thirtieth Alaska State Legislature and enactment into law of a 24 bill amending the oil and gas production tax, tax credits, and administration of tax credits. 25 (b) The appropriation made in sec. 23 of this Act is contingent on the raising of 26 $450,000 by Arctic Winter Games Team Alaska for team participation in the 2018 Arctic 27 Winter Games. 28 * Sec. 30. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).