00 HOUSE BILL NO. 98 01 "An Act relating to escapement thresholds and escapement goals for certain salmon 02 stocks." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04  * Section 1. AS 16.05 is amended by adding a new section to read: 05 Sec. 16.05.252. Salmon escapement goals. (a) The Board of Fisheries shall 06 adopt in regulation a specific management objective for a salmon stock that the 07 department has identified as a stock of concern. The department, in consultation with 08 the board, shall set the management objective for that stock. The management 09 objective must include 10 (1) a sustained escapement threshold; and 11 (2) an escapement goal, designated as the "optimal escapement goal," 12 that takes into consideration biological and allocative factors, and sets an escapement 13 threshold above the sustained escapement threshold. 14 (b) The department, in collaboration with the Board of Fisheries, shall set 01 escapement goals for salmon stocks. If, for two consecutive years, a salmon stock falls 02 below the escapement threshold of the escapement goal, neither the department nor the 03 Board of Fisheries may adopt in regulation an escapement goal for that stock with a 04 lower escapement threshold. 05 (c) In this section, 06 (1) "escapement goal" means a specific management objective, 07 expressed as a range, for an annual number, or weight, of a spawning salmon stock 08 arriving at a natal stream, river, or geographic area in which the salmon stock is 09 managed as a unit; 10 (2) "escapement threshold" means the lowest bound of an escapement 11 goal, expressed as an annual number, or weight, of a spawning salmon stock; 12 (3) "salmon stock" means 13 (A) a locally interbreeding group of salmon distinguished by a 14 distinct combination of genetic, phenotypic, life history, and habitat 15 characteristics; or 16 (B) an aggregation of two or more interbreeding groups that 17 occurs within the same geographic area and is managed as a unit; 18 (4) "stock of concern" means a salmon stock that, notwithstanding the 19 use of management measures, has not met the annual escapement goals for that stock 20 for four consecutive years; 21 (5) "sustained escapement threshold" means the lowest annual number, 22 or weight, of a spawning salmon stock, arriving at a natal stream, river, or geographic 23 area in which the salmon stock is managed as a unit, below which the department has 24 determined the salmon stock's ability to sustain itself is jeopardized.