00 CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 65(FIN) 01 "An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state 02 government and for certain programs, capitalizing funds, and making reappropriations; 03 and providing for an effective date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 (SECTION 1 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 2) 01 * Section 1. The following appropriation items are for operating expenditures from the 02 general fund or other funds as set out in section 2 of this Act to the agencies named for the 03 purposes expressed for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2013 and ending June 30, 2014, 04 unless otherwise indicated. A department-wide, agency-wide, or branch-wide unallocated 05 reduction set out in this section may be allocated among the appropriations made in this 06 section to that department, agency, or branch. 07 Appropriation General Other 08 Allocations Items Funds Funds 09 * * * * * * * * * *  10 * * * * * Department of Administration * * * * *  11 * * * * * * * * * *  12 Centralized Administrative 77,464,000 13,825,800 63,638,200  13  Services  14 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 15 balance on June 30, 2013, of inter-agency receipts appropriated in sec. 1, ch. 15, SLA 2012, 16 page 2, line 12, and collected in the Department of Administration's federally approved cost 17 allocation plans. 18 Office of Administrative 2,864,200 19 Hearings 20 DOA Leases 1,564,900 21 Office of the Commissioner 1,051,400 22 Administrative Services 3,592,400 23 DOA Information 1,372,700 24 Technology Support 25 Finance 10,893,500 26 E-Travel 2,958,100 27 Personnel 17,432,700 28 The amount allocated for the Division of Personnel for the Americans with Disabilities Act 29 includes the unexpended and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of inter-agency receipts 30 collected for cost allocation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. 31 Labor Relations 1,430,300 01 Centralized Human 281,700 02 Resources 03 Retirement and Benefits 16,797,300 04 Health Plans 17,040,900 05 Administration 06 Labor Agreements 50,000 07 Miscellaneous Items 08 Centralized ETS Services 133,900 09 General Services 78,760,500 3,735,500 75,025,000  10 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 11 balance on June 30, 2013, of inter-agency receipts appropriated in sec. 1, ch. 15, SLA 2012, 12 page 3, line 8, and collected in the Department of Administration's federally approved cost 13 allocation plan. 14 Purchasing 1,394,900 15 Property Management 1,061,900 16 Central Mail 3,664,800 17 Leases 50,132,700 18 Lease Administration 1,655,600 19 Facilities 18,064,400 20 Facilities Administration 1,900,200 21 Non-Public Building Fund 846,300 22 Facilities 23 General Services Facilities 39,700 24 Maintenance 25 Administration State 1,288,800 1,218,600 70,200  26  Facilities Rent  27 Administration State 1,288,800 28 Facilities Rent 29 Special Systems 2,298,100 2,298,100  30 Unlicensed Vessel 50,000 31 Participant Annuity 01 Retirement Plan 02 Elected Public Officers 2,248,100 03 Retirement System Benefits 04 Enterprise Technology 49,540,000 10,557,000 38,983,000  05  Services  06 State of Alaska 5,753,100 07 Telecommunications System 08 Alaska Land Mobile Radio 3,150,000 09 ALMR Payments on Behalf 500,000 10 of Political Subdivisions 11 Enterprise Technology 40,136,900 12 Services 13 Information Services Fund 55,000 55,000  14 Information Services Fund 55,000 15 This appropriation to the Information Services Fund capitalizes a fund and does not lapse. 16 Public Communications 5,371,000 5,047,300 323,700  17  Services  18 Public Broadcasting 54,200 19 Commission 20 Public Broadcasting - Radio 3,319,900 21 Public Broadcasting - T.V. 825,900 22 Satellite Infrastructure 1,171,000 23 AIRRES Grant 100,000 100,000  24 AIRRES Grant 100,000 25 Risk Management 41,221,100 41,221,100  26 Risk Management 41,221,100 27 Alaska Oil and Gas 6,579,100 6,439,200 139,900  28  Conservation Commission  29 Alaska Oil and Gas 6,579,100 30 Conservation Commission 31 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 01 balance on June 30, 2013, of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission receipts 02 account for regulatory cost charges under AS 31.05.093 and collected in the Department of 03 Administration. 04 Legal and Advocacy Services 48,285,500 46,444,000 1,841,500  05 Office of Public Advocacy 23,024,600 06 Public Defender Agency 25,260,900 07 Violent Crimes Compensation 2,525,900 2,525,900  08  Board  09 Violent Crimes 2,525,900 10 Compensation Board 11 Alaska Public Offices 1,516,700 1,516,700  12  Commission  13 Alaska Public Offices 1,516,700 14 Commission 15 Motor Vehicles 17,720,200 16,170,200 1,550,000  16 Motor Vehicles 17,720,200 17 ETS Facilities Maintenance 23,000 23,000  18 ETS Facilities Maintenance 23,000 19 * * * * * * * * * *  20 * * * * * Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development * * * * *  21 * * * * * * * * * *  22 Executive Administration 6,976,600 1,496,300 5,480,300  23 Commissioner's Office 1,274,700 24 Administrative Services 5,701,900 25 Banking and Securities 3,582,100 3,582,100  26 Banking and Securities 3,582,100 27 Community and Regional 11,818,800 8,264,600 3,554,200  28  Affairs  29 Community and Regional 11,818,800 30 Affairs 31 Revenue Sharing 14,628,200 14,628,200  01 Payment in Lieu of Taxes 10,428,200 02 (PILT) 03 National Forest Receipts 600,000 04 Fisheries Taxes 3,600,000 05 Corporations, Business and 11,736,600 11,208,600 528,000  06  Professional Licensing  07 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 08 balance on June 30, 2013, of receipts collected under AS 08.01.065(a), (c) and (f)-(i). 09 It is the intent of the legislature that the Department of Commerce, Community and Economic 10 Development set license fees approximately equal to the cost of regulation per AS 11 08.01.065(c). Further, it is the intent of the legislature that the Department of Commerce, 12 Community and Economic Development annually submit, by October 1st, a six year report to 13 the legislature in a template developed by Legislative Finance Division. The report is to 14 include at least the following information for each licensing board: revenues from license 15 fees; revenues from other sources; expenditures by line item, including separate reporting for 16 investigative costs, administrative costs, departmental and other cost allocation plans; number 17 of licensees; carryforward balance; and potential license fee changes based on statistical 18 analysis. 19 Corporations, Business and 11,736,600 20 Professional Licensing 21 Economic Development 21,651,000 18,413,600 3,237,400  22 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 23 balance on June 30, 2013, of the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic 24 Development, division of economic development, statutory designated program receipts from 25 the sale of advertisements, exhibit space and all other receipts collected on behalf of the State 26 of Alaska for tourism marketing activities. 27 Economic Development 21,651,000 28 Investments 5,296,200 5,266,700 29,500  29 Investments 5,296,200 30 Insurance Operations 7,541,300 7,183,500 357,800  31 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes up to $1,000,000 of the unexpended 01 and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of the Department of Commerce, Community, and 02 Economic Development, division of insurance, program receipts from license fees and service 03 fees. 04 Insurance Operations 7,541,300 05 Serve Alaska 3,593,000 257,100 3,335,900  06 Serve Alaska 3,593,000 07 Alcoholic Beverage Control 1,633,400 1,609,700 23,700  08  Board  09 Alcoholic Beverage Control 1,633,400 10 Board 11 Alaska Energy Authority 14,516,900 5,781,500 8,735,400  12 Alaska Energy Authority 1,067,100 13 Owned Facilities 14 Alaska Energy Authority 6,144,400 15 Rural Energy Operations 16 Alaska Energy Authority 576,700 17 Technical Assistance 18 Statewide Project 6,728,700 19 Development, Alternative 20 Energy and Efficiency 21 Alaska Industrial 15,739,300 15,739,300  22  Development and Export  23  Authority  24 Alaska Industrial 15,477,300 25 Development and Export 26 Authority 27 Alaska Industrial 262,000 28 Development Corporation 29 Facilities Maintenance 30 Regulatory Commission of 9,476,300 9,002,200 474,100  31  Alaska  01 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 02 balance on June 30, 2013, of the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic 03 Development, Regulatory Commission of Alaska receipts account for regulatory cost charges 04 under AS 42.05.254 and AS 42.06.286. 05 Regulatory Commission of 9,476,300 06 Alaska 07 DCCED State Facilities 1,359,400 599,200 760,200  08  Rent  09 DCCED State Facilities 1,359,400 10 Rent 11 * * * * * * * * * *  12 * * * * * Department of Corrections * * * * *  13 * * * * * * * * * *  14 Administration and Support 8,176,300 8,064,900 111,400  15 Office of the Commissioner 1,227,200 16 Administrative Services 4,029,600 17 Information Technology 2,295,900 18 MIS 19 Research and Records 333,700 20 DOC State Facilities Rent 289,900 21 Population Management 267,724,800 248,932,300 18,792,500  22 Correctional Academy 1,387,000 23 Facility-Capital 629,300 24 Improvement Unit 25 Prison System Expansion 442,900 26 Facility Maintenance 12,280,500 27 Classification and Furlough 802,500 28 Out-of-State Contractual 3,989,300 29 Institution Director's 1,642,200 30 Office 31 Inmate Transportation 2,247,300 01 Point of Arrest 628,700 02 Anchorage Correctional 27,260,400 03 Complex 04 Anvil Mountain Correctional 5,825,100 05 Center 06 Combined Hiland Mountain 11,441,500 07 Correctional Center 08 Fairbanks Correctional 10,829,200 09 Center 10 Goose Creek Correctional 52,408,800 11 Center 12 Ketchikan Correctional 4,512,700 13 Center 14 Lemon Creek Correctional 9,488,400 15 Center 16 Matanuska-Susitna 4,609,700 17 Correctional Center 18 Palmer Correctional Center 13,491,600 19 Spring Creek Correctional 22,696,900 20 Center 21 Wildwood Correctional 14,615,300 22 Center 23 Yukon-Kuskokwim 7,134,500 24 Correctional Center 25 It is the intent of the legislature that the Department of Corrections work with the Department 26 of Health and Social Services and interested local parties to explore options that would 27 address the critical need for upgrades to the water supply system at the Yukon Kuskokwim 28 Correctional Center. 29 Point MacKenzie 3,762,700 30 Correctional Farm 31 Probation and Parole 723,000 01 Director's Office 02 Statewide Probation and 15,271,700 03 Parole 04 Electronic Monitoring 3,396,600 05 Regional Community Jails 10,203,400 06 Community Residential 25,164,500 07 Centers 08 Parole Board 839,100 09 Inmate Health Care 34,679,600 34,215,500 464,100  10 Behavioral Health Care 1,964,500 11 Physical Health Care 32,715,100 12 Offender Habilitation 6,557,900 6,369,100 188,800  13 Education Programs 628,400 14 Vocational Education 306,000 15 Programs 16 Domestic Violence Program 175,000 17 Substance Abuse Treatment 2,302,300 18 Program 19 Sex Offender Management 3,146,200 20 Program 21 24 Hour Institutional 7,724,200 7,724,200  22  Utilities  23 24 Hour Institutional 7,724,200 24 Utilities 25 * * * * * * * * * *  26 * * * * * Department of Education and Early Development * * * * *  27 * * * * * * * * * *  28 K-12 Support 42,588,100 21,797,100 20,791,000  29 Foundation Program 31,291,000 30 Boarding Home Grants 2,088,800 31 Youth in Detention 1,100,000 01 Special Schools 3,316,900 02 Alaska Challenge Youth 4,791,400 03 Academy 04 Education Support Services 5,912,500 3,485,800 2,426,700  05 Executive Administration 875,400 06 Administrative Services 1,622,000 07 Information Services 1,038,000 08 School Finance & Facilities 2,627,100 09 Agency-wide Unallocated -250,000 10 Reduction 11 Teaching and Learning Support 237,746,600 30,328,200 207,418,400  12 Student and School 166,928,300 13 Achievement 14 Online with Libraries 761,800 15 (OWL) 16 Live Homework Help 138,200 17 State System of Support 1,950,700 18 Statewide Mentoring 3,000,000 19 Program 20 Teacher Certification 912,900 21 The amount allocated for Teacher Certification includes the unexpended and unobligated 22 balance on June 30, 2013, of the Department of Education and Early Development receipts 23 from teacher certification fees under AS 14.20.020(c). 24 Child Nutrition 52,688,300 25 Early Learning Coordination 9,366,400 26 Pre-Kindergarten Grants 2,000,000 27 Commissions and Boards 2,197,900 1,105,600 1,092,300  28 Professional Teaching 296,500 29 Practices Commission 30 Alaska State Council on the 1,901,400 31 Arts 01 Mt. Edgecumbe Boarding 10,717,300 4,639,500 6,077,800  02  School  03 Mt. Edgecumbe Boarding 10,717,300 04 School 05 State Facilities Maintenance 3,303,800 2,098,200 1,205,600  06 State Facilities 1,179,600 07 Maintenance 08 EED State Facilities Rent 2,124,200 09 Alaska Library and Museums 12,575,100 8,019,400 4,555,700  10 Library Operations 9,154,000 11 Archives 1,332,400 12 Museum Operations 2,088,700 13 Alaska Postsecondary 23,101,800 6,964,800 16,137,000  14  Education Commission  15 Program Administration & 20,137,000 16 Operations 17 WWAMI Medical Education 2,964,800 18 Alaska Performance 8,000,000 8,000,000  19  Scholarship Awards  20 Alaska Performance 8,000,000 21 Scholarship Awards 22 * * * * * * * * * *  23 * * * * * Department of Environmental Conservation * * * * *  24 * * * * * * * * * *  25 Administration 9,789,200 5,488,100 4,301,100  26 Office of the Commissioner 1,093,900 27 Administrative Services 6,143,300 28 The amount allocated for Administrative Services includes the unexpended and unobligated 29 balance on June 30, 2013, of receipts from all prior fiscal years collected under the 30 Department of Environmental Conservation's federal approved indirect cost allocation plan 31 for expenditures incurred by the Department of Environmental Conservation. 01 State Support Services 2,552,000 02 DEC Buildings Maintenance 635,500 635,500  03  and Operations  04 DEC Buildings Maintenance 635,500 05 and Operations 06 Environmental Health 29,564,500 15,820,500 13,744,000  07 Environmental Health 436,600 08 Director 09 Food Safety & Sanitation 4,701,300 10 Laboratory Services 4,272,700 11 Drinking Water 7,460,900 12 Solid Waste Management 2,308,800 13 Air Quality Director 274,400 14 Air Quality 10,109,800 15 The amount allocated for Air Quality includes the unexpended and unobligated balance on 16 June 30, 2013, of the Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Air Quality 17 general fund program receipts from fees collected under AS 46.14.240 and AS 46.14.250. 18 Spill Prevention and Response 19,661,400 14,275,700 5,385,700  19 It is the intent of the legislature that the Department of Environmental Conservation provide 20 recommendations to the legislature on or before the start of the second session of the Twenty- 21 eighth Alaska State Legislature, January 21, 2014, that identify ways to manage the oil and 22 hazardous substance release prevention and response fund as a viable, long-term funding 23 source for the state's core spill prevention and response initiatives. The plan should include 24 an analysis of prior expenditures from the fund for the remediation of state-owned 25 contaminated sites and a proposal to expeditiously remediate state-owned contaminated sites. 26 Spill Prevention and 289,800 27 Response Director 28 Contaminated Sites Program 8,397,400 29 Industry Preparedness and 5,042,700 30 Pipeline Operations 31 Prevention and Emergency 4,397,500 01 Response 02 Response Fund 1,534,000 03 Administration 04 Water 25,167,000 12,459,900 12,707,100  05 It is the intent of the legislature that the Department of Environmental Conservation make 06 information regarding cruise ship mixing zones, including geographical areas, available to the 07 public on the agency's web site. 08 Water Quality 17,095,500 09 Facility Construction 8,071,500 10 * * * * * * * * * *  11 * * * * * Department of Fish and Game * * * * *  12 * * * * * * * * * *  13 The amount appropriated for the Department of Fish and Game includes the unexpended and 14 unobligated balance on June 30, 2013 of receipts collected under the Department of Fish and 15 Game's federal indirect cost plan for expenditures incurred by the Department of Fish and 16 Game. 17 Commercial Fisheries 71,782,600 52,403,400 19,379,200  18 The amount appropriated for Commercial Fisheries includes the unexpended and unobligated 19 balance on June 30, 2013, of the Department of Fish and Game receipts from commercial 20 fisheries test fishing operations receipts under AS 16.05.050(a)(14), and from commercial 21 crew member licenses. 22 Southeast Region Fisheries 9,054,700 23 Management 24 Central Region Fisheries 9,380,200 25 Management 26 AYK Region Fisheries 8,326,100 27 Management 28 Westward Region Fisheries 10,232,700 29 Management 30 Headquarters Fisheries 11,417,000 31 Management 01 Commercial Fisheries 23,371,900 02 Special Projects 03 Sport Fisheries 50,053,600 7,382,900 42,670,700  04 Sport Fisheries 44,112,100 05 Sport Fish Hatcheries 5,941,500 06 Wildlife Conservation 46,474,700 7,937,700 38,537,000  07 Wildlife Conservation 33,891,300 08 Wildlife Conservation 11,796,200 09 Special Projects 10 Hunter Education Public 787,200 11 Shooting Ranges 12 Administration and Support 34,130,600 11,208,100 22,922,500  13 Agency-wide Unallocated -316,500 14 Reduction 15 Commissioner's Office 1,855,700 16 Administrative Services 12,527,100 17 Fish and Game Boards and 2,108,100 18 Advisory Committees 19 State Subsistence Research 7,719,300 20 EVOS Trustee Council 2,606,100 21 State Facilities 5,100,800 22 Maintenance 23 Fish and Game State 2,530,000 24 Facilities Rent 25 Habitat 6,768,500 4,205,300 2,563,200  26 Habitat 6,768,500 27 Commercial Fisheries Entry 4,313,200 4,198,800 114,400  28  Commission  29 The amount appropriated for Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission includes the 30 unexpended and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of the Department of Fish and Game, 31 Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission program receipts from licenses, permits and other 01 fees. 02 Commercial Fisheries Entry 4,313,200 03 Commission 04 * * * * * * * * * *  05 * * * * * Office of the Governor * * * * *  06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 Commissions/Special Offices 2,567,600 2,369,400 198,200  08 Human Rights Commission 2,567,600 09 Executive Operations 18,854,100 18,854,100  10 Executive Office 13,127,700 11 Governor's House 743,800 12 Contingency Fund 800,000 13 Lieutenant Governor 1,182,600 14 Domestic Violence and 3,000,000 15 Sexual Assault 16 It is the intent of the legislature that the Office of the Governor delivers a report on the results 17 of the domestic violence and sexual assault initiative through December 31, 2013, along with 18 effectiveness and efficiency performance measures that are developed with a numerator and 19 denominator format, to the legislature by February 18, 2014. 20 Office of the Governor State 1,221,800 1,221,800  21  Facilities Rent  22 Governor's Office State 626,200 23 Facilities Rent 24 Governor's Office Leasing 595,600 25 Office of Management and 2,770,000 2,770,000  26  Budget  27 Office of Management and 2,770,000 28 Budget 29 Elections 4,193,000 3,671,300 521,700  30 Elections 4,193,000 01 * * * * * * * * * *  02 * * * * * Department of Health and Social Services * * * * *  03 * * * * * * * * * *  04 Department of Health and Social Services grantees may not spend more than 15 percent of the 05 grant award for administrative costs. 06 Alaska Pioneer Homes 46,390,200 36,642,700 9,747,500  07 Alaska Pioneer Homes 1,574,400 08 Management 09 Pioneer Homes 44,815,800 10 The amount allocated for Pioneer Homes includes the unexpended and unobligated balance 11 on June 30, 2013, of the Department of Health and Social Services, Pioneer Homes care and 12 support receipts under AS 47.55.030. 13 Behavioral Health 47,181,400 4,681,200 42,500,200  14 AK Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 1,314,400 15 Program 16 Alcohol Safety Action 3,392,000 17 Program (ASAP) 18 Behavioral Health Grants 7,047,500 19 Behavioral Health 5,771,200 20 Administration 21 Community Action 5,653,300 22 Prevention & Intervention 23 Grants 24 Rural Services and Suicide 1,144,600 25 Prevention 26 Psychiatric Emergency 1,714,400 27 Services 28 Services to the Seriously 2,166,500 29 Mentally Ill 30 Services for Severely 1,014,100 31 Emotionally Disturbed 01 Youth 02 Alaska Psychiatric 26,178,900 03 Institute 04 Alaska Psychiatric 9,000 05 Institute Advisory Board 06 Alaska Mental Health Board 144,300 07 and Advisory Board on 08 Alcohol and Drug Abuse 09 Unallocated Reduction -8,368,800 10 Children's Services 131,774,900 82,798,400 48,976,500  11 Children's Services 9,119,600 12 Management 13 Children's Services 1,804,500 14 Training 15 Front Line Social Workers 49,178,000 16 Family Preservation 12,958,300 17 Foster Care Base Rate 17,327,300 18 Foster Care Augmented Rate 1,176,100 19 Foster Care Special Need 8,847,500 20 Subsidized Adoptions & 25,281,600 21 Guardianship 22 Residential Child Care 1,624,000 23 Infant Learning Program 4,458,000 24 Grants 25 Health Care Services 30,868,900 13,973,300 16,895,600  26 Catastrophic and Chronic 1,471,000 27 Illness Assistance (AS 28 47.08) 29 Health Facilities Licensing 2,565,500 30 and Certification 31 Residential Licensing 5,372,400 01 Medical Assistance 16,709,700 02 Administration 03 Rate Review 2,596,400 04 Community Health Grants 2,153,900 05 Juvenile Justice 56,849,700 53,952,100 2,897,600  06 McLaughlin Youth Center 17,669,300 07 Mat-Su Youth Facility 2,245,000 08 Kenai Peninsula Youth 1,864,000 09 Facility 10 Fairbanks Youth Facility 4,695,600 11 Bethel Youth Facility 4,186,800 12 Nome Youth Facility 2,708,200 13 Johnson Youth Center 4,210,700 14 Ketchikan Regional Youth 1,830,500 15 Facility 16 Probation Services 15,420,200 17 Delinquency Prevention 1,490,000 18 Youth Courts 529,400 19 Public Assistance 325,883,300 179,541,400 146,341,900  20 Alaska Temporary 34,105,400 21 Assistance Program 22 Adult Public Assistance 68,549,700 23 Child Care Benefits 47,245,600 24 General Relief Assistance 2,905,400 25 Tribal Assistance Programs 14,688,200 26 Senior Benefits Payment 23,072,200 27 Program 28 Permanent Fund Dividend 17,474,700 29 Hold Harmless 30 Energy Assistance Program 23,125,900 31 Public Assistance 5,341,300 01 Administration 02 Public Assistance Field 40,588,800 03 Services 04 Fraud Investigation 2,089,800 05 Quality Control 2,037,000 06 Work Services 15,879,500 07 Women, Infants and 28,779,800 08 Children 09 Public Health 114,123,000 67,872,500 46,250,500  10 Health Planning and 7,374,200 11 Systems Development 12 Nursing 33,460,300 13 Women, Children and Family 11,372,900 14 Health 15 Public Health 2,172,200 16 Administrative Services 17 Emergency Programs 8,232,000 18 Chronic Disease Prevention 10,622,100 19 and Health Promotion 20 Epidemiology 18,115,000 21 Bureau of Vital Statistics 3,355,400 22 Emergency Medical Services 2,820,600 23 Grants 24 State Medical Examiner 3,179,900 25 Public Health Laboratories 6,601,500 26 Tobacco Prevention and 6,816,900 27 Control 28 Senior and Disabilities 44,740,100 25,288,700 19,451,400  29  Services  30 Senior and Disabilities 17,159,500 31 Services Administration 01 General Relief/Temporary 7,373,400 02 Assisted Living 03 Senior Community Based 10,694,100 04 Grants 05 Community Developmental 6,074,000 06 Disabilities Grants 07 Senior Residential Services 815,000 08 Commission on Aging 403,300 09 Governor's Council on 2,220,800 10 Disabilities and Special 11 Education 12 Departmental Support 53,867,600 24,512,000 29,355,600  13  Services  14 Public Affairs 1,791,900 15 Quality Assurance and Audit 1,077,300 16 Commissioner's Office 3,325,900 17 Assessment and Planning 250,000 18 Administrative Support 13,752,700 19 Services 20 Facilities Management 1,367,000 21 Information Technology 19,518,100 22 Services 23 Facilities Maintenance 2,138,800 24 Pioneers' Homes Facilities 2,010,000 25 Maintenance 26 HSS State Facilities Rent 4,642,900 27 Performance Bonuses 3,993,000 28 The amount appropriated by the appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 29 balance on June 30, 2013, of the federal unrestricted receipts from the Children's Health 30 Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009, P.L. 111-3. 31 Funding appropriated in this allocation may be transferred among appropriations in the 01 Department of Health and Social Services. 02 Human Services Community 1,785,300 1,785,300  03  Matching Grant  04 Human Services Community 1,785,300 05 Matching Grant 06 Community Initiative 894,300 881,900 12,400  07  Matching Grants  08 Community Initiative 894,300 09 Matching Grants 10 (non-statutory grants) 11 Medicaid Services 1,572,839,700 598,475,900 974,363,800  12 No money appropriated in this appropriation may be expended for an abortion that is not a 13 mandatory service required under AS 47.07.030(a). The money appropriated for Health and 14 Social Services may be expended only for mandatory services required under Title XIX of the 15 Social Security Act and for optional services offered by the state under the state plan for 16 medical assistance that has been approved by the United States Department of Health and 17 Human Services. 18 Behavioral Health Medicaid 127,313,100 19 Services 20 Children's Medicaid 10,309,500 21 Services 22 Adult Preventative Dental 16,426,600 23 Medicaid Services 24 Health Care Medicaid 906,320,500 25 Services 26 Senior and Disabilities 520,838,800 27 Medicaid Services 28 Unallocated Reduction -8,368,800 29 * * * * * * * * * *  30 * * * * * Department of Labor and Workforce Development * * * * *  31 * * * * * * * * * *  01 Commissioner and 22,895,000 7,853,800 15,041,200  02  Administrative Services  03 Commissioner's Office 1,418,900 04 Alaska Labor Relations 589,600 05 Agency 06 Management Services 3,800,100 07 The amount allocated for Management Services includes the unexpended and unobligated 08 balance on June 30, 2013, of receipts from all prior fiscal years collected under the 09 Department of Labor and Workforce Development's federal indirect cost plan for 10 expenditures incurred by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. 11 Human Resources 274,100 12 Leasing 3,827,800 13 Data Processing 8,104,600 14 Labor Market Information 4,879,900 15 Workers' Compensation 12,604,900 12,604,900  16 Workers' Compensation 5,602,600 17 Workers' Compensation 580,300 18 Appeals Commission 19 Workers' Compensation 771,200 20 Benefits Guaranty Fund 21 Second Injury Fund 4,003,400 22 Fishermen's Fund 1,647,400 23 Labor Standards and Safety 11,575,400 7,334,400 4,241,000  24 Wage and Hour 2,478,300 25 Administration 26 Mechanical Inspection 2,920,200 27 Occupational Safety and 6,051,100 28 Health 29 Alaska Safety Advisory 125,800 30 Council 31 The amount allocated for the Alaska Safety Advisory Council includes the unexpended and 01 unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of the Department of Labor and Workforce 02 Development, Alaska Safety Advisory Council receipts under AS 18.60.840. 03 Employment Security 59,837,300 4,004,600 55,832,700  04 Employment and Training 27,002,200 05 Services 06 Of the combined amount of all federal receipts in this appropriation, the amount of 07 $3,645,300 is appropriated for the Unemployment Insurance Modernization account. 08 Unemployment Insurance 29,428,400 09 Adult Basic Education 3,406,700 10 Business Partnerships 39,823,900 19,412,600 20,411,300  11 Workforce Investment Board 1,629,800 12 Business Services 30,628,700 13 Kotzebue Technical Center 1,568,400 14 Operations Grant 15 Southwest Alaska Vocational 517,800 16 and Education Center 17 Operations Grant 18 Yuut Elitnaurviat, Inc. 968,400 19 People's Learning Center 20 Operations Grant 21 Northwest Alaska Career and 722,800 22 Technical Center 23 Delta Career Advancement 322,800 24 Center 25 New Frontier Vocational 215,200 26 Technical Center 27 Construction Academy 3,250,000 28 Training 29 Vocational Rehabilitation 26,735,100 5,818,200 20,916,900  30 Vocational Rehabilitation 1,446,200 31 Administration 01 The amount allocated for Vocational Rehabilitation Administration includes the unexpended 02 and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of receipts from all prior fiscal years collected 03 under the Department of Labor and Workforce Development's federal indirect cost plan for 04 expenditures incurred by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development. 05 Client Services 17,121,400 06 Independent Living 1,760,600 07 Rehabilitation 08 Disability Determination 5,172,000 09 Special Projects 1,234,900 10 Alaska Vocational Technical 15,854,200 10,638,700 5,215,500  11  Center  12 Alaska Vocational Technical 13,867,500 13 Center 14 The amount allocated for the Alaska Vocational Technical Center includes the unexpended 15 and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of contributions received by the Alaska Vocational 16 Technical Center receipts under AS 21.96.070, AS 43.20.014, AS 43.55.019, AS 43.56.018, 17 AS 43.65.018, AS 43.75.018, and AS 43.77.045 and receipts collected under AS 37.05.146. 18 AVTEC Facilities 1,986,700 19 Maintenance 20 * * * * * * * * * *  21 * * * * * Department of Law * * * * *  22 * * * * * * * * * *  23 Criminal Division 34,373,200 29,778,200 4,595,000  24 First Judicial District 2,192,500 25 Second Judicial District 2,175,400 26 Third Judicial District: 8,042,600 27 Anchorage 28 Third Judicial District: 5,828,300 29 Outside Anchorage 30 Fourth Judicial District 6,053,900 31 Criminal Justice 3,071,300 01 Litigation 02 Criminal Appeals/Special 7,009,200 03 Litigation 04 Civil Division 53,165,400 29,268,500 23,896,900  05 Deputy Attorney General's 731,000 06 Office 07 Child Protection 7,184,100 08 Collections and Support 3,217,200 09 Commercial and Fair 5,395,500 10 Business 11 The amount allocated for Commercial and Fair Business includes the unexpended and 12 unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of designated program receipts of the Department of 13 Law, Commercial and Fair Business section, that are required by the terms of a settlement or 14 judgment to be spent by the state for consumer education or consumer protection. 15 Environmental Law 2,608,100 16 Human Services 2,250,300 17 Labor and State Affairs 6,206,900 18 Legislation/Regulations 912,800 19 Natural Resources 4,184,300 20 Oil, Gas and Mining 8,444,000 21 Opinions, Appeals and 1,956,800 22 Ethics 23 Regulatory Affairs Public 1,688,400 24 Advocacy 25 Timekeeping and Litigation 2,144,000 26 Support 27 Torts & Workers' 3,805,300 28 Compensation 29 Transportation Section 2,436,700 30 Administration and Support 4,727,300 2,920,100 1,807,200  31 Office of the Attorney 662,500 01 General 02 Administrative Services 3,178,600 03 Dimond Courthouse Public 886,200 04 Building Fund 05 * * * * * * * * * *  06 * * * * * Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs * * * * *  07 * * * * * * * * * *  08 Military and Veterans' 52,721,000 13,376,300 39,344,700  09  Affairs  10 Office of the Commissioner 6,701,800 11 Homeland Security and 10,032,600 12 Emergency Management 13 Local Emergency Planning 300,000 14 Committee 15 National Guard Military 725,500 16 Headquarters 17 Army Guard Facilities 14,028,100 18 Maintenance 19 Air Guard Facilities 7,755,200 20 Maintenance 21 Alaska Military Youth 11,074,600 22 Academy 23 Veterans' Services 1,778,200 24 State Active Duty 325,000 25 Alaska National Guard 740,100 740,100  26  Benefits  27 Retirement Benefits 740,100 28 Alaska Aerospace Corporation 10,455,500 8,000,000 2,455,500  29 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 30 balance on June 30, 2013, of the federal and corporate receipts of the Department and Military 31 and Veterans Affairs, Alaska Aerospace Corporation. 01 Alaska Aerospace 7,012,800 02 Corporation 03 Alaska Aerospace 3,442,700 04 Corporation Facilities 05 Maintenance 06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 * * * * * Department of Natural Resources * * * * *  08 * * * * * * * * * *  09 Administration & Support 39,820,800 20,914,100 18,906,700  10  Services  11 Commissioner's Office 1,712,300 12 Gas Pipeline Project 2,997,800 13 Office 14 State Pipeline 7,870,100 15 Coordinator's Office 16 Office of Project 7,964,300 17 Management & Permitting 18 Administrative Services 3,227,000 19 The amount allocated for Administrative Services includes the unexpended and unobligated 20 balance on June 30, 2013, of receipts from all prior fiscal years collected under the 21 Department of Natural Resource's federal indirect cost plan for expenditures incurred by the 22 Department of Natural Resources. 23 Information Resource 4,909,900 24 Management 25 Interdepartmental 1,611,600 26 Chargebacks 27 Facilities 3,102,000 28 Citizen's Advisory 283,300 29 Commission on Federal 30 Areas 31 Recorder's Office/Uniform 5,025,700 01 Commercial Code 02 Conservation & Development 115,900 03 Board 04 EVOS Trustee Council 436,200 05 Projects 06 Public Information Center 564,700 07 Oil & Gas 15,488,500 10,976,500 4,512,000  08 Oil & Gas 14,645,500 09 Petroleum Systems 843,000 10 Integrity Office 11 Land & Water Resources 44,020,400 33,235,300 10,785,100  12 Mining, Land & Water 27,861,200 13 Forest Management & 6,690,700 14 Development 15 The amount allocated for Forest Management and Development includes the unexpended and 16 unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of the timber receipts account (AS 38.05.110). 17 Geological & Geophysical 9,468,500 18 Surveys 19 Agriculture 7,579,800 6,138,900 1,440,900  20 Agricultural Development 2,336,800 21 North Latitude Plant 2,716,900 22 Material Center 23 Agriculture Revolving Loan 2,526,100 24 Program Administration 25 Parks & Outdoor Recreation 16,399,100 9,686,900 6,712,200  26 Parks Management & Access 13,911,200 27 The amount allocated for Parks Management and Access includes the unexpended and 28 unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of the receipts collected under AS 41.21.026. 29 Office of History and 2,487,900 30 Archaeology 31 The amount allocated for the Office of History and Archaeology includes up to $15,700 01 general fund program receipt authorization from the unexpended and unobligated balance on 02 June 30, 2013, of the receipts collected under AS 41.35.380. 03 Fire Suppression 31,521,600 23,614,700 7,906,900  04 Fire Suppression 19,897,900 05 Preparedness 06 Fire Suppression Activity 11,623,700 07 * * * * * * * * * *  08 * * * * * Department of Public Safety * * * * *  09 * * * * * * * * * *  10 Fire and Life Safety 6,034,900 4,775,100 1,259,800  11 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes up to $125,000 of the unexpended 12 and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of the receipts collected under AS 18.70.080(b). 13 Fire and Life Safety 6,034,900 14 Alaska Fire Standards 504,800 250,900 253,900  15  Council  16 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 17 balance on June 30, 2013, of the receipts collected under AS 18.70.350(4) and AS 18.70.360. 18 Alaska Fire Standards 504,800 19 Council 20 Alaska State Troopers 137,679,200 125,514,600 12,164,600  21 Special Projects 9,893,900 22 Alaska Bureau of Judicial 4,281,200 23 Services 24 Prisoner Transportation 2,854,200 25 Search and Rescue 577,900 26 Rural Trooper Housing 3,160,300 27 Statewide Drug and Alcohol 11,028,600 28 Enforcement Unit 29 Alaska State Trooper 68,018,900 30 Detachments 31 Alaska Bureau of 8,127,000 01 Investigation 02 Alaska Wildlife Troopers 22,169,500 03 Alaska Wildlife Troopers 4,316,400 04 Aircraft Section 05 Alaska Wildlife Troopers 3,251,300 06 Marine Enforcement 07 Village Public Safety 16,549,800 16,549,800  08  Officer Program  09 Village Public Safety 16,549,800 10 Officer Program 11 Alaska Police Standards 1,262,600 1,262,600  12  Council  13 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes up to $125,000 of the unexpended 14 and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of the receipts collected under AS 12.25.195(c), 15 AS 12.55.039, AS 28.05.151, and AS 29.25.074 and receipts collected under AS 16 18.65.220(7). 17 Alaska Police Standards 1,262,600 18 Council 19 Council on Domestic Violence 17,205,600 11,762,800 5,442,800  20  and Sexual Assault  21 Council on Domestic 17,205,600 22 Violence and Sexual Assault 23 Statewide Support 24,814,300 17,785,200 7,029,100  24 Commissioner's Office 1,461,300 25 Training Academy 2,567,900 26 The amount allocated for the Training Academy includes the unexpended and unobligated 27 balance on June 30, 2013, of the receipts collected under AS 44.41.020(a). 28 Administrative Services 4,380,700 29 Alaska Wing Civil Air 553,500 30 Patrol 31 Statewide Information 9,350,300 01 Technology Services 02 The amount allocated for Statewide Information Technology Services includes up to 03 $125,000 of the unexpended and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of the receipts 04 collected by the Department of Public Safety from the Alaska automated fingerprint system 05 under AS 44.41.025(b). 06 Laboratory Services 5,777,400 07 Facility Maintenance 608,800 08 DPS State Facilities Rent 114,400 09 * * * * * * * * * *  10 * * * * * Department of Revenue * * * * *  11 * * * * * * * * * *  12 Taxation and Treasury 87,058,900 30,584,200 56,474,700  13 Tax Division 16,220,800 14 Treasury Division 9,869,400 15 Unclaimed Property 453,600 16 Alaska Retirement 8,229,600 17 Management Board 18 Alaska Retirement 43,906,700 19 Management Board Custody 20 and Management Fees 21 Permanent Fund Dividend 8,378,800 22 Division 23 The amount allocated for the Permanent Fund Dividend includes the unexpended and 24 unobligated balance on June 30, 2013 of the receipts collected by the Department of Revenue 25 for application fees for reimbursement of the cost of the Permanent Fund Dividend Division 26 charitable contributions program as provided under AS 43.23.062(f). 27 Child Support Services 28,282,200 9,351,900 18,930,300  28 Child Support Services 28,282,200 29 Division 30 Administration and Support 5,298,500 1,206,500 4,092,000  31 Commissioner's Office 966,100 01 Administrative Services 2,225,700 02 State Facilities Rent 342,000 03 Natural Gas 125,000 04 Commercialization 05 Criminal Investigations 1,639,700 06 Unit 07 Alaska Mental Health Trust 450,500 450,500  08  Authority  09 Mental Health Trust 30,000 10 Operations 11 Long Term Care Ombudsman 420,500 12 Office 13 Alaska Municipal Bond Bank 838,800 838,800  14  Authority  15 AMBBA Operations 838,800 16 Alaska Housing Finance 97,037,900 97,037,900  17  Corporation  18 AHFC Operations 92,833,800 19 Anchorage State Office 100,000 20 Building 21 Alaska Gasline Development 3,634,300 22 Corporation 23 Alaska Corporation for 469,800 24 Affordable Housing 25 Alaska Permanent Fund 11,840,400 11,840,400  26  Corporation  27 APFC Operations 11,840,400 28 Alaska Permanent Fund 114,800,000 114,800,000  29  Corporation Custody and  30  Management Fees  31 APFC Custody and 114,800,000 01 Management Fees 02 * * * * * * * * * *  03 * * * * * Department of Transportation and Public Facilities * * * * *  04 * * * * * * * * * *  05 Administration and Support 49,814,400 23,787,400 26,027,000  06 Commissioner's Office 1,897,800 07 It is the intent of the legislature that the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 08 seek efficiencies and cost reductions in FY2014. Those savings will be considered for carry 09 forward in the FY2015 operating budget. 10 Contracting and Appeals 343,300 11 Equal Employment and Civil 1,258,700 12 Rights 13 The amount allocated for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights includes the unexpended and 14 unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of the statutory designated program receipts collected 15 for the Alaska Construction Career Day events. 16 Internal Review 1,130,100 17 Transportation Management 1,271,700 18 and Security 19 Statewide Administrative 6,619,300 20 Services 21 Statewide Information 5,194,000 22 Systems 23 Leased Facilities 2,519,500 24 Human Resources 2,366,400 25 Statewide Procurement 1,369,400 26 Central Region Support 1,225,600 27 Services 28 Northern Region Support 1,531,700 29 Services 30 Southeast Region Support 1,847,900 31 Services 01 Statewide Aviation 3,336,000 02 The amount allocated for Statewide Aviation includes the unexpended and unobligated 03 balance on June 30, 2013, of the rental receipts and user fees collected from tenants of land 04 and buildings at Department of Transportation and Public Facilities rural airports under AS 05 02.15.090(a). 06 Program Development 5,866,600 07 Per AS 19.10.075(b), this allocation includes $134,542.50 representing an amount equal to 08 50% of the fines collected under AS 28.90.030 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012. 09 Central Region Planning 2,134,400 10 Northern Region Planning 1,968,200 11 Southeast Region Planning 629,400 12 Measurement Standards & 7,304,400 13 Commercial Vehicle 14 Enforcement 15 The amount allocated for Measurement Standards and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement 16 includes the unexpended and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of the Unified Carrier 17 Registration Program receipts collected by the Department of Transportation and Public 18 Facilities. 19 Design, Engineering and 115,998,200 6,290,900 109,707,300  20  Construction  21 Statewide Public Facilities 4,525,700 22 Statewide Design and 11,988,000 23 Engineering Services 24 The amount allocated for Statewide Design and Engineering Services includes the 25 unexpended and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013 of EPA Consent Decree fine receipts 26 collected by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. 27 Harbor Program Development 629,500 28 Central Design and 22,480,200 29 Engineering Services 30 The amount allocated for Central Design and Engineering Services includes the unexpended 31 and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013 of general fund program receipts collected by the 01 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for the sale or lease of excess right-of- 02 way. 03 Northern Design and 16,963,500 04 Engineering Services 05 The amount allocated for Northern Design and Engineering Services includes the unexpended 06 and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013 of general fund program receipts collected by the 07 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for the sale or lease of excess right-of- 08 way. 09 Southeast Design and 10,732,900 10 Engineering Services 11 The amount allocated for Southeast Design and Engineering Services includes the 12 unexpended and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013 of general fund program receipts 13 collected by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for the sale or lease of 14 excess right-of-way. 15 Central Region Construction 21,487,600 16 and CIP Support 17 Northern Region 17,511,300 18 Construction and CIP 19 Support 20 Southeast Region 7,884,200 21 Construction 22 Knik Arm Bridge/Toll 1,795,300 23 Authority 24 State Equipment Fleet 32,610,200 32,610,200  25 State Equipment Fleet 32,610,200 26 Highways, Aviation and 182,366,800 158,731,700 23,635,100  27  Facilities  28 The amounts allocated for highways and aviation shall lapse into the general fund on August 29 31, 2014. 30 It is the intent of the legislature that the department evaluate the impacts of instituting landing 31 fees at state owned and operated primary FAA certificated airports and provide a report to the 01 28th Legislature by January 15, 2014. 02 It is the intent of the legislature that the department eliminate all maintenance on municipal 03 owned, but department maintained roads by FY2015. 04 Central Region Facilities 9,438,400 05 Northern Region Facilities 14,861,600 06 Southeast Region Facilities 1,584,100 07 Traffic Signal Management 1,846,200 08 Central Region Highways and 58,224,200 09 Aviation 10 Northern Region Highways 74,251,900 11 and Aviation 12 Southeast Region Highways 17,405,600 13 and Aviation 14 Whittier Access and Tunnel 4,754,800 15 The amount allocated for Whittier Access and Tunnel includes the unexpended and 16 unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of the Whittier Tunnel toll receipts collected by the 17 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities under AS 19.05.040(11). 18 International Airports 82,519,100 82,519,100  19 International Airport 1,309,300 20 Systems Office 21 Anchorage Airport 8,018,600 22 Administration 23 Anchorage Airport 21,885,500 24 Facilities 25 Anchorage Airport Field and 17,677,000 26 Equipment Maintenance 27 Anchorage Airport 5,652,000 28 Operations 29 Anchorage Airport Safety 11,967,300 30 Fairbanks Airport 2,368,100 31 Administration 01 Fairbanks Airport 4,255,400 02 Facilities 03 Fairbanks Airport Field and 4,159,600 04 Equipment Maintenance 05 Fairbanks Airport 813,200 06 Operations 07 Fairbanks Airport Safety 4,413,100 08 Marine Highway System 162,475,500 160,706,800 1,768,700  09 It is the intent of the legislature that the department eliminate any future issuing of free annual 10 passes to vehicles of state agencies, state employees, or retirees and their families on the 11 Alaska Marine Highway System. 12 Marine Vessel Operations 112,731,500 13 Marine Vessel Fuel 28,913,600 14 Marine Engineering 3,695,400 15 Overhaul 1,647,800 16 Reservations and Marketing 2,862,600 17 Marine Shore Operations 7,964,200 18 Vessel Operations 4,660,400 19 Management 20 * * * * * * * * * *  21 * * * * * University of Alaska * * * * *  22 * * * * * * * * * *  23 University of Alaska 906,688,800 670,983,300 235,705,500  24 It is the intent of the legislature that the University of Alaska submits a Fiscal Year 2015 25 budget in which requests for unrestricted general fund increments do not exceed the amount 26 of additional University Receipts requested for that year. It is the intent of the legislature that 27 future budget requests of the University of Alaska for unrestricted general funds move toward 28 a long-term goal of 125 percent of actual University Reeipts for the most recently closed 29 fiscal year. 30 It is the intent of the legislature that the University of Alaska submits a Fiscal Year 2015 31 budget that includes a debt service allocation or an effective alternative to achieve that goal. 01 It is the intent of the legislature that the University of Alaska use funding appropriated by the 02 legislature to pay operating costs associated with opening new facilities. 03 Budget Reductions/Additions -20,660,200 04 - Systemwide 05 Statewide Services 40,842,800 06 Office of Information 23,252,100 07 Technology 08 Systemwide Education and 13,868,700 09 Outreach 10 Anchorage Campus 272,272,600 11 Small Business Development 2,916,200 12 Center 13 Kenai Peninsula College 14,754,700 14 Kodiak College 4,662,700 15 Matanuska-Susitna College 10,859,300 16 Prince William Sound 7,632,600 17 Community College 18 Bristol Bay Campus 4,108,100 19 Chukchi Campus 2,437,500 20 College of Rural and 13,662,900 21 Community Development 22 Fairbanks Campus 269,786,100 23 Interior-Aleutians Campus 6,336,400 24 Kuskokwim Campus 6,958,900 25 Northwest Campus 3,225,500 26 Fairbanks Organized 144,284,700 27 Research 28 UAF Community and 14,539,800 29 Technical College 30 Cooperative Extension 11,328,000 31 Service 01 Juneau Campus 45,322,900 02 Ketchikan Campus 5,925,100 03 Sitka Campus 8,371,400 04 * * * * * * * * * *  05 * * * * * Alaska Court System * * * * *  06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 Alaska Court System 105,899,500 103,048,200 2,851,300  08 Appellate Courts 7,196,100 09 Trial Courts 87,925,700 10 Administration and Support 10,777,700 11 Therapeutic Courts 2,794,900 2,084,900 710,000  12 Therapeutic Courts 2,794,900 13 Commission on Judicial 401,200 401,200  14  Conduct  15 Commission on Judicial 401,200 16 Conduct 17 Judicial Council 1,095,200 1,095,200  18 It is the intent of the legislature that the legislative committees may assist the Alaska Judicial 19 Council in public outreach throughout the communities of Alaska through facilitation of 20 public meetings and outreach to augment the Alaska Judicial Council's work on all activities 21 including selection and retention of Judicial officials. This support may include office space, 22 video and telecommunications, and any other accommodation deemed reasonable by 23 committee chairs. The chairs may expend funds in assisting non-advocacy public outreach. 24 Judicial Council 1,095,200 25 * * * * * * * * * *  26 * * * * * Alaska Legislature * * * * *  27 * * * * * * * * * *  28 Budget and Audit Committee 18,026,400 17,726,400 300,000  29 Legislative Audit 5,165,500 30 Legislative Finance 8,892,800 31 Committee Expenses 3,968,100 01 Legislative Council 31,153,100 31,081,100 72,000  02 Salaries and Allowances 7,617,000 03 Administrative Services 12,912,100 04 Council and Subcommittees 1,404,700 05 Legal and Research Services 4,554,200 06 Select Committee on Ethics 248,800 07 Office of Victims Rights 951,600 08 Ombudsman 1,228,100 09 Legislature State 2,236,600 10 Facilities Rent 11 Legislative Operating Budget 22,347,500 22,316,500 31,000  12 Legislative Operating 12,136,100 13 Budget 14 Session Expenses 10,211,400 15 (SECTION 2 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON THE NEXT PAGE) 01 * Sec. 2. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 1 of 02 this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Department of Administration  05 1002 Federal Receipts 3,389,400 06 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 83,066,500 07 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 17,846,700 08 1007 Interagency Receipts 126,782,200 09 1017 Group Health and Life Benefits Fund 21,755,000 10 1023 FICA Administration Fund Account 170,200 11 1029 Public Employees Retirement Trust Fund 8,172,900 12 1033 Federal Surplus Property Revolving Fund 404,300 13 1034 Teachers Retirement Trust Fund 3,338,400 14 1042 Judicial Retirement System 99,500 15 1045 National Guard Retirement System 206,600 16 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 3,682,200 17 1081 Information Services Fund 37,983,000 18 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 885,700 19 1147 Public Building Fund 17,001,300 20 1162 Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission 6,439,200 21 Receipts 22 1220 Crime Victim Compensation Fund 1,525,800 23 *** Total Agency Funding *** $332,748,900 24 Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development  25 1002 Federal Receipts 16,759,600 26 1003 General Fund Match 1,031,800 27 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 30,114,900 28 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 7,270,900 29 1007 Interagency Receipts 19,838,800 30 1036 Commercial Fishing Loan Fund 4,278,100 31 1040 Real Estate Surety Fund 288,000 01 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 9,147,600 02 1062 Power Project Fund 1,053,200 03 1070 Fisheries Enhancement Revolving Loan Fund 608,000 04 1074 Bulk Fuel Revolving Loan Fund 53,600 05 1102 Alaska Industrial Development & Export 6,158,200 06 Authority Receipts 07 1107 Alaska Energy Authority Corporate Receipts 1,067,100 08 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 3,143,700 09 1141 Regulatory Commission of Alaska Receipts 9,002,200 10 1156 Receipt Supported Services 16,431,700 11 1164 Rural Development Initiative Fund 57,600 12 1170 Small Business Economic Development 55,500 13 Revolving Loan Fund 14 1200 Vehicle Rental Tax Receipts 338,700 15 1209 Alaska Capstone Avionics Revolving Loan 129,900 16 Fund 17 1210 Renewable Energy Grant Fund 2,155,000 18 1212 Federal Stimulus: ARRA 2009 284,100 19 1216 Boat Registration Fees 196,900 20 1223 Commercial Charter Fisheries RLF 18,700 21 1224 Mariculture RLF 18,700 22 1225 Community Quota Entity RLF 37,300 23 1227 Alaska Microloan ROF 9,300 24 *** Total Agency Funding *** $129,549,100 25 Department of Corrections  26 1002 Federal Receipts 5,318,400 27 1003 General Fund Match 128,400 28 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 288,465,500 29 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 6,664,700 30 1007 Interagency Receipts 13,685,500 31 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 552,900 01 1171 PFD Appropriations in lieu of Dividends to 10,047,400 02 Criminals 03 *** Total Agency Funding *** $324,862,800 04 Department of Education and Early Development  05 1002 Federal Receipts 210,631,200 06 1003 General Fund Match 1,097,700 07 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 61,021,900 08 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 1,388,600 09 1007 Interagency Receipts 11,241,300 10 1014 Donated Commodity/Handling Fee Account 374,000 11 1043 Federal Impact Aid for K-12 Schools 20,791,000 12 1066 Public School Trust Fund 10,500,000 13 1106 Alaska Commission on Postsecondary 12,941,600 14 Education Receipts 15 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,693,600 16 1145 Art in Public Places Fund 30,000 17 1151 Technical Vocational Education Program 430,400 18 Receipts 19 1212 Federal Stimulus: ARRA 2009 2,001,800 20 1226 Alaska Higher Education Investment Fund 12,000,000 21 *** Total Agency Funding *** $346,143,100 22 Department of Environmental Conservation  23 1002 Federal Receipts 24,938,700 24 1003 General Fund Match 4,703,700 25 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 17,080,800 26 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 6,625,700 27 1007 Interagency Receipts 1,874,700 28 1018 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trust 96,900 29 1052 Oil/Hazardous Release Prevention & Response 15,454,600 30 Fund 31 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 4,478,200 01 1093 Clean Air Protection Fund 4,621,100 02 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 128,300 03 1166 Commercial Passenger Vessel Environmental 1,302,500 04 Compliance Fund 05 1205 Berth Fees for the Ocean Ranger Program 3,512,400 06 *** Total Agency Funding *** $84,817,600 07 Department of Fish and Game  08 1002 Federal Receipts 63,337,800 09 1003 General Fund Match 1,336,800 10 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 77,812,800 11 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 1,559,900 12 1007 Interagency Receipts 19,623,000 13 1018 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trust 3,152,100 14 1024 Fish and Game Fund 23,776,500 15 1055 Inter-Agency/Oil & Hazardous Waste 107,400 16 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 7,621,600 17 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 8,068,600 18 1109 Test Fisheries Receipts 2,427,900 19 1199 Alaska Sport Fishing Enterprise Account 500,000 20 1201 Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission 4,198,800 21 Receipts 22 *** Total Agency Funding *** $213,523,200 23 Office of the Governor  24 1002 Federal Receipts 198,200 25 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 28,881,700 26 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 4,900 27 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 521,700 28 *** Total Agency Funding *** $29,606,500 29 Department of Health and Social Services  30 1002 Federal Receipts 1,241,433,200 31 1003 General Fund Match 541,446,100 01 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 496,829,900 02 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 25,921,300 03 1007 Interagency Receipts 60,007,700 04 1013 Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Revolving Loan 2,000 05 Fund 06 1050 Permanent Fund Dividend Fund 17,474,700 07 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 8,321,300 08 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 21,635,800 09 1168 Tobacco Use Education and Cessation Fund 8,733,400 10 1188 Federal Unrestricted Receipts 5,393,000 11 *** Total Agency Funding *** $2,427,198,400 12 Department of Labor and Workforce Development  13 1002 Federal Receipts 98,778,800 14 1003 General Fund Match 9,020,600 15 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 25,450,200 16 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 2,783,200 17 1007 Interagency Receipts 21,241,300 18 1031 Second Injury Fund Reserve Account 4,003,400 19 1032 Fishermen's Fund 1,647,400 20 1049 Training and Building Fund 659,900 21 1054 State Training & Employment Program 8,254,400 22 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 137,500 23 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,176,000 24 1117 Vocational Rehabilitation Small Business 325,000 25 Enterprise Fund 26 1151 Technical Vocational Education Program 5,480,200 27 Receipts 28 1157 Workers Safety and Compensation 7,505,100 29 Administration Account 30 1172 Building Safety Account 2,091,600 31 1203 Workers Compensation Benefits Guarantee 771,200 01 Fund 02 *** Total Agency Funding *** $189,325,800 03 Department of Law  04 1002 Federal Receipts 1,966,400 05 1003 General Fund Match 308,500 06 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 58,959,600 07 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 843,700 08 1007 Interagency Receipts 25,210,500 09 1055 Inter-Agency/Oil & Hazardous Waste 566,400 10 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 106,200 11 1105 Permanent Fund Gross Receipts 1,477,600 12 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 972,000 13 1141 Regulatory Commission of Alaska Receipts 1,688,400 14 1168 Tobacco Use Education and Cessation Fund 166,600 15 *** Total Agency Funding *** $92,265,900 16 Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs  17 1002 Federal Receipts 25,200,800 18 1003 General Fund Match 5,203,300 19 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 16,884,700 20 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 28,400 21 1007 Interagency Receipts 12,256,600 22 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 3,355,000 23 1101 Alaska Aerospace Corporation Fund 552,800 24 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 435,000 25 *** Total Agency Funding *** $63,916,600 26 Department of Natural Resources  27 1002 Federal Receipts 13,934,100 28 1003 General Fund Match 764,000 29 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 78,152,900 30 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 13,090,300 31 1007 Interagency Receipts 7,204,200 01 1018 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trust 436,200 02 1021 Agricultural Revolving Loan Fund 2,526,100 03 1055 Inter-Agency/Oil & Hazardous Waste 46,600 04 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 6,732,000 05 1105 Permanent Fund Gross Receipts 5,591,400 06 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 16,119,300 07 1153 State Land Disposal Income Fund 5,922,500 08 1154 Shore Fisheries Development Lease Program 333,600 09 1155 Timber Sale Receipts 842,100 10 1200 Vehicle Rental Tax Receipts 2,934,900 11 1216 Boat Registration Fees 200,000 12 *** Total Agency Funding *** $154,830,200 13 Department of Public Safety  14 1002 Federal Receipts 10,843,500 15 1003 General Fund Match 706,600 16 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 170,777,400 17 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 6,417,000 18 1007 Interagency Receipts 9,601,000 19 1055 Inter-Agency/Oil & Hazardous Waste 49,000 20 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 5,402,800 21 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 253,900 22 *** Total Agency Funding *** $204,051,200 23 Department of Revenue  24 1002 Federal Receipts 73,831,300 25 1003 General Fund Match 8,688,100 26 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 22,804,500 27 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 994,900 28 1007 Interagency Receipts 7,823,000 29 1016 CSSD Federal Incentive Payments 1,800,000 30 1017 Group Health and Life Benefits Fund 1,712,600 31 1027 International Airports Revenue Fund 33,600 01 1029 Public Employees Retirement Trust Fund 34,899,700 02 1034 Teachers Retirement Trust Fund 14,584,400 03 1042 Judicial Retirement System 397,500 04 1045 National Guard Retirement System 243,800 05 1046 Education Loan Fund 55,000 06 1050 Permanent Fund Dividend Fund 8,221,700 07 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 6,723,200 08 1066 Public School Trust Fund 109,000 09 1103 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Receipts 33,471,700 10 1104 Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Receipts 838,800 11 1105 Permanent Fund Gross Receipts 126,730,700 12 1133 CSSD Administrative Cost Reimbursement 1,319,300 13 1169 Power Cost Equalization Endowment Fund 324,400 14 *** Total Agency Funding *** $345,607,200 15 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities  16 1002 Federal Receipts 3,844,600 17 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 281,264,900 18 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 9,034,900 19 1007 Interagency Receipts 4,718,200 20 1026 Highways Equipment Working Capital Fund 33,386,300 21 1027 International Airports Revenue Fund 82,413,000 22 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 149,214,000 23 1076 Alaska Marine Highway System Fund 54,207,900 24 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 619,500 25 1200 Vehicle Rental Tax Receipts 5,009,100 26 1214 Whittier Tunnel Tolls 1,753,400 27 1215 Unified Carrier Registration Receipts 318,400 28 *** Total Agency Funding *** $625,784,200 29 University of Alaska  30 1002 Federal Receipts 150,852,700 31 1003 General Fund Match 4,777,300 01 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 360,785,500 02 1007 Interagency Receipts 16,201,100 03 1048 University of Alaska Restricted Receipts 300,040,500 04 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 10,530,700 05 1151 Technical Vocational Education Program 5,380,000 06 Receipts 07 1174 University of Alaska Intra-Agency Transfers 58,121,000 08 *** Total Agency Funding *** $906,688,800 09 Alaska Court System  10 1002 Federal Receipts 1,466,000 11 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 106,629,500 12 1007 Interagency Receipts 1,111,700 13 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 689,000 14 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 85,000 15 1133 CSSD Administrative Cost Reimbursement 209,600 16 *** Total Agency Funding *** $110,190,800 17 Alaska Legislature  18 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 71,052,600 19 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 71,400 20 1007 Interagency Receipts 403,000 21 *** Total Agency Funding *** $71,527,000 22 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * $6,652,637,300 23 (SECTION 3 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON THE NEXT PAGE) 01 * Sec. 3. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 1 of 02 this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Unrestricted General Funds 05 1003 General Fund Match 579,212,900 06 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 2,276,035,800 07 ***Total Unrestricted General Funds*** $2,855,248,700 08 Designated General Funds 09 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 100,546,500 10 1021 Agricultural Revolving Loan Fund 2,526,100 11 1031 Second Injury Fund Reserve Account 4,003,400 12 1032 Fishermen's Fund 1,647,400 13 1036 Commercial Fishing Loan Fund 4,278,100 14 1048 University of Alaska Restricted Receipts 300,040,500 15 1049 Training and Building Fund 659,900 16 1050 Permanent Fund Dividend Fund 25,696,400 17 1052 Oil/Hazardous Release Prevention & Response 15,454,600 18 Fund 19 1054 State Training & Employment Program 8,254,400 20 1062 Power Project Fund 1,053,200 21 1066 Public School Trust Fund 10,609,000 22 1070 Fisheries Enhancement Revolving Loan Fund 608,000 23 1074 Bulk Fuel Revolving Loan Fund 53,600 24 1076 Alaska Marine Highway System Fund 54,207,900 25 1109 Test Fisheries Receipts 2,427,900 26 1141 Regulatory Commission of Alaska Receipts 10,690,600 27 1151 Technical Vocational Education Program 11,290,600 28 Receipts 29 1153 State Land Disposal Income Fund 5,922,500 30 1154 Shore Fisheries Development Lease Program 333,600 31 1155 Timber Sale Receipts 842,100 01 1156 Receipt Supported Services 16,431,700 02 1157 Workers Safety and Compensation 7,505,100 03 Administration Account 04 1162 Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission 6,439,200 05 Receipts 06 1164 Rural Development Initiative Fund 57,600 07 1166 Commercial Passenger Vessel Environmental 1,302,500 08 Compliance Fund 09 1168 Tobacco Use Education and Cessation Fund 8,900,000 10 1169 Power Cost Equalization Endowment Fund 324,400 11 1170 Small Business Economic Development 55,500 12 Revolving Loan Fund 13 1171 PFD Appropriations in lieu of Dividends to 10,047,400 14 Criminals 15 1172 Building Safety Account 2,091,600 16 1200 Vehicle Rental Tax Receipts 8,282,700 17 1201 Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission 4,198,800 18 Receipts 19 1203 Workers Compensation Benefits Guarantee 771,200 20 Fund 21 1205 Berth Fees for the Ocean Ranger Program 3,512,400 22 1209 Alaska Capstone Avionics Revolving Loan 129,900 23 Fund 24 1210 Renewable Energy Grant Fund 2,155,000 25 1223 Commercial Charter Fisheries RLF 18,700 26 1224 Mariculture RLF 18,700 27 1225 Community Quota Entity RLF 37,300 28 1226 Alaska Higher Education Investment Fund 12,000,000 29 1227 Alaska Microloan ROF 9,300 30 ***Total Designated General Funds*** $645,435,300 31 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 01 1017 Group Health and Life Benefits Fund 23,467,600 02 1018 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trust 3,685,200 03 1023 FICA Administration Fund Account 170,200 04 1024 Fish and Game Fund 23,776,500 05 1027 International Airports Revenue Fund 82,446,600 06 1029 Public Employees Retirement Trust Fund 43,072,600 07 1034 Teachers Retirement Trust Fund 17,922,800 08 1040 Real Estate Surety Fund 288,000 09 1042 Judicial Retirement System 497,000 10 1045 National Guard Retirement System 450,400 11 1046 Education Loan Fund 55,000 12 1093 Clean Air Protection Fund 4,621,100 13 1101 Alaska Aerospace Corporation Fund 552,800 14 1102 Alaska Industrial Development & Export 6,158,200 15 Authority Receipts 16 1103 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Receipts 33,471,700 17 1104 Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Receipts 838,800 18 1105 Permanent Fund Gross Receipts 133,799,700 19 1106 Alaska Commission on Postsecondary 12,941,600 20 Education Receipts 21 1107 Alaska Energy Authority Corporate Receipts 1,067,100 22 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 55,216,400 23 1117 Vocational Rehabilitation Small Business 325,000 24 Enterprise Fund 25 1199 Alaska Sport Fishing Enterprise Account 500,000 26 1214 Whittier Tunnel Tolls 1,753,400 27 1215 Unified Carrier Registration Receipts 318,400 28 1216 Boat Registration Fees 396,900 29 ***Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds*** $447,793,000 30 Federal Funds 31 1002 Federal Receipts 1,946,724,700 01 1013 Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Revolving Loan 2,000 02 Fund 03 1014 Donated Commodity/Handling Fee Account 374,000 04 1016 CSSD Federal Incentive Payments 1,800,000 05 1033 Federal Surplus Property Revolving Fund 404,300 06 1043 Federal Impact Aid for K-12 Schools 20,791,000 07 1133 CSSD Administrative Cost Reimbursement 1,528,900 08 1188 Federal Unrestricted Receipts 5,393,000 09 1212 Federal Stimulus: ARRA 2009 2,285,900 10 ***Total Federal Funds*** $1,979,303,800 11 Other Duplicated Funds 12 1007 Interagency Receipts 358,823,800 13 1026 Highways Equipment Working Capital Fund 33,386,300 14 1055 Inter-Agency/Oil & Hazardous Waste 769,400 15 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 217,215,900 16 1081 Information Services Fund 37,983,000 17 1145 Art in Public Places Fund 30,000 18 1147 Public Building Fund 17,001,300 19 1174 University of Alaska Intra-Agency Transfers 58,121,000 20 1220 Crime Victim Compensation Fund 1,525,800 21 ***Total Other Duplicated Funds*** $724,856,500 22 (SECTION 4 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON THE NEXT PAGE) 01 * Sec. 4. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. It is the intent of the legislature that the amounts 02 appropriated by this Act are the full amounts that will be appropriated for those purposes for 03 the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 04  * Sec. 5. COSTS OF JOB RECLASSIFICATIONS. The money appropriated in this Act 05 includes the amount necessary to pay the costs of personal services because of reclassification 06 of job classes during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 07  * Sec. 6. PERSONAL SERVICES TRANSFERS. It is the intent of the legislature that 08 agencies restrict transfers to and from the personal services line. It is the intent of the 09 legislature that the office of management and budget submit a report to the legislature on 10 January 15, 2014, that describes and justifies all transfers to and from the personal services 11 line by executive branch agencies during the first half of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, 12 and submit a report to the legislature on October 1, 2014, that describes and justifies all 13 transfers to and from the personal services line by executive branch agencies for the entire 14 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 15 * Sec. 7. ALASKA AEROSPACE CORPORATION. Federal receipts and other corporate 16 receipts of the Alaska Aerospace Corporation received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 17 2014, that are in excess of the amount appropriated in sec. 1 of this Act are appropriated to the 18 Alaska Aerospace Corporation for operations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 19 * Sec. 8. ALASKA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION. (a) The board of directors of 20 the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation anticipates that $10,620,232 of the change in net 21 assets from the second preceding fiscal year will be available for appropriation for the fiscal 22 year ending June 30, 2014. 23 (b) The Alaska Housing Finance Corporation shall retain the amount set out in (a) of 24 this section for the purpose of paying debt service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, in 25 the following estimated amounts: 26 (1) $1,000,000 for debt service on University of Alaska, Anchorage, 27 dormitory construction, authorized under ch. 26, SLA 1996; 28 (2) $7,331,262 for debt service on the bonds described under ch. 1, SSSLA 29 2002; 30 (3) $2,549,066 for debt service on the bonds authorized under sec. 4, ch. 120, 31 SLA 2004. 01 (c) After deductions for the items set out in (b) of this section and deductions for 02 appropriations for operating and capital purposes are made, any remaining balance of the 03 amount set out in (a) of this section for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, is appropriated to 04 the Alaska capital income fund (AS 37.05.565). 05 (d) All unrestricted mortgage loan interest payments, mortgage loan commitment 06 fees, and other unrestricted receipts received by or accrued to the Alaska Housing Finance 07 Corporation during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, and all income earned on assets of 08 the corporation during that period are appropriated to the Alaska Housing Finance 09 Corporation to hold as corporate receipts for the purposes described in AS 18.55 and 10 AS 18.56. The corporation shall allocate its corporate receipts between the Alaska housing 11 finance revolving fund (AS 18.56.082) and senior housing revolving fund (AS 18.56.710(a)) 12 under procedures adopted by the board of directors. 13 (e) The sum of $800,000,000 is appropriated from the corporate receipts appropriated 14 to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and allocated between the Alaska housing finance 15 revolving fund (AS 18.56.082) and senior housing revolving fund (AS 18.56.710(a)) under 16 (d) of this section to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation for the fiscal year ending 17 June 30, 2014, for housing loan programs not subsidized by the corporation. 18 (f) The sum of $30,000,000 is appropriated from the portion of the corporate receipts 19 appropriated to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and allocated between the Alaska 20 housing finance revolving fund (AS 18.56.082) and senior housing revolving fund 21 (AS 18.56.710(a)) under (d) of this section that is derived from arbitrage earnings to the 22 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, for housing 23 loan programs and projects subsidized by the corporation. 24  * Sec. 9. ALASKA PERMANENT FUND CORPORATION. (a) The amount authorized 25 under AS 37.13.145(b) for transfer by the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation on June 30, 26 2014, estimated to be $958,000,000, is appropriated from the earnings reserve account 27 (AS 37.13.145) to the dividend fund (AS 43.23.045(a)) for the payment of permanent fund 28 dividends and for administrative and associated costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 29 (b) After money is transferred to the dividend fund under (a) of this section, the 30 amount calculated under AS 37.13.145(c) to offset the effect of inflation on the principal of 31 the Alaska permanent fund during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, estimated to be 01 $939,000,000, is appropriated from the earnings reserve account (AS 37.13.145) to the 02 principal of the Alaska permanent fund. 03 (c) The amount required to be deposited under AS 37.13.010(a)(1) and (2) during the 04 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, is appropriated to the principal of the Alaska permanent 05 fund in satisfaction of that requirement. 06 (d) The income earned during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, on revenue from 07 the sources set out in AS 37.13.145(d), estimated to be $22,000,000, is appropriated to the 08 Alaska capital income fund (AS 37.05.565). 09 * Sec. 10. ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY. (a) 10 The sum of $20,745,000 has been declared available by the Alaska Industrial Development 11 and Export Authority board of directors under AS 44.88.088 for appropriation as the dividend 12 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, from the unrestricted balance in the Alaska Industrial 13 Development and Export Authority revolving fund (AS 44.88.060). 14 (b) After deductions for appropriations made for operating and capital purposes are 15 made, any remaining balance of the amount set out in (a) of this section for the fiscal year 16 ending June 30, 2014, is appropriated to the Alaska capital income fund (AS 37.05.565). 17 * Sec. 11. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION. (a) The amount necessary to fund the 18 uses of the state insurance catastrophe reserve account described in AS 37.05.289(a) is 19 appropriated from that account to the Department of Administration for those uses for the 20 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 21 (b) The amount necessary to fund the uses of the working reserve account described 22 in AS 37.05.510(a) is appropriated from that account to the Department of Administration for 23 those uses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 24 * Sec. 12. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC 25 DEVELOPMENT. (a) The unexpended and unobligated balance of federal money 26 apportioned to the state as national forest income that the Department of Commerce, 27 Community, and Economic Development determines would lapse into the unrestricted portion 28 of the general fund on June 30, 2014, under AS 41.15.180(j) is appropriated to home rule 29 cities, first class cities, second class cities, a municipality organized under federal law, or 30 regional educational attendance areas entitled to payment from the national forest income for 31 the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, to be allocated among the recipients of national forest 01 income according to their pro rata share of the total amount distributed under AS 41.15.180(c) 02 and (d) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 03 (b) If the amount necessary to make national forest receipts payments under 04 AS 41.15.180 exceeds the amount appropriated for that purpose in sec. 1 of this Act, the 05 amount necessary to make national forest receipt payments is appropriated from federal 06 receipts received for that purpose to the Department of Commerce, Community, and 07 Economic Development, revenue sharing, national forest receipts allocation, for the fiscal 08 year ending June 30, 2014. 09 (c) If the amount necessary to make payments in lieu of taxes for cities in the 10 unorganized borough under AS 44.33.020(a)(20) exceeds the amount appropriated for that 11 purpose in sec. 1 of this Act, the amount necessary to make those payments is appropriated 12 from federal receipts received for that purpose to the Department of Commerce, Community, 13 and Economic Development, revenue sharing, payment in lieu of taxes allocation, for the 14 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 15 (d) An amount equal to the salmon enhancement tax collected under AS 43.76.001 - 16 43.76.028 in calendar year 2012, estimated to be $10,100,000, and deposited in the general 17 fund under AS 43.76.025(c) is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 18 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment in the fiscal year ending 19 June 30, 2014, to qualified regional associations operating within a region designated under 20 AS 16.10.375. 21 (e) An amount equal to the seafood development tax collected under AS 43.76.350 - 22 43.76.399 in calendar year 2012, estimated to be $1,900,000, and deposited in the general 23 fund under AS 43.76.380(d) is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 24 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment in the fiscal year ending 25 June 30, 2014, to qualified regional seafood development associations. 26 (f) The sum of $33,091,000 is appropriated from the power cost equalization 27 endowment fund (AS 42.45.070(a)) to the Department of Commerce, Community, and 28 Economic Development, Alaska Energy Authority, power cost equalization allocation, for the 29 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 30 (g) If the amount appropriated in (f) of this section is not sufficient to pay power cost 31 equalization program costs without proration, the amount necessary to pay power cost 01 equalization program costs without proration, estimated to be $7,260,000, is appropriated 02 from the general fund to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic 03 Development, Alaska Energy Authority, power cost equalization allocation, for the fiscal year 04 ending June 30, 2014. 05 (h) The following amounts are appropriated from the specified sources to the Alaska 06 Seafood Marketing Institute for seafood marketing activities for the fiscal year ending 07 June 30, 2014: 08 (1) the unexpended and unobligated balance, estimated to be $15,549,300, of 09 the program receipts from the seafood marketing assessment (AS 16.51.120) and other 10 program receipts of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute on June 30, 2013; 11 (2) the sum of $1,700,000 from the program receipts of the Alaska Seafood 12 Marketing Institute for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, which is approximately equal to 13 20 percent of the program receipts of the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute for the fiscal 14 year ending June 30, 2014; 15 (3) the sum of $7,286,400 from the general fund, for the purpose of matching 16 industry contributions collected by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute for the fiscal year 17 ending June 30, 2012; 18 (4) the sum of $4,500,000 from federal receipts. 19 (i) It is the intent of the legislature 20 (1) that the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute limit expenditure of the 21 appropriation in (h)(1) of this section to 80 percent of the program receipts collected for the 22 fiscal year ending June 30, 2013; 23 (2) to limit the amount appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska 24 Seafood Marketing Institute for the purpose of matching industry contributions for seafood 25 marketing activities to not more than $9,000,000 in a fiscal year, regardless of the amount of 26 industry contributions; and 27 (3) that the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute evaluate and consider in-state 28 advertising firms to provide advertising services before using an out-of-state advertising firm. 29  * Sec. 13. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS. If any portion of the federal receipts 30 appropriated in sec. 1 of this Act to the Department of Corrections, Anchorage Correctional 31 Complex, for housing federal prisoners for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, is not 01 received, an amount equal to the difference between the amount of federal receipts 02 appropriated and the amount of federal receipts received is appropriated from the general fund 03 to the Department of Corrections, Anchorage Correctional Complex, for the purpose of 04 paying costs of inmate incarceration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 05 * Sec. 14. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT. The sum 06 of $25,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Education and 07 Early Development to be distributed as state aid to districts according to the average daily 08 membership for each district adjusted under AS 14.17.410(b)(1)(A) - (D) for the fiscal year 09 ending June 30, 2014. 10  * Sec. 15. DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME. An amount equal to the dive fishery 11 management assessment collected under AS 43.76.150 - 43.76.210 in the fiscal year ending 12 June 30, 2013, estimated to be $700,000, and deposited in the general fund is appropriated 13 from the general fund to the Department of Fish and Game for payment in the fiscal year 14 ending June 30, 2014, to the qualified regional dive fishery development association in the 15 administrative area where the assessment was collected. 16  * Sec. 16. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT. (a) If the 17 amount necessary to pay benefit payments from the fishermen's fund (AS 23.35.060) exceeds 18 the amounts appropriated for that purpose in sec. 1 of this Act, the additional amount 19 necessary to pay those benefit payments is appropriated for that purpose from that fund to the 20 Department of Labor and Workforce Development, fishermen's fund allocation, for the fiscal 21 year ending June 30, 2014. 22 (b) If the amount necessary to pay benefit payments from the second injury fund 23 (AS 23.30.040(a)) exceeds the amount appropriated for that purpose in sec. 1 of this Act, the 24 additional amount necessary to make those benefit payments is appropriated for that purpose 25 from the second injury fund to the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, second 26 injury fund allocation, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 27 (c) If the amount necessary to pay benefit payments from the workers' compensation 28 benefits guaranty fund (AS 23.30.082) exceeds the amount appropriated for that purpose in 29 sec. 1 of this Act, the additional amount necessary to pay those benefit payments is 30 appropriated for that purpose from that fund to the Department of Labor and Workforce 31 Development, workers' compensation benefits guaranty fund allocation, for the fiscal year 01 ending June 30, 2014. 02 (d) If the amount of contributions received by the Alaska Vocational Technical Center 03 under AS 21.96.070, AS 43.20.014, AS 43.55.019, AS 43.56.018, AS 43.65.018, 04 AS 43.75.018, and AS 43.77.045 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, exceeds the 05 amount appropriated for the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Alaska 06 Vocational Technical Center, in sec. 1 of this Act, the additional contributions are 07 appropriated to the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Alaska Vocational 08 Technical Center, Alaska Vocational Technical Center allocation, for the purpose of operating 09 the center, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 10 * Sec. 17. DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AND VETERANS' AFFAIRS. (a) Five percent 11 of the average ending market value in the Alaska veterans' memorial endowment fund 12 (AS 37.14.700) for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2011, June 30, 2012, and June 30, 2013, 13 estimated to be $13,400, is appropriated from the Alaska veterans' memorial endowment fund 14 to the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs for the purposes specified in 15 AS 37.14.730(b) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 16 (b) If the Alaska Aerospace Corporation does not secure a multi-year commercial 17 launch service contract for the Kodiak Launch Complex on or before June 30, 2013, the 18 appropriation from the general fund to the Alaska Aerospace Corporation, Alaska Aerospace 19 Corporation allocation, in sec. 1 of this Act shall be reduced by $3,000,000. 20 * Sec. 18. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. (a) The interest earned during 21 the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, on the reclamation bond posted by Cook Inlet Energy for 22 operation of an oil production platform in Cook Inlet under lease with the Department of 23 Natural Resources, estimated to be $250,000, is appropriated from interest held in the general 24 fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the purpose of the bond for the fiscal years 25 ending June 30, 2014, June 30, 2015, and June 30, 2016. 26 (b) The amount necessary for the purposes specified in AS 37.14.820 for the fiscal 27 year ending June 30, 2014, estimated to be $50,000, is appropriated from the mine 28 reclamation trust fund operating account (AS 37.14.800(a)) to the Department of Natural 29 Resources for those purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 30 (c) The amount received in settlement of a claim against a bond guaranteeing the 31 reclamation of state, federal, or private land, including the plugging or repair of a well, 01 estimated to be $50,000, is appropriated to the agency secured by the bond for the fiscal year 02 ending June 30, 2014, for the purpose of reclaiming the state, federal, or private land affected 03 by a use covered by the bond. 04 (d) Federal receipts received for fire suppression during the fiscal year ending 05 June 30, 2014, estimated to be $8,500,000, are appropriated to the Department of Natural 06 Resources for fire suppression activities for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 07 (e) The amount necessary, not to exceed $600,000, is appropriated from 08 the general fund to the Department of Natural Resources, division of oil and gas, 09 for the purpose of retaining expert contractors to examine commercial terms for 10 service of the North Slope gas commercialization project and ensure compliance 11 with the terms of the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act license under AS 43.90.100 12 - 43.90.260 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 13 (f) The amount necessary, not to exceed $500,000, is appropriated from the general 14 fund to the Department of Natural Resources, division of oil and gas, for costs related to 15 royalty oil and gas valuation matters, including audit disputes, reopener provisions under 16 royalty settlement agreements, establishing minimum royalty values, disposition of royalty in 17 kind, and similar matters for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 18 * Sec. 19. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. Program receipts collected as cost recovery for 19 paternity testing administered by the child support services agency, as required under 20 AS 25.27.040 and 25.27.165, and as collected under AS 25.20.050(f), estimated to be 21 $46,000, are appropriated to the Department of Revenue, child support services agency, for 22 child support activities for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 23 * Sec. 20. OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR. (a) If the 2014 fiscal year-to-date average price 24 of Alaska North Slope crude oil exceeds $64 a barrel on August 1, 2013, the amount of 25 money corresponding to the 2014 fiscal year-to-date average price, rounded to the nearest 26 dollar, as set out in the table in (c) of this section, estimated to be $18,000,000, is appropriated 27 from the general fund to the Office of the Governor for distribution to state agencies to offset 28 increased fuel and utility costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 29 (b) If the 2014 fiscal year-to-date average price of Alaska North Slope crude oil 30 exceeds $64 a barrel on December 1, 2013, the amount of money corresponding to the 2014 31 fiscal year-to-date average price, rounded to the nearest dollar, as set out in the table in (c) of 01 this section, estimated to be $18,000,000, is appropriated from the general fund to the Office 02 of the Governor for distribution to state agencies to offset increased fuel and utility costs for 03 the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 04 (c) The following table shall be used in determining the amount of the appropriations 05 made in (a) and (b) of this section: 06 2014 FISCAL 07 YEAR-TO-DATE 08 AVERAGE PRICE 09 OF ALASKA NORTH 10 SLOPE CRUDE OIL AMOUNT 11 $100 or more $18,000,000 12 99 17,500,000 13 98 17,000,000 14 97 16,500,000 15 96 16,000,000 16 95 15,500,000 17 94 15,000,000 18 93 14,500,000 19 92 14,000,000 20 91 13,500,000 21 90 13,000,000 22 89 12,500,000 23 88 12,000,000 24 87 11,500,000 25 86 11,000,000 26 85 10,500,000 27 84 10,000,000 28 83 9,500,000 29 82 9,000,000 30 81 8,500,000 31 80 8,000,000 01 79 7,500,000 02 78 7,000,000 03 77 6,500,000 04 76 6,000,000 05 75 5,500,000 06 74 5,000,000 07 73 4,500,000 08 72 4,000,000 09 71 3,500,000 10 70 3,000,000 11 69 2,500,000 12 68 2,000,000 13 67 1,500,000 14 66 1,000,000 15 65 500,000 16 64 0 17 (d) It is the intent of the legislature that a payment under (a) or (b) of this section be 18 used to offset the effects of higher fuel and utility costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19 2014. 20 (e) The governor shall allocate amounts appropriated in (a) and (b) of this section as 21 follows: 22 (1) to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, 65 percent of the 23 total plus or minus 10 percent; 24 (2) to the University of Alaska, 10 percent of the total plus or minus three 25 percent; 26 (3) to the Department of Health and Social Services and the Department of 27 Corrections, not more than five percent each of the total amount appropriated; 28 (4) to any other state agency, not more than four percent of the total amount 29 appropriated; 30 (5) the aggregate amount allocated may not exceed 100 percent of the 31 appropriation. 01 * Sec. 21. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA. (a) The amount of the fees collected under 02 AS 28.10.421(d) during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, for the issuance of special 03 request university plates, less the cost of issuing the license plates, estimated to be $2,000, is 04 appropriated from the general fund to the University of Alaska for support of alumni 05 programs at the campuses of the university for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 06 (b) The sum of $90,000 from the general fund and the sum of $27,800 from program 07 receipts of the University of Alaska described in AS 37.05.146(b)(2), for a total of $117,800, 08 are appropriated to the University of Alaska, Juneau campus allocation, for the Center for 09 Mine Training for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 10 * Sec. 22. BANKCARD SERVICE FEES. (a) The amount necessary to compensate the 11 collector or trustee of fees, licenses, taxes, or other money belonging to the state during the 12 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, is appropriated for that purpose for the fiscal year ending 13 June 30, 2014, to the agency authorized by law to generate the revenue, from the funds and 14 accounts in which the payments received by the state are deposited. In this subsection, 15 "collector or trustee" includes vendors retained by the state on a contingency fee basis. 16 (b) The amount necessary to compensate the provider of bankcard or credit card 17 services to the state during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, is appropriated for that 18 purpose for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, to each agency of the executive, legislative, 19 and judicial branches that accepts payment by bankcard or credit card for licenses, permits, 20 goods, and services provided by that agency on behalf of the state, from the funds and 21 accounts in which the payments received by the state are deposited. 22 (c) The amount necessary to compensate the provider of bankcard or credit card 23 services to the state during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, is appropriated for that 24 purpose for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, to the Department of Law for accepting 25 payment of restitution in accordance with AS 12.55.051 and AS 47.12.170 by bankcard or 26 credit card, from the funds and accounts in which the restitution payments received by the 27 Department of Law are deposited. 28 * Sec. 23. DEBT AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS. (a) The amount required to pay interest 29 on any revenue anticipation notes issued by the commissioner of revenue under AS 43.08 30 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, is appropriated from the general fund to the 31 Department of Revenue for payment of the interest on those notes for the fiscal year ending 01 June 30, 2014. 02 (b) The amount required to be paid by the state for principal and interest on all issued 03 and outstanding state-guaranteed bonds is appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska 04 Housing Finance Corporation for payment of principal and interest on those bonds for the 05 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 06 (c) The sum of $1,698,800 is appropriated from interest earnings of the Alaska clean 07 water fund (AS 46.03.032(a)) to the Alaska clean water fund revenue bond redemption fund 08 (AS 37.15.565) for payment of principal and interest, redemption premium, and trustee fees, 09 if any, on bonds issued by the state bond committee under AS 37.15.560 for the fiscal year 10 ending June 30, 2014. 11 (d) The sum of $1,805,000 is appropriated from interest earnings of the Alaska 12 drinking water fund (AS 46.03.036(a)) to the Alaska drinking water fund revenue bond 13 redemption fund (AS 37.15.565) for payment of principal and interest, redemption premium, 14 and trustee fees, if any, on bonds issued by the state bond committee under AS 37.15.560 for 15 the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 16 (e) The sum of $5,601,255 is appropriated from the general fund to the following 17 agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, for payment of debt service on outstanding 18 debt authorized by AS 14.40.257, AS 29.60.700, and AS 42.45.065, respectively, for the 19 following projects: 20 AGENCY AND PROJECT APPROPRIATION AMOUNT 21 (1) University of Alaska $1,220,600 22 Anchorage Community and Technical 23 College Center 24 Juneau Readiness Center/UAS Joint Facility 25 (2) Department of Transportation and Public Facilities 26 (A) Matanuska-Susitna Borough 707,350 27 (deep water port and road upgrade) 28 (B) Aleutians East Borough/False Pass 107,834 29 (small boat harbor) 30 (C) Lake and Peninsula Borough/Chignik 119,169 31 (dock project) 01 (D) City of Fairbanks (fire headquarters 871,703 02 station replacement) 03 (E) City of Valdez (harbor renovations) 210,141 04 (F) Aleutians East Borough/Akutan 368,908 05 (small boat harbor) 06 (G) Fairbanks North Star Borough 332,699 07 (Eielson AFB Schools, major 08 maintenance and upgrades) 09 (H) City of Unalaska (Little South America 367,995 10 (LSA) Harbor) 11 (3) Alaska Energy Authority 12 (A) Kodiak Electric Association 943,676 13 (Nyman combined cycle cogeneration plant) 14 (B) Copper Valley Electric Association 351,180 15 (cogeneration projects) 16 (f) The amount necessary for payment of lease payments and trustee fees relating to 17 certificates of participation issued for real property for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, 18 estimated to be $1,795,800, is appropriated from the general fund to the state bond committee 19 for that purpose for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 20 (g) The sum of $6,770,505 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 21 Administration in the following amounts for the purpose of paying the following obligations 22 to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: 23 (1) $3,467,005 for the Robert B. Atwood Building in Anchorage; and 24 (2) $3,303,500 for the Linny Pacillo Parking Garage in Anchorage. 25 (h) The following amounts are appropriated to the state bond committee from the 26 specified sources, and for the stated purposes, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: 27 (1) the amount necessary, estimated to be $29,476,900, for payment of debt 28 service and accrued interest on outstanding State of Alaska general obligation bonds, series 29 2003A and 2012A, from the general fund for that purpose; 30 (2) the amount necessary for payment of debt service, accrued interest, and 31 trustee fees on outstanding state-guaranteed transportation revenue anticipation bonds, series 01 2003B, estimated to be $12,279,340, from federal receipts for that purpose; 02 (3) the sum of $363,490 from the investment earnings on the bond proceeds 03 deposited in the capital project funds for the series 2009A general obligation bonds, for 04 payment of debt service and accrued interest on outstanding State of Alaska general 05 obligation bonds, series 2009A; 06 (4) the amount necessary for payment of debt service and accrued interest on 07 outstanding State of Alaska general obligation bonds, series 2009A, after the payment made 08 in (3) of this subsection, estimated to be $12,568,675, from the general fund for that purpose; 09 (5) the sum of $632,200 from the investment earnings on the bond proceeds 10 deposited in the capital project funds for the series 2010A, 2010B, and 2010C general 11 obligation bonds, for payment of debt service and accrued interest on outstanding State of 12 Alaska general obligation bonds, series 2010A and 2010B; 13 (6) the sum of $2,364,229 from the amount received from the United States 14 Treasury as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Build America 15 Bond credit payments due on the series 2010A general obligation bonds, for payment of debt 16 service and accrued interest on outstanding State of Alaska general obligation bonds, series 17 2010A and 2010B; 18 (7) the sum of $2,400,600 from the amount received from the United States 19 Treasury as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Qualified 20 School Construction Bond interest subsidy payments due on the series 2010B general 21 obligation bonds, for payment of debt service and accrued interest on outstanding State of 22 Alaska general obligation bonds, series 2010A and 2010B; 23 (8) the sum of $1,040,000 from the Alaska debt retirement fund 24 (AS 37.15.011) for payment of debt service and accrued interest on outstanding State of 25 Alaska general obligation bonds, series 2010A and 2010B; 26 (9) the amount necessary for payment of debt service and accrued interest on 27 outstanding State of Alaska general obligation bonds, series 2010A and 2010B, after payment 28 made in (5), (6), (7), and (8) of this subsection, estimated to be $2,721,820, from the general 29 fund for that purpose. 30 (10) the amount necessary for payment of debt service and accrued interest on 31 outstanding State of Alaska general obligation bonds, series 2013A and 2013B, 2013C, and 01 2013D, estimated to be $17,700,000, from the general fund for that purpose; 02 (11) the amount necessary for payment of trustee fees on outstanding State of 03 Alaska general obligation bonds, series 2003A, 2009A, 2010A, 2010B, 2012A, 2013A, 04 2013B, 2013C, and 2013D, estimated to be $5,300, from the general fund for that purpose; 05 (12) the amount necessary for the purpose of authorizing payment to the 06 United States Treasury for arbitrage rebate on outstanding State of Alaska general obligation 07 bonds, estimated to be $325,000, from the general fund for that purpose; 08 (13) if the proceeds of state general obligation bonds issued is temporarily 09 insufficient to cover costs incurred on projects approved for funding with these proceeds, the 10 amount necessary to prevent this cash deficiency is appropriated from the general fund, 11 contingent upon repayment to the general fund as soon as additional state general obligation 12 bond proceeds have been received by the state; and 13 (14) if the amount necessary for payment of debt service and accrued interest 14 on outstanding State of Alaska general obligation bonds exceeds the amounts appropriated in 15 this subsection, the additional amount necessary to pay the obligations, from the general fund 16 for that purpose. 17 (i) The sum of $42,212,035 is appropriated to the state bond committee for payment 18 of debt service and trustee fees on outstanding international airports revenue bonds for the 19 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, from the following sources in the amounts stated: 20 SOURCE AMOUNT 21 International Airports Revenue Fund (AS 37.15.430(a)) $36,582,272 22 Passenger facility charge 5,200,000 23 AIAS 2010D Build America Bonds federal interest subsidy 429,763 24 (j) The sum of $21,928,625 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department 25 of Administration for payment of obligations and fees for the following facilities for the fiscal 26 year ending June 30, 2014: 27 FACILITY AND FEES ALLOCATION 28 (1) Anchorage Jail $ 4,108,650 29 (2) Goose Creek Correctional Center 17,815,775 30 (3) Fees 4,200 31 (k) The sum of $128,263,143 is appropriated to the Department of Education and 01 Early Development for state aid for costs of school construction under AS 14.11.100 for the 02 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, from the following sources: 03 General fund $107,463,143 04 School Fund (AS 43.50.140) 20,800,000 05 (l) The sum of $7,500,000 is appropriated from the Alaska fish and game revenue 06 bond redemption fund (AS 37.15.770) to the state bond committee for payment of debt 07 service, accrued interest, and trustee fees on outstanding sport fish hatchery revenue bonds for 08 the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. It is the intent of the legislature that up to $2,400,000 of 09 the amount appropriated may be used for early redemption of the bonds. 10 (m) The sum of $35,700,000 is appropriated to the state bond committee for payment 11 of principal and interest, redemption premium, and trustee fees, if any, associated with the 12 early redemption of international airports revenue bonds authorized by AS 37.15.410 - 13 37.15.550, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, from the following sources in the amounts 14 stated: 15 SOURCE AMOUNT 16 International Airports Revenue Fund (AS 37.15.430(a)) $12,700,000 17 International Airports Construction Fund (AS 37.15.420(a)) 23,000,000 18 * Sec. 24. FEDERAL AND OTHER PROGRAM RECEIPTS. (a) Federal receipts, 19 designated program receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146(b)(3), information services fund 20 program receipts as described in AS 44.21.045(b), Exxon Valdez oil spill trust receipts 21 described in AS 37.05.146(b)(4), receipts of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, 22 receipts of the Alaska marine highway system fund described in AS 19.65.060(a), and 23 receipts of the University of Alaska as described in AS 37.05.146(b)(2) that are received 24 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, and that exceed the amounts appropriated by this 25 Act, are appropriated conditioned on compliance with the program review provisions of 26 AS 37.07.080(h). 27 (b) If federal or other program receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146 and in 28 AS 44.21.045(b) that are received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, exceed the 29 amounts appropriated by this Act, the appropriations from state funds for the affected 30 program shall be reduced by the excess if the reductions are consistent with applicable federal 31 statutes. 01 (c) If federal or other program receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146 and in 02 AS 44.21.045(b) that are received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, fall short of the 03 amounts appropriated by this Act, the affected appropriation is reduced by the amount of the 04 shortfall in receipts. 05 * Sec. 25. FUND CAPITALIZATION. (a) The portions of the fees listed in this subsection 06 that are collected during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, estimated to be $25,000, are 07 appropriated to the Alaska children's trust grant account (AS 37.14.205(a)): 08 (1) fees collected under AS 18.50.225, less the cost of supplies, for the 09 issuance of heirloom birth certificates; 10 (2) fees collected under AS 18.50.272, less the cost of supplies, for the 11 issuance of heirloom marriage certificates; 12 (3) fees collected under AS 28.10.421(d) for the issuance of special request 13 Alaska children's trust license plates, less the cost of issuing the license plates. 14 (b) The sum of $1,116,400 is appropriated from that portion of the dividend fund 15 (AS 43.23.045(a)) that would have been paid to individuals who are not eligible to receive a 16 permanent fund dividend because of a conviction or incarceration under AS 43.23.005(d) to 17 the crime victim compensation fund (AS 18.67.162) for the purposes of the crime victim 18 compensation fund (AS 18.67.162). 19 (c) The amount received under AS 18.67.162 as program receipts, estimated to be 20 $35,000, including donations and recoveries of or reimbursement for awards made from the 21 crime victim compensation fund, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, is appropriated 22 to the crime victim compensation fund (AS 18.67.162). 23 (d) The amount of federal receipts received for disaster relief during the fiscal year 24 ending June 30, 2014, estimated to be $9,000,000, is appropriated to the disaster relief fund 25 (AS 26.23.300(a)). 26 (e) The sum of $5,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the disaster relief 27 fund (AS 26.23.300(a)). 28 (f) An amount equal to 20 percent of the revenue collected under AS 43.55.011(g), 29 not to exceed $60,000,000, is appropriated from the general fund to the community revenue 30 sharing fund (AS 29.60.850). 31 (g) If the balance of the oil and gas tax credit fund (AS 43.55.028) is insufficient to 01 purchase transferable tax credit certificates issued under AS 43.55.023 and production tax 02 credit certificates issued under AS 43.55.025 that are presented for purchase, the amount by 03 which the tax credit certificates presented for purchase exceed the balance of the fund, 04 estimated to be $400,000,000, is appropriated from the general fund to the oil and gas tax 05 credit fund (AS 43.55.028). 06 (h) The sum of $125,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska 07 Industrial Development and Export Authority sustainable energy transmission and supply 08 development fund (AS 44.88.660). The appropriation made in this subsection is contingent 09 on approval by the Alaska Energy Authority of a loan of not less than $10,000,000 from the 10 Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority sustainable energy transmission and 11 supply development fund (AS 44.88.660) for the purpose of advancing the use of North Slope 12 natural gas in the Fairbanks area. 13 (i) The sum of $9,795,040 is appropriated to the Alaska clean water fund 14 (AS 46.03.032(a)) for the Alaska clean water loan program from the following sources: 15 Alaska clean water fund revenue bond receipts $1,688,800 16 Federal receipts 8,106,240 17 (j) The sum of $7,987,750 is appropriated to the Alaska drinking water fund 18 (AS 46.03.036(a)) for the Alaska drinking water loan program from the following sources: 19 Alaska drinking water fund revenue bond receipts $1,795,000 20 Federal receipts 6,192,750 21 (k) An amount equal to the interest earned on amounts in the election fund required 22 by the federal Help America Vote Act is appropriated to the election fund for use in 23 accordance with 42 U.S.C. 15404(b)(2). 24 * Sec. 26. FUND TRANSFERS. (a) The federal funds received by the state under 42 U.S.C. 25 6506a(l) or former 42 U.S.C. 6508 not appropriated for grants under AS 37.05.530(d) are 26 appropriated as follows: 27 (1) to the principal of the Alaska permanent fund (art. IX, sec. 15, Constitution 28 of the State of Alaska) and the public school trust fund (AS 37.14.110(a)), according to 29 AS 37.05.530(g)(1) and (2); and 30 (2) to the principal of the Alaska permanent fund (art. IX, sec. 15, Constitution 31 of the State of Alaska), the public school trust fund (AS 37.14.110(a)), and the power cost 01 equalization and rural electric capitalization fund (AS 42.45.100(a)), according to 02 AS 37.05.530(g)(3). 03 (b) The loan origination fees collected by the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary 04 Education for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, are appropriated to the origination fee 05 account (AS 14.43.120(u)) within the education loan fund (AS 14.42.210(a)) of the Alaska 06 Student Loan Corporation for the purposes specified in AS 14.43.120(u). 07 (c) The balance of the mine reclamation trust fund income account (AS 37.14.800(a)) 08 on June 30, 2013, and money deposited in that account during the fiscal year ending June 30, 09 2014, estimated to be $50,000, are appropriated to the mine reclamation trust fund operating 10 account (AS 37.14.800(a)). 11 (d) If the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority must draw on the Alaska municipal 12 bond bank authority reserve fund (AS 44.85.270(a)) because of a default by a borrower, an 13 amount equal to the amount drawn from the reserve is appropriated from the general fund to 14 the Alaska municipal bond bank authority reserve fund (AS 44.85.270(a)). 15 (e) The sum of $1,191,774,400 is appropriated from the general fund to the public 16 education fund (AS 14.17.300). 17 (f) An amount equal to the bulk fuel revolving loan fund fees established under 18 AS 42.45.250(j) and collected under AS 42.45.250(k) during the fiscal year ending June 30, 19 2013, estimated to be $45,000, is appropriated from the general fund to the bulk fuel 20 revolving loan fund (AS 42.45.250(a)). 21 (g) The following amounts are appropriated to the oil and hazardous substance release 22 prevention account (AS 46.08.010(a)(1)) in the oil and hazardous substance release 23 prevention and response fund (AS 46.08.010(a)) from the sources indicated: 24 (1) the balance of the oil and hazardous substance release prevention 25 mitigation account (AS 46.08.020(b)) in the general fund on July 1, 2013, estimated to be 26 $12,800,000, not otherwise appropriated by this Act; 27 (2) the amount collected for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, estimated to 28 be $7,600,000, from the surcharge levied under AS 43.55.300. 29 (h) The following amounts are appropriated to the oil and hazardous substance release 30 response account (AS 46.08.010(a)(2)) in the oil and hazardous substance release prevention 31 and response fund (AS 46.08.010(a)) from the following sources: 01 (1) the balance of the oil and hazardous substance release response mitigation 02 account (AS 46.08.025(b)) in the general fund on July 1, 2013, estimated to be $800,000, not 03 otherwise appropriated by this Act; 04 (2) the amount collected for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, from the 05 surcharge levied under AS 43.55.201, estimated to be $1,100,000. 06 (i) An amount equal to the federal receipts deposited in the Alaska sport fishing 07 enterprise account (AS 16.05.130(e)), not to exceed $1,944,375, as reimbursement for the 08 federally allowable portion of the principal balance payment on sport fishing revenue bonds is 09 appropriated from the Alaska sport fishing enterprise account (AS 16.05.130(e)) to the fish 10 and game fund (AS 16.05.100). 11 (j) Fees collected at boating and angling access sites managed by the Department of 12 Natural Resources, division of parks and outdoor recreation, under a cooperative agreement 13 authorized under AS 16.05.050(a)(6), during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, estimated 14 to be $450,000, are appropriated to the fish and game fund (AS 16.05.100). 15 (k) The sum of $7,000,000 is appropriated from the Alaska sport fishing enterprise 16 account (AS 16.05.130(e)) in the fish and game fund (AS 16.05.100) to the Alaska fish and 17 game revenue bond redemption fund (AS 37.15.770). 18 (l) The amount of municipal bond bank receipts determined under AS 44.85.270(h) to 19 be available for transfer by the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority for the fiscal year 20 ending June 30, 2013, estimated to be $50,000, is appropriated to the Alaska municipal bond 21 bank authority reserve fund (AS 44.85.270(a)). 22 (m) The interest earned during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, by the Alaska 23 marine highway system fund (AS 19.65.060(a)), estimated to be $795,800, is appropriated to 24 the Alaska marine highway system fund (AS 19.65.060(a)). It is the intent of the legislature 25 that the interest earned on the balance of the Alaska marine highway system fund 26 (AS 19.65.060(a)) be accounted for separately from the program receipts from vessel 27 operations. 28 (n) The interest earned during the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2014, by the regional 29 educational attendance area school fund (AS 14.11.030(a)), estimated to be $350,000, is 30 appropriated to the regional educational attendance area school fund (AS 14.11.030(a)). 31 (o) The amount equal to the revenue collected from the following sources during the 01 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, is appropriated to the fish and game fund (AS 16.05.100); 02 (1) range fees collected at shooting ranges operated by the Department of Fish 03 and Game (AS 16.05.050(a)(15)), estimated to be $303,900; 04 (2) receipts from the sale of waterfowl conservation stamp limited edition 05 prints (AS 16.05.826(a)), estimated to be $5,000; 06 (3) fees collected for sanctuary access permits (AS 16.05.050(a)(15)), 07 estimated to be $87,400. 08 (p) The sum of $10,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the 09 power project fund (AS 42.45.010) for the purpose of making a loan to the Cordova Electric 10 Cooperative for the Humpback Creek hydroelectric project. The appropriation made in this 11 subsection is contingent on approval by the Alaska Energy Authority of a loan not to exceed 12 $9,123,000 from the power project fund (AS 42.45.010) to the Cordova Electric Cooperative 13 for the Humpback Creek hydroelectric project. 14  * Sec. 27. RETIREMENT SYSTEM FUNDING. (a) The sum of $312,472,952 is 15 appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Administration for deposit in the 16 defined benefit plan account in the public employees' retirement system as an additional state 17 contribution under AS 39.35.280 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 18 (b) The sum of $316,847,291 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department 19 of Administration for deposit in the defined benefit plan account in the teachers' retirement 20 system as an additional state contribution under AS 14.25.085 for the fiscal year ending 21 June 30, 2014. 22 (c) The sum of $4,460,321 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 23 Administration for deposit in the defined benefit plan account in the judicial retirement 24 system for the purpose of funding the judicial retirement system under AS 22.25.046 for the 25 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 26 * Sec. 28. SALARY AND BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS. (a) The operating budget 27 appropriations made in sec. 1 of this Act include amounts for salary and benefit adjustments 28 for public officials, officers, and employees of the executive branch, Alaska Court System 29 employees, employees of the legislature, and legislators and to implement the terms for the 30 fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, of the following collective bargaining agreements: 31 (1) Alaska Vocational Technical Center Teachers' Association, National 01 Education Association, representing the employees of the Alaska Vocational Technical 02 Center; 03 (2) International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots, for the masters, 04 mates, and pilots unit; 05 (3) Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific, Alaska Region, for the unlicensed 06 marine unit; 07 (4) Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association, representing licensed engineers 08 employed by the Alaska marine highway system; 09 (5) Public Safety Employees Association, representing the regularly 10 commissioned public safety officers unit; 11 (6) Public Employees Local 71, for the labor, trades and crafts unit; 12 (7) Teachers' Education Association of Mt. Edgecumbe; 13 (8) Alaska Correctional Officers Association, representing correctional 14 officers. 15 (b) The operating budget appropriations made to the University of Alaska in sec. 1 of 16 this Act include amounts for salary and benefit adjustments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 17 2014, for university employees who are not members of a collective bargaining unit and to 18 implement the terms for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, of the following collective 19 bargaining agreements: 20 (1) University of Alaska Federation of Teachers; 21 (2) United Academics-American Association of University Professors, 22 American Federation of Teachers; 23 (3) United Academics-Adjuncts; 24 (4) Fairbanks Firefighters Association, IAFF Local 1324. 25 (c) If a collective bargaining agreement listed in (a) of this section is not ratified by 26 the membership of the respective collective bargaining unit, the appropriations made in this 27 Act applicable to the collective bargaining unit's agreement are reduced proportionately by the 28 amount for the collective bargaining agreement, and the corresponding funding source 29 amounts are reduced accordingly. 30 (d) If a collective bargaining agreement listed in (b) of this section is not ratified by 31 the membership of the respective collective bargaining unit and approved by the Board of 01 Regents of the University of Alaska, the appropriations made in this Act applicable to the 02 collective bargaining unit's agreement are reduced proportionately by the amount for the 03 collective bargaining agreement, and the corresponding funding source amounts are reduced 04 accordingly. 05 * Sec. 29. SHARED TAXES AND FEES. (a) The amount necessary to refund to local 06 governments and other entities their share of taxes and fees collected in the listed fiscal years 07 under the following programs is appropriated to the Department of Revenue from the general 08 fund for payment to local governments and other entities in the fiscal year ending June 30, 09 2014: 10 FISCAL YEAR ESTIMATED 11 REVENUE SOURCE COLLECTED AMOUNT 12 Fisheries business tax (AS 43.75) 2013 $25,700,000 13 Fishery resource landing tax (AS 43.77) 2013 5,100,000 14 Aviation fuel tax (AS 43.40.010) 2014 100,000 15 Electric and telephone cooperative tax 2014 3,900,000 16 (AS 10.25.570) 17 Liquor license fee (AS 04.11) 2014 900,000 18 Cost recovery fisheries (AS 16.10.455) 2014 1,100,000 19 (b) The amount necessary to pay the first seven ports of call their share of the tax 20 collected under AS 43.52.220 in calendar year 2013 according to AS 43.52.230(b), estimated 21 to be $15,400,000, is appropriated from the commercial vessel passenger tax account 22 (AS 43.52.230(a)) to the Department of Revenue for payment to the ports of call for the fiscal 23 year ending June 30, 2014. 24 (c) It is the intent of the legislature that the payments to local governments set out in 25 (a) and (b) of this section may be assigned by a local government to another state agency. 26 * Sec. 30. AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT ACT OF 2009. (a) The 27 unexpended and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of federal funding available under 28 P.L. 111-5 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) and appropriated to the 29 Department of Education and Early Development is reappropriated to the Department of 30 Education and Early Development for the administration and operation of departmental 31 programs, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 01 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of federal funding 02 available under P.L. 111-5 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) and 03 appropriated to the Department of Health and Social Services is reappropriated to the 04 Department of Health and Social Services for the administration and operation of 05 departmental programs, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. 06 * Sec. 31. RATIFICATIONS OF SMALL AMOUNTS IN STATE ACCOUNTING 07 SYSTEM. The appropriation to each department under this Act for the fiscal year ending 08 June 30, 2014, is reduced to reverse negative account balances for the department in the state 09 accounting system in amounts of $1,000 or less for each prior fiscal year in which a negative 10 account balance of $1,000 or less exists. 11 * Sec. 32. BUDGET RESERVE FUND. If the unrestricted state revenue available for 12 appropriation in the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, is insufficient to cover general fund 13 appropriations made for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014, the amount necessary to balance 14 revenue and general fund appropriations or to prevent a cash deficiency in the general fund is 15 appropriated from the budget reserve fund (AS 37.05.540(a)) to the general fund. 16 * Sec. 33. LAPSE OF APPROPRIATIONS. The appropriations made in secs. 8(c), 9, 10(b), 17 and 25 - 27 of this Act are for the capitalization of funds and do not lapse. 18 * Sec. 34. RETROACTIVITY. The appropriation made in sec. 12(h)(1) and those portions 19 of the appropriations made in sec. 1 of this Act that appropriate either the unexpended and 20 unobligated balance of specific fiscal year 2013 program receipts or the unexpended and 21 unobligated balance on June 30, 2013, of a specified account are retroactive to June 30, 2013, 22 solely for the purpose of carrying forward a prior fiscal year balance. 23  * Sec. 35. CONTINGENT EFFECT. (a) Section 17(b) of this Act is contingent as set out in 24 sec. 17(b) of this Act. 25 (b) The appropriation made in sec. 25(h) of this Act is contingent as set out in sec. 26 25(h) of this Act. 27 (c) The appropriation made in sec. 26(p) of this Act is contingent as set out in sec. 28 26(p) of this Act. 29  * Sec. 36. Sections 30 and 34 of this Act take effect June 30, 2013. 30  * Sec. 37. Section 26(e) of this Act takes effect December 1, 2013. 31  * Sec. 38. Except as provided in secs. 36 and 37 of this Act, this Act takes effect July 1, 01 2013.