00 HOUSE BILL NO. 162 01 "An Act requiring all voters at the polls to exhibit a permitted form of photo 02 identification; relating to the counting of absentee and questioned ballots; and providing 03 for a voter photo identification card to be furnished to certain voters." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05  * Section 1. AS 15.07 is amended by adding a new section to read: 06 Sec. 15.07.058. Voter photo identification cards. (a) The director shall 07 establish procedures by which persons who satisfy the requirements of (b) of this 08 section are furnished voter photo identification cards free of charge. 09 (b) To obtain a voter photo identification card under (a) of this section, a 10 person shall file an application with the division, on a form provided by the director, 11 containing 12 (1) a statement under oath that the person desires the identification 13 card in order to vote in an election in the state, that the person does not have a form of 14 identification that is acceptable under AS 15.15.225(a) for identification at the polls in 01 order to vote, and that the person is indigent as defined by regulations adopted under 02 AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act); and 03 (2) evidence that the person is registered to vote in the state. 04 (c) The director may enter into agreements with any state department or 05 agency to effect the purposes of this section. 06  * Sec. 2. AS 15.15.225(a) is repealed and reenacted to read: 07 (a) Before being allowed to vote, each voter shall exhibit to an election official 08 one form of personal identification that contains a photograph. Under this section, 09 permitted forms of personal identification include a valid and current  10 (1) Alaska driver's license; 11 (2) identification card issued by a branch, department, agency, or 12 entity of the state, any other state, or the United States government; 13 (3) United States passport; 14 (4) employee identification card issued by any branch, department, 15 agency, or entity of the United States government, the state, or a municipality of the 16 state; 17 (5) United States military identification card; 18 (6) student identification card issued by a high school or an accredited 19 institution of higher education, as that term is defined under AS 23.20.520, located in 20 the state; or 21 (7) tribal identification card. 22  * Sec. 3. AS 15.20.203(b) is amended to read: 23 (b) An absentee ballot may not be counted if 24 (1) the voter has failed to properly execute the certificate; 25 (2) an official or the witnesses authorized by law to attest the voter's 26 certificate fail to execute the certificate, except that an absentee ballot cast in person 27 and accepted by an absentee voting official or election supervisor may be counted 28 despite failure of the absentee voting official or election supervisor to properly sign 29 and date the voter's certificate as attesting official as required under AS 15.20.061(c); 30 (3) the ballot is not attested on or before the date of the election; 31 (4) the ballot, if postmarked, is not postmarked on or before the date of 01 the election; 02 (5) after the day of election, the ballot was delivered by a means other 03 than mail; or 04 (6) the voter voted 05 (A) in person and is a 06 (i) first-time voter who initially registered by mail or by 07 facsimile or other electronic transmission approved by the director 08 under AS 15.07.050, has not provided the identification required by 09 AS 15.15.225(a) [, WAS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR WAIVER OF THE 10 IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT UNDER AS 15.15.225(b)], and 11 has not provided the identifiers required in AS 15.07.060(a)(2) and (3) 12 that can be verified through state agency records described in 13 AS 15.07.055(e); or 14 (ii) voter other than a voter [ONE] described in (i) of 15 this subparagraph, did not provide identification described in 16 AS 15.15.225(a) [, WAS NOT PERSONALLY KNOWN BY THE 17 ELECTION OFFICIAL], and has not provided the identifiers required 18 in AS 15.07.060(a)(2) and (3); or 19 (B) by mail or electronic transmission, is a first-time voter who 20 initially registered by mail or by facsimile or other electronic transmission 21 approved by the director under AS 15.07.050 to vote, has not met the 22 identification requirements set out in AS 15.07.060, and does not submit with 23 the ballot a copy of a 24 (i) driver's license, state identification card, current and 25 valid photo identification, birth certificate, passport, or hunting or 26 fishing license; or 27 (ii) current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck, 28 government check, or other government document; an item described 29 in this sub-subparagraph must show the name and current address of 30 the voter. 31  * Sec. 4. AS 15.20.207(b) is amended to read: 01 (b) A questioned ballot may not be counted if the voter 02 (1) has failed to properly execute the certificate; 03 (2) is a first-time voter who initially registered by mail or by facsimile 04 or other electronic transmission approved by the director under AS 15.07.050, has not 05 provided the identification required by AS 15.15.225(a) [, WAS NOT ELIGIBLE 06 FOR WAIVER OF THE IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENT UNDER 07 AS 15.15.225(b)], and has not provided the identifiers required in AS 15.07.060(a)(2) 08 and (3) that can be verified through state agency records described in AS 15.07.055(e); 09 or 10 (3) is a voter other than a voter [ONE] described in (2) of this 11 subsection, did not provide identification described in AS 15.15.225(a) [, WAS NOT 12 PERSONALLY KNOWN BY THE ELECTION OFFICIAL], and has not provided 13 the identifiers required in AS 15.07.060(a)(2) and (3). 14  * Sec. 5. AS 15.15.225(b) is repealed.