00 SENATE BILL NO. 285 01 "An Act providing that for-profit corporations and limited liability companies 02 organized in this state are not persons for purposes of influencing the outcomes of public 03 office elections, initiatives, referendums, or recalls." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05  * Section 1. AS 06.05.301(b) is amended to read: 06 (b) The provisions of AS 10.06 (Alaska Corporations Code) apply to state 07 banks, except those provisions inconsistent with this chapter. The provisions 08 inconsistent with this chapter include AS 10.06.010(a)(4) - (8) [AS 10.06.010(4) - 09 (8)], 10.06.105(a) and (d), 10.06.325, 10.06.356, 10.06.358 - 10.06.360, 10.06.370, 10 10.06.385 - 10.06.388, 10.06.420(i), 10.06.430, 10.06.453, 10.06.460(b), 10.06.485, 11 10.06.522 - 10.06.868, 10.06.915, 10.06.960, and 10.06.990(30) and (36). 12  * Sec. 2. AS 10.06.010 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 13 (b) Notwithstanding (a) of this section or another provision of this chapter to 14 the contrary, a corporation organized under this chapter is not considered a person for 01 the purpose of influencing the outcome of 02 (1) an election for public office; or 03 (2) an initiative, a referendum, or a recall. 04  * Sec. 3. AS 10.50 is amended by adding a new section to read: 05 Sec. 10.50.920. Public office elections. Notwithstanding another provision of 06 this chapter to the contrary, a limited liability company organized under this chapter is 07 not considered a person for the purpose of influencing the outcome of 08 (1) an election for public office; or 09 (2) an initiative, a referendum, or a recall.