00 HOUSE CS FOR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 221(FIN) am H 01 "An Act making and amending appropriations, including capital appropriations, 02 supplemental appropriations, and appropriations to capitalize funds; making 03 appropriations under art. IX, sec. 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska, from the 04 constitutional budget reserve fund; and providing for an effective date." 05 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 06 (SECTION 1 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 2) 01 * Section 1. The following appropriation items are for supplemental changes in operating 02 expenditures from the general fund or other funds as set out in section 2 of this Act to the 03 agencies named for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. 04 Appropriation General Other 05 Allocations Items Funds Funds 06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 * * * * * Department of Corrections * * * * *  08 * * * * * * * * * *  09 Inmate Health Care 534,200 534,200  10 Inmate Health Care 534,200 11 * * * * * * * * * *  12 * * * * * Department of Health and Social Services * * * * *  13 * * * * * * * * * *  14 Health Care Services 17,062,300 17,062,300  15 Medicaid Services 17,062,300 16 * * * * * * * * * *  17 * * * * * Department of Public Safety * * * * *  18 * * * * * * * * * *  19 Alaska State Troopers 441,400 441,400  20 Prisoner Transportation 227,500 21 Rural Trooper Housing 122,100 22 Alaska State Trooper 43,100 23 Detachments 24 Alaska Wildlife Troopers 8,600 25 Alaska Wildlife Troopers - 40,100 26 Aircraft Section 27 Statewide Support 4,600 4,600  28 Administrative Services 4,600 29 * * * * * * * * * *  30 * * * * * Department of Revenue * * * * *  31 * * * * * * * * * *  01 Taxation and Treasury 416,400 416,400  02 Tax Division 416,400 03 * * * * * * * * * *  04 * * * * * Department of Transportation & Public Facilities * * * * *  05 * * * * * * * * * *  06 State Equipment Fleet 748,000 748,000  07 State Equipment Fleet 748,000 08 Highways, Aviation and 1,071,400 1,071,400  09  Facilities  10 Central Region Facilities -280,300 11 Northern Region Facilities 215,500 12 Southeast Region Facilities 22,300 13 Central Region Highways and 231,900 14 Aviation 15 Northern Region Highways 570,600 16 and Aviation 17 Southeast Region Highways 311,400 18 and Aviation 19 Marine Highway System 3,290,100 3,290,100  20 Marine Vessel Operations 3,290,100 21 * * * * * * * * * *  22 * * * * * University of Alaska * * * * *  23 * * * * * * * * * *  24 University of Alaska 927,200 927,200  25 Budget Reductions/Additions 927,200 26 - Systemwide 27 * * * * * * * * * *  28 * * * * * Alaska Court System * * * * *  29 * * * * * * * * * *  30 Alaska Court System 217,700 217,700  31 Trial Courts 217,700 01 (SECTION 2 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 5) 01 * Sec. 2. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 1 of 02 this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Department of Corrections  05 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 534,200 06 *** Total Agency Funding *** $534,200 07 Department of Health and Social Services  08 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 17,062,300 09 *** Total Agency Funding *** $17,062,300 10 Department of Public Safety  11 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 446,000 12 *** Total Agency Funding *** $446,000 13 Department of Revenue  14 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 416,400 15 *** Total Agency Funding *** $416,400 16 Department of Transportation & Public Facilities  17 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 4,361,500 18 1026 Highways Equipment Working Capital Fund 748,000 19 *** Total Agency Funding *** $5,109,500 20 University of Alaska  21 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 927,200 22 *** Total Agency Funding *** $927,200 23 Alaska Court System  24 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 217,700 25 *** Total Agency Funding *** $217,700 26 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * $24,713,300 27 (SECTION 3 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 6) 01 * Sec. 3. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 1 of 02 this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 General Funds 05 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 23,965,300 06 ***Total General Funds*** $23,965,300 07 Federal Funds 08 ***Total Federal Funds*** $0 09 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 10 ***Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds*** $0 11 Duplicated Funds 12 1026 Highways Equipment Working Capital Fund 748,000 13 ***Total Duplicated Funds*** $748,000 14 (SECTION 4 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 7) 01 * Sec. 4. The following appropriation items are for capital projects and grants from the 02 general fund or other funds as set out in section 5 of this Act to the agencies named for the 03 purposes expressed and lapse under AS 37.25.020, unless otherwise noted. 04 Appropriation General Other 05 Allocations Items Funds Funds 06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 * * * * * Department of Health and Social Services * * * * *  08 * * * * * * * * * *  09 Alaska Psychiatric 1,200,000 1,200,000 10 Institute Automation (HD 11 1-40) 12 * * * * * * * * * *  13 * * * * * Department of Transportation/Public Facilities * * * * *  14 * * * * * * * * * *  15 Chignik Lagoon: Airport 4,000,000 4,000,000 16 Safety Improvements (HD 17 37) 18 Ports and Harbors Long 250,000 250,000 19 Range Transportation Plan 20 (HD 1-40) 21 Airport Improvement 27,501,500 27,501,500  22 Program  23 Alakanuk: Airport 1,486,000 24 Relocation (HD 39) 25 Bethel: Airport Parallel 1,500,000 26 Runway and Other 27 Improvements (HD 38) 28 Central Region: Snow 2,000,000 29 Removal Equipment (HD 30 1-40) 31 Emmonak: Rehabilitation 550,500 01 and Apron Expansion (HD 02 39) 03 Goodnews Bay: Airport 6,000,000 04 Reconstruction (HD 38) 05 Grayling: Airport 1,560,000 06 Improvements (HD 6) 07 Kongiganak: Airport 5,500,000 08 Improvements (HD 38) 09 Northern Region: Snow 2,805,000 10 Removal Equipment (HD 11 1-40) 12 Savoonga: Airport 2,300,000 13 Improvements (HD 39) 14 Sitka: Rocky Gutierrez 200,000 15 Airport Terminal Planning 16 (HD 2) 17 Statewide: Aviation 3,600,000 18 Systems Plan Update (HD 19 1-40) 20 Surface Transportation  21  Program  22 Glenn Highway: Gambell 4,000,000 4,000,000 23 Street to McCarrey Street 24 Reconstruction (HD 17-32) 25 (SECTION 5 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 9) 01 * Sec. 5. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 4 of 02 this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Department of Health and Social Services 05 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,200,000 06 *** Total Agency Funding *** $1,200,000 07 Department of Transportation/Public Facilities 08 1002 Federal Receipts 31,501,500 09 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 4,250,000 10 *** Total Agency Funding *** $35,751,500 11 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * $36,951,500 12 (SECTION 6 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 10) 01 * Sec. 6. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 4 of 02 this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 General Funds 05 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 4,250,000 06 ***Total General Funds*** $4,250,000 07 Federal Funds 08 1002 Federal Receipts 31,501,500 09 ***Total Federal Funds*** $31,501,500 10 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 11 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,200,000 12 ***Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds*** $1,200,000 13 Duplicated Funds 14 ***Total Duplicated Funds*** $0 15 (SECTION 7 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 11) 01 * Sec. 7. The following appropriation items are for capital projects and grants from the 02 general fund or other funds as set out in section 8 of this Act to the agencies named for the 03 purposes expressed and lapse under AS 37.25.020, unless otherwise noted. 04 Appropriation General Other 05 Allocations Items Funds Funds 06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 * * * * * Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development * * * * *  08 * * * * * * * * * *  09 Grants to Named Recipients  10  (AS 37.05.316)  11 Alaska Aviation Heritage 250,000 250,000 12 Museum - Aircraft Shelter 13 and American Pilgrim 14 Aircraft (HD 17-32) 15 Alaska Brain Injury 50,000 50,000 16 Network, Inc. - Virtual 17 Resource Center Computers 18 and Library Materials (HD 19 17-32) 20 Alaska Community 100,000 100,000 21 Foundation - West High 22 School Auditorium 23 Restoration (HD 17-32) 24 Alaska Congress of Parents 40,000 40,000 25 and Teachers - Military 26 Coalition Meeting (HD 27 1-40) 28 Alaska Congress of Parents 525,000 525,000 29 and Teachers - Program 30 Improvements and 31 Technology Upgrades (HD 01 1-40) 02 Alaska Disabled Veterans 50,000 50,000 03 Sports Program, Inc. - 04 Sports Program Support 05 (HD 17-32) 06 Alaska Family Services, 50,000 50,000 07 Inc. - Vehicle, Fencing 08 And Furniture for The New 09 Behavioral Health Services 10 Building (HD 13-16) 11 Alaska Native Brotherhood 50,000 50,000 12 Sitka Camp #1 - Sitka ANB 13 Hall Renovation (HD 2) 14 Alaska Native Heritage 250,000 250,000 15 Center - Expansion and 16 Improvements (HD 17-32) 17 Alaska Veterans Memorial - 25,000 25,000 18 Museum Feasibility Study 19 (HD 17-32) 20 Anchorage Community Land 1,800,000 1,800,000 21 Trust - Mountain View 22 Services Center Upgrade 23 (HD 17-32) 24 Anchorage Museum 5,000,000 5,000,000 25 Association - Facility 26 Expansion (HD 17-32) 27 Anchorage Park Foundation - 25,000 25,000 28 Spenard Recreation Center 29 Parking Lot Gate 30 Installation and Safety 31 Upgrades (HD 17-32) 01 Big Lake Chamber of 17,500 17,500 02 Commerce - Community 03 Information Center (HD 04 13-16) 05 Big Lake Chamber of 5,000 5,000 06 Commerce - Fish Creek 07 Park: Playground Equipment 08 (HD 13-16) 09 Big Lake Library Advocates 5,000 5,000 10 - Big Lake Library Upgrade 11 Technology and or Library 12 Books (HD 13-16) 13 Brotherhood, Inc. - 30,000 30,000 14 Student/Youth Training 15 Equipment (HD 17-32) 16 Catholic Community 20,000 20,000 17 Services - Angoon Senior 18 Center Stove, Refrigerator 19 and Freezer (HD 5) 20 Chatham School District - 40,000 40,000 21 Angoon Schools: Plow 22 Truck (HD 5) 23 Chilkat Indian Village 25,000 25,000 24 IRA - ANS Community 25 Hall Renovation (HD 5) 26 Chugiak Benefit 25,000 25,000 27 Association, Inc. - 28 Building 29 Maintenance/Renovation (HD 30 17-32) 31 Chugiak-Eagle River 5,000 5,000 01 Historical Society - 02 Preservation and Storage of 03 Historical Materials (HD 04 17-32) 05 Communities in Schools - 15,000 15,000 06 Career Exploration Program 07 (HD 17-32) 08 Cook Inlet Aquaculture 403,825 403,825 09 Association - Northern Cook 10 Inlet Salmon Study (HD 11 33-35) 12 Copper Valley Historical 50,000 50,000 13 Society - Museum 14 Renovation (HD 12) 15 Cordova Family Resource 10,000 10,000 16 Center - Computer 17 Equipment and Upgrades and 18 Library Supplies (HD 5) 19 Cultural Heritage & 50,000 50,000 20 Education Institute - 21 Cultural Preservation 22 Initiative (HD 7-11) 23 Downtown Association of 20,000 20,000 24 Fairbanks, Community 25 Services, Inc. - Downtown 26 Fairbanks Upgrade (HD 27 7-11) 28 Fairbanks Soil and Water 5,000 5,000 29 Conservation District - 30 Noxious Weed Project (HD 31 7-11) 01 Fraternal Order of the 16,000 16,000 02 Alaska State Troopers 03 (FOAST) - Crime Scene 04 Investigation (CSI) Youth 05 Camp Equipment and 06 Materials (HD 17-32) 07 Gastineau Human Services - 46,850 46,850 08 GHS Residence, Office 09 Maintenance and Equipment 10 Upgrades (HD 3-4) 11 Hope, Inc. - Hope 25,000 25,000 12 Community Development (HD 13 17-32) 14 Kachemak Ski Club, Inc. - 89,000 89,000 15 Ohlson Mountain Ski Hill 16 Improvements (HD 33-35) 17 Kasilof Regional Historical 70,000 70,000 18 Association, Inc. - McLane 19 Center and Museum 20 Renovation (HD 33-35) 21 Kawerak Inc. - Shishmaref 50,000 50,000 22 Beach Erosion (HD 40) 23 Ketchikan General Hospital 48,500 48,500 24 - Replacement Coagulation 25 Analyzer (HD 1) 26 Ketchikan General Hospital 70,000 70,000 27 - Replacement Of Outdated 28 Equipment (HD 1) 29 Ketchikan Little League, 160,000 160,000 30 Inc. - Batting Cages and 31 Indoor Training Facility 01 (HD 1) 02 Ketchikan Rod & Gun Club - 44,000 44,000 03 Facility Improvements (HD 04 1) 05 Ketchikan Senior Citizens, 400,000 100,000 300,000 06 Inc. - Access Road for 07 Pioneer Heights (HD 1) 08 Ketchikan Visitors Bureau - 20,000 20,000 09 Visitor Information Center 10 at Berth Three (HD 1) 11 Kodiak Senior Center - 15,000 15,000 12 Facilities Repair and 13 Equipment (HD 36) 14 KOTZ - Radio Station 50,000 50,000 15 Equipment (HD 40) 16 Kuskokwim Public 50,000 50,000 17 Broadcasting Corporation - 18 Power Grid Extension to 19 KSKO Transmitter (HD 6) 20 Mat-Su Baseball, Inc. - 50,000 50,000 21 Outfield and Backstop Fence 22 and Other Park 23 Improvements for the 24 Mat-Su Miners Baseball 25 Field (HD 13-16) 26 Meadow Lakes Community 44,500 44,500 27 Council - Design and 28 Construction of Meadow 29 Lakes Community Council 30 Access Road (HD 13-16) 31 Norton Sound Health 62,000 62,000 01 Corporation - Emergency 02 Medical Response Stockpile 03 Packs (HD 39) 04 Rainbird Community 30,000 30,000 05 Broadcasting Corporation - 06 Planning and Design for 07 Replacement Facility (HD 08 1) 09 Salcha Fair Association, 32,000 32,000 10 Inc. - Playground and Fair 11 Building Construction (HD 12 12) 13 Silakkuagvik 25,000 25,000 14 Communications, Inc. - 15 Equipment Replacement and 16 Installation (HD 40) 17 Sons of Norway Hall - 96,000 96,000 18 District Two, No. 23 Hall 19 Renovation and Repair (HD 20 2) 21 Southeast Conference - 100,000 100,000 22 Energy Program (HD 1-5) 23 Southeast Conference - 500,000 500,000 24 Kake-Petersburg Intertie 25 Permitting, Design, and 26 Construction (HD 5) 27 Tanana Valley Farmers 100,000 100,000 28 Market Association - Market 29 Facilities Expansion and 30 Improvements (HD 7-11) 31 Tanana Valley Sportsmen's 25,000 25,000 01 Association - 02 Clubhouse/Firing Range 03 Reconstruction (HD 7-11) 04 Tanana Valley Sportsmen's 220,000 220,000 05 Association - Shooting 06 Facility Replacement (HD 07 7-11) 08 Tanana Valley State Fair 30,000 30,000 09 Association, Inc. - Capital 10 Improvements and ADA 11 Compliance Grant (HD 7-11) 12 Valley Community for 2,000,000 2,000,000 13 Recycling Solutions - 14 Community Recycling Center 15 (HD 13-16) 16 Voznesenka Community 25,000 25,000 17 Council, Inc. - Playground 18 Improvements for 19 Voznesenka and Kachemak 20 Selo (HD 33-35) 21 Willow Area Community 30,000 30,000 22 Organization, Inc. - Willow 23 Area Community Center 24 Secure Storage Building 25 (HD 13-16) 26 Willow Historical and 4,000 4,000 27 Wildlife Foundation 28 (WHWF) - Move/Repair 29 Historical Willow Cabin 30 (HD 13-16) 31 Yakutat Salmon Board - 250,000 250,000 01 Region-wide Operating 02 Expenses (HD 5) 03 Yupiit School District - 150,000 150,000 04 Utility Overrun Costs (HD 05 38) 06 Grants to Municipalities  07  (AS 37.05.315)  08 Anchorage - 11th Avenue 600,000 600,000 09 Road Upgrade - Muldoon 10 Road To Boston Street (HD 11 17-32) 12 Anchorage - 72nd Avenue 280,000 280,000 13 Meadow Drainage (HD 17-32) 14 Anchorage - Abbott Loop 500,000 500,000 15 Community Park Ball Field 16 Surface & Playground 17 Improvements, Concession 18 Building Design and 19 Permitting (HD 17-32) 20 Anchorage - Bayshore 42,000 42,000 21 Elementary Books for 22 Library (HD 17-32) 23 Anchorage - Bayshore 22,000 22,000 24 Elementary Printers and 25 Video Camera for Computer 26 Lab (HD 17-32) 27 Anchorage - Bluebell Drive 600,000 600,000 28 Reconstruction (HD 17-32) 29 Anchorage - Bowman 35,000 35,000 30 Elementary iMac Computers 31 and Related Software (HD 01 17-32) 02 Anchorage - Cherry Street 200,000 200,000 03 Overlay - 6th Avenue to 04 10th Avenue (HD 17-32) 05 Anchorage - Chinook 25,000 25,000 06 Elementary School Grounds 07 Landscaping (HD 17-32) 08 Anchorage - Chugiak Eagle 1,990,000 1,990,000 09 River Parks and Recreation: 10 Harry J. McDonald 11 Memorial Center Expansion 12 (HD 17-32) 13 Anchorage - Dimond High 20,000 20,000 14 School Texts and Supplies 15 to Support Expansion of 16 Advanced Placement and 17 Other Rigorous Courses (HD 18 17-32) 19 Anchorage - Dimond High 15,000 15,000 20 School Training Course for 21 Teachers New to Advanced 22 Placement Coursework (HD 23 17-32) 24 Anchorage - Eagle River 370,000 370,000 25 Library Collection, 26 Technology, Site and 27 Programs Upgrades (HD 28 17-32) 29 Anchorage - East 42nd 25,000 25,000 30 Avenue Upgrade (HD 17-32) 31 Anchorage - Goldenview 900,000 900,000 01 Drive Extension (HD 17-32) 02 Anchorage - Goldenview 50,000 50,000 03 Middle School Audio Visual 04 Equipment (HD 17-32) 05 Anchorage - Goldenview 50,000 50,000 06 Middle School Projector 07 Installation Project (HD 08 17-32) 09 Anchorage - Goose Lake 90,000 90,000 10 Park Building and Boathouse 11 (HD 17-32) 12 Anchorage - Hillside 150,000 150,000 13 District Plan (HD 17-32) 14 Anchorage - Huffman 30,000 30,000 15 Elementary School iMac 16 Computers and Related 17 Software (HD 17-32) 18 Anchorage - Klatt 17,000 17,000 19 Elementary School - Paint 20 Ice Rink Walls and Repair 21 Ice Rink Door (HD 17-32) 22 Anchorage - Klatt 43,000 43,000 23 Elementary School Grounds 24 Landscaping (HD 17-32) 25 Anchorage - Mears Middle 169,600 169,600 26 School - Furnish 32 27 Classrooms (HD 17-32) 28 Anchorage - Mountain Air 4,500,000 4,500,000 29 Drive / Hillside Drive 30 Extension (HD 17-32) 31 Anchorage - O'Malley 30,000 30,000 01 Elementary iMac Computers 02 and Related Software (HD 03 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Oceanview 53,000 53,000 05 Elementary Computer Lab 06 Upgrade (HD 17-32) 07 Anchorage - Oceanview 15,000 15,000 08 Elementary iMac Computers 09 and Related Software (HD 10 17-32) 11 Anchorage - Rabbit Creek 15,000 15,000 12 Elementary Class Room 13 Laptop Computers (HD 14 17-32) 15 Anchorage - Rabbit Creek 12,000 12,000 16 Elementary School Stage 17 Renovation (HD 17-32) 18 Anchorage - Road 2,000,000 2,000,000 19 Construction Funding 20 Inflation Adjustments (HD 21 17-32) 22 Anchorage - Russian Jack 750,000 750,000 23 Park Improvements (HD 24 17-32) 25 Anchorage - Russian 50,000 50,000 26 Jack/Muldoon Weed and Seed 27 Program Support (HD 17-32) 28 Anchorage - Service High 500,000 500,000 29 School Football Field Turf 30 Design (HD 17-32) 31 Anchorage - Service High 20,000 20,000 01 School Voc-tech Building 02 and Trade Supplies (HD 03 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Taku Lake Park 100,000 100,000 05 Safety Upgrade and Trail 06 Improvements (HD 17-32) 07 Anchorage - Totem East 370,000 370,000 08 Anchorage Ball Fields (HD 09 17-32) 10 Anchorage - Yosemite Drive 500,000 500,000 11 Area Drainage Improvements 12 (HD 17-32) 13 Cordova - Wash-Down Slab 60,000 60,000 14 for Boat Haul Out (HD 5) 15 Delta Junction - Street 500,000 500,000 16 Paving and Lighting (HD 17 12) 18 Fairbanks (City of) - J.P. 360,000 360,000 19 Jones Community 20 Development Center Capital 21 Improvements (HD 7-11) 22 Haines Borough - Alaska 60,000 60,000 23 Native Brotherhood Hall 24 Renovation (HD 5) 25 Haines Borough - Chilkat 85,000 85,000 26 Center Emergency Ramp (HD 27 5) 28 Hoonah - Alaska Native 60,000 60,000 29 Brotherhood Hall Renovation 30 (HD 5) 31 Hydaburg - School District 350,000 350,000 01 Purchase and Construction 02 of Staff Homes (HD 5) 03 Kake - Community Building 10,000 10,000 04 Gym Floor Covering (HD 5) 05 Kake - Community Hall 100,000 100,000 06 Repairs (HD 5) 07 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 26,500 26,500 08 Diagnostic Hospital 09 Equipment (HD 33-35) 10 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 475,000 475,000 11 Nikiski Community 12 Recreation Center 13 Modifications (HD 33-35) 14 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 55,000 55,000 15 Nikiski Fire Signage 16 --Station #1 and Station #2 17 (HD 33-35) 18 Ketchikan (City of) - 16,000 16,000 19 Ketchikan Libraries Books 20 and Supplies (HD 1) 21 Klawock - Alaska Native 60,000 60,000 22 Brotherhood Hall 23 Renovations (HD 5) 24 Klawock - Library 25,000 25,000 25 Renovation (HD 5) 26 Kodiak (City of) - Baranof 100,000 100,000 27 Park Improvements (HD 36) 28 Kodiak Island Borough - 100,000 100,000 29 Kodiak Island Regional 30 Ferry Feasibility Study 31 (HD 36) 01 Kodiak Island Borough - 175,000 175,000 02 Peterson Elementary School 03 Seismic Vulnerability 04 Project (HD 36) 05 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 135,000 135,000 06 School District New Loader 07 (HD 13-16) 08 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 185,000 185,000 09 Houston High School 10 Football Field Lights (HD 11 13-16) 12 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 16,117 16,117 13 Palmer High School 14 Bleachers (HD 13-16) 15 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 340,000 340,000 16 Site Selection, Planning, 17 Design and Construction of 18 Safe Shooting Ranges (HD 19 13-16) 20 Petersburg - Frederick 12,000 12,000 21 Point North Subdivision 22 Design Assistance (HD 2) 23 Petersburg - Loader Mount 65,000 65,000 24 Snow Blower (HD 2) 25 Petersburg - Medical Center 34,000 34,000 26 - Pharmacy Information 27 System Module (HD 2) 28 Petersburg - Shooting Range 25,000 25,000 29 Improvements (HD 2) 30 Seldovia - Boat Haul-out 45,500 45,500 31 Trailer (HD 33-35) 01 Seldovia - Smolt Stocking 25,000 25,000 02 for Seldovia Slough (HD 03 33-35) 04 Seward - Waterfront 195,000 195,000 05 Pavilion (HD 33-35) 06 Sitka - Community Hospital 31,000 31,000 07 - Medical Equipment (HD 2) 08 Sitka - Moller Park 300,000 300,000 09 Lighting Improvements (HD 10 2) 11 Sitka - Moller Park 300,000 300,000 12 Synthetic Infield (HD 2) 13 Sitka - Regional Justice 75,000 75,000 14 Center Design Study (HD 2) 15 Sitka - Shooting Range 8,000 8,000 16 Improvements (HD 2) 17 Sitka - Sitka High School 800,000 800,000 18 Auditorium Completion and 19 Theatre Equipment Purchase 20 (HD 2) 21 Sitka - Swan Lake Dock and 100,000 100,000 22 Pedestrian Improvements 23 (HD 2) 24 Sitka - Swan Lake Dredging 250,000 250,000 25 (HD 2) 26 Skagway - Pedestrian Bridge 150,000 150,000 27 Over West Creek (HD 5) 28 Soldotna - Bear Resistant 10,000 10,000 29 Trash Containers (HD 30 33-35) 31 Valdez - New Harbor and 2,000,000 2,000,000 01 Uplands Development (HD 02 12) 03 Wrangell - Medical Center - 39,000 39,000 04 12-Passenger Handicapped 05 Bus (HD 2) 06 Yakutat - Alaska Native 60,000 60,000 07 Brotherhood Hall 08 Renovations (HD 5) 09 Yakutat - Streetlights and 85,000 85,000 10 Electrical Upgrade 11 Preliminary Planning (HD 12 5) 13 Grants to Unincorporated  14  Communities (AS 37.05.317)  15 Naukati Bay - Road 150,000 150,000 16 Completion in Naukati West 17 (HD 5) 18 * * * * * * * * * *  19 * * * * * Department of Corrections * * * * *  20 * * * * * * * * * *  21 Dental Equipment for Lemon 53,000 53,000 22 Creek Correctional Center 23 (HD 3-4) 24 * * * * * * * * * *  25 * * * * * Department of Health and Social Services * * * * *  26 * * * * * * * * * *  27 Fairbanks Youth Facility - 10,000 10,000 28 Climbing Wall (HD 7-11) 29 * * * * * * * * * *  30 * * * * * Department of Military and Veterans Affairs * * * * *  31 * * * * * * * * * *  01 Alaska National Guard - 55,000 55,000 02 Rope Course Long Range 03 Planning and Completion 04 (HD 17-32) 05 * * * * * * * * * *  06 * * * * * Department of Natural Resources * * * * *  07 * * * * * * * * * *  08 Palmer Plant Material 130,000 130,000 09 Center - Virus Free Seed 10 Potato Project (HD 1-40) 11 State Parks Maintenance 136,500 136,500  12 Projects  13 Black Sands Beach State 11,500 14 Marine Park Shelter and 15 Outhouse Replacement (HD 16 1) 17 Settlers Cove State Park 50,000 18 Facilities Upgrades and 19 Road Repair (HD 1) 20 Settlers Cove State Park 50,000 21 Parking Lot Expansion (HD 22 1) 23 Totem Bight State Park 25,000 24 Totem Pole Access Road 25 (HD 1) 26 * * * * * * * * * *  27 * * * * * Department of Transportation/Public Facilities * * * * *  28 * * * * * * * * * *  29 Skwentna Airport Passenger 2,500 2,500 30 and Baggage Facilities (HD 31 13-16) 01 * * * * * * * * * *  02 * * * * * University of Alaska * * * * *  03 * * * * * * * * * *  04 Kenai Peninsula College 50,000 50,000 05 Pre-corrections Officer 06 Orientation and Preparation 07 Training (HD 33-35) 08 (SECTION 8 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 30) 01 * Sec. 8. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 7 of 02 this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development 05 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 36,760,892 06 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 300,000 07 *** Total Agency Funding *** $37,060,892 08 Department of Corrections 09 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 53,000 10 *** Total Agency Funding *** $53,000 11 Department of Health and Social Services 12 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 10,000 13 *** Total Agency Funding *** $10,000 14 Department of Military and Veterans Affairs 15 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 55,000 16 *** Total Agency Funding *** $55,000 17 Department of Natural Resources 18 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 266,500 19 *** Total Agency Funding *** $266,500 20 Department of Transportation/Public Facilities 21 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 2,500 22 *** Total Agency Funding *** $2,500 23 University of Alaska 24 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 50,000 25 *** Total Agency Funding *** $50,000 26 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * $37,497,892 27 (SECTION 9 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 31) 01 * Sec. 9. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 7 of 02 this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 General Funds 05 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 37,197,892 06 ***Total General Funds*** $37,197,892 07 Federal Funds 08 ***Total Federal Funds*** $0 09 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 10 ***Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds*** $0 11 Duplicated Funds 12 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 300,000 13 ***Total Duplicated Funds*** $300,000 14 (SECTION 10 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 32) 01 * Sec. 10. The following appropriation items are for capital projects and grants from the 02 general fund or other funds as set out in section 11 of this Act to the agencies named for the 03 purposes expressed and lapse under AS 37.25.020, unless otherwise noted. 04 Appropriation General Other 05 Allocations Items Funds Funds 06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 * * * * * Department of Administration * * * * *  08 * * * * * * * * * *  09 AOGCC Reservoir Depletion 1,500,000 1,500,000 10 Studies Prior to Major Gas 11 Sales (HD 1-40) 12 Asset Management (HD 1-40) 500,000 500,000 13 Cost of Living Survey (HD 400,000 400,000 14 1-40) 15 Division of Motor Vehicles 2,500,000 2,500,000 16 Alaska License and Vehicle 17 Information Network 18 Replacement (HD 1-40) 19 Facilities Remediation (HD 2,700,000 2,700,000 20 1-40) 21 Maintenance Projects for 250,000 250,000 22 Facilities Outside the 23 Public Building Fund (HD 24 3-4) 25 Microsoft Directory Project 1,750,000 1,750,000 26 Phase 3 (HD 1-40) 27 Network Security (HD 1-40) 2,000,000 2,000,000 28 Public Building Fund 2,500,000 2,500,000 29 Deferred Maintenance (HD 30 1-40) 31 Retirement and Benefits 350,000 6,400 343,600 01 Combined Retirement 02 System Upgrade (HD 1-40) 03 Web Based Banking Services 325,000 325,000 04 (HD 1-40) 05 Facility Deferred 7,618,000 7,618,000  06 Maintenance  07 Archives Office Building 400,000 08 Deferred Maintenance 09 Project (HD 3-4) 10 Atwood Building Deferred 2,710,000 11 Maintenance Projects (HD 12 17-32) 13 Community Building 178,000 14 Deferred Maintenance 15 Project (HD 3-4) 16 Court Plaza Building 400,000 17 Deferred Maintenance 18 Project (HD 3-4) 19 Dimond Courthouse Deferred 800,000 20 Maintenance Project (HD 21 3-4) 22 Governor's House Deferred 230,000 23 Maintenance Projects (HD 24 3-4) 25 Juneau State Office 2,600,000 26 Building Deferred 27 Maintenance Projects (HD 28 3-4) 29 Palmer State Office 200,000 30 Building Deferred 31 Maintenance Project (HD 01 13-16) 02 State Museum Deferred 100,000 03 Maintenance Project (HD 04 3-4) 05 * * * * * * * * * *  06 * * * * * Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development * * * * *  07 * * * * * * * * * *  08 Arctic Power (HD 1-40) 250,000 250,000 09 Investigation System 450,000 450,000 10 Integration (HD 1-40) 11 Kivalina Erosion Protection 3,300,000 3,300,000 12 (HD 40) 13 Licensing Document Imaging 1,200,000 1,200,000 14 and Archival System (HD 15 1-40) 16 Manufacturing Extension 806,401 806,401 17 Program (HD 1-40) 18 Professional Licensing 400,000 400,000 19 Website Development (HD 20 1-40) 21 Public Information System 500,000 500,000 22 Security (HD 1-40) 23 State Regional Cruise Ship 350,000 350,000 24 Impact Study (HD 1-40) 25 Tourism Economic Impact 100,000 100,000 26 Study (HD 1-40) 27 Unalakleet Erosion 5,000,000 5,000,000 28 Protection (HD 39) 29 Grants to Named Recipients  30  (AS 37.05.316)  31 Alaska Air Show 75,000 75,000 01 Association - 2008 Arctic 02 Thunder Airshow (HD 17-32) 03 Alaska Center for Space 150,000 150,000 04 Science Education - One 05 Stop Safety and Survival 06 Training (HD 33-35) 07 Alaska Community 1,500,000 1,500,000 08 Foundation - Alaska's 50th 09 Anniversary of Statehood 10 Celebration (HD 1-40) 11 Alaska Community 1,000,000 1,000,000 12 Foundation - Jesse Lee 13 Home Stabilization Project 14 (HD 33-35) 15 Alaska Judicial Observers, 54,000 54,000 16 Inc. - 17 Recruit/Screen/Train 18 Volunteers to Observe Court 19 Proceedings (HD 17-32) 20 Alaska Laborer's 1,250,000 1,250,000 21 Construction Industry 22 Training Fund - 23 Construction Equipment 24 Purchase (HD 17-32) 25 Alaska Native Veterans 100,200 100,200 26 Association - Alaska 27 Territorial Guard Statue 28 Project (HD 7-11) 29 Alaska State Hospital & 50,000 50,000 30 Nursing Home Association - 31 Anchorage Medical Clinic 01 Study (HD 17-32) 02 Alaska Village Electric 570,000 570,000 03 Cooperative, Inc. - 04 Reimbursement For 05 Relocation Of Fuel Tanks 06 (HD 40) 07 Alutiiq Pride Shellfish 68,000 68,000 08 Hatchery - Alaska King 09 Crab Research and 10 Rehabilitation Project (HD 11 33-35) 12 American Legion Department 1,800,000 1,800,000 13 of Alaska, Inc. - Alaska 14 American Legion Baseball 15 Field Statewide 16 Development (HD 17-32) 17 American Legion Lynn Canal 150,000 150,000 18 Post 12, Inc. - American 19 Legion Hall Renovations 20 (HD 5) 21 American Lung Association 350,000 350,000 22 of Alaska - Asthma Control 23 Program and Champ Camp 24 (HD 17-32) 25 American Red Cross of 125,000 125,000 26 Alaska - Service to Armed 27 Forces Program (HD 1-40) 28 Anchorage Park Foundation - 85,000 85,000 29 Foraker/Marston Road 30 Improvement District Trail 31 And Ball Field Realignment 01 (HD 17-32) 02 Armed Services YMCA of 25,000 25,000 03 Alaska - Fort Wainwright 04 On-Post Van Shuttle 05 Service (HD 7-11) 06 Big Lake Chamber Of 25,000 25,000 07 Commerce, Inc. - Public 08 Access Docks (HD 13-16) 09 Boys & Girls Clubs - 500,000 500,000 10 Purchase South Anchorage & 11 Chugiak/Eagle River 12 Clubhouses (HD 17-32) 13 Camp Fire USA - Camp 435,000 435,000 14 Kushtaka Rebuild (HD 15 33-35) 16 Cape Fox Heritage 52,814 52,814 17 Foundation - Cape Fox 18 Heritage Foundation 19 Technology Training Center 20 (HD 1) 21 Catholic Community 300,000 300,000 22 Resources - Fairbanks 23 Counseling & Adoption (HD 24 7-11) 25 Chugach Electric 200,000 200,000 26 Association - Chugach 27 Electric Power Line 28 Relocation in Hope - Hazard 29 Mitigation (HD 17-32) 30 Cook Inlet Housing 1,500,000 1,500,000 31 Authority - Eklutna Estates 01 Community Center (HD 02 17-32) 03 Cook Inlet Housing 3,500,000 3,500,000 04 Authority - Workforce 05 Development Student 06 Housing and Day Care 07 Facility Services (HD 08 17-32) 09 Cook Inlet Regional 72,000 72,000 10 Citizens Advisory Council - 11 Cook Inlet Ice Conditions 12 Analysis and Forecast 13 Equipment (HD 33-35) 14 Cook Inlet Tribal Council 3,000,000 3,000,000 15 - Develop/Purchase 16 "Chanlyut" Facility (HD 17 17-32) 18 Copper Valley Electric 1,000,000 1,000,000 19 Association - Allison Lake 20 Hydro Development License 21 Application (HD 12) 22 Copper Valley Electric 2,000,000 2,000,000 23 Association - Glennallen 24 Diesel Plant Upgrade (HD 25 12) 26 Copper Valley Electric 1,500,000 1,500,000 27 Association - Intertie 28 Construction Cost Recovery 29 (HD 12) 30 Copper Valley Electric 500,000 500,000 31 Association - Valdez Diesel 01 Plant Substation Upgrade 02 (HD 12) 03 Douglas Island Pink and 390,000 390,000 04 Chum, Inc. - Hatchery Net 05 Pen Replacement (HD 5) 06 Eagle River Lions Club - 380,000 380,000 07 Park Upgrades (HD 17-32) 08 Fairbanks Drama 25,000 25,000 09 Association - Building 10 Improvements (HD 7-11) 11 Fairbanks Economic 300,000 300,000 12 Development Corporation - 13 Synthetic Fuel Design 14 Engineering (HD 7-11) 15 Fairbanks Volunteers In 50,000 50,000 16 Policing - Meth Watch 17 Program (HD 7-11) 18 Funny River Chamber of 135,000 135,000 19 Commerce and Community 20 Association - Covered 21 Multi-Use Facility (HD 22 33-35) 23 Girdwood Volunteer Fire 440,000 440,000 24 Department - Girdwood 25 Water Tender 41 (HD 17-32) 26 Glenn Rich Fire and Rescue 150,000 150,000 27 - Building Construction 28 (HD 6) 29 Goldstream Valley Lions 23,000 23,000 30 Club - Goldstream Valley 31 Park And Community Center 01 Well (HD 7-11) 02 Great Alaska Council Boy 377,500 377,500 03 Scouts of America - Denali 04 High Adventure Scout Base 05 Bathroom and Shower 06 Facilities Construction 07 (HD 1-40) 08 Homer Electric Association 250,000 250,000 09 - Hazardous Tree Removal 10 Project (HD 33-35) 11 Homer Electric Association 1,100,000 1,100,000 12 - South Kachemak Bay Cable 13 Replacement Project (HD 14 33-35) 15 Homer Electric Association 12,500,000 12,500,000 16 - Upgrade Electrical 17 Distribution and 18 Transmission System (HD 19 33-35) 20 Kenai Peninsula Food Bank 22,500 22,500 21 - Building Improvements 22 and Maintenance (HD 33-35) 23 Kotzebue Broadcasting, 32,000 32,000 24 Inc.- FM Translator 25 Project (HD 40) 26 Kuspuk School District - 400,000 400,000 27 Joseph and Olinga Gregory 28 School Project Cost 29 Overruns (HD 38) 30 Maniilaq Association - 50,000 50,000 31 Mavsigviq Water System 01 (HD 40) 02 Native Village of Diomede 420,000 420,000 03 - New Clinic Building (HD 04 39) 05 Ninilchik Senior Citizens - 22,500 22,500 06 Senior Center Upgrades (HD 07 33-35) 08 Norton Sound Health 100,000 100,000 09 Corporation - Residential 10 Mental Health & Substance 11 Abuse Treatment Facility 12 (HD 39) 13 Salcha Rescue Inc. - 240,000 240,000 14 Emergency Response 15 Equipment (HD 12) 16 Silakkuagvik 73,000 73,000 17 Communications, Inc. - 18 KBRW Equipment, 19 Engineering and Logistics 20 Grant (HD 40) 21 Sitka Sound Science Center 250,000 250,000 22 - Sheldon Jackson Hatchery 23 Training Facility (HD 2) 24 Soldotna Area Senior 67,500 67,500 25 Citizens, Inc. - ADA 26 Walkway Project (HD 33-35) 27 South Peninsula Hospital - 10,225 10,225 28 Hospital Cell Phone 29 Repeater Antenna (HD 30 33-35) 31 Sterling Area Senior 125,000 125,000 01 Citizens, Inc. - Building 02 and Equipment Repair & 03 Replacement (HD 33-35) 04 Sterling Community Club, 300,000 300,000 05 Inc. - Sterling Education 06 Multi-Use Facility (HD 07 33-35) 08 Strelna Volunteer Fire 100,000 100,000 09 Department - Fire 10 Department Building (HD 6) 11 Takshanuk Watershed Council 72,000 72,000 12 - Big Boulder Creek 13 Enhancements (HD 5) 14 Takshanuk Watershed Council 60,000 60,000 15 - Comstock Road Culvert 16 Replacements (HD 5) 17 Tok Community Umbrella 500,000 500,000 18 Corporation - Upper Tanana 19 Valley Wood Chipper 20 Project (HD 6) 21 United Nonprofits - 370,000 370,000 22 Mortgage & Renovations (HD 23 17-32) 24 Valdez Fisheries 245,000 245,000 25 Development Association 26 Inc. - Cold Storage 27 Project Land Acquisition 28 and Site Preparation (HD 29 12) 30 Willow Area Community 13,775 13,775 31 Organization - Emergency 01 Supplies Storage (HD 02 13-16) 03 Willow Area Seniors, Inc. 100,000 100,000 04 - Bring Power to Willow 05 Area Senior Campus (HD 06 13-16) 07 Wrangell Head Start 25,000 25,000 08 -Tlingit/Haida Central 09 Council - Covered 10 Playground Construction 11 (HD 2) 12 Youth Exploring Adventure, 600,000 600,000 13 Inc - Hilltop Ski Area New 14 Base Facility Construction 15 (HD 17-32) 16 Youth Exploring Adventure, 400,000 400,000 17 Inc. - Hilltop Ski Area 18 Replacement Chairlift (HD 19 17-32) 20 YWCA of Anchorage - Youth 50,000 50,000 21 Development Programs (HD 22 17-32) 23 Grants to Municipalities  24  (AS 37.05.315)  25 Anchorage - 120th Avenue 600,000 600,000 26 Pedestrian and Road Safety 27 Upgrades - Oceanview 28 Elementary (HD 17-32) 29 Anchorage - 40th Avenue 10,000,000 10,000,000 30 Extension Lake Otis 31 Parkway to Dale Street (HD 01 17-32) 02 Anchorage - 6th Avenue 2,900,000 2,900,000 03 Reconstruction - Patterson 04 Street to Muldoon Road (HD 05 17-32) 06 Anchorage - 73rd Avenue 1,200,000 1,200,000 07 Upgrade - Petersburg Street 08 to Basel Street (HD 17-32) 09 Anchorage - 74th Avenue 1,200,000 1,200,000 10 Upgrade - Petersburg Street 11 to Basel Street (HD 17-32) 12 Anchorage - 79th Avenue 475,000 475,000 13 Upgrade - Hartzell Road to 14 Petersburg Street (HD 15 17-32) 16 Anchorage - 88th Avenue 8,000,000 8,000,000 17 Upgrade (RTP) (HD 17-32) 18 Anchorage - 9th Avenue 4,500,000 4,500,000 19 Safety Reconstruction - L 20 Street to Latouche Street 21 (HD 17-32) 22 Anchorage - Abbott Loop 12,000 12,000 23 Elementary School Purchase 24 New Art Room Supplies & 25 Storage Racks (HD 17-32) 26 Anchorage - Abbott Loop 5,000 5,000 27 Elementary School Purchase 28 New Library Chairs (HD 29 17-32) 30 Anchorage - Abbott Loop 50,000 50,000 31 Elementary School Replace 01 Carpeting in Entrances and 02 Pod Area Classrooms (HD 03 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Airport Heights 25,000 25,000 05 Area Traffic and Pedestrian 06 Safety (HD 17-32) 07 Anchorage - Airport Heights 15,000 15,000 08 Elementary School 09 Furniture Replacement (HD 10 17-32) 11 Anchorage - Arlene Street 60,000 60,000 12 Safety And Curb 13 Improvements - 70th to 71st 14 Avenue (HD 17-32) 15 Anchorage - Baxter 30,000 30,000 16 Elementary School - 17 Exterior Panel Upgrade (HD 18 17-32) 19 Anchorage - Campbell 250,000 250,000 20 Airstrip Road Improvements 21 (HD 17-32) 22 Anchorage - Campbell 315,000 315,000 23 Elementary School Asphalt 24 and Sidewalk Repairs (HD 25 17-32) 26 Anchorage - Campbell 175,000 175,000 27 Elementary School CCTV 28 and Security System 29 Upgrade (HD 17-32) 30 Anchorage - Campbell 50,000 50,000 31 Elementary School Computer 01 Lab Equipment (HD 17-32) 02 Anchorage - Campbell 300,000 300,000 03 Elementary School Domestic 04 HWH and HW Pumps and H&C 05 Water (HD 17-32) 06 Anchorage - Campbell 400,000 400,000 07 Elementary School Upgraded 08 Classroom Lighting (HD 09 17-32) 10 Anchorage - Canal Street 150,000 150,000 11 At Victoria Court Drain 12 Improvements (HD 17-32) 13 Anchorage - Chinook 10,000 10,000 14 Elementary School Winter 15 Physical Education 16 Equipment (HD 17-32) 17 Anchorage - Chugiak 1,000,000 1,000,000 18 Birchwood Eagle River 19 Rural Road Service Area 20 (HD 17-32) 21 Anchorage - Downtown 3,000,000 3,000,000 22 Traffic and Pedestrian 23 Safety Improvements (HD 24 17-32) 25 Anchorage - Eagle River 35,000 35,000 26 Elementary School Library 27 / Technology Upgrades (HD 28 17-32) 29 Anchorage - Eagle River 1,200,000 1,200,000 30 Town Center (HD 17-32) 31 Anchorage - Edward Street 3,500,000 3,500,000 01 Safety Upgrade - 6th Avenue 02 to Debarr Road (HD 17-32) 03 The previous appropriation is contingent on the listed community providing an equal match 04 from sources other than the state or federal government. 05 Anchorage - Fire 750,000 750,000 06 Department Station 12 07 Renovation (HD 17-32) 08 Anchorage - Fire Lake 10,000 10,000 09 Elementary School 10 Replacement of Unsafe 11 Sports Equipment (HD 12 17-32) 13 Anchorage - Gladys Wood 65,000 65,000 14 Elementary PA System Gym 15 And MPR (HD 17-32) 16 Anchorage - Glenn Highway/ 550,000 550,000 17 Eagle Glen Subdivision 18 Area Drainage (HD 17-32) 19 Anchorage - Goldenview 850,000 850,000 20 Drive Upgrade/Extension - 21 Romania to Potter Valley 22 Road (HD 17-32) 23 Anchorage - Goldenview 150,000 150,000 24 Middle School 25 Electrical/Data Upgrade 26 (HD 17-32) 27 Anchorage - Hanshew Middle 235,000 235,000 28 School - Purchase 29 Computers and Equipment 30 for Computer Lab (HD 31 17-32) 01 Anchorage - Hanshew Middle 50,000 50,000 02 School - Replace Student 03 Lockers (HD 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Hillside Fire 180,000 180,000 05 Station Renovations (HD 06 17-32) 07 Anchorage - Hillside 850,000 850,000 08 Transportation and Safety: 09 Rabbit Creek Road 10 Intersection Safety 11 Improvements (HD 17-32) 12 Anchorage - Independence 3,250,000 3,250,000 13 Dr. Reconstruction - Abbott 14 Road To Ridgemont Road 15 (HD 17-32) 16 Anchorage - Jewel Lake 500,000 500,000 17 Road Construction Of 18 Missing Pedestrian And 19 Storm Drain Facilities 20 (HD 17-32) 21 Anchorage - Kasuun 15,000 15,000 22 Elementary School Purchase 23 and Install School Sign 24 with Reader Board (HD 25 17-32) 26 Anchorage - Kasuun 33,000 33,000 27 Elementary School Purchase 28 New Camera & Projector for 29 Classrooms (HD 17-32) 30 Anchorage - Kasuun 5,300 5,300 31 Elementary School Purchase 01 Software Licenses (HD 02 17-32) 03 Anchorage - Meadow Street 1,000,000 1,000,000 04 Safety and Drainage Upgrade 05 - 72nd Avenue to Lore Road 06 (HD 17-32) 07 Anchorage - Police 500,000 500,000 08 Department Eagle River 09 Sub-Station Relocation (HD 10 17-32) 11 Anchorage - Rabbit Creek 18,000 18,000 12 Elementary School 13 Classroom & Computer Lab 14 Upgrade (HD 17-32) 15 Anchorage - Raspberry Road 1,100,000 1,100,000 16 Upgrade - Arctic Blvd To C 17 St (HD 17-32) 18 Anchorage - Renovate Park 200,000 200,000 19 Strip 8 Tennis Court 20 Complex (HD 17-32) 21 Anchorage - Ruth Arcand 200,000 200,000 22 Park - Playground 23 Equipment (HD 17-32) 24 Anchorage - School District 400,000 400,000 25 Principal's Priorities in 26 District 32 (HD 17-32) 27 Anchorage - Scotty Gomez 30,000 30,000 28 Skating Rink Tikishla Park 29 Improvements (HD 17-32) 30 Anchorage - Service High 61,000 61,000 31 School - Purchase Computer 01 Equipment for Classroom 02 Technology Upgrades (HD 03 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Service High 7,000 7,000 05 School - Purchase Cross 06 Country Ski's for PE (HD 07 17-32) 08 Anchorage - Service High 125,000 125,000 09 School - Repair Bleachers 10 (HD 17-32) 11 Anchorage - Service High 1,500,000 1,500,000 12 School Football Field Turf 13 Installation (HD 17-32) 14 Anchorage - Service High 20,000 20,000 15 School Science Equipment, 16 Instructional Aids, and 17 Science Supplies (HD 18 17-32) 19 Anchorage - South High 500,000 500,000 20 School Artificial Turf 21 Field Design (HD 17-32) 22 Anchorage - Spring Hill 175,000 175,000 23 Elementary School - 24 CCTV/Security System 25 Upgrade (HD 17-32) 26 Anchorage - Spring Hill 45,000 45,000 27 Elementary School - 28 Purchase Classroom 29 Projectors (HD 17-32) 30 Anchorage - Spring Hill 54,000 54,000 31 Elementary School - 01 Purchase New Laptops for 02 Staff Members (HD 17-32) 03 Anchorage - Storm 50,000 50,000 04 Reconstruction in Pine St 05 and 4th Ave Area (HD 06 17-32) 07 Anchorage - Swimming 2,000,000 2,000,000 08 Pools, Upgrades (HD 17-32) 09 Anchorage - Taku 5,000 5,000 10 Elementary School Purchase 11 and Install "AIRPORT" 12 Type Wireless Application 13 (HD 17-32) 14 Anchorage - Taku 7,500 7,500 15 Elementary School Purchase 16 of Emergency Preparedness 17 Materials (HD 17-32) 18 Anchorage - Taku 10,000 10,000 19 Elementary School Roof 20 Repair Over Main Office 21 Hallway (HD 17-32) 22 Anchorage - Trailside 175,000 175,000 23 Elementary School - 24 CCTV/Security Upgrade 25 (HD 17-32) 26 Anchorage - Trailside 10,000 10,000 27 Elementary School - 28 Purchase Lexia Software for 29 Computer Lab (HD 17-32) 30 Anchorage - Trailside 40,000 40,000 31 Elementary School - 01 Purchase Smart Boards (HD 02 17-32) 03 Anchorage - Tudor Centre 8,000,000 8,000,000 04 Drive Extension - Tudor 05 Road to 48th Avenue (HD 06 17-32) 07 Coffman Cove - Purchase 225,000 225,000 08 Boat Hauler (HD 1) 09 Delta Junction - Downtown 1,500,000 1,500,000 10 Arterial & School Bus 11 Route Road Paving (HD 12) 12 Egegik - Landfill Fencing 50,000 50,000 13 (HD 37) 14 Fairbanks (City of) - Fire 500,000 500,000 15 Engine Replacement (HD 16 7-11) 17 Fairbanks (City of) - Road 155,000 155,000 18 Improvements Surrounding 19 Illinois Street (HD 7-11) 20 Fairbanks (City of) - South 155,000 155,000 21 Fairbanks Street 22 Resurfacing (HD 7-11) 23 Fairbanks North Star 22,000 22,000 24 Borough - CPS Student 25 Response System for 26 Fairbanks Elementary & 27 Middle Schools (HD 7-11) 28 Fairbanks North Star 18,000 18,000 29 Borough - Lathrop High 30 School Athletic, Fitness & 31 Wellness Equipment 01 Replacement (HD 7-11) 02 Fairbanks North Star 19,000 19,000 03 Borough - Lathrop High 04 School Library Book 05 Security System 06 Replacement (HD 7-11) 07 Fairbanks North Star 876,000 876,000 08 Borough - School District 09 Area-wide Fuel Oil Tank 10 Replacement (HD 7-11) 11 Fairbanks North Star 49,000 49,000 12 Borough - School District 13 Secondary Schools 14 Classroom Technology Grant 15 (HD 7-11) 16 Fairbanks North Star 19,000 19,000 17 Borough - Tanana Middle 18 School Library Book 19 Security System (HD 7-11) 20 Fort Yukon - Purchase 50,000 50,000 21 Heavy Equipment for Public 22 Works (HD 6) 23 Haines Borough - American 375,000 375,000 24 Bald Eagle Foundation 25 Eagle Mew / Raptor Center 26 (HD 5) 27 Haines Borough - Boy Scout 100,000 100,000 28 Camp Upgrades (HD 5) 29 Homer - Spit Trail 150,000 150,000 30 Completion/ Harbor 31 Pathways (HD 33-35) 01 Houston - Fire Department 30,000 30,000 02 Replacement of Substandard 03 Personal Protective 04 Equipment (HD 13-16) 05 Houston - Purchase Of New 35,415 35,415 06 Public Safety Animal 07 Control Vehicle (HD 13-16) 08 Houston - Transportation 70,000 70,000 09 Safety Project: 10 Reconstruction of 11 Substandard Roads (HD 12 13-16) 13 Kenai (City of) - Kenai 50,000 50,000 14 Soccer Park Maintenance 15 Building (HD 33-35) 16 Kenai (City of) - Log 7,500 7,500 17 Cabin Historical Site - 18 Community Playground (HD 19 33-35) 20 Kenai (City of) - Public 1,000,000 1,000,000 21 Improvements (HD 33-35) 22 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 750,000 750,000 23 Central Emergency Service 24 Area Static Fire Fighting 25 Water Supply (HD 33-35) 26 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 300,000 300,000 27 CPHSA Serenity House 28 Expansion (HD 33-35) 29 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 400,000 400,000 30 Junk Vehicle Removal (HD 31 33-35) 01 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 4,500,000 4,500,000 02 Nikiski Fire Service 03 Station #2 (HD 33-35) 04 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 10,000 10,000 05 Nikiski Senior Service 06 Area: Equipment Purchases 07 (HD 33-35) 08 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 8,400,000 8,400,000 09 Road Improvements (HD 10 33-35) 11 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 50,000 50,000 12 Road Improvements To 13 Access Voznesenka And 14 Kachemak Selo Schools (HD 15 33-35) 16 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 505,000 505,000 17 School District Equipment 18 and Supplies Grant (HD 19 33-35) 20 Ketchikan (City of) - 150,000 150,000 21 Design of Baranof Water 22 Reservoir Replacement (HD 23 1) 24 Ketchikan Gateway Borough - 1,000,000 1,000,000 25 Completion Of The Fawn 26 Mountain Sports Field (HD 27 1) 28 Ketchikan Gateway Borough - 75,000 75,000 29 Ketchikan Indian Community 30 Education And Cultural 31 Center (HD 1) 01 Ketchikan Gateway Borough - 50,000 50,000 02 Public Works Vehicle 03 Purchase (HD 1) 04 Kodiak Island Borough - 130,000 130,000 05 Areawide School Supplies & 06 Equipment (HD 36) 07 Lake & Peninsula Borough - 60,000 60,000 08 Areawide School Supplies & 09 Equipment (HD 36) 10 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 10,000 10,000 11 Big Lake Elementary School 12 Boiler Upgrades (HD 13-16) 13 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 14 Big Lake Elementary School 15 Library/Technology Upgrade 16 (HD 13-16) 17 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 18 Big Lake FSA No. 33 New 19 Fire Fighting Equipment 20 and Building Maintenance 21 (HD 13-16) 22 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 23 Big Lake RSA #21 Upgrade 24 Service Area Roads (HD 25 13-16) 26 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 27 Butte Elementary School 28 Library/ Technology Upgrade 29 (HD 13-16) 30 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 40,000 40,000 31 Butte Volunteer Fire 01 Department Fire Safety 02 Equipment Upgrade (HD 03 13-16) 04 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 05 Caswell Lakes RSA #15 06 Upgrade Service Area Roads 07 (HD 13-16) 08 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 25,000 25,000 09 Central Mat-Su Fire 10 Department Station 63 11 Horizon PSB Fire Safety 12 Equipment (HD 13-16) 13 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 500,000 500,000 14 Culvert Replacement 15 Program (HD 13-16) 16 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 17 Goose Bay Elementary 18 School Library/Technology 19 Upgrade (HD 13-16) 20 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 21 Greater Butte RSA #26: 22 Upgrade Service Area Roads 23 (HD 13-16) 24 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 25 Houston High School 26 Library/Technology Upgrade 27 (HD 13-16) 28 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 29 Houston Middle School 30 Library/Technology Upgrade 31 (HD 13-16) 01 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 02 Lazy Mountain RSA #19: 03 Upgrade Service Area Roads 04 (HD 13-16) 05 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 06 Meadow Lakes RSA #27 07 Upgrade Service Area Roads 08 (HD 13-16) 09 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 10 Mid-Valley High School 11 Library/Technology Upgrade 12 (HD 13-16) 13 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 14 Midnight Sun Family 15 Learning Center 16 Library/Technology Upgrade 17 (HD 13-16) 18 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 100,000 100,000 19 Rescue Equipment (HD 20 13-16) 21 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 22 Snowshoe Elementary 23 School: Library/Technology 24 Upgrade (HD 13-16) 25 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 26 Su Valley Jr./Sr, High 27 School Library/Technology 28 Upgrade (HD 13-16) 29 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 600,000 600,000 30 Sutton Library Land 31 Acquisition (HD 13-16) 01 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 225,000 225,000 02 Sutton Volunteer Fire 03 Department Maintenance and 04 Equipment (HD 12) 05 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 06 Talkeetna Elementary 07 School Library/Technology 08 Upgrade (HD 13-16) 09 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 10 Talkeetna FSA No. 24 11 Purchase of New Equipment 12 and Maintenance (HD 13-16) 13 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 14 Talkeetna RSA #29 Upgrade 15 Service Area Roads (HD 16 13-16) 17 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 18 Trapper Creek Elementary 19 School Library/Technology 20 Upgrade (HD 13-16) 21 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 22 Trapper Creek RSA #30 23 Upgrade Service Area Roads 24 (HD 13-16) 25 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 36,000 36,000 26 Vocational Training 27 Program Supplies (HD 12) 28 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 29 Willow Area RSA #20 30 Upgrade Service Area Roads 31 (HD 13-16) 01 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 02 Willow Elementary School 03 Library/Technology Upgrade 04 (HD 13-16) 05 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 2,500 2,500 06 Willow Elementary School 07 Playground Fencing (HD 08 13-16) 09 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 10 Willow FSA No. 35 11 Purchase of New Equipment 12 and Maintenance (HD 13-16) 13 Newhalen - Septic Pumper 130,000 130,000 14 Truck (HD 36) 15 Nome - Fire Fighting 500,000 500,000 16 Vehicle (HD 39) 17 Nome - Recreation Center 500,000 500,000 18 Space Reorganization 19 Upgrades (HD 39) 20 Nondalton - Fuel Truck (HD 50,000 50,000 21 36) 22 North Pole - North Pole 40,000 40,000 23 Economic Development 24 Project (HD 7-11) 25 Northwest Arctic Borough - 250,000 250,000 26 Kivalina Dump Truck (HD 27 40) 28 Northwest Arctic Borough - 150,000 150,000 29 Regional Magnet School (HD 30 40) 31 Old Harbor - Park 65,000 65,000 01 Renovation and Multi-Use 02 Sports Field (HD 36) 03 Palmer - Palmer High 1,500,000 1,500,000 04 School Field Turf Project 05 (HD 13-16) 06 Petersburg - Solid Waste 80,000 80,000 07 Baler Rebuild Project (HD 08 2) 09 Port Heiden - Grader & 300,000 300,000 10 Dozer (HD 37) 11 Russian Mission - 12,562 12,562 12 Community Center 13 Renovation (HD 6) 14 Saxman - Saxman Seaport 750,000 750,000 15 (HD 1) 16 Saxman - Saxman Totem 175,000 175,000 17 Pole Restoration (HD 1) 18 Seward - Fish Ditch 61,250 61,250 19 Restoration (HD 33-35) 20 Seward - Long Term Care 400,000 400,000 21 Center Construction (HD 22 33-35) 23 Seward - Purchase of 2,000,000 2,000,000 24 Back-up Generators (HD 25 33-35) 26 Soldotna - Montessori Model 15,000 15,000 27 United Nations 28 Participation Expenses (HD 29 33-35) 30 Soldotna - Roads, Water and 1,100,000 1,100,000 31 Sewer Projects (HD 33-35) 01 Unalaska - Geothermal 1,500,000 1,500,000 02 Exploration (HD 37) 03 Valdez - Flood Mitigation 1,000,000 1,000,000 04 Project (HD 12) 05 Valdez - Small Boat Harbor 500,000 500,000 06 Expansion (HD 12) 07 Whittier - Whittier Creek 150,000 150,000 08 Levee Stabilization (HD 09 17-32) 10 Wrangell - Heat 50,000 50,000 11 Transformer Replacements 12 And Upgrades (HD 2) 13 Wrangell - Police 4-Wheel 45,000 45,000 14 Drive Enforcement Vehicle 15 (HD 2) 16 Grants to Unincorporated  17  Communities (AS 37.05.317)  18 Central - Central Cemetery 10,000 10,000 19 And Road Improvements (HD 20 6) 21 Chalkyitsik - Overhead 100,000 100,000 22 Electrical Distribution 23 System Wiring Renovation 24 (HD 6) 25 Karluk - Playground 50,000 50,000 26 Equipment (HD 36) 27 Kasilof - Cohoe Cemetery 70,000 70,000 28 Columbarium (HD 33-35) 29 Kenny Lake - Potable Water 40,000 40,000 30 Resource Project (HD 6) 31 Kokhanok - Septic Pumper 40,000 40,000 01 Truck (HD 36) 02 Levelock - Septic Pumping 43,000 43,000 03 Equipment (HD 36) 04 Slana - Slana Roads 11,000 11,000 05 Maintenance (HD 6) 06 Sleetmute - Construction 200,000 200,000 07 Of Community Center (HD 08 6) 09 Tyonek - Fire Truck 45,000 45,000 10 Acquisition (HD 6) 11 * * * * * * * * * *  12 * * * * * Department of Corrections * * * * *  13 * * * * * * * * * *  14 Deferred Maintenance, 8,678,000 8,678,000  15 Renewal, Replacement,  16 Renovation, Remodeling and  17 Repairs  18 Anchorage Correctional 800,000 19 Complex Project (HD 17-32) 20 Anvil Mountain Correctional 1,044,000 21 Center Projects (HD 39) 22 Combined Hiland Mountain 800,000 23 Correctional Center 24 Projects (HD 17-32) 25 Fairbanks Correctional 600,000 26 Center Projects (HD 7-11) 27 Ketchikan Correctional 1,000,000 28 Center Project (HD 1) 29 Lemon Creek Correctional 350,000 30 Center Project (HD 3-4) 31 Palmer Correctional Center 782,000 01 Projects (HD 13-16) 02 Point MacKenzie 130,000 03 Correctional Farm Project 04 (HD 13-16) 05 Spring Creek Correctional 1,200,000 06 Center Project (HD 33-35) 07 Wildwood Correctional 85,000 08 Center Project (HD 33-35) 09 Yukon-Kuskokwim 1,887,000 10 Correctional Center 11 Projects (HD 38) 12 * * * * * * * * * *  13 * * * * * Department of Education and Early Development * * * * *  14 * * * * * * * * * *  15 Outreach and Compliance 40,000 40,000 16 Access Database Project 17 (HD 1-40) 18 Alaska Commission on Post 2,500,000 2,500,000 19 Secondary Education - 20 Alaska Advantage Education 21 Grants (HD 1-40) 22 Major Maintenance Grant  23  Fund (AS 14.11.007)  24 Delta High School 9,500,000 9,500,000 25 Renovations, Weatherization 26 and Heating Improvements 27 (HD 12) 28 Grants to Named Recipients  29  (AS 37.05.316)  30 Alaska Gateway School 30,000 30,000 31 District - Playground 01 Equipment Upgrade In Tok 02 (HD 6) 03 Alaska Gateway School 30,000 30,000 04 District - Repair Teacher 05 Housing Northway (HD 6) 06 Chatham School District - 20,000 20,000 07 Klukwan School Gymnasium 08 Bleachers (HD 5) 09 Chatham School District - 40,000 40,000 10 Laptop Computer Purchase 11 (HD 5) 12 Chatham School District - 40,000 40,000 13 Student Transportation Van 14 for Gustavus School (HD 5) 15 Copper River School 100,000 100,000 16 District - Glennallen High 17 School Fire Alarm and 18 Security System Upgrade 19 (HD 12) 20 Copper River School 50,000 50,000 21 District - Glennallen High 22 School Vocational 23 Equipment Purchase (HD 12) 24 Delta-Greely School 50,000 50,000 25 District - Vocational 26 Training Supplies and 27 Equipment (HD 12) 28 Tanana City School 25,000 25,000 29 District - Maudrey J. 30 Sommer School Laptop 31 Computers (HD 6) 01 Tanana City School 36,000 36,000 02 District - Repair School 03 Bus (HD 6) 04 Valdez School District - 50,000 50,000 05 Vocational Training Grant 06 (HD 12) 07 Yukon Koyukuk School 160,000 160,000 08 District - District-wide 09 New Carpet and Interior 10 Paint (HD 6) 11 Yukon-Koyukuk School 100,000 100,000 12 District - District-wide 13 Mechanical Systems 14 Planning and Design (HD 6) 15 * * * * * * * * * *  16 * * * * * Department of Fish and Game * * * * *  17 * * * * * * * * * *  18 Assessment of Pacific 150,000 150,000 19 Salmon Resources in AYK, 20 Northern Region (HD 40) 21 Cordova Area Skate Fishery 50,000 50,000 22 Development (HD 5) 23 Crew Member Fishing 150,000 150,000 24 Participation Database 25 Design/Development (HD 26 1-40) 27 Fairbanks Regional Office 2,000,000 2,000,000 28 Enclosed Secure Storage 29 Compound 30 Design/Construction (HD 31 7-11) 01 Installation of Capstone 125,000 125,000 02 Avionics for Wildlife 03 Conservation Aircraft (HD 04 1-40) 05 Juneau Hunter Education 338,000 338,000 06 Indoor Shooting Range 07 Completion (HD 3-4) 08 Juneau Hunter Education 50,000 50,000 09 Indoor Shooting Range 10 Completion (HD 3-4) 11 Kanalku Lake - Angoon Fish 200,000 200,000 12 Ladder (HD 5) 13 Kodiak Aircraft Hangar 225,000 225,000 14 Upgrade (HD 36) 15 Kodiak Near Island 2,000,000 2,000,000 16 Facility (HD 36) 17 Licensing Point of Sale 200,000 200,000 18 System (HD 1-40) 19 Power Backup for Genetics 100,000 100,000 20 Laboratory (HD 17-32) 21 Statewide Deferred 1,000,000 1,000,000 22 Maintenance, Repair, 23 Upgrades, and Equipment 24 (HD 1-40) 25 Subsistence Technical and 127,400 127,400 26 Scientific Reporting 27 Integration into Department 28 Database (HD 1-40) 29 Statewide Facility Deferred 1,900,000 1,900,000  30 Maintenance  31 Emmonak Bunkhouse 550,000 01 Replacement (HD 39) 02 Tok Compound 700,000 03 Replacements/Upgrades (HD 04 6) 05 Statewide Facility Roofing 400,000 06 and Siding Replacement 07 Projects (HD 1-40) 08 Statewide Field Camp 250,000 09 Housing Replacement 10 Projects (HD 1-40) 11 * * * * * * * * * *  12 * * * * * Department of Labor and Workforce Development * * * * *  13 * * * * * * * * * *  14 Alaska Labor Exchange 600,000 600,000 15 System Enhancement and Gas 16 Pipeline Skills Inventory 17 (HD 1-40) 18 Alaska Works Partnership - 6,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 19 Fairbanks Pipeline Training 20 Center (HD 7-11) 21 AVTEC Culinary Building 8,659,000 8,659,000 22 Replacement and 23 Instructional Equipment 24 (HD 33-35) 25 AVTEC Deferred 1,727,000 1,727,000 26 Maintenance (HD 33-35) 27 AVTEC Maritime Safety 3,350,000 1,350,000 2,000,000 28 Training Facility (HD 29 33-35) 30 AVTEC Student Database 400,000 400,000 31 System (HD 33-35) 01 AVTEC Student Records 100,000 100,000 02 Archival System (HD 33-35) 03 Business Services 3,700,000 3,700,000 04 Management Information 05 System (HD 1-40) 06 Labor Standards Certified 160,700 160,700 07 Payroll System 08 Enhancements (HD 1-40) 09 Vocational Rehabilitation 250,000 250,000 10 Accounting Interface with 11 AKSAS (HD 1-40) 12 * * * * * * * * * *  13 * * * * * Department of Law * * * * *  14 * * * * * * * * * *  15 CRIMES Database Upgrade 200,000 200,000 16 (HD 1-40) 17 * * * * * * * * * *  18 * * * * * Department of Military and Veterans Affairs * * * * *  19 * * * * * * * * * *  20 Statewide Facility Deferred 7,911,915 6,142,000 1,769,915  21 Maintenance  22 Alaska Military Youth 1,984,023 23 Academy - Building Repair 24 and Compliance, and 25 Emergency Equipment (HD 26 17-32) 27 Alcantra Armory (Wasilla) 1,370,000 28 - Roof Replacement and 29 Painting, Security 30 Installation, and Equipment 31 (HD 13-16) 01 Bethel Readiness Center - 85,000 02 Stairwell, Fire Escape, 03 Fuel Tank and Building 04 Repair (HD 38) 05 Camp Carroll - Building 625,000 06 Upgrades for Code 07 Compliance (HD 17-32) 08 Camp Denali - Security 442,892 09 System (HD 17-32) 10 Fairbanks Readiness Center 500,000 11 - Roof Replacement (HD 12 7-11) 13 Kotzebue Readiness Center - 1,205,000 14 Roof Replacement, Building 15 Repair, and Fuel Tank 16 Replacement. (HD 40) 17 Nome Readiness Center - 1,700,000 18 Water, Sewer and Energy 19 Efficiencies (HD 39) 20 * * * * * * * * * *  21 * * * * * Department of Natural Resources * * * * *  22 * * * * * * * * * *  23 Alaska Land Mobile Radio - 450,000 450,000 24 FCC Narrowanding Phase 2 25 (HD 1-40) 26 Architecture and 1,500,000 1,500,000 27 Engineering for a New 28 Geologic Material Center in 29 Eagle River - Phase 1 (HD 30 17-32) 31 Cook Inlet Energy 260,000 260,000 01 Assessment (HD 1-40) 02 Cooperative Water Resource 300,000 300,000 03 Program - Division of 04 Mining, Land and Water 05 (HD 1-40) 06 Cooperative Water Resource 300,000 300,000 07 Program - Office of 08 Habitat Management & 09 Permitting (HD 1-40) 10 DNR Document Management 1,200,000 1,200,000 11 System (HD 1-40) 12 DNR Information 276,000 276,000 13 Technology Infrastructure 14 Upgrades Phase 1 (HD 1-40) 15 EVOS Parcel Acquisition - 10,000,000 10,000,000 16 Afognak (HD 36) 17 EVOS Restoration 1,513,000 1,513,000 18 Acquisition of Small 19 Parcels - Anchor River, 20 Kiliunda Bay, Soldotna, 21 Valdez (HD 1-40) 22 Gas Pipeline Corridor 600,000 600,000 23 Geologic Hazards and 24 Resources - Phase 2 (HD 25 1-40) 26 Geologic Hazards Associated 330,000 330,000 27 with Climate Change Phase 28 1 (HD 1-40) 29 Geologic Materials Center 65,000 65,000 30 Deferred Maintenance, 31 Repairs and Operational 01 Upgrades (HD 17-32) 02 Implement Electronic 120,000 120,000 03 Document Recording (HD 04 1-40) 05 Land Sales - New 2,614,000 2,614,000 06 Subdivision Development 07 (HD 1-40) 08 Matanuska Susitna Borough 295,000 295,000 09 Hydrogeology Assessment 10 Phase 1 (HD 13-16) 11 Nikiski Inlet Public 300,000 300,000 12 Viewing Park/Beach Access 13 (HD 33-35) 14 Peters Creek Flood 100,000 100,000 15 Mitigation (HD 17-32) 16 Plant Material Center 465,000 465,000 17 Deferred Equipment 18 Replacement (HD 13-16) 19 Reforestation in 370,000 370,000 20 Southcentral and Interior 21 Alaska (HD 1-40) 22 Remote Recreational Cabin 1,011,500 1,011,500 23 Sites Surveys and 24 Appraisals (HD 1-40) 25 Reservoir Studies to 4,000,000 4,000,000 26 Evaluate Oil and Gas 27 Resources on the North 28 Slope (HD 1-40) 29 Snowmobile Trail 250,000 250,000 30 Development and Program 31 Grants (HD 1-40) 01 State Park Emergency 400,000 400,000 02 Repairs (HD 1-40) 03 Tongass Land Use 1,500,000 1,500,000 04 Management Plan 05 Implementation (HD 1-5) 06 Unified Permit Project - 800,000 800,000 07 Completion of Phase 4 (HD 08 1-40) 09 Wildland Fire Truck 625,000 625,000 10 Replacement Phase 1 (HD 11 1-40) 12 Statewide Facility Deferred 6,323,000 6,323,000  13 Maintenance  14 Northern Region Office 545,000 15 Building Deferred 16 Maintenance (HD 7-11) 17 Forestry Buildings Deferred 400,000 18 Maintenance (HD 12) 19 Plant Material Center 150,000 20 Deferred Building 21 Maintenance (HD 13-16) 22 State Parks Deferred 5,228,000 23 Maintenance (HD 1-40) 24 * * * * * * * * * *  25 * * * * * Department of Public Safety * * * * *  26 * * * * * * * * * *  27 Active Directory 300,000 300,000 28 Development (HD 1-40) 29 Aircraft and Vessel Repair 1,000,000 1,000,000 30 and Maintenance (HD 1-40) 31 Anchorage Aircraft Hangar 3,000,000 3,000,000 01 Replacement (HD 17-32) 02 APSIN Redesign, Year 3 of 7,000,000 5,000,000 2,000,000 03 3-Year Plan (HD 1-40) 04 AST Communication 512,000 512,000 05 Equipment (HD 1-40) 06 AST Law Enforcement 500,000 500,000 07 Equipment Replacement (HD 08 1-40) 09 AST Mobile Data Computers 480,000 480,000 10 (HD 1-40) 11 AST Records Management 950,000 950,000 12 System (HD 1-40) 13 AWT Law Enforcement 475,000 475,000 14 Equipment Replacement (HD 15 1-40) 16 Crime Laboratory Equipment 100,000 100,000 17 Replacement (HD 1-40) 18 Data Exchange with MAJIC 600,000 600,000 19 Agencies (HD 1-40) 20 Facilities Engineering 350,000 350,000 21 Assessments, Repair, and 22 Improvements (HD 1-40) 23 Fairbanks Regional Fire 395,000 395,000 24 Training Center Burn 25 Building (HD 7-11) 26 Fingerprint Card AST Case 700,000 700,000 27 Image Archive (HD 1-40) 28 Fire Training Engine for 350,000 350,000 29 Southeast Regional Training 30 Center (HD 1-40) 31 Marine Fisheries Patrol 2,000,000 2,000,000 01 Improvements (HD 1-40) 02 Modernize Supply Inventory, 50,000 50,000 03 Delivery Order, and Arms 04 Databases (HD 1-40) 05 National Sexual Violence 25,000 25,000 06 Resource Center Annual 07 Meeting - Remote Site 08 Visit (HD 17-32) 09 Rural Law Enforcement 1,000,000 1,000,000 10 Training and Equipment (HD 11 1-40) 12 Statewide Crime Lab - 12,000,000 12,000,000 13 Design & Site Preparation 14 (HD 17-32) 15 TraCS Project (Traffic and 900,000 900,000 16 Criminal Software) (HD 17 1-40) 18 * * * * * * * * * *  19 * * * * * Department of Revenue * * * * *  20 * * * * * * * * * *  21 Alaska Natural Gas 4,000,000 4,000,000 22 Development Authority - 23 Engineering and Economic 24 Study on In State Gas Use 25 (HD 1-40) 26 * * * * * * * * * *  27 * * * * * Department of Transportation/Public Facilities * * * * *  28 * * * * * * * * * *  29 Abbott Road Rut Repair 950,000 950,000 30 (HD 17-32) 31 Airport Deferred 1,000,000 1,000,000 01 Maintenance (HD 1-40) 02 Americans with Disabilities 500,000 500,000 03 Act Compliance Projects 04 (HD 1-40) 05 Americans with Disabilities 200,000 200,000 06 Act Transition Plan Update 07 (HD 1-40) 08 Capital Improvement 1,500,000 1,500,000 09 Program Equipment 10 Replacement (HD 1-40) 11 Dalton Highway Including 5,000,000 5,000,000 12 Surfacing Materials (HD 13 1-40) 14 Dust Suppression Project - 650,000 650,000 15 Water Trucks and Trailers 16 (HD 1-40) 17 Facilities Deferred 2,000,000 2,000,000 18 Maintenance and Critical 19 Repairs (HD 1-40) 20 Galena Maintenance Building 156,000 156,000 21 Efficiency Modifications 22 (HD 6) 23 Glenn Highway Rut Repairs 11,500,000 11,500,000 24 (HD 13-16) 25 Harbor Deferred Maintenance 650,000 650,000 26 (HD 1-40) 27 Harbor Program Development 400,000 400,000 28 (HD 1-40) 29 Highway Deferred 3,000,000 3,000,000 30 Maintenance (HD 1-40) 31 Highway Maintenance Vehicle 2,000,000 2,000,000 01 Replacement and Safety 02 Equipment (HD 1-40) 03 Holt-Lamplight Road 8,300,000 8,300,000 04 Project (HD 33-35) 05 Infrastructure and Erosion 600,000 600,000 06 Control Design and 07 Environmental Permitting 08 (HD 1-40) 09 Jim River (Dalton Highway) 6,000,000 6,000,000 10 Maintenance Station 11 Replacement (HD 6) 12 Kalifornsky Beach Road, 1,100,000 1,100,000 13 Pedestrian Pathway (HD 14 33-35) 15 Kenai Borough Road 2,000,000 2,000,000 16 Projects (HD 33-35) 17 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 5,000,000 5,000,000 18 Burma Road Upgrade (HD 19 13-16) 20 Measurement Standards and 516,000 516,000 21 Commercial Vehicle 22 Enforcement Equipment 23 Replacement (HD 1-40) 24 Mertarvik Infrastructure 3,300,000 3,300,000 25 Construction (HD 38) 26 New Seward Highway - 36th 13,500,000 13,500,000 27 South 6-Lane (HD 17-32) 28 Nome State Office Building 1,900,000 1,900,000 29 Design Study, Land 30 Purchase (HD 39) 31 Nordale Culvert Upgrade 45,000 45,000 01 (HD 7-11) 02 Northern Access to 2,000,000 2,000,000 03 University Medical District 04 Study (HD 17-32) 05 Parks Highway Weight 2,000,000 2,000,000 06 Restrictions (HD 1-40) 07 Resource Development Roads 3,000,000 3,000,000 08 (HD 1-40) 09 Richardson Highway, Shaw 4,000,000 4,000,000 10 Creek Bridge (HD 12) 11 Seward Highway Maintenance 3,200,000 3,200,000 12 Station Replacement (HD 13 1-40) 14 Seward Highway: Milepost 86 3,000,000 3,000,000 15 - Kern Creek Culverts (HD 16 17-32) 17 State Equipment Fleet 15,000,000 15,000,000 18 Replacement (HD 1-40) 19 Statewide Anti-icing 500,000 500,000 20 Program (HD 1-40) 21 Statewide Emergency Bridge 1,000,000 1,000,000 22 Repair (HD 1-40) 23 Statewide Rural Airport 3,000,000 3,000,000 24 Safety Improvements (HD 25 1-40) 26 Sterling Highway Street 324,000 324,000 27 Lighting - Ninilchik (HD 28 33-35) 29 Striping and Marking 1,000,000 1,000,000 30 Performance Improvements 31 (HD 1-40) 01 Surfacing Materials (HD 1,000,000 1,000,000 02 1-40) 03 Tustumena Lake, Crooked 7,000,000 7,000,000 04 Creek and Johnson Lake 05 Roads Paving (HD 33-35) 06 University Avenue Widening 5,000,000 5,000,000 07 And Rehabilitation (HD 08 7-11) 09 Corp of Engineers - Harbor 2,250,000 2,250,000  10 Program  11 Corps of Engineers 750,000 12 Feasibility Studies - State 13 Match (HD 1-40) 14 Unalaska Little South 1,500,000 15 America (LSA) Harbor 16 Construction (HD 37) 17 Alaska Marine Highway 565,000 565,000  18 System - Facility Deferred  19 Maintenance  20 Fire Alarms and 50,000 21 Suppression Systems (HD 22 1-40) 23 Underground Storage Tank 515,000 24 Replacement (HD 1-40) 25 Facilities Deferred 13,273,000 13,273,000  26 Maintenance  27 Exterior Door Repair or 490,000 28 Replacement (HD 1-40) 29 Exterior Siding Repair and 1,952,000 30 Replacement (HD 1-40) 31 Major Facility Maintenance 1,050,000 01 or Replacement (HD 1-40) 02 Miscellaneous Interior 440,000 03 Repairs (HD 1-40) 04 Oil/Water Separators and 1,431,000 05 Fuel Tank Replacement (HD 06 1-40) 07 Roof Repair and 3,952,000 08 Replacement (HD 1-40) 09 Upgrade and Repair Heating, 3,958,000 10 Ventilation, and Air 11 Conditioning Systems and 12 Utilities (HD 1-40) 13 * * * * * * * * * *  14 * * * * * University of Alaska * * * * *  15 * * * * * * * * * *  16 Prince William Sound 300,000 300,000 17 Community College 18 Maintenance Building (HD 19 12) 20 UAA Sports Arena - 15,000,000 15,000,000 21 Planning, Design, and Site 22 Preparation (HD 17-32) 23 UAF Tanana Valley Campus 4,000,000 4,000,000 24 (HD 7-11) 25 Maintaining Existing 23,742,948 23,742,948  26 Facilities and Equipment  27 Renewal and Renovation  28 Annual Requirement  29 UA-Anchorage Annual 7,255,548 30 Capital Renewal and 31 Renovation Requirement (HD 01 17-32) 02 UA-Fairbanks and Tanana 16,487,400 03 Valley Campus Annual 04 Capital Renewal and 05 Renovation Requirement (HD 06 7-11) 07 (SECTION 11 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 82) 01 * Sec. 11. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 10 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Department of Administration 05 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 9,774,400 06 1017 Group Health and Life Benefits Fund 103,400 07 1023 FICA Administration Fund Account 2,200 08 1029 Public Employees Retirement Trust Fund 167,100 09 1034 Teachers Retirement Trust Fund 66,700 10 1042 Judicial Retirement System 500 11 1045 National Guard Retirement System 3,700 12 1081 Information Services Fund 7,275,000 13 1147 Public Building Fund 2,500,000 14 1156 Receipt Supported Services 2,500,000 15 *** Total Agency Funding *** $22,393,000 16 Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development 17 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 106,922,442 18 1012 Railbelt Energy Fund 14,500,000 19 1156 Receipt Supported Services 1,475,000 20 1175 Business License & Corporation Filing Fees and Taxes 1,075,000 21 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 30,000,000 22 *** Total Agency Funding *** $153,972,442 23 Department of Corrections 24 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 8,678,000 25 *** Total Agency Funding *** $8,678,000 26 Department of Education and Early Development 27 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 12,731,000 28 1106 Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education Receipts 40,000 29 *** Total Agency Funding *** $12,771,000 30 Department of Fish and Game 31 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 7,927,400 01 1024 Fish and Game Fund 500,000 02 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 188,000 03 *** Total Agency Funding *** $8,615,400 04 Department of Labor and Workforce Development 05 1002 Federal Receipts 5,000,000 06 1003 General Fund Match 1,350,000 07 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 18,596,700 08 *** Total Agency Funding *** $24,946,700 09 Department of Law 10 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 200,000 11 *** Total Agency Funding *** $200,000 12 Department of Military and Veterans Affairs 13 1002 Federal Receipts 1,769,915 14 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 6,142,000 15 *** Total Agency Funding *** $7,911,915 16 Department of Natural Resources 17 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 19,859,000 18 1018 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trust 11,513,000 19 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 600,000 20 1153 State Land Disposal Income Fund 3,625,500 21 1156 Receipt Supported Services 120,000 22 1195 Special Vehicle Registration Receipts 250,000 23 *** Total Agency Funding *** $35,967,500 24 Department of Public Safety 25 1002 Federal Receipts 5,000,000 26 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 27,687,000 27 *** Total Agency Funding *** $32,687,000 28 Department of Revenue 29 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 4,000,000 30 *** Total Agency Funding *** $4,000,000 31 Department of Transportation/Public Facilities 01 1003 General Fund Match 400,000 02 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 121,979,000 03 1026 Highways Equipment Working Capital Fund 15,000,000 04 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 1,500,000 05 *** Total Agency Funding *** $138,879,000 06 University of Alaska 07 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 28,042,948 08 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 15,000,000 09 *** Total Agency Funding *** $43,042,948 10 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * $494,064,905 11 (SECTION 12 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 85) 01 * Sec. 12. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 10 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 General Funds 05 1003 General Fund Match 1,750,000 06 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 372,539,890 07 ***Total General Funds*** $374,289,890 08 Federal Funds 09 1002 Federal Receipts 11,769,915 10 ***Total Federal Funds*** $11,769,915 11 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 12 1012 Railbelt Energy Fund 14,500,000 13 1017 Group Health and Life Benefits Fund 103,400 14 1018 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trust 11,513,000 15 1023 FICA Administration Fund Account 2,200 16 1024 Fish and Game Fund 500,000 17 1029 Public Employees Retirement Trust Fund 167,100 18 1034 Teachers Retirement Trust Fund 66,700 19 1042 Judicial Retirement System 500 20 1045 National Guard Retirement System 3,700 21 1106 Alaska Commission on Postsecondary 40,000 22 Education Receipts 23 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 788,000 24 1153 State Land Disposal Income Fund 3,625,500 25 1156 Receipt Supported Services 4,095,000 26 1175 Business License & Corporation Filing Fees 1,075,000 27 and Taxes 28 1195 Special Vehicle Registration Receipts 250,000 29 ***Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds*** $36,730,100 30 Duplicated Funds 31 1026 Highways Equipment Working Capital Fund 15,000,000 01 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 1,500,000 02 1081 Information Services Fund 7,275,000 03 1147 Public Building Fund 2,500,000 04 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 45,000,000 05 ***Total Duplicated Funds*** $71,275,000 06 (SECTION 13 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 87) 01 * Sec. 13. The following appropriation items are for capital projects and grants from the 02 general fund or other funds as set out in section 14 of this Act to the agencies named for the 03 purposes expressed and lapse under AS 37.25.020, unless otherwise noted. 04 Appropriation General Other 05 Allocations Items Funds Funds 06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 * * * * * Department of Administration * * * * *  08 * * * * * * * * * *  09 Palmer State Office 15,725,000 15,725,000 10 Building (HD 13-16) 11 * * * * * * * * * *  12 * * * * * Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development * * * * *  13 * * * * * * * * * *  14 Alaska Energy Authority - 2,500,000 2,500,000 15 Susitna Hydro Study and 16 Railbelt Energy Plan (HD 17 1-40) 18 Alaska Energy Authority 41,000,000 10,000,000 31,000,000 19 Energy Projects (HD 1-40) 20 Alaska Energy Authority 1,000 1,000 21 Renewable Energy Projects 22 (HD 1-40) 23 Alaska Energy Authority: 25,000,000 25,000,000 24 Fire Island Wind Farm 25 Transmission Lines (HD 26 17-32) 27 The previous appropriation is contingent on the owner of generation being legally obligated to 28 build a generation facility through power sales agreements that are in place to accept the 29 generation. 30 Alaska Industrial 3,000,000 3,000,000 31 Development and Export 01 Authority - Ketchikan 02 Shipyard Power Generation & 03 Infrastructure 04 Improvements (HD 1) 05 Community Block Grants 6,100,000 70,000 6,030,000 06 (HD 1-40) 07 Kodiak Launch Complex 17,500,000 3,500,000 14,000,000 08 Infrastructure (HD 36) 09 Organization Grant (HD 200,000 200,000 10 1-40) 11 Grants to Named Recipients  12  (AS 37.05.316)  13 Alaska Addiction 100,000 100,000 14 Rehabilitation Services, 15 Inc. - Nugen's Ranch 16 Replacement Facility (HD 17 13-16) 18 Alaska Air Carriers 30,000 30,000 19 Association - Capstone 20 Implementation (HD 1-40) 21 Alaska Association of 750,000 750,000 22 Conservation Districts - 23 Land Development And 24 Project Management (HD 25 13-16) 26 Alaska Association of 5,000,000 5,000,000 27 School Boards - Consortium 28 for Digital Learning 29 Project Initiative (HD 30 1-40) 31 Alaska Congress of Parents 10,000 10,000 01 and Teachers - Susitna PTA 02 Furniture Upgrade (HD 03 17-32) 04 Alaska Family Medicine 2,000,000 2,000,000 05 Residency Program - 06 Residency Program (HD 07 1-40) 08 Alaska Fire Chiefs 50,000 50,000 09 Association, Inc. - Marine 10 Shipboard Firefighting 11 Training for Land-Based 12 Firefighters (HD 3-4) 13 Alaska Mobility Coalition - 100,000 100,000 14 Fuel Reimbursement (HD 15 17-32) 16 Alaska Mountain Rescue 6,000 6,000 17 Group - Purchase Two 18 Rescue ATV Trailers and 19 One Rescue Snowmobile 20 Trailer (HD 17-32) 21 Alaska Native Tribal 7,500,000 7,500,000 22 Health Consortium - 23 Anchorage Long Term Care 24 Facility (HD 17-32) 25 Alaska Native Tribal 500,000 500,000 26 Health Consortium - 27 Electronic Health 28 Information Initiative (HD 29 1-40) 30 Alaska Primary Care 2,500,000 2,500,000 31 Association - Health 01 Information Technology 02 Network for Community 03 Health Centers (HD 1-40) 04 Alaska School Activities 325,000 325,000 05 Association - Substance 06 Abuse Education & 07 Prevention Program (HD 08 1-40) 09 Alaska State Fair - 1,000,000 1,000,000 10 Non-porous Floor, Sprinkler 11 System and Building 12 Upgrades and Maintenance 13 (HD 13-16) 14 Alaska Village Initiatives 2,040,000 2,040,000 15 - Project Code Red (HD 16 1-40) 17 Alaska Zoo - Animal 1,000,000 1,000,000 18 Infirmary, Education 19 Complex and Parking 20 Improvements (HD 17-32) 21 Alpha Omega Life Care, 20,000 20,000 22 Inc. - Delivery Van and 23 Moveable Building (HD 12) 24 Anchor Point Chamber of 37,000 37,000 25 Commerce - Anchor Point 26 Visitor Center Capital 27 Improvements (HD 33-35) 28 Anchor-Age Center - Study 150,000 150,000 29 of Future Needs (HD 17-32) 30 Anchorage Alumni 66,300 66,300 31 Foundation - Kappa 01 Foundation - After School 02 Program (HD 17-32) 03 Anchorage Community 12,000 12,000 04 Theatre - Building and Site 05 Improvements (HD 17-32) 06 Anchorage Federation of 1,500 1,500 07 Community Councils - 08 Mountain View Community 09 Council - Spring Cleanup 10 Expenses (HD 17-32) 11 Anchorage Federation of 2,500 2,500 12 Community Councils - 13 Mountain View Community 14 Patrol (HD 17-32) 15 Anchorage Federation of 4,500 4,500 16 Community Councils - 17 Nunaka Valley Community 18 Patrol - LED Light Bars 19 and Other Supplies (HD 20 17-32) 21 Anchorage Federation of 2,500 2,500 22 Community Councils - 23 Russian Jack Community 24 Patrol (HD 17-32) 25 Anchorage Neighborhood 5,000,000 5,000,000 26 Health Center - Relocation 27 and Construction of New 28 Facility (HD 17-32) 29 Anchorage Park Foundation - 750,000 750,000 30 Russian Jack Park 31 Improvements (HD 17-32) 01 Anchorage Parks Foundation 250,000 250,000 02 - Deferred Maintenance And 03 Upgrades (HD 17-32) 04 Anchorage Urban League - 50,000 50,000 05 Anchorage Urban League 06 Young Professional's 07 OurTime Project (HD 08 17-32) 09 Angoon Community 300,000 300,000 10 Association - Road Grader 11 (HD 5) 12 Arctic Winter Games Team 400,000 400,000 13 Alaska - Games 14 Participation (HD 1-40) 15 Armed Service YMCA - 70,000 70,000 16 On-Base Public 17 Transportation (HD 17-32) 18 Association of Village 200,000 200,000 19 Council Presidents - Alaska 20 Native Aviation Training 21 Program Equipment (HD 38) 22 AVCP Regional Housing 1,350,000 1,350,000 23 Authority - Emergency 24 Generator Upgrades & 25 Metering Systems (HD 38) 26 Bethel Search and Rescue - 75,530 75,530 27 Search and Rescue 28 Equipment Purchase (HD 38) 29 Blood Bank of Alaska - 350,000 350,000 30 Facility Upgrade and 31 Expansion (HD 1-40) 01 Boys and Girls Club, 78,000 78,000 02 Woodland Park Clubhouse - 03 Commercial Grade Kitchen 04 Renovation (HD 17-32) 05 Camp Fire USA - Camp 75,000 75,000 06 Kushtaka Rebuild (HD 07 33-35) 08 Catholic Community 50,000 50,000 09 Services of Juneau - 10 Hospice & Home Care Point 11 of Care System 12 Implementation (HD 3-4) 13 Central Rescue Team - 20,000 20,000 14 Feasibility Study for a 15 Fire Station (HD 6) 16 Chaninik Wind Group - 4,800,000 4,800,000 17 Regional Wind Energy 18 Systems Purchase and 19 Installation (HD 38) 20 Communities In Schools - 479,000 479,000 21 Career Exploration and 22 Dropout Prevention 23 Programs (HD 17-32) 24 Communities In Schools - 90,000 90,000 25 Dolly Parton Imagination 26 Library (HD 17-32) 27 Cooper Landing Senior 27,500 27,500 28 Citizens Corporation, Inc. 29 - Eagles View Senior 30 Housing Driveway & Parking 31 Area Paving (HD 33-35) 01 Covenant House Alaska - 5,000,000 5,000,000 02 Covenant House Facility 03 Expansion (HD 17-32) 04 Ester Community 50,000 50,000 05 Association - John Trigg 06 Ester Library Design, 07 Construction and 08 Improvements (HD 7-11) 09 Fairbanks Community Food 50,000 50,000 10 Bank - Computer Upgrade, 11 Utility Assistance and 12 Refrigeration Improvement 13 (HD 7-11) 14 Fairbanks Native 125,861 125,861 15 Association - Ralph Perdue 16 Center Building 17 Improvements (HD 7-11) 18 Fairbanks Soil & Water 80,000 80,000 19 Conservation District - 20 Chena Slough Restoration 21 Project (HD 7-11) 22 Family Centered Services 250,000 250,000 23 of Alaska - Land 24 Acquisition and 25 Construction of Therapeutic 26 Youth Homes (HD 13-16) 27 Farthest North Girl Scout 40,000 40,000 28 Council - Facility 29 Improvement Grant (HD 30 7-11) 31 Federation of Community 150,000 150,000 01 Councils - Chugiak/Eagle 02 River Land Use 03 Consortium/Title 21 04 Project (HD 17-32) 05 Federation of Community 10,000 10,000 06 Councils - Westside 07 Community Patrol Fuel and 08 Supplies (HD 17-32) 09 Filipino Community, Inc. - 150,000 150,000 10 Juneau Filipino Community 11 Historic Building 12 Renovations (HD 3-4) 13 First C.M.E. Community 50,000 50,000 14 Development Center, Inc. - 15 Video Production Project 16 "Alaska Teen Talk Show" 17 (HD 17-32) 18 Food Bank of Alaska - Free 5,000 5,000 19 Methodist Church Food 20 Distribution (HD 17-32) 21 Food Bank of Alaska - 5,000 5,000 22 Latino Lions Club Food 23 Distribution (HD 17-32) 24 Grayling IRA Council - 150,000 150,000 25 Grayling Multi-Purpose 26 Community Services Center 27 Project (HD 6) 28 Homer Hockey Association - 15,000 15,000 29 Blade Sharpener for 30 Zamboni (HD 33-35) 31 Homer Senior Citizens - 50,000 50,000 01 Senior Housing Land 02 Purchase (HD 33-35) 03 Homer Soil and Water 10,000 10,000 04 Conservation District - 05 Road Improvements to 06 Caribou Hills Access Trail 07 (HD 33-35) 08 Hope Community Resources, 800,000 800,000 09 Inc. - Various Statewide 10 Capital Projects (HD 1-40) 11 Hospice of the Tanana 225,000 225,000 12 Valley - Facility Expansion 13 (HD 7-11) 14 Hub Youth Center - 25,000 25,000 15 Classroom & Teaching 16 Technology (HD 3-4) 17 Ilisagvik College - 300,000 300,000 18 Workforce Development 19 Program (HD 40) 20 Institute of the North - 100,000 100,000 21 Research and Operations 22 Grant (HD 17-32) 23 Inter-Island Ferry 500,000 500,000 24 Authority - Northern Route 25 Development Assistance (HD 26 1-5) 27 Interior Regional Housing 212,888 212,888 28 Authority - Yukon Koyukuk 29 School District Energy 30 Savings Project (HD 6) 31 Inuit Circumpolar Council 162,000 162,000 01 - Youth and Elder Program 02 (HD 40) 03 Juneau Alliance for Mental 70,000 70,000 04 Health, Inc. - Heating 05 System and Parking Area 06 Safety Upgrades (HD 3-4) 07 Juneau Arts and Humanities 100,000 100,000 08 Council, Inc. - Armory 09 Renovation (HD 3-4) 10 Juneau Cooperative 75,000 75,000 11 Christian Ministry - Glory 12 Hole Dormitory Upgrades 13 (HD 3-4) 14 Juneau Youth Services - 25,000 25,000 15 Vehicle Purchase (HD 3-4) 16 Kincaid Project Group - 1,000,000 1,000,000 17 Regional Recreational 18 Infrastructure Projects 19 (HD 17-32) 20 KTOO FM & TV - Critical 50,000 50,000 21 Studio Equipment 22 Replacement (HD 3-4) 23 KTOO FM & TV - 100,000 100,000 24 Government Transparency 25 Project (HD 3-4) 26 Maniilaq Association - 7,000,000 7,000,000 27 Maniilaq Elder Care 28 Addition (HD 40) 29 Marine Exchange of Alaska - 1,250,000 1,250,000 30 Alaska Vessel Tracking 31 System Upgrades (HD 1-40) 01 Matanuska Electric 25,000,000 25,000,000 02 Association - 115 KV 03 Transmission Line Upgrades 04 and Extensions Including a 05 Line to Point MacKenzie 06 Prison (HD 13-16) 07 McGrath Traditional 150,000 150,000 08 Council - McGrath Multi 09 Purpose Center Project (HD 10 6) 11 Mid-Valley Senior Center, 100,000 100,000 12 Inc. - Kitchen 13 Renovation/Upgrades (HD 14 13-16) 15 Midnight Sun Council Boy 42,500 42,500 16 Scouts - Sewer, Water, 17 Utility Upgrade and Site 18 Development (HD 7-11) 19 Nanwalek IRA Council - 25,000 25,000 20 Back-up Generator Purchase, 21 Shipping and Installation 22 (HD 33-35) 23 Native Village of Kotzebue 250,000 250,000 24 - Multi-Use Facility (HD 25 40) 26 Nikishka Bay Utilities, 420,000 420,000 27 Inc. - Water System 28 Upgrade (HD 33-35) 29 Ninilchik Fair Association 51,700 51,700 30 - Fairgrounds Water System 31 Improvements (HD 33-35) 01 Northern Industrial 250,000 250,000 02 Training - Palmer Training 03 Facility (HD 13-16) 04 Nushagak Electric & 1,000,000 1,000,000 05 Telephone Cooperative - 06 Power Generation Upgrade - 07 Phase I (HD 37) 08 Oceans Alaska - Shellfish 1,000,000 1,000,000 09 Industry Training Facility 10 (HD 1) 11 Older Persons Action Group 20,000 20,000 12 - Senior Voice Equipment 13 Upgrade (HD 17-32) 14 Palmer Senior Citizens 3,200,000 3,200,000 15 Center, Inc. - New Senior 16 Center Construction (HD 17 13-16) 18 Perseverance Theatre - 25,000 25,000 19 Dimmer System Replacement 20 (HD 3-4) 21 Resource Center for Parents 15,840 15,840 22 and Children - Women, 23 Infant, and Children (WIC) 24 Program (HD 7-11) 25 Safe Harbor Muldoon - 1,000,000 1,000,000 26 Acquisition of Ramada Inn 27 In Muldoon (HD 17-32) 28 Sealaska Heritage Institute 200,000 200,000 29 - Southeast Alaska Native 30 Archival & Cultural 31 Complex (HD 3-4) 01 Senior Citizens of Kodiak, 8,545 8,545 02 Inc. - New Kitchen Fire 03 Protection Hood & 04 Refrigerator (HD 36) 05 Shiloh Community 40,000 40,000 06 Development Incorporated - 07 Young Adult Transition 08 Housing Program (HD 17-32) 09 Soldotna Area Senior 102,000 102,000 10 Citizens, Inc. - ADA 11 Carports (HD 33-35) 12 Southeast Alaska Guidance 50,000 50,000 13 Association - Youth 14 Education and Job Training 15 Facility Repairs (HD 3-4) 16 Southeast Alaska Rainforest 50,000 50,000 17 Wild - Seafood Marketing 18 Capacity Building Grant 19 (HD 1-5) 20 Southeast Alaska Regional 1,000,000 1,000,000 21 Health Consortium - 22 Electronic Health System 23 Transformation Project (HD 24 1-5) 25 Southeast Conference - 125,000 125,000 26 Timber Revitalization in 27 Southeast Alaska (HD 1-5) 28 Special Olympics Alaska - 550,000 550,000 29 Travel and Event Related 30 Costs and Adjacent Property 31 Acquisition (HD 1-40) 01 St. Vincent de Paul 25,000 25,000 02 Society - Building Safety 03 and Heating Upgrades, 04 Facilities for Needy Youth 05 (HD 3-4) 06 Statewide Independent 250,000 250,000 07 Living Centers - Assistive 08 Technology for Alaska's 09 Centers for Independent 10 Living (HD 1-40) 11 Terminal Radio Inc. - 43,000 43,000 12 Communication Equipment 13 Repair and Improvements 14 (HD 12) 15 Territorial Sportsmen, 55,000 55,000 16 Inc. - Public Use Cabins 17 (HD 3-4) 18 Tlingit Readers, Inc. - 100,000 100,000 19 Preservation of Historical 20 and Cultural Landmark (HD 21 3-4) 22 Tundra Women's Coalition - 1,500,000 1,500,000 23 New Facility Construction 24 (HD 38) 25 Two Rivers Community 40,000 40,000 26 Association - Two Rivers 27 Community Center - Project 28 Development and Design (HD 29 7-11) 30 Valdez Senior Citizens 47,000 47,000 31 Center, Inc. - Kitchen 01 Renovations and Repairs 02 (HD 12) 03 Valley Performing Arts - 30,000 30,000 04 Valley Performing Arts 05 Facility Expansion (HD 06 13-16) 07 Victims for Justice - 100,000 100,000 08 Victims Assistance Academy 09 Establishment (HD 17-32) 10 Wasilla Area Seniors, Inc. 800,000 800,000 11 - Wasilla Senior Center 12 Upgrades and Improvements 13 (HD 13-16) 14 Wrangell Medical Center - 161,710 161,710 15 Medical Chemistry Analyzer 16 (HD 2) 17 YMCA of Alaska - 850,000 850,000 18 Anchorage YMCA Expansion 19 (HD 17-32) 20 Yukon Kuskokwim Health 1,500,000 1,500,000 21 Corporation - Emergency 22 Response Detox Wing (HD 23 38) 24 Yukon Kuskokwim Health 8,000,000 8,000,000 25 Corporation - Yukon 26 Kuskokwim Delta Long Term 27 Care Facility (HD 38) 28 Grants to Municipalities  29  (AS 37.05.315)  30 Akhiok - Dozer Acquisition 50,000 50,000 31 (HD 36) 01 Akiak - Village Police 400,000 400,000 02 Safety Building (HD 38) 03 Aleutians East Borough - 2,000,000 2,000,000 04 King Cove Access Project 05 Phase II (HD 37) 06 The previous appropriation is contingent on the listed community providing an equal match 07 from sources other than the state or federal government. 08 Anchorage - Salvation 435,000 435,000 09 Army Clitheroe Center - 10 Retrofit Facility for 11 Secure Treatment of 12 Chronic Substance Abusers 13 (HD 17-32) 14 Anchorage - 4th Avenue 160,000 160,000 15 Pedestrian Safety Bunnell 16 Street to Boniface Parkway 17 (HD 17-32) 18 Anchorage - Airport Heights 15,000 15,000 19 Elementary School 20 Furniture Replacement (HD 21 17-32) 22 Anchorage - Airport Heights 10,000 10,000 23 Elementary School 24 Multi-Media Equipment for 25 Classrooms (HD 17-32) 26 Anchorage - Anchorage 500,000 500,000 27 Veteran's Memorial 28 Improvements (HD 17-32) 29 Anchorage - Aquarian 5,000 5,000 30 Charter School Book and 31 Technology Grant (HD 01 17-32) 02 Anchorage - Bartlett High 40,000 40,000 03 School - New Smart Board 04 for Classrooms (HD 17-32) 05 Anchorage - Baxter 30,000 30,000 06 Elementary School Smart 07 Boards for Classrooms (HD 08 17-32) 09 Anchorage - Bayshore 23,000 23,000 10 Elementary School - 11 Purchase LCD Projectors 12 (HD 17-32) 13 Anchorage - Bayshore 175,000 175,000 14 Elementary School - 15 Purchase Security System 16 Upgrade (HD 17-32) 17 Anchorage - Blueberry 190,000 190,000 18 Street/ Northern Lights 19 Boulevard Area Pedestrian 20 Safety (HD 17-32) 21 Anchorage - Campbell 25,000 25,000 22 Elementary School Climbing 23 Wall Installation (HD 24 17-32) 25 Anchorage - Campbell 60,000 60,000 26 Elementary School 27 Instructional Books, 28 Software, and Supplies (HD 29 17-32) 30 Anchorage - Campbell 50,000 50,000 31 Elementary School Site 01 Software Licenses for 02 Instructional Use (HD 03 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Central Middle 15,000 15,000 05 School Ice Rink 06 Reconstruction (HD 17-32) 07 Anchorage - Central Middle 20,000 20,000 08 School Stage Floor 09 Refinishing (HD 17-32) 10 Anchorage - Central Middle 10,000 10,000 11 School Technology, Books, 12 and Supplies Grant (HD 13 17-32) 14 Anchorage - Chinook 65,000 65,000 15 Elementary School Purchase 16 New Computers for 17 Classrooms (HD 17-32) 18 Anchorage - Chinook 45,000 45,000 19 Elementary School Replace 20 Gym Floor (HD 17-32) 21 Anchorage - Coastal Trail 120,000 120,000 22 Access From Marston Dr. 23 Rehab and Relocation (HD 24 17-32) 25 Anchorage - College Gate 30,000 30,000 26 Elementary School 27 Pedestrian Safety (HD 28 17-32) 29 Anchorage - Cranberry 200,000 200,000 30 Street Trail Reconstruction 31 - Boom Circle to 91st 01 Avenue (HD 17-32) 02 Anchorage - Creekside Park 25,000 25,000 03 Elementary - New 04 Computers For Classrooms 05 (HD 17-32) 06 Anchorage - Creekside Park 10,000 10,000 07 Elementary - New Library 08 Books (HD 17-32) 09 Anchorage - Creekside Park 6,200 6,200 10 Elementary - Sidewalk 11 Repairs (HD 17-32) 12 Anchorage - Denali 38,000 38,000 13 Elementary School 14 Computers Purchase (HD 15 17-32) 16 Anchorage - East Anchorage 80,000 80,000 17 Plan (HD 17-32) 18 Anchorage - East High 50,000 50,000 19 School - Communication 20 Closet Repairs (HD 17-32) 21 Anchorage - East High 25,000 25,000 22 School Technology, Books, 23 and Supplies Grant (HD 24 17-32) 25 Anchorage - Fairview 25,000 25,000 26 Elementary School 27 Technology, Books, and 28 Supplies Grant (HD 17-32) 29 Anchorage - Fire 8,000 8,000 30 Department Station 15 31 Construct Storage Area (HD 01 17-32) 02 Anchorage - Fire 3,000 3,000 03 Department Station 15 04 Wi-Fi Equipment and 05 Improvements (HD 17-32) 06 Anchorage - Fire 6,000,000 6,000,000 07 Department Station 3 08 Replacement (HD 17-32) 09 Anchorage - Fire 4,500,000 4,500,000 10 Department Station 5 11 Renovation (HD 17-32) 12 Anchorage - Fire 13,000 13,000 13 Department Station 5 14 Thermal Imaging Camera 15 (HD 17-32) 16 Anchorage - Fire 8,400 8,400 17 Department Station 6 18 Exercise Equipment and 19 Presentation Projector (HD 20 17-32) 21 Anchorage - Fire 6,000,000 6,000,000 22 Department Station 6 23 Replacement (HD 17-32) 24 Anchorage - Fire 10,000 10,000 25 Department Station 7 26 Exterior Facilities 27 Improvements (HD 17-32) 28 Anchorage - Fire 2,000 2,000 29 Department Station 7 Wi-Fi 30 Equipment and Improvements 31 (HD 17-32) 01 Anchorage - Fire 30,000 30,000 02 Department Station 8 03 Facility Renovation (HD 04 17-32) 05 Anchorage - Fire 20,000 20,000 06 Department Station 9 07 Personal Equipment Locker 08 Installation (HD 17-32) 09 Anchorage - Fire 4,500,000 4,500,000 10 Department Station 9 11 Renovation (HD 17-32) 12 Anchorage - Fire Lake 35,000 35,000 13 Elementary School 14 Library/Technology Upgrades 15 (HD 17-32) 16 Anchorage - Flooding, 2,000,000 2,000,000 17 Glaciation, and Drainage 18 Matching Program (HD 19 17-32) 20 Anchorage - Gladys Wood 38,000 38,000 21 Elementary School - New 22 Computers for Computer Lab 23 (HD 17-32) 24 Anchorage - Government 39,000 39,000 25 Hill Elementary 26 Technology, Books, and 27 Supplies Grant (HD 17-32) 28 Anchorage - I Street 50,000 50,000 29 Pedestrian Safety - 11th 30 Avenue to 13th Avenue (HD 31 17-32) 01 Anchorage - Inlet View 43,000 43,000 02 Elementary Computers and 03 Technology Upgrades (HD 04 17-32) 05 Anchorage - Intersection 5,000,000 5,000,000 06 and Traffic Safety Matching 07 Program (HD 17-32) 08 Anchorage - Johns Road 14,000,000 14,000,000 09 Upgrade/Reconstruction 10 (RTP) - Klatt Road to 11 Highview Drive (HD 17-32) 12 Anchorage - Kincaid 27,000 27,000 13 Elementary School - New 14 Audio Systems for 15 Classrooms (HD 17-32) 16 Anchorage - Kincaid 40,000 40,000 17 Elementary School - New 18 Computer & Software For 19 Music (HD 17-32) 20 Anchorage - Kincaid 50,000 50,000 21 Elementary School - New 22 Computers for Computer Lab 23 (HD 17-32) 24 Anchorage - Kincaid 36,000 36,000 25 Elementary School - New 26 Computers For Teachers 27 (HD 17-32) 28 Anchorage - Kincaid 5,000 5,000 29 Elementary School - New 30 Media Equipment For 31 Classrooms (HD 17-32) 01 Anchorage - Kincaid 38,000 38,000 02 Elementary School - 03 Purchase Smart Boards For 04 Classrooms (HD 17-32) 05 Anchorage - King Career 30,000 30,000 06 Center - New Partitions for 07 Classrooms (HD 17-32) 08 Anchorage - King Career 1,500 1,500 09 Center - New Signage for 10 Shop Areas (HD 17-32) 11 Anchorage - Klatt 2,500 2,500 12 Elementary School - 13 Installation of Existing 14 Video Equipment (HD 17-32) 15 Anchorage - Klatt Road 220,000 220,000 16 Pedestrian Facilities - 17 Construct C Street Trail 18 to Via Appia Way (North 19 Side) (HD 17-32) 20 Anchorage - Lake Hood 24,000 24,000 21 Elementary School 22 Technology Grant (HD 23 17-32) 24 Anchorage - Lake Otis 25,000 25,000 25 Elementary Technology, 26 Books, and Supplies Grant 27 (HD 17-32) 28 Anchorage - Lake Otis 50,000 50,000 29 Parkway Upgrade (HD 17-32) 30 Anchorage - Loussac 2,050,000 2,050,000 31 Library, Fire, Security and 01 Lighting Upgrades (HD 02 17-32) 03 Anchorage - Master Planning 900,000 900,000 04 For West High School and 05 Romig Middle School 06 Campus Renovation (HD 07 17-32) 08 Anchorage - Mears Middle 200,000 200,000 09 School - Purchase CCTV / 10 Security System Upgrade 11 (HD 17-32) 12 Anchorage - Mears Middle 40,000 40,000 13 School - Replace Outdated 14 Computers (HD 17-32) 15 Anchorage - Mears Middle 385,000 385,000 16 School Smart Boards and 17 Micro-Projectors Purchase 18 and Installation (HD 17-32) 19 Anchorage - Mears Middle 500,000 500,000 20 School Student Lockers 21 Replacement (HD 17-32) 22 Anchorage - Mountain View 90,000 90,000 23 Drive Pedestrian Safety - 24 Flower Street to McCarrey 25 Street (HD 17-32) 26 Anchorage - Mountain View 78,500 78,500 27 Elementary School - CCTV 28 / Security System Upgrade 29 (HD 17-32) 30 Anchorage - Mountain View 35,000 35,000 31 Library Educational Books 01 and Library Materials, 02 Furnishings, and Equipment 03 (HD 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Mt. Spurr 30,000 30,000 05 Elementary School 06 Technology Upgrades (HD 07 17-32) 08 Anchorage - Muldoon 40,000 40,000 09 Elementary School 10 Computers Purchase for 11 Teachers (HD 17-32) 12 Anchorage - Muldoon 50,000 50,000 13 Elementary School 14 Projectors and Laptops (HD 15 17-32) 16 Anchorage - Nicholas Joseph 27,500 27,500 17 Begich Middle School - New 18 Band Equipment (HD 17-32) 19 Anchorage - North Star 10,000 10,000 20 Elementary School Books 21 and Technology Upgrade (HD 22 17-32) 23 Anchorage - Northeast 160,000 160,000 24 Anchorage Traffic and 25 Pedestrian Safety (HD 26 17-32) 27 Anchorage - NorthEast 2,500 2,500 28 Community Patrol (HD 29 17-32) 30 Anchorage - Northern Lights 1,500,000 1,500,000 31 Blvd Sound and Traffic 01 Barrier (HD 17-32) 02 Anchorage - Northwood 25,000 25,000 03 Elementary School New 04 Program Textbooks and 05 Teaching Materials (HD 06 17-32) 07 Anchorage - Nunaka Valley 2,500 2,500 08 Community Patrol (HD 09 17-32) 10 Anchorage - Nunaka Valley 42,000 42,000 11 Elementary - Asphalt and 12 Sidewalk Repairs (HD 13 17-32) 14 Anchorage - Orion 7,000 7,000 15 Elementary School Sports 16 Equipment Upgrade (HD 17 17-32) 18 Anchorage - Pavement Rehab 5,000,000 5,000,000 19 Matching Program (HD 20 17-32) 21 Anchorage - Pedestrian 1,000,000 1,000,000 22 Safety and Rehab 23 Improvements Matching 24 Program (HD 17-32) 25 Anchorage - Polaris K-12 24,000 24,000 26 School Purchase Smartboard 27 for Secondary Classrooms 28 (HD 17-32) 29 Anchorage - Polaris K-12 70,000 70,000 30 School Theatre Project 31 Phase II (HD 17-32) 01 Anchorage - Polaris K-12 60,000 60,000 02 Text Books and Science 03 Equipment (HD 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Police 35,000 35,000 05 Department - Specialty 06 Response Equipment 07 Purchase (HD 17-32) 08 Anchorage - Police 17,500,000 17,500,000 09 Department Headquarters 10 Expansion, Phase I (HD 11 17-32) 12 Anchorage - Port of 15,000,000 15,000,000 13 Anchorage Intermodal 14 Expansion Project (HD 15 17-32) 16 Anchorage - Ptarmigan 50,000 50,000 17 Elementary School Walking 18 Trail Upgrades (HD 17-32) 19 Anchorage - Road and 25,000 25,000 20 Drainage Rehabilitation in 21 San Roberto Avenue and 22 Klevin Street Area (HD 23 17-32) 24 Anchorage - Rogers Park 160,000 160,000 25 Area Traffic and Pedestrian 26 Safety (HD 17-32) 27 Anchorage - Rogers Park 25,000 25,000 28 Elementary School Lunch 29 Tables and Chairs (HD 30 17-32) 31 Anchorage - Rogers Park 20,000 20,000 01 Elementary School 02 Multi-Purpose Room 03 Retrofitting (HD 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Rogers Park 25,000 25,000 05 Elementary Technology, 06 Books and Supplies Grant 07 (HD 17-32) 08 Anchorage - Romig Middle 15,000 15,000 09 School Technology Upgrades 10 (HD 17-32) 11 Anchorage - Russian Jack 38,500 38,500 12 Elementary School 13 Technology Upgrades (HD 14 17-32) 15 Anchorage - Sand Lake 20,000 20,000 16 Elementary School - 17 Purchase Books and 18 Materials For Library 19 Upgrade (HD 17-32) 20 Anchorage - Sand Lake 15,000 15,000 21 Elementary School 22 Materials and Equipment for 23 Japanese Immersion 24 Program (HD 17-32) 25 Anchorage - Sand Lake 250,000 250,000 26 Watershed Studies (HD 27 17-32) 28 Anchorage - SAVE High 30,000 30,000 29 School Roadside Curb 30 Replacement (HD 17-32) 31 Anchorage - Scenic Park 15,000 15,000 01 Elementary School Stage 02 Curtains Replacement (HD 03 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Sitka Street at 60,000 60,000 05 15th Avenue Drainage (HD 06 17-32) 07 Anchorage - Steller 32,000 32,000 08 Secondary School Computer 09 Lab (HD 17-32) 10 Anchorage - Steller 20,000 20,000 11 Secondary School 12 Data/Electrical Upgrades 13 (HD 17-32) 14 Anchorage - Steller 20,000 20,000 15 Secondary School Library 16 Books and Furniture (HD 17 17-32) 18 Anchorage - Steller 100,000 100,000 19 Secondary School Library 20 Electrical and Data 21 Upgrades (HD 17-32) 22 Anchorage - Susitna 5,000 5,000 23 Elementary School - 24 Document Cameras (HD 25 17-32) 26 Anchorage - Susitna 5,000 5,000 27 Elementary School - 28 Library Books and Supplies 29 (HD 17-32) 30 Anchorage - Taku 7,500 7,500 31 Elementary School - 01 Purchase of Emergency 02 Preparedness Materials (HD 03 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Taku 10,000 10,000 05 Elementary School Main 06 Office Hallway Roof Repair 07 (HD 17-32) 08 Anchorage - Taku 70,000 70,000 09 Elementary School 10 Replacement Kiln (HD 11 17-32) 12 Anchorage - Taku 10,000 10,000 13 Elementary School Storage 14 Shed Replacement (HD 15 17-32) 16 Anchorage - Taku 27,000 27,000 17 Elementary School Wireless 18 Internet Hook-up (HD 19 17-32) 20 Anchorage - Tudor 20,000 20,000 21 Elementary School 22 Flushometer Replacement 23 (HD 17-32) 24 Anchorage - Tudor 5,000 5,000 25 Elementary School Asphalt 26 and Sidewalk Repairs (HD 27 17-32) 28 Anchorage - Tudor 20,000 20,000 29 Elementary School 30 Technology, Books and 31 Supplies Grant (HD 17-32) 01 Anchorage - Turnagain Area 160,000 160,000 02 Traffic and Pedestrian 03 Safety (HD 17-32) 04 Anchorage - Turnagain 71,000 71,000 05 Elementary School 06 Computer Lab (HD 17-32) 07 Anchorage - University Lake 25,000 25,000 08 Park Improvements (HD 09 17-32) 10 Anchorage - Valley of The 500,000 500,000 11 Moon Park Upgrades (HD 12 17-32) 13 Anchorage - Wendler Middle 43,000 43,000 14 School Band Instruments 15 (HD 17-32) 16 Anchorage - Wendler Middle 30,000 30,000 17 School Furniture and 18 Computers Replacement (HD 19 17-32) 20 Anchorage - Wendler Middle 30,000 30,000 21 School Library Furniture & 22 Equipment (HD 17-32) 23 Anchorage - West High 2,500 2,500 24 School Library Equipment 25 and Furniture (HD 17-32) 26 Anchorage - West High 42,000 42,000 27 School Smart Boards 28 Acquisition (HD 17-32) 29 Anchorage - West High 25,000 25,000 30 School Technology and 31 Supplies Grant (HD 17-32) 01 Anchorage - William Tyson 65,000 65,000 02 Elementary School 03 Intercom/Bell/Clock 04 System (HD 17-32) 05 Anchorage - William Tyson 10,000 10,000 06 Elementary School 07 Multi-media Equipment for 08 Classroom (HD 17-32) 09 Anchorage - Willow Crest 10,000 10,000 10 Elementary School Book and 11 Technology Grant (HD 12 17-32) 13 Anchorage - Winterberry 10,000 10,000 14 Charter School Technology, 15 Books, and Supplies Grant 16 (HD 17-32) 17 Anchorage - Wonder Park 45,000 45,000 18 Elementary School - New 19 Computers for Computer Lab 20 (HD 17-32) 21 Anderson - Loader and 50,000 50,000 22 Attachments (HD 7-11) 23 Angoon - Water Plant 43,900 43,900 24 Restoration (HD 5) 25 Bethel - Bethel Fire 1,200,000 1,200,000 26 Station Roof Repair (HD 27 38) 28 Bethel - Regional Aquatic 2,000,000 2,000,000 29 Training Safety Center (HD 30 38) 31 Bristol Bay Borough - Port 1,500,000 1,500,000 01 of Bristol Bay Dock 02 Expansion / Repair (HD 37) 03 The previous appropriation is contingent on the listed community providing an equal match 04 from sources other than the state or federal government. 05 Chevak - Loader (HD 39) 250,000 250,000 06 Coffman Cove - Upgrade and 125,000 125,000 07 Expand Fingers on City 08 Float (HD 1) 09 Cordova - Boat Haul Out 1,000,000 1,000,000 10 and Marine Pollution 11 Abatement (HD 5) 12 Craig - Prince of Wales 500,000 500,000 13 Health Care Facility (HD 14 5) 15 Delta Junction - Ambulance 237,000 237,000 16 and Emergency Medical 17 Equipment Purchase (HD 12) 18 Denali Borough - Loader 450,000 450,000 19 (HD 7-11) 20 Dillingham - City 1,500,000 1,500,000 21 Shoreline Emergency Bank 22 Stabilization (HD 37) 23 Elim - Design and 100,000 100,000 24 Construction of Village 25 Public Safety Officer Home 26 (HD 39) 27 Emmonak - Port Project 516,000 516,000 28 Engineering and Design (HD 29 39) 30 Emmonak - Road 1,000,000 1,000,000 31 Improvements (HD 39) 01 Fairbanks (City of) - 150,000 150,000 02 Ambulance Replacement (HD 03 7-11) 04 Fairbanks (City of) - Road 20,000 20,000 05 Improvements in the 06 Slaterville Subdivision 07 North of Minnie Street (HD 08 7-11) 09 Fairbanks (City of) - 250,000 250,000 10 Traffic Calming 11 Demonstration Project (HD 12 7-11) 13 Fairbanks North Star 23,000 23,000 14 Borough - Airway Service 15 Area Road Improvements 16 (HD 7-11) 17 Fairbanks North Star 25,000 25,000 18 Borough - Badger Road 19 Elementary School 20 Chalkboard Replacement (HD 21 7-11) 22 Fairbanks North Star 104,400 104,400 23 Borough - Badger Road 24 Elementary School Fuel Oil 25 Tank Replacement (HD 7-11) 26 Fairbanks North Star 20,000 20,000 27 Borough - Badger Road 28 Elementary School Wireless 29 Access Project (HD 7-11) 30 Fairbanks North Star 192,500 192,500 31 Borough - Birch Hill Ski 01 Building - Facility 02 Improvements (HD 7-11) 03 Fairbanks North Star 128,000 128,000 04 Borough - Borda Service 05 Area Road Project (HD 06 7-11) 07 Fairbanks North Star 300,000 300,000 08 Borough - Ester Volunteer 09 Fire Department Fire 10 Station Addition (HD 7-11) 11 Fairbanks North Star 95,000 95,000 12 Borough - Hutchison High 13 School Distance Learning 14 System (HD 7-11) 15 Fairbanks North Star 49,139 49,139 16 Borough - Hutchison High 17 School Security Upgrades 18 (HD 7-11) 19 Fairbanks North Star 55,000 55,000 20 Borough - Joy Elementary 21 School Mobile Learning Lab 22 (HD 7-11) 23 Fairbanks North Star 45,000 45,000 24 Borough - Mellow Wood 25 Service Area Road Project 26 (HD 7-11) 27 Fairbanks North Star 64,200 64,200 28 Borough - Moose Meadows 29 Service Area Road 30 Improvements (HD 7-11) 31 Fairbanks North Star 20,000 20,000 01 Borough - North Pole 02 Elementary School Wireless 03 Access Project (HD 7-11) 04 Fairbanks North Star 85,500 85,500 05 Borough - North Pole High 06 School Fuel Oil Tank 07 Replacement (HD 7-11) 08 Fairbanks North Star 32,000 32,000 09 Borough - North Pole High 10 School Wireless Access 11 Project (HD 7-11) 12 Fairbanks North Star 30,000 30,000 13 Borough - North Pole 14 Middle School Replacement 15 of Chalk Boards (HD 7-11) 16 Fairbanks North Star 10,000 10,000 17 Borough - North Pole 18 Middle School Wireless 19 Access Project (HD 7-11) 20 Fairbanks North Star 25,000 25,000 21 Borough - Pearl Creek 22 Elementary School - 23 Replace Office Intercom 24 Panel (HD 7-11) 25 Fairbanks North Star 9,949,000 4,949,000 5,000,000 26 Borough - Road Service 27 Area Projects (HD 7-11) 28 Fairbanks North Star 300,000 300,000 29 Borough - Steese Aerial 30 Ladder Fire/ Rescue Truck 31 (HD 7-11) 01 Fairbanks North Star 50,400 50,400 02 Borough - Ticasuk Brown 03 Elementary School Fuel Oil 04 Tank Replacement (HD 7-11) 05 Fairbanks North Star 20,000 20,000 06 Borough - Ticasuk Brown 07 Elementary School Wireless 08 Access Project (HD 7-11) 09 Fairbanks North Star 300,000 300,000 10 Borough - University Fire 11 Service Area Fire/Rescue 12 Truck (HD 7-11) 13 Fairbanks North Star 55,000 55,000 14 Borough - Weller 15 Elementary School - Mobile 16 Learning Lab (HD 7-11) 17 Gambell - Fire Hall Water 60,000 60,000 18 Tank and Sewer Hook-up (HD 19 39) 20 Gambell - Front End Loader 290,300 290,300 21 (HD 39) 22 Golovin - Loader 333,953 333,953 23 Acquisition (HD 39) 24 Gustavus - Ten Foot Oval 61,808 61,808 25 Culvert at Wilson 26 Road/State Gravel Pit 27 Crossing (HD 5) 28 Haines Borough - Mosquito 50,000 50,000 29 Lake School Septic System 30 Replacement (HD 5) 31 Holy Cross - City Truck 25,000 25,000 01 For Transportation (HD 6) 02 Homer - Main Street 2,000,000 2,000,000 03 Intersection/Reconstruction 04 (HD 33-35) 05 Hoonah - Marine Industrial 3,000,000 3,000,000 06 Center 220 Ton Boat Haul 07 Out Facility (HD 5) 08 Hooper Bay - Temporary 125,000 125,000 09 Homes Relocation from Pad 10 for AVCP Multi-Family 11 Housing Project (HD 39) 12 Hughes - Hughes City 42,700 42,700 13 Office, Clinic, Building 14 Heating System, Mechanical 15 System and Plumbing 16 Upgrade (HD 6) 17 Juneau - Juneau School 10,000 10,000 18 District 2008 Southeast 19 Alaska Regional Science 20 Fair (HD 3-4) 21 Juneau - Juneau School 147,000 147,000 22 District Safety Upgrades 23 (HD 3-4) 24 Kake - Fire Truck (HD 5) 400,000 400,000 25 Kake - Road Grader (HD 5) 300,000 300,000 26 Kasaan - Community 100,000 100,000 27 Facility and Cultural 28 Center (HD 5) 29 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 55,000 55,000 30 Bear Creek Fire Service 31 Area Community Multi-Use 01 Facility (HD 33-35) 02 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 40,000 40,000 03 CPHSA Heritage Place 04 Physical Therapy Program 05 Startup Costs (HD 33-35) 06 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 50,000 50,000 07 Kachemak Emergency Service 08 Area (KESA) Personal 09 Protection Equipment 10 (PPE) (HD 33-35) 11 Kenai Peninsula Borough - 550,000 550,000 12 Nikiski Fire Service Area 13 Fire Engines (HD 33-35) 14 Ketchikan (City of) - City 5,328,216 5,328,216 15 of Ketchikan Fire Station 16 No. 1 Replacement Project 17 (HD 1) 18 Ketchikan (City of) - 4,400,000 4,400,000 19 Ketchikan General Hospital 20 Surgical Suite 21 Expansion/Relocation (HD 22 1) 23 Ketchikan Gateway Borough - 850,000 850,000 24 International Airport 25 Parking Improvements 26 (Paving, Curbing, Striping) 27 (HD 1) 28 Ketchikan Gateway Borough - 691,900 691,900 29 Regional Fire Training 30 Center for Southern 31 Southeast Alaska (HD 1) 01 Ketchikan Gateway Borough - 2,040,000 2,040,000 02 South Tongass Fire 03 Department Fire Station, 04 Phase II (HD 1) 05 King Cove - City Streets 500,000 500,000 06 Phase II (HD 37) 07 The previous appropriation is contingent on the listed community providing an equal match 08 from sources other than the state or federal government. 09 Klawock - Resurface, 1,271,650 1,271,650 10 Replace Manholes, Water & 11 Sewer Lines on Bayview 12 Boulevard (HD 5) 13 Kodiak (City of) - Large 2,000,000 2,000,000 14 Vessel Lift and Boat Yard 15 (HD 36) 16 Kodiak Island Borough - 150,000 150,000 17 Island-Wide Comprehensive 18 Transportation System 19 Feasibility Study (HD 36) 20 Kodiak Island Borough - 4,000,000 4,000,000 21 Kodiak Schools Seismic 22 Mitigation Project (HD 36) 23 Kotzebue - Regional 250,000 250,000 24 Cultural Center (HD 40) 25 Larsen Bay - Repair and 100,000 100,000 26 Resurface of Existing 27 Community Roads (HD 36) 28 Marshall - Garbage Truck 185,000 185,000 29 Acquisition (HD 6) 30 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 145,000 145,000 31 Ambulance Replacement (HD 01 13-16) 02 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 03 Big Lake/Meadow Lakes EMS 04 Purchase of New EMS 05 Technology and Equipment 06 (HD 13-16) 07 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 3,700,000 3,700,000 08 Bridge Repair/Replacement 09 Program (HD 13-16) 10 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 550,000 550,000 11 Central Area Mat-Su 12 Wastewater Master Plan (HD 13 13-16) 14 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 15 Fairview RSA #14: Upgrade 16 Service Area Roads (HD 17 13-16) 18 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 190,000 190,000 19 Greater Palmer 20 Consolidated Fire Service 21 Area Tanker Replacement 22 (HD 13-16) 23 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 24 Knik Elementary School 25 Library/Technology Upgrade 26 (HD 13-16) 27 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 28 Knik Road RSA #17: 29 Upgrade Service Area Roads 30 (HD 13-16) 31 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 7,500 7,500 01 Meadow Lakes Elementary 02 School Library Technology 03 Upgrade (HD 13-16) 04 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 30,000 30,000 05 Meadow Lakes FSA No. 34 06 Purchase of New Fire 07 Fighting Equipment and 08 Building Maintenance (HD 09 13-16) 10 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 1,000,000 1,000,000 11 North Nancy Lake Peninsula 12 Road Rehabilitation Project 13 (HD 13-16) 14 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 6,000,000 6,000,000 15 Parks Highway Connectors 16 (HD 13-16) 17 Matanuska-Susitna Borough - 20,000,000 20,000,000 18 Port MacKenzie Rail 19 Extension (HD 13-16) 20 Mekoryuk - Fire Truck and 766,000 766,000 21 Equipment Purchase (HD 38) 22 New Stuyahok - Community 850,000 850,000 23 Health Clinic & Family 24 Resource Center (HD 37) 25 The previous appropriation is contingent on the listed community providing an equal match 26 from sources other than the state or federal government. 27 Nome - Power Plant 2,500,000 2,500,000 28 Construction Completion 29 (HD 39) 30 Nome - Public Safety 2,200,000 2,200,000 31 Building Phase II (HD 39) 01 Noorvik - Heavy Equipment 355,000 355,000 02 (HD 40) 03 North Pole - Rehabilitate 147,500 147,500 04 North Pole Utility Well 05 and Adjustment Control 06 Panel (HD 7-11) 07 North Slope Borough - 75,000 75,000 08 Search and Rescue Fuel and 09 Equipment (HD 40) 10 North Slope Borough - 850,000 850,000 11 Wainwright Coal Bed 12 Methane Project (HD 40) 13 Northwest Arctic Borough - 25,000 25,000 14 Ice Road (HD 40) 15 Northwest Arctic Borough - 75,000 75,000 16 Search and Rescue Fuel and 17 Equipment (HD 40) 18 Nulato - Grader Acquisition 196,342 196,342 19 (HD 6) 20 Ouzinkie - Dock 1,150,000 1,150,000 21 Replacement (HD 36) 22 Ouzinkie - New Tractor with 50,000 50,000 23 Backhoe for Landfill (HD 24 36) 25 Palmer - ADA Sidewalk 80,000 80,000 26 Compliance (HD 13-16) 27 Palmer - Felton Street 688,224 688,224 28 Upgrade Project (HD 13-16) 29 Palmer - Replace Steel 1,834,000 1,834,000 30 Water Mains and Street 31 Improvements in the 01 Blueberry Area (HD 13-16) 02 Palmer - Replace Steel 765,000 765,000 03 Water Mains and Street 04 Improvements in the Lucas 05 Area (HD 13-16) 06 Palmer - Residential and 182,100 182,100 07 Downtown Street Lighting 08 (HD 13-16) 09 Pelican - Water & Sewer 382,000 382,000 10 Improvements (HD 2) 11 Petersburg - Airport 250,000 250,000 12 By-Pass Road - Sandy Beach 13 to Scow Bay (HD 2) 14 Petersburg - Cabin Creek 525,000 525,000 15 Reservoir - Water Pipeline 16 Repairs (HD 2) 17 Petersburg - Fire & EMS 5,366,522 5,366,522 18 Facility (HD 2) 19 Petersburg - Public Library 150,000 150,000 20 Construction (HD 2) 21 Ruby - Fire Truck 140,000 140,000 22 Acquisition (HD 6) 23 Saint Michael - New Grader 350,000 350,000 24 (HD 39) 25 Saint Paul - Municipal 200,000 200,000 26 Fire Station (HD 37) 27 Sand Point - School Loop 1,000,000 1,000,000 28 Road Reconstruction Phase 29 I (HD 37) 30 The previous appropriation is contingent on the listed community providing an equal match 31 from sources other than the state or federal government. 01 Seldovia - Matching EPA 235,000 235,000 02 Funds for Water/Sewer 03 Upgrades (HD 33-35) 04 Seward - Road/ Levee 1,750,000 1,750,000 05 Construction (HD 33-35) 06 Shaktoolik - Snow Fence 300,000 300,000 07 (HD 39) 08 Sitka - Blue Lake Hydro 12,500,000 12,500,000 09 Project Dam Height 10 Adjustment and Additional 11 Turbine (HD 2) 12 Teller - Teller Community 210,000 210,000 13 Health Clinic Completion 14 (HD 39) 15 Tenakee Springs - Removal 5,000 5,000 16 and Replacement of 17 Community Hall Heating 18 Oil Tank (HD 5) 19 Thorne Bay - Cemetery 25,000 25,000 20 Acquisition & Development 21 (HD 1) 22 Thorne Bay - Upgrade of 191,000 191,000 23 Southside Subdivision Road 24 (HD 1) 25 Togiak - Youth 500,000 500,000 26 Multi-Purpose Facility (HD 27 37) 28 Unalaska - Power Generation 1,500,000 1,500,000 29 Expansion (HD 37) 30 Valdez - Flood Susceptible 500,000 500,000 31 Sewer System Replacement 01 (HD 12) 02 Valdez - Valdez High 6,000 6,000 03 School Emergency Generator 04 Switch Gear Replacement 05 (HD 12) 06 Valdez - Valdez High 15,000 15,000 07 School Fire Alarm Repair 08 and Completion (HD 12) 09 Valdez - Valdez High 18,000 18,000 10 School Sprinkler Design and 11 Repair (HD 12) 12 Wales - Heavy Equipment 477,300 477,300 13 Purchase (HD 39) 14 Wasilla - Airport Blvd 600,000 600,000 15 Phase 1 (HD 13-16) 16 Wasilla - E Susitna Avenue 750,000 750,000 17 Extension (HD 13-16) 18 Wasilla - South Mack Drive 2,000,000 2,000,000 19 Extension (HD 13-16) 20 Wasilla - Wasilla Airport 300,000 300,000 21 Train Station (HD 13-16) 22 Wrangell - Garbage Trucks - 500,000 500,000 23 Solid Waste Collection 24 Improvements (HD 2) 25 Wrangell - Water Treatment 1,500,000 1,500,000 26 Improvements (HD 2) 27 Yakutat - Public Safety 200,000 200,000 28 Building (HD 5) 29 Grants to Unincorporated  30  Communities (AS 37.05.317)  31 Chenega Bay - Sewer Line 75,000 75,000 01 to Subsistence Building 02 (HD 5) 03 Chistochina - Renovate 100,000 100,000 04 Community Hall (HD 6) 05 Copper Center - Kluti-Kaah 1,500,000 1,500,000 06 Community Recreation & 07 Learning Center Project 08 (HD 6) 09 Hollis - Hollis Volunteer 226,538 226,538 10 Fire Department & EMS 11 Emergency Service 12 Facilities (HD 1) 13 Igiugig - Excavator (HD 50,000 50,000 14 36) 15 Klukwan - Jilkaat Kwaan 1,500,000 1,500,000 16 Cultural Heritage Center & 17 Bald Eagle Observatory (HD 18 5) 19 Mentasta Lake - Emergency 40,000 40,000 20 Storage Facility (HD 6) 21 Metlakatla - Emergency 681,890 681,890 22 Battery Energy Storage 23 System Replacement (HD 5) 24 Naukati Bay - Regional 75,000 75,000 25 Shellfish Processing 26 Facility (HD 5) 27 Pedro Bay - Fuel Truck 50,000 50,000 28 Acquisition (HD 36) 29 Port Alsworth - Fire 150,000 150,000 30 Hall/Meeting Hall (HD 36) 31 Tatitlek - Landing Craft 200,000 200,000 01 Acquisition & Operation 02 Project (HD 5) 03 Tetlin - Building 75,000 75,000 04 Improvement Project (HD 05 6) 06 Venetie - Health Care 150,000 150,000 07 Clinic Project (HD 6) 08 Whale Pass - Community 45,000 45,000 09 Streets and Roads (HD 5) 10 * * * * * * * * * *  11 * * * * * Department of Corrections * * * * *  12 * * * * * * * * * *  13 Annual Facilities 3,000,000 3,000,000 14 Maintenance and Repairs 15 (HD 1-40) 16 Community Jails Repairs, 200,000 200,000 17 Renovations, and Equipment 18 (HD 1-40) 19 Information Technology 1,750,000 1,750,000 20 Systems Implementation and 21 Replacement (HD 1-40) 22 Inmate Health Care Medical 133,700 133,700 23 and Dental Equipment 24 Replacement (HD 1-40) 25 Institution Equipment 1,000,000 1,000,000 26 Replacement (HD 1-40) 27 Prison Employment Program 72,000 72,000 28 Commercial Laundry 29 Equipment (HD 3-4) 01 * * * * * * * * * *  02 * * * * * Department of Education and Early Development * * * * *  03 * * * * * * * * * *  04 Alaska State Library, 7,500,000 4,500,000 3,000,000 05 Archives and Museum: 06 Planning and Design of New 07 Facility (HD 3-4) 08 Mt. Edgecumbe High School 2,634,000 2,634,000 09 Deferred Maintenance (HD 10 2) 11 School Construction Grant 106,421,074 106,421,074  12 Fund (AS 14.11.005)  13 Susitna Valley High School 19,099,558 14 Replacement (HD 13-16) 15 Marshall K-12 School 35,554,900 16 Replacement (HD 6) 17 Chaptnguak K-12 Renovation 44,182,623 18 and Addition, Chefornak 19 (HD 38) 20 Kobuk K-12 Renovation/ 7,583,993 21 Addition (HD 40) 22 Major Maintenance Grant 81,364,724 81,364,724  23 Fund (AS 14.11.007)  24 Auke Bay Elementary School 10,855,000 25 Renovation (HD 3-4) 26 Deering K-12 School 871,196 27 Improvements, Phase 2 (HD 28 40) 29 Fairbanks District-wide 2,486,777 30 Fuel Oil Tank Replacement 31 (HD 7-11) 01 Gastineau Elementary 6,461,000 02 School Renovation (HD 3-4) 03 Hoonah School District 930,140 04 Pool and Boiler Room Roof 05 Replacement (HD 5) 06 Ignatius Beans K-12 School 11,706,209 07 Improvement, Mountain 08 Village (HD 39) 09 Klawock K-12 School Gym 1,237,657 10 Structural Repairs (HD 5) 11 Klawock K-12 School 1,026,329 12 Renovation (HD 5) 13 Leask Middle School Major 2,016,124 14 Maintenance (HD 5) 15 Maudry J. Sommers K-12 7,064,889 16 School Major Maintenance 17 (HD 6) 18 Metlakatla High School 8,910,015 19 Renovation (HD 5) 20 Nome-Beltz Junior/Senior 1,503,123 21 High Buildings D and E 22 Roof Replacement (HD 39) 23 Petersburg Elementary 900,582 24 School Roof Replacement 25 (HD 2) 26 Pitka's Point K-8 School 841,575 27 Emergency Structural 28 Remediation (HD 39) 29 Playground Safety Upgrades 583,322 30 - Houghtaling, Valley Park 31 and Pt. Higgins Elementary 01 Schools (HD 1) 02 Schoenbar Middle School 5,669,235 03 Repair and Remediation (HD 04 1) 05 Shungnak K-12 School 3,408,817 06 Improvements, Phase 5 (HD 07 40) 08 Thorne Bay K-12 School 517,440 09 Structural Repairs (HD 1) 10 Tuluksak K-12 School Power 559,462 11 Generation (HD 38) 12 Unalakleet High School 12,042,418 13 Renovation (HD 39) 14 Whittier K-12 School Roof 1,773,414 15 Renovation (HD 17-32) 16 Grants to Named Recipients  17  (AS 37.05.316)  18 Southeast Island School 45,000 45,000 19 District - School Vehicle 20 (HD 1) 21 Yupiit School District - 60,000 60,000 22 Library Resources for 23 District School Libraries 24 (HD 38) 25 * * * * * * * * * *  26 * * * * * Department of Environmental Conservation * * * * *  27 * * * * * * * * * *  28 Monitoring of Dust Control 224,107 224,107 29 Technologies in Rural 30 Alaska (HD 40) 31 Dilution of Effluent Study 135,000 135,000 01 (HD 1-40) 02 The previous appropriation is to conduct a study of the effect of providing for dilution of 03 effluent from cruise ships. The Department shall conclude the study and provide a report of 04 its findings to the Legislature no later than January 1, 2009. 05 Municipal Water, Sewage, 18,966,870 18,966,870  06 and Solid Waste Facilities  07 Grants (AS 46.03.030)  08 Anchorage: Asplund 2,060,000 09 Wastewater Treatment 10 Facility Disinfection 11 Upgrade (HD 17-32) 12 Fairbanks North Star 1,035,000 13 Borough: Pioneer Park 14 Water and Sewer 15 Enhancement (HD 7-11) 16 Fairbanks: Wastewater 915,354 17 Treatment Plant Clarifier 18 Rehabilitation (HD 7-11) 19 Homer: Water Treatment 1,236,000 20 Plant Upgrade (HD 33-35) 21 Juneau: East Valley 419,175 22 Reservoir/Jordan Creek 23 Rehabilitation Project (HD 24 3-4) 25 Juneau: North Douglas 1,253,510 26 Sewer Expansion Phase III 27 (HD 3-4) 28 Juneau: West Mendenhall 1,117,550 29 Valley Sewer Expansion 30 Phase II (HD 3-4) 31 Kenai: New Water 698,625 01 Transmission Main Phase 02 II Wellhouse (HD 33-35) 03 Kodiak: Aleutian Homes 1,297,800 04 Water and Sewer 05 Replacement Phase IV (HD 06 36) 07 Kodiak: Ultraviolet 2,060,000 08 Secondary Water Treatment 09 Facility (HD 36) 10 Matanuska-Susitna Borough: 1,035,000 11 Central Landfill Expansion 12 Phase IIIB (HD 13-16) 13 Palmer: Palmer Southwest 1,766,605 14 Utility Extension Phase II 15 (HD 13-16) 16 Palmer: Palmer Steel 1,369,793 17 Water Main Replacement 18 Phase VI (HD 13-16) 19 Palmer: Wastewater 148,781 20 Treatment Plant 21 Improvements Design (HD 22 13-16) 23 Soldotna: Funny River 1,829,177 24 Phase II (HD 33-35) 25 Wasilla: Mission Hills 724,500 26 Water Extension (HD 13-16) 27 Village Safe Water and 102,138,015 22,909,504 79,228,511  28 Wastewater Infrastructure  29 Projects  30 It is the intent of the legislature that the Department of Environmental Conservation transfer 31 money between allocations as needed to meet federal requirements. 01 Atka: Sanitation Facilities 108,000 02 Master Plan (HD 37) 03 Bethel: Institutional 108,000 04 Corridor Water Distribution 05 Study (HD 38) 06 Chignik: Sewer 75,000 07 Improvements - Phase IV 08 (HD 37) 09 Elim: Master Plan Update 100,000 10 and Water Source Study (HD 11 39) 12 Haines: Replace Barnett 351,900 13 Drive Pump Station (HD 5) 14 Kake: Sanitation Facilities 140,400 15 Master Plan (HD 5) 16 Kasaan: Water System 619,500 17 Improvements (HD 5) 18 Kiana: Facilities Master 45,000 19 Plan (HD 40) 20 Kobuk: Master Plan Update 45,000 21 (HD 40) 22 Kokhanok: Water and Sewer 100,000 23 Master Plan (HD 36) 24 Koliganek: Water and Sewer 35,000 25 Leak Detection Study (HD 26 37) 27 Manokotak: Old Village 189,000 28 Master Plan and Exploratory 29 Well Drilling (HD 37) 30 Metlakatla: Water System 1,476,423 31 Upgrade - Phase II (HD 5) 01 Newtok: Sanitation Master 162,000 02 Plan (HD 38) 03 Nome: Moonlight Spring 2,060,000 04 Transmission Line Upgrade 05 - Phase I (HD 39) 06 Nome: Water and Sewer 2,060,000 07 Infrastructure 08 Improvements - Phase V 09 (HD 39) 10 Nulato: Upper Townsite 1,129,087 11 Expansion - Phase I (HD 6) 12 Perryville: Water and Sewer 100,000 13 Master Plan (HD 37) 14 Port Protection: Water 81,000 15 Storage Study (HD 5) 16 Petersburg: Water 1,236,000 17 Treatment Plant Upgrades 18 Project - Phase III (HD 19 2) 20 Saint George: Wastewater 108,000 21 Marine Outfall Study (HD 22 37) 23 Saxman: Water Treatment 480,000 24 Plant (HD 1) 25 Shishmaref: Sanitation 100,000 26 Facilities Master Plan (HD 27 40) 28 Slana: On-Site Wells & 1,080,000 29 Septic Systems (HD 6) 30 Unalaska: Wastewater 2,060,000 31 Treatment Plant Upgrade 01 and Leachate Treatment (HD 02 37) 03 Denali Commission/ Alaska 10,500,000 04 Native Tribal Health 05 Consortium/ Other Federal 06 Agencies (HD 1-40) 07 Adak: Design and 777,464 08 Construction of Water and 09 Sewer Facilities (HD 37) 10 Akiachak: Design and 2,571,014 11 Construction of Water and 12 Sewer Facilities (HD 38) 13 Anderson: Design and 1,847,914 14 Construction of Water and 15 Sewer Facilities (HD 7-11) 16 Bethel: Design and 2,838,786 17 Construction of Water and 18 Sewer Facilities (HD 38) 19 Buckland: Design and 2,483,317 20 Construction of Water and 21 Sewer Facilities (HD 40) 22 Chenega: Design and 545,181 23 Construction of Water and 24 Sewer Facilities (HD 5) 25 Chignik Bay: Design and 743,555 26 Construction of Water and 27 Sewer Facilities (HD 37) 28 Chistochina: Design and 924,334 29 Construction of Water and 30 Sewer Facilities (HD 6) 31 Chuathbaluk: Design and 597,697 01 Construction of Water and 02 Sewer Facilities (HD 6) 03 Coffman Cove: Design and 2,665,025 04 Construction of Water and 05 Sewer Facilities (HD 1) 06 Crooked Creek: Design and 1,214,979 07 Construction of Water and 08 Sewer Facilities (HD 6) 09 Eek: Design and 2,601,870 10 Construction of Water and 11 Sewer Facilities (HD 38) 12 Ekwok: Design and 682,873 13 Construction of Water and 14 Sewer Facilities (HD 37) 15 Emmonak: Design and 702,683 16 Construction of Water and 17 Sewer Facilities (HD 39) 18 False Pass: Design and 1,196,640 19 Construction of Water and 20 Sewer Facilities (HD 37) 21 Fort Yukon: Design and 225,870 22 Construction of Water and 23 Sewer Facilities (HD 6) 24 Gambell: Design and 1,203,918 25 Construction of Water and 26 Sewer Facilities (HD 39) 27 Glennallen: Design and 578,093 28 Construction of Water and 29 Sewer Facilities (HD 12) 30 Golovin: Design and 317,276 31 Construction of Water and 01 Sewer Facilities (HD 39) 02 Hooper Bay: Design and 3,065,757 03 Construction of Water and 04 Sewer Facilities (HD 39) 05 Kasaan: Design and 942,736 06 Construction of Water and 07 Sewer Facilities (HD 5) 08 Kasigluk: Design and 675,250 09 Construction of Water and 10 Sewer Facilities (HD 38) 11 Kongiganak: Design and 2,042,093 12 Construction of Water and 13 Sewer Facilities (HD 38) 14 Kotlik: Design and 410,489 15 Construction of Water and 16 Sewer Facilities (HD 39) 17 Kotzebue: Design and 2,938,979 18 Construction of Water and 19 Sewer Facilities (HD 40) 20 Manokotak: Design and 1,556,706 21 Construction of Water and 22 Sewer Facilities (HD 37) 23 Marshall: Design and 1,620,115 24 Construction of Water and 25 Sewer Facilities (HD 6) 26 McGrath: Design and 2,730,724 27 Construction of Water and 28 Sewer Facilities (HD 6) 29 Nanwalek: Design and 757,906 30 Construction of Water and 31 Sewer Facilities (HD 01 33-35) 02 Nenana: Design and 2,763,422 03 Construction of Water and 04 Sewer Facilities (HD 6) 05 Nightmute: Design and 808,152 06 Construction of Water and 07 Sewer Facilities (HD 38) 08 Ninilchik: Design and 3,109,337 09 Construction of Water and 10 Sewer Facilities (HD 11 33-35) 12 Nunapitchuk: Design and 1,066,783 13 Construction of Water and 14 Sewer Facilities (HD 38) 15 Old Harbor: Design and 612,677 16 Construction of Water and 17 Sewer Facilities (HD 36) 18 Pelican: Design and 2,636,918 19 Construction of Water and 20 Sewer Facilities (HD 2) 21 Pilot Point: Design and 1,050,185 22 Construction of Water and 23 Sewer Facilities (HD 37) 24 Pitkas Point: Design and 1,204,917 25 Construction of Water and 26 Sewer Facilities (HD 39) 27 Quinhagak: Design and 1,332,911 28 Construction of Water and 29 Sewer Facilities (HD 38) 30 Saxman: Design and 660,201 31 Construction of Water and 01 Sewer Facilities (HD 1) 02 Seldovia: Design and 3,207,227 03 Construction of Water and 04 Sewer Facilities (HD 05 33-35) 06 Shageluk: Design and 2,274,970 07 Construction of Water and 08 Sewer Facilities (HD 6) 09 Slana: Design and 1,515,779 10 Construction of Water and 11 Sewer Facilities (HD 6) 12 Stebbins: Design and 3,259,722 13 Construction of Water and 14 Sewer Facilities (HD 39) 15 Takotna: Design and 767,140 16 Construction of Water and 17 Sewer Facilities (HD 6) 18 Tanana: Design and 2,048,620 19 Construction of Water and 20 Sewer Facilities (HD 6) 21 Togiak: Design and 1,992,460 22 Construction of Water and 23 Sewer Facilities (HD 37) 24 Toksook Bay: Design and 2,466,857 25 Construction of Water and 26 Sewer Facilities (HD 38) 27 Unalakleet - Design and 2,711,543 28 Construction of Water and 29 Sewer Facilities (HD 39) 30 Voznesenka - Design and 639,640 31 Construction of Water and 01 Sewer Facilities (HD 02 33-35) 03 * * * * * * * * * *  04 * * * * * Department of Fish and Game * * * * *  05 * * * * * * * * * *  06 Birch Lake Weir Site Land 200,000 200,000 07 Acquisition (HD 12) 08 Mixed Stock Salmon Fishery 4,556,700 4,556,700 09 Assessment (HD 1-40) 10 Pacific Coastal Salmon 22,000,000 22,000,000 11 Recovery Fund (HD 1-40) 12 Sport Fish Recreational 3,100,000 3,100,000 13 Boating Access (HD 1-40) 14 Whittier Harbor Transient 1,500,000 1,500,000 15 Moorage - Boating 16 Infrastructure Grant (BIG) 17 Tier II (HD 17-32) 18 * * * * * * * * * *  19 * * * * * Office of the Governor * * * * *  20 * * * * * * * * * *  21 Polling Place Accessibility 100,000 100,000 22 Improvements under the 23 Federal Help America Vote 24 Act (HAVA) (HD 1-40) 25 * * * * * * * * * *  26 * * * * * Department of Health and Social Services * * * * *  27 * * * * * * * * * *  28 Craig Public Health Center 797,900 797,900 29 Replacement (HD 5) 30 Electronic Vital Record 3,724,500 3,724,500 31 Registration System (HD 01 1-40) 02 Eligibility Information 427,800 264,400 163,400 03 System Maintenance (HD 04 1-40) 05 Emergency Medical Services 265,000 265,000 06 - Emergency Communications 07 (HD 1-40) 08 Emergency Medical Services 425,000 425,000 09 Ambulances and Equipment 10 Statewide - Match for Code 11 Blue Project (HD 1-40) 12 Evaluate Eligibility 864,300 474,600 389,700 13 Information System 14 Alternatives, Phase 2 (HD 15 1-40) 16 Fraud Case Management 298,200 184,300 113,900 17 System Replacement (HD 18 1-40) 19 Information Services 1,000,000 1,000,000 20 Security Enhancements (HD 21 1-40) 22 McLaughlin Youth Center 19,503,700 19,503,700 23 Renovation to Meet Safety 24 and Security Needs, Phase 1 25 (HD 17-32) 26 Non-Pioneer Home Deferred 757,600 750,000 7,600 27 Maintenance, Renovation, 28 Repair and Equipment (HD 29 1-40) 30 Safety and Support 837,800 750,000 87,800 31 Equipment for Probation 01 Officers, Social Workers, 02 and Pioneer Home Residents 03 and Staff (HD 1-40) 04 Sitka Pioneer Home Roof 1,900,000 1,900,000 05 Replacement (HD 2) 06 Deferred Maintenance, 7,191,600 7,110,000 81,600  07 Renovation, Repair and  08 Equipment  09 Anchorage Pioneer Home 1,620,900 10 (HD 17-32) 11 Assets Building (HD 17-32) 187,700 12 Bethel Youth Facility (HD 430,000 13 38) 14 Denardo Center (HD 7-11) 107,500 15 Dillingham Health Center 131,100 16 (HD 37) 17 Fahrenkamp Center (HD 128,100 18 7-11) 19 Fairbanks Health Center 74,400 20 (HD 7-11) 21 Fairbanks Pioneer Home 201,800 22 (HD 7-11) 23 Fairbanks Youth Facility 415,300 24 (HD 7-11) 25 Griffin Memorial Building 148,900 26 (HD 36) 27 Johnson Youth Center (HD 306,000 28 3-4) 29 Juneau Health Center (HD 41,300 30 3-4) 31 Juneau Pioneer Home (HD 478,800 01 3-4) 02 Ketchikan Pioneer Home 253,900 03 (HD 1) 04 Ketchikan Youth Facility 223,300 05 (HD 1) 06 Mat-Su Youth Facility (HD 483,000 07 13-16) 08 McLaughlin Youth Center 978,700 09 (HD 17-32) 10 Nome Youth Facility (HD 41,400 11 39) 12 Palmer Pioneer Home (HD 311,000 13 13-16) 14 Sitka Health Center (HD 2) 27,200 15 Sitka Pioneer Home (HD 2) 601,200 16 Statewide Deferred 100 17 Maintenance, Renovation, 18 Repair and Equipment (HD 19 1-40) 20 * * * * * * * * * *  21 * * * * * Department of Military and Veterans Affairs * * * * *  22 * * * * * * * * * *  23 Alaska Aviation Safety 500,000 500,000 24 Project (HD 1-40) 25 Anchorage Armory Roof 4,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 26 Replacement (HD 17-32) 27 Army Guard Facilities 1,500,000 750,000 750,000 28 Projects (HD 1-40) 29 Compliance Cleanup Site 5,000,000 5,000,000 30 Restoration (HD 1-40) 31 Emergency Response Plans 400,000 400,000 01 (HD 1-40) 02 Improved Communications 4,000,000 800,000 3,200,000 03 for Emergency Response 04 (ICER) (HD 1-40) 05 Military Youth Academy 1,000,000 1,000,000 06 Deferred Maintenance, 07 Renewal and Replacement 08 (HD 17-32) 09 National Guard Counterdrug 100,000 100,000 10 Support Program (HD 1-40) 11 State Homeland Security 9,500,000 9,500,000 12 Grant Program (HD 1-40) 13 * * * * * * * * * *  14 * * * * * Department of Natural Resources * * * * *  15 * * * * * * * * * *  16 Abandoned Mine Lands 3,000,000 3,000,000 17 Reclamation Federal 18 Program (HD 1-40) 19 AK Coastal Management 1,360,000 1,360,000 20 Federal Pass Through 21 Grants (HD 1-40) 22 Alaska Boating Safety 1,200,000 1,200,000 23 Program (HD 1-40) 24 Alaska Energy Inventory 350,000 350,000 25 Project Completion of 26 Phase 1 (HD 1-40) 27 CO2 Sequestration 300,000 100,000 200,000 28 Assessment Phase 1 (HD 29 1-40) 30 Coastal Impact Assistance 3,000,000 3,000,000 31 Program (CIAP) (HD 1-40) 01 Eagle Beach Accessible 58,000 58,000 02 Public Use Cabin and 03 Shelters (HD 3-4) 04 Federal and Local 3,000,000 3,000,000 05 Government Funded Forest 06 Resource and Fire Program 07 Projects (HD 1-40) 08 Fire Fighting Equipment 500,000 500,000 09 Replacement Phase 2 (HD 10 1-40) 11 Forest Legacy Federal 2,516,500 2,516,500 12 Grant Program (HD 1-40) 13 Juneau Area Historic Tour 250,000 250,000 14 Development (HD 3-4) 15 Kenai River Public Use 200,000 200,000 16 Study (HD 33-35) 17 Land and Water Conservation 600,000 600,000 18 Fund Federal Grant Program 19 (HD 1-40) 20 National Historic 1,050,000 50,000 1,000,000 21 Preservation Fund Federal 22 Grant Program (HD 1-40) 23 National Recreational Trail 1,500,000 1,500,000 24 Grants Federal Program 25 (HD 1-40) 26 South Denali Visitor and 8,900,000 6,400,000 2,500,000 27 Cruise Passenger Access 28 Road Design and 29 Construction (HD 1-40) 30 State Park Sanitation and 850,000 850,000 31 Safety Projects (HD 1-40) 01 Statewide Digital Mapping 4,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 02 Initiative Year 3 (HD 03 1-40) 04 * * * * * * * * * *  05 * * * * * Department of Public Safety * * * * *  06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 Facilities Deferred 1,715,000 1,715,000  08 Maintenance, Repairs, and  09 Improvements  10 Anchorage Aircraft Hangar 75,000 11 Design (HD 17-32) 12 Anchorage Aircraft Section 91,700 13 Structural Repairs, Hot 14 Water Tank Replacement, 15 and Floor Drainage 16 Improvements (HD 17-32) 17 Bethel Office Repair / 170,000 18 Renovation (HD 38) 19 Crime Lab Facility Repair 63,462 20 and Improvements (HD 1-40) 21 Dillingham Office 96,000 22 Foundation Repair and 23 Renovation, Underground 24 Storage Tank Removal (HD 25 37) 26 Fairbanks State Trooper 520,000 27 Post Repair / Renovation 28 (HD 7-11) 29 Ketchikan Trooper Office 65,000 30 Deferred Maintenance (HD 31 1) 01 Rural Trooper Office and 383,958 02 Housing Repairs / 03 Renovation (HD 1-40) 04 Sitka Training Academy 50,000 05 Repair / Renovation 06 Including Heating Control 07 Upgrades (HD 2) 08 Statewide Facility Deferred 199,880 09 Maintenance / Repair / 10 Renovation / Improvements 11 (HD 33-35) 12 * * * * * * * * * *  13 * * * * * Department of Revenue * * * * *  14 * * * * * * * * * *  15 Child Support Services 194,000 194,000 16 Computer Replacement 17 Project - Phase 4 (HD 18 1-40) 19 Corporate Tax / Motor Fuel 830,000 830,000 20 Tax System Replacement 21 (HD 1-40) 22 Mining Tax System 460,000 460,000 23 Replacement (HD 1-40) 24 Oil and Gas Production Tax 2,620,800 2,620,800 25 System Replacement (HD 26 1-40) 27 Permanent Fund Dividend 125,000 125,000 28 Computer Replacement 29 Project - Phase 4 (HD 30 1-40) 31 PowerBuilder Replacement 300,000 300,000 01 Feasibility Study (HD 02 1-40) 03 Alaska Housing Finance  04  Corporation  05 AHFC Bethel Community 2,000,000 2,000,000 06 Room and Shop (HD 38) 07 AHFC Chugach View Siding 2,500,000 2,500,000 08 & Window Replacement (HD 09 17-32) 10 AHFC Competitive Grants 1,000,000 1,000,000 11 for Public Housing (HD 12 1-40) 13 AHFC Denali Commission 7,000,000 7,000,000 14 Projects (HD 1-40) 15 AHFC Energy Efficiency 1,000,000 1,000,000 16 Monitoring Research (HD 17 1-40) 18 AHFC Etolin Heights 450,000 450,000 19 Mechanical Replacement (HD 20 2) 21 AHFC Etolin Heights 500,000 500,000 22 Roofing Replacement (HD 2) 23 AHFC Federal and Other 4,500,000 4,500,000 24 Competitive Grants (HD 25 1-40) 26 AHFC Housing and Urban 3,200,000 3,200,000 27 Development Capital Fund 28 Program (HD 1-40) 29 AHFC Housing and Urban 4,200,000 4,200,000 30 Development Federal HOME 31 Grant (HD 1-40) 01 AHFC Housing Loan 8,000,000 8,000,000 02 Program/Teacher/Health and 03 Public Safety Professionals 04 Housing (HD 1-40) 05 AHFC Human 387,900 387,900 06 Resource/Payroll 07 Implementation (HD 1-40) 08 AHFC Loussac Manor 2,336,000 2,336,000 09 Renovation and Replacement 10 Phase 2 (HD 17-32) 11 AHFC Low Income 2,000,000 2,000,000 12 Weatherization (HD 1-40) 13 AHFC Phone System 450,000 450,000 14 Replacement (HD 17-32) 15 AHFC Prison Expansion and 1,000,000 1,000,000 16 Renovations (HD 1-40) 17 AHFC Public Housing 1,250,000 1,250,000 18 Software Replacement 19 Project (HD 1-40) 20 AHFC Senior Citizens 6,000,000 6,000,000 21 Housing Development 22 Program (HD 1-40) 23 AHFC State Energy 180,000 180,000 24 Program Special Projects 25 (HD 1-40) 26 AHFC Statewide ADA 500,000 500,000 27 Improvements (HD 1-40) 28 AHFC Statewide Energy 500,000 500,000 29 Improvements (HD 1-40) 30 AHFC Statewide Project 2,500,000 2,500,000 31 Improvements (HD 1-40) 01 AHFC Supplemental Housing 8,000,000 8,000,000 02 Development Program (HD 03 1-40) 04 * * * * * * * * * *  05 * * * * * Department of Transportation/Public Facilities * * * * *  06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 Akutan Airport Construction 3,000,000 3,000,000 08 (HD 37) 09 The previous appropriation is contingent on the listed community providing an equal match 10 from sources other than the state or federal government. 11 Alaska Marine Highway 2,000,000 2,000,000 12 System - Vessel and 13 Facility Deferred 14 Maintenance (HD 1-40) 15 Alaska Marine Highway 9,900,000 9,900,000 16 System - Vessel and 17 Terminal Overhaul and 18 Rehabilitation (HD 1-40) 19 Bridge Repair and Upgrade 400,000 400,000 20 (HD 3-4) 21 Coffman Cove Maintenance 980,000 980,000 22 Station (HD 1) 23 Fairview Loop Road 600,000 600,000 24 Refurbishment (HD 13-16) 25 Gastineau Channel Crossing 2,600,000 2,600,000 26 EIS (HD 3-4) 27 Glacier Highway Roundabouts 5,036,000 5,036,000 28 and Sidewalks - Fritz Cove 29 Road to Harbor Drive (HD 30 3-4) 31 Halibut Point Road - 6,500,000 6,500,000 01 Sawmill Creek to Ferry 02 Terminal Pavement 03 Rehabilitation & Drainage 04 Improvements (HD 2) 05 Juneau Transit Center (HD 750,000 750,000 06 3-4) 07 Knik-Goose Bay Road - Fern 1,200,000 1,200,000 08 Street Improvements (HD 09 13-16) 10 Knik-Goose Bay Road 3,000,000 3,000,000 11 Reconstruction (HD 13-16) 12 Mission Road (Kodiak 575,000 575,000 13 Island) - Upgrade and 14 Repair (HD 36) 15 North Tongass Highway - 10,400,000 10,400,000 16 Totem Bight to Whipple 17 Creek (HD 1) 18 Palmer Wasilla Highway 4,000,000 4,000,000 19 Improvements Phase II 20 (HD 13-16) 21 Sidewalk Snow Removal 1,250,840 1,250,840 22 Equipment for State Roads 23 (HD 17-32) 24 Thane Road Pavement 3,900,000 3,900,000 25 Rehabilitation (HD 3-4) 26 Trunk Road - Phase 1 (HD 24,000,000 24,000,000 27 13-16) 28 Willow Airport Parking Lot 100,000 100,000 29 (HD 13-16) 30 Community Harbor Deferred 2,980,000 2,980,000  31 Maintenance and Transfer  01 Program  02 Baranof Warm Springs 1,700,000 03 Deferred Maintenance and 04 Transfer (HD 2) 05 Jakalof Bay Float Deferred 380,000 06 Maintenance and Transfer 07 (HD 33-35) 08 Kake Dock and Seaplane 900,000 09 Float Deferred Maintenance 10 and Transfer (HD 5) 11 Municipal Harbor Facility 10,401,330 10,401,330  12 Grant Fund (AS 29.60.800)  13 Dillingham Boat Harbor 195,000 14 (HD 37) 15 Knudson Cove Harbor 350,000 16 Reconstruction - Ketchikan 17 (HD 1) 18 Letnikoff Cove Harbor - 210,925 19 Haines (HD 5) 20 North Boat Harbor - King 3,000,000 21 Cove (HD 37) 22 Douglas Harbor - Juneau 2,044,230 23 (HD 3-4) 24 Old Harbor City Harbor 710,000 25 SBH (HD 36) 26 Portage Cove Harbor Floats 3,285,425 27 - Haines (HD 5) 28 South Cove Harbor - Craig 50,750 29 (HD 5) 30 Yakutat Multi-Purpose Dock 555,000 31 (HD 5) 01 Statewide Federal Programs 155,938,000 24,230,400 131,707,600  02 Advanced Project Definition 100,000 03 for Denali Commission (HD 04 1-40) 05 Commercial Motor Vehicle 3,300,000 06 Safety, Infrastructure 07 Protection and Security 08 (HD 1-40) 09 Commercial Vehicle 1,400,000 10 Enforcement Program (HD 11 1-40) 12 Cooperative Reimbursable 48,000,000 13 Projects (HD 1-40) 14 Federal Contingency 15,000,000 15 Projects (HD 1-40) 16 Federal Emergency Projects 10,000,000 17 (HD 1-40) 18 Federal Transit 9,000,000 19 Administration Grants (HD 20 1-40) 21 Federal-Aid Aviation State 9,200,000 22 Match (HD 1-40) 23 Federal-Aid Highway State 40,600,000 24 Match (HD 1-40) 25 Highway Safety Grants 5,500,000 26 Program (HD 1-40) 27 Other Federal Program 2,038,000 28 Match (HD 1-40) 29 Statewide Safety Program 11,800,000 30 (HD 1-40) 31 Airport Improvement 299,917,055 299,917,055  01 Program  02 Akiachak: Airport 8,000,000 03 Relocation (HD 38) 04 Akutan: Airport 31,000,000 05 Construction (HD 37) 06 Alaska International 7,000,000 07 Airport System: 08 Development Fund (HD 1-40) 09 Allakaket: Airport 1,950,000 10 Improvements (HD 6) 11 Angoon: Airport 3,000,000 12 Environmental Impact 13 Statement (HD 5) 14 Chalkyitsik: Airport 3,657,500 15 Improvements (HD 6) 16 Chefornak: Airport 7,600,000 17 Relocation (HD 38) 18 Chistochina: Airport 300,000 19 Relocation Study (HD 6) 20 Cold Bay: Airport Rescue 800,000 21 and Firefighting Building 22 Expansion (HD 37) 23 Dillingham: 3 Bay Chemical 1,000,000 24 Storage Building (HD 37) 25 Dillingham: Sea Plane Base 200,000 26 Master Plan (HD 37) 27 Fairbanks International 2,000,000 28 Airport: Airport Rescue and 29 Fire Fighting Building 30 Reroof and Assessment (HD 31 7-11) 01 Fairbanks International 27,300,000 02 Airport: East Taxiway "E" 03 Extension and Apron 04 Improvements (HD 7-11) 05 King Cove: Airport Fencing 1,000,000 06 (HD 37) 07 King Salmon: Airport 6,000,000 08 Improvements (HD 37) 09 Kodiak: Chemical Storage 1,700,000 10 Building (HD 36) 11 Kotzebue: Airport Master 400,000 12 Plan (HD 40) 13 Kotzebue: Apron Expansion 1,220,000 14 (HD 40) 15 Lake Louise: Runway 1,840,000 16 Rehabilitation (HD 12) 17 Manley: Airport Relocation 2,675,000 18 (HD 6) 19 Ouzinkie: Airport 10,000,000 20 Reconstruction and 21 Relocation (HD 36) 22 Pilot Station: Airport 2,300,000 23 Relocation (HD 39) 24 Sitka: Rocky Gutierrez 400,000 25 Airport Drainage 26 Improvements (HD 2) 27 Sitka: Rocky Gutierrez 30,250,000 28 Airport Runway Safety Area 29 Expansion (HD 2) 30 Sitka: Rocky Gutierrez 1,000,000 31 Airport Safety Area 01 Expansion Environmental 02 Impact Statement (HD 2) 03 Southeast Region Airspace 500,000 04 Obstruction Removal (HD 05 1-5) 06 Statewide: Aviation 18,000,000 07 Preconstruction (HD 1-40) 08 Statewide: Various Airports 5,500,000 09 Minor Surface Improvements 10 (HD 1-40) 11 Statewide: Various Rural 10,365,000 12 Airports Lighting (HD 13 1-40) 14 Takotna: Airport Relocation 5,500,000 15 (HD 6) 16 Ted Stevens Anchorage 2,000,000 17 International Airport: 18 Advanced Project Design 19 (HD 17-32) 20 Ted Stevens Anchorage 1,477,055 21 International Airport: 22 Aircraft Operations Area 23 Snow Storage (HD 17-32) 24 Ted Stevens Anchorage 9,000,000 25 International Airport: 26 Airfield Pavement 27 Maintenance (HD 17-32) 28 Ted Stevens Anchorage 3,500,000 29 International Airport: 30 Environmental Compliance 31 and Cleanup (HD 17-32) 01 Ted Stevens Anchorage 1,000,000 02 International Airport: 03 Equipment (HD 17-32) 04 Ted Stevens Anchorage 4,500,000 05 International Airport: 06 Information Technology (HD 07 17-32) 08 Ted Stevens Anchorage 5,500,000 09 International Airport: Lake 10 Dredging and Bank 11 Stabilization (HD 17-32) 12 Ted Stevens Anchorage 5,000,000 13 International Airport: Land 14 Acquisition (HD 17-32) 15 Ted Stevens Anchorage 500,000 16 International Airport: 17 Master Plan (HD 17-32) 18 Ted Stevens Anchorage 4,000,000 19 International Airport: 20 Noise Abatement Program 21 Implementation (HD 17-32) 22 Ted Stevens Anchorage 1,000,000 23 International Airport: 24 Roads, Utilities and 25 Grounds Construction and 26 Upgrades (HD 17-32) 27 Ted Stevens Anchorage 10,000,000 28 International Airport: 29 Security, Safety and Access 30 Control Improvements (HD 31 17-32) 01 Ted Stevens Anchorage 25,600,000 02 International Airport: 03 South Terminal Seismic and 04 Retrofit (HD 17-32) 05 Ted Stevens Anchorage 18,000,000 06 International Airport: 07 Taxiway/ Runway 08 Improvements (HD 17-32) 09 Ted Stevens Anchorage 3,260,000 10 International Airport: 11 Terminal Rehabilitation 12 (HD 17-32) 13 Togiak: Snow Removal 800,000 14 Equipment Building (HD 37) 15 Tuluksak: Airport 6,750,000 16 Relocation (HD 38) 17 Unalakleet: Snow Removal 4,647,500 18 Equipment Building 19 Replacement (HD 39) 20 Unalaska: Chemical Storage 925,000 21 Building (HD 37) 22 Surface Transportation 255,020,150 255,020,150  23 Program  24 Advanced Commercial 1,000,000 25 Vehicle Information 26 Systems and Networks 27 (CVISN) Projects (HD 28 1-40) 29 Alaska Highway: Milepost 7,320,000 30 1222 to 1235 Rehabilitation 31 (HD 6) 01 Alaska Highway: Milepost 11,900,000 02 1303.3 Bridge Replacement - 03 Tanana River (HD 6) 04 Alaska Highway: Milepost 1,350,000 05 1308 - Tok Weigh Station 06 (HD 6) 07 Alaska Marine Highway: 17,500,000 08 Mainline Ferry 09 Refurbishment (HD 1-40) 10 Alaska Marine Highway: 3,000,000 11 Metlakatla - Annette Bay 12 Construct New Terminal 13 (HD 5) 14 Alaska Marine Highway: 7,100,000 15 Terminal - Kodiak 16 Construct New Terminal 17 (HD 36) 18 Alaska Marine Highway: 200,000 19 Terminal - Southwest 20 Warehouse (HD 33-35) 21 Anchorage: Integrated 100,000 22 Roadnet (HD 17-32) 23 Anchorage: Old Glenn 5,000,000 24 Highway Reconstruction (HD 25 17-32) 26 Anchorage: Ridesharing and 670,000 27 Transit Marketing (HD 28 17-32) 29 Anchorage: Traffic Control 155,000 30 Signalization (HD 17-32) 31 Anchorage: Travel Options 100,000 01 Program (HD 17-32) 02 Anchorage: US Forest 1,500,000 03 Service Portage Valley 04 Blue Ice Trail System 05 Construction (HD 17-32) 06 Anchorage: Youth 185,000 07 Employment Program for 08 Transit Stop and Trail 09 Accessibility (HD 17-32) 10 Angoon: Ferry Terminal 7,250,000 11 (HD 5) 12 Barrow: Access Roads for 510,000 13 the Barrow Arctic Research 14 Center (HD 40) 15 Central Region: National 15,000,000 16 Highway System and 17 Non-National Highway 18 System Pavement and Bridge 19 Refurbishment (HD 1-40) 20 Chena Hot Springs Road: 4,250,000 21 Milepost 24 to 56 22 Rehabilitation (HD 7-11) 23 Dalton Highway: Milepost 11,250,000 24 274 to 289 Reconstruction 25 (HD 40) 26 Digital Imaging Data 434,100 27 Collection (HD 1-40) 28 Electronic Transmission of 1,200,000 29 Citation Data (HD 1-40) 30 Fairbanks Metropolitan Area 4,000,000 31 Transportation System 01 (FMATS): Nordale Road 02 Rehabilitation (HD 7-11) 03 Fairbanks: Airport Way 1,000,000 04 Intersection Improvements 05 (HD 7-11) 06 Fairbanks: Cowles Street 1,250,000 07 Upgrade (HD 7-11) 08 Fairbanks: Fairbanks 413,900 09 Metropolitan Area 10 Transportation System 11 (FMATS): Preventative 12 Maintenance Program (HD 13 7-11) 14 Fairbanks: Phillips Field 536,800 15 Road Upgrade (HD 7-11) 16 Fairbanks: University 1,185,000 17 Avenue Widening (HD 7-11) 18 Glenn Highway: Milepost 92 2,000,000 19 to 97 Reconstruction - 20 Cascade to Hicks Creek (HD 21 12) 22 Highway Analysis System - 287,750 23 Geographic Information 24 System (HAS-GIS) 25 Interface (HD 1-40) 26 Homer: East End Road 6,000,000 27 Rehabilitation - Milepost 28 3.75 to 12.5 (HD 33-35) 29 Juneau: Glacier Highway - 10,500,000 30 Amalga to Eagle Beach 31 Widening (HD 3-4) 01 Kotzebue: Shore Avenue 6,390,000 02 Rehabilitation and Erosion 03 Protection (HD 40) 04 Mat-Su: Trunk Road 10,000,000 05 Reconstruction (HD 13-16) 06 Napaskiak: Sanitation 6,000,000 07 Boardwalk Improvements 08 (HD 38) 09 Northern Region: National 23,000,000 10 Highway System and 11 Non-National Highway 12 System Pavement and Bridge 13 Refurbishment (HD 1-40) 14 Performance and 50,000 15 Registration Information 16 Systems Management 17 (PRISM) (HD 1-40) 18 Richardson Highway: 6,000,000 19 Milepost 357 - Fairbanks 20 New Weigh Station (HD 21 7-11) 22 Road Weather Information 510,000 23 System (RWIS) Deployment 24 (HD 1-40) 25 Safe Routes to Schools (HD 1,600,000 26 1-40) 27 Statewide: Bridge 5,000,000 28 Inventory, Inspection, 29 Monitoring, Rehabilitation 30 and Replacement Program 31 (HD 1-40) 01 Statewide: Bridge Scour 600,000 02 Monitoring and Retrofit 03 Program (HD 1-40) 04 Statewide: Civil Rights 100,000 05 Program (HD 1-40) 06 Statewide: Congestion 5,500,000 07 Mitigation and Air Quality 08 (CMAQ) Projects (HD 1-40) 09 Statewide: Enhanced 2,000,000 10 Pavement Markings (HD 11 1-40) 12 Statewide: Highway Fuel 100,000 13 Tax Enforcement (HD 1-40) 14 Statewide: Highway Safety 5,000,000 15 Improvement Program 16 (HSIP) (HD 1-40) 17 Statewide: Intelligent 1,500,000 18 Transportation Systems 19 Implementation Plan 20 (IWAYS) (HD 1-40) 21 Statewide: Intelligent 500,000 22 Transportation Systems 23 Operations and Maintenance 24 (IWAYS) (HD 1-40) 25 Statewide: National Highway 750,000 26 Institute and Transit 27 Institute Training (HD 28 1-40) 29 Statewide: Planning Work 6,000,000 30 Program (HD 1-40) 31 Statewide: Research 1,000,000 01 Program (HD 1-40) 02 Statewide: Scenic Byways 650,000 03 Grants (HD 1-40) 04 Statewide: Urban Planning 500,000 05 Program (HD 1-40) 06 Statewide: Weigh-in-Motion 750,000 07 Equipment (HD 1-40) 08 Surface Transportation 45,000,000 09 Preconstruction (HD 1-40) 10 Vehicle Crash Initiatives 372,600 11 (HD 1-40) 12 Whittier: Maintenance and 2,000,000 13 Operations (HD 17-32) 14 Congressional Earmarks 450,000 450,000  15 Hoonah: Intermodal Ferry 300,000 16 Dock (HD 5) 17 Wrangell: Ferry 150,000 18 Infrastructure (HD 2) 19 * * * * * * * * * *  20 * * * * * University of Alaska * * * * *  21 * * * * * * * * * *  22 Planning, Design, and 20,000,000 20,000,000 23 Capital Projects Receipt 24 Authority (HD 1-40) 25 UAA - "The Next 50 Years" 350,000 350,000 26 Public Dialogue Project 27 (HD 1-40) 28 UAA Health Sciences 46,000,000 46,000,000 29 Building (HD 17-32) 30 UAA Student Housing - 7,900,000 7,900,000 31 Phase 2 (HD 17-32) 01 UAF Office of Grants and 75,000 75,000 02 Contracts Administration - 03 Conference of 04 Parliamentarians of Arctic 05 Region Biennial Conference 06 in Alaska (HD 1-40) 07 Maintaining Existing 21,480,014 15,380,014 6,100,000  08 Facilities and Equipment  09 Renewal and Renovation  10 Annual Requirement  11 UA-Fairbanks and Tanana 3,100,019 12 Valley Campus Annual 13 Capital Renewal and 14 Renovation Requirement (HD 15 7-11) 16 UA-Juneau Annual Capital 10,200,000 17 Renewal and Renovation 18 Requirement (HD 3-4) 19 UA-Statewide Annual 1,500,000 20 Capital Renewal and 21 Renovation Requirement (HD 22 7-11) 23 UAA-Community Campuses 2,730,000 24 Annual Capital Renewal and 25 Renovation Requirement (HD 26 17-32) 27 UAF-Community Campuses 3,500,003 28 Annual Capital Renewal and 29 Renovation Requirement (HD 30 39) 31 UAS- Community Campuses 449,992 01 Annual Capital Renewal and 02 Renovation Requirement (HD 03 1-5) 04 * * * * * * * * * *  05 * * * * * Alaska Court System * * * * *  06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 Anchorage Campus Project 8,000,000 8,000,000 08 Phase 1 (HD 17-32) 09 Building Equipment and 300,000 300,000 10 Systems Replacement to 11 Extend Life of Facilities 12 (HD 1-40) 13 Court Security Projects 150,000 150,000 14 (HD 1-40) 15 Critical Courtroom and 1,500,000 1,500,000 16 Case Management Technology 17 (HD 1-40) 18 Statewide Facility Deferred 3,276,000 3,276,000  19 Maintenance  20 Anchorage Boney Courthouse 1,975,000 21 (HD 17-32) 22 Delta Courthouse (HD 12) 25,000 23 Dimond Court and Office 216,000 24 Building (HD 3-4) 25 Ft. Yukon Court and Office 460,000 26 Building (HD 6) 27 Ketchikan Court and Office 600,000 28 Building (HD 1) 29 (SECTION 14 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 175) 01 * Sec. 14. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 13 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Department of Administration 05 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 15,725,000 06 *** Total Agency Funding *** $15,725,000 07 Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development 08 1002 Federal Receipts 50,030,000 09 1003 General Fund Match 70,000 10 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 130,689,390 11 1007 Interagency Receipts 500,000 12 1012 Railbelt Energy Fund 52,500,000 13 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 500,000 14 1140 Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Dividend 18,000,000 15 1173 Miscellaneous Earnings 1,500,000 16 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 174,460,066 17 1210 Renewable Energy Grant Fund 1,000 18 *** Total Agency Funding *** $428,250,456 19 Department of Corrections 20 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 6,155,700 21 *** Total Agency Funding *** $6,155,700 22 Department of Education and Early Development 23 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 194,919,798 24 1173 Miscellaneous Earnings 3,000,000 25 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 105,000 26 *** Total Agency Funding *** $198,024,798 27 Department of Environmental Conservation 28 1002 Federal Receipts 78,728,511 29 1003 General Fund Match 22,909,504 30 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 19,325,977 31 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 500,000 01 *** Total Agency Funding *** $121,463,992 02 Department of Fish and Game 03 1002 Federal Receipts 25,975,000 04 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 4,556,700 05 1024 Fish and Game Fund 825,000 06 *** Total Agency Funding *** $31,356,700 07 Office of the Governor 08 1185 Election Fund 100,000 09 *** Total Agency Funding *** $100,000 10 Department of Health and Social Services 11 1002 Federal Receipts 1,844,000 12 1003 General Fund Match 3,032,300 13 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 33,117,100 14 *** Total Agency Funding *** $37,993,400 15 Department of Military and Veterans Affairs 16 1002 Federal Receipts 20,550,000 17 1003 General Fund Match 3,550,000 18 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 1,900,000 19 *** Total Agency Funding *** $26,000,000 20 Department of Natural Resources 21 1002 Federal Receipts 18,376,500 22 1003 General Fund Match 50,000 23 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 10,708,000 24 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 800,000 25 1195 Special Vehicle Registration Receipts 200,000 26 1207 Regional Cruise Ship Impact Fund 2,500,000 27 *** Total Agency Funding *** $32,634,500 28 Department of Public Safety 29 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 1,715,000 30 *** Total Agency Funding *** $1,715,000 31 Department of Revenue 01 1002 Federal Receipts 22,178,040 02 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 4,210,800 03 1050 Permanent Fund Dividend Fund 125,000 04 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,000,000 05 1139 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Dividend 36,403,900 06 1156 Receipt Supported Services 65,960 07 *** Total Agency Funding *** $63,983,700 08 Department of Transportation/Public Facilities 09 1002 Federal Receipts 563,745,150 10 1003 General Fund Match 24,130,400 11 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 86,473,170 12 1027 International Airports Revenue Fund 20,165,000 13 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 400,000 14 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 46,500,000 15 1112 International Airports Construction Fund 28,577,055 16 1139 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Dividend 17,807,600 17 1140 Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Dividend 5,800,000 18 1150 Alaska Student Loan Corporation Dividend 4,100,000 19 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 7,200,000 20 *** Total Agency Funding *** $804,898,375 21 University of Alaska 22 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 15,805,014 23 1048 University of Alaska Restricted Receipts 28,900,000 24 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 51,100,000 25 *** Total Agency Funding *** $95,805,014 26 Alaska Court System 27 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 13,226,000 28 *** Total Agency Funding *** $13,226,000 29 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * $1,877,332,635 30 (SECTION 15 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 178) 01 * Sec. 15. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 13 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 General Funds 05 1003 General Fund Match 53,742,204 06 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 538,527,649 07 ***Total General Funds*** $592,269,853 08 Federal Funds 09 1002 Federal Receipts 781,427,201 10 ***Total Federal Funds*** $781,427,201 11 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 12 1012 Railbelt Energy Fund 52,500,000 13 1024 Fish and Game Fund 825,000 14 1027 International Airports Revenue Fund 20,165,000 15 1048 University of Alaska Restricted Receipts 28,900,000 16 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 49,300,000 17 1139 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Dividend 54,211,500 18 1140 Alaska Industrial Development and Export 23,800,000 19 Authority Dividend 20 1150 Alaska Student Loan Corporation Dividend 4,100,000 21 1156 Receipt Supported Services 65,960 22 1173 Miscellaneous Earnings 4,500,000 23 1195 Special Vehicle Registration Receipts 200,000 24 1207 Regional Cruise Ship Impact Fund 2,500,000 25 ***Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds*** $241,067,460 26 Duplicated Funds 27 1007 Interagency Receipts 500,000 28 1050 Permanent Fund Dividend Fund 125,000 29 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 400,000 30 1112 International Airports Construction Fund 28,577,055 31 1185 Election Fund 100,000 01 1197 Alaska Capital Income Fund 232,865,066 02 1210 Renewable Energy Grant Fund 1,000 03 ***Total Duplicated Funds*** $262,568,121 04 (SECTION 16 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 180) 01 * Sec. 16. The following appropriation items are for capital projects to upgrade commercial 02 passenger vessel services and watercraft infrastructure, enhance passenger safety and support 03 cruise ship visitor activities from the Commercial Passenger Vessel Tax Account (AS 04 43.52.040) as set out in section 17 of this Act to the agencies named for the purposes 05 expressed and lapse under AS 37.25.020, unless otherwise noted. 06 Appropriation General Other 07 Allocations Items Funds Funds 08 * * * * * * * * * *  09 * * * * * Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development * * * * *  10 * * * * * * * * * *  11 Grants to Municipalities  12  (AS 37.05.315)  13 Anchorage - Ship Creek 3,500,000 3,500,000 14 Tourist and Cruise 15 Passenger Salmon Learning 16 Center (HD 17-32) 17 Fairbanks North Star 3,600,000 3,600,000 18 Borough - Ruth Barnett 19 Hatchery Tourist and Cruise 20 Passenger Facilities and 21 Improvements (HD 7-11) 22 Haines Borough - Port 1,543,700 1,543,700 23 Chilkoot Cruise Ship Dock 24 Repairs and Debt 25 Retirement (HD 5) 26 Hoonah - Cruise Ship 1,000,000 1,000,000 27 Mooring Buoy System (HD 28 5) 29 Juneau - Airport Cruise 1,300,000 1,300,000 30 Passenger Baggage and 31 Facility Safety 01 Improvements (HD 3-4) 02 Juneau - Centennial Hall 1,200,000 1,200,000 03 Cruise Passenger Emergency 04 Relief Center Improvements 05 (HD 3-4) 06 Juneau - Commercial 1,500,000 1,500,000 07 Passenger Vessel Dock 08 Retaining Wall Repair & 09 Replacement (HD 3-4) 10 Kake - Cruise Vessel First 1,500,000 1,500,000 11 Responder and Oil Skimming 12 Vessel (HD 5) 13 Ketchikan (City of) - Port 3,000,000 3,000,000 14 of Ketchikan Berths I and 15 II Replacement Project 16 (HD 1) 17 Kodiak (City of) - Cruise 500,000 500,000 18 Ship/Pier II Master Plan 19 (HD 36) 20 Petersburg - Commercial 1,250,000 1,250,000 21 Passenger Vessel Berthing 22 and Power Upgrades (HD 2) 23 Saxman - Saxman Community 1,500,000 1,500,000 24 Center Visitor and Cruise 25 Passenger Facility 26 Improvements (HD 1) 27 Seward - Dredging Cruise 4,500,000 4,500,000 28 Ship Berthing Basins and 29 Approaches (HD 33-35) 30 Sitka - Commercial 2,000,000 2,000,000 31 Passenger Vessel Lightering 01 Facility Improvements (HD 02 2) 03 Skagway - Seawalk 2,000,000 2,000,000 04 Intermodal Cruise Ship 05 Access Project (HD 5) 06 Valdez - Cruise Ship Dock 1,675,000 1,675,000 07 Renovation and Uplands 08 Repair (HD 12) 09 Wrangell - Commercial 1,250,000 1,250,000 10 Passenger Vessel Berthing 11 and Power Upgrades (HD 2) 12 Yakutat - Fuel Dock With 650,000 650,000 13 Cruise Ship Platform (HD 14 5) 15 (SECTION 17 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 183) 01 * Sec. 17. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 16 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development 05 1206 Commercial Passenger Vessel Tax 24,868,700 06 1207 Regional Cruise Ship Impact Fund 8,600,000 07 *** Total Agency Funding *** $33,468,700 08 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * $33,468,700 09 (SECTION 18 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 184) 01 * Sec. 18. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 16 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 General Funds 05 ***Total General Funds*** $0 06 Federal Funds 07 ***Total Federal Funds*** $0 08 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 09 1206 Commercial Passenger Vessel Tax 24,868,700 10 1207 Regional Cruise Ship Impact Fund 8,600,000 11 ***Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds*** $33,468,700 12 Duplicated Funds 13 ***Total Duplicated Funds*** $0 14 (SECTION 19 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 185) 01 * Sec. 19. The following appropriation items are for capital projects and grants from the 02 general fund or other funds as set out in section 20 of this Act to the agencies named for the 03 purposes expressed and lapse under AS 37.25.020, unless otherwise noted. 04 Appropriation General Other 05 Allocations Items Funds Funds 06 * * * * * * * * * *  07 * * * * * Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development * * * * *  08 * * * * * * * * * *  09 Grants to Municipalities  10  (AS 37.05.315)  11 Anchorage - Port of 10,000,000 10,000,000 12 Anchorage Intermodal 13 Expansion Project (HD 14 17-32) 15 Anchorage - Victor 14,000,000 14,000,000 16 Road-Dimond Boulevard to 17 100th Avenue Upgrade (HD 18 17-32) 19 Bethel - Road Repairs and 2,500,000 2,500,000 20 Upgrades (HD 38) 21 Emmonak - Road 2,500,000 2,500,000 22 Improvements (HD 39) 23 Kodiak Island Borough - 2,500,000 2,500,000 24 Road Service Area 25 Rehabilitation and Paving 26 (HD 36) 27 Old Harbor - Dock 4,000,000 4,000,000 28 Replacement (HD 36) 29 Ouzinkie - Dock 2,850,000 2,850,000 30 Replacement (HD 36) 31 Wrangell - Heritage Harbor 5,000,000 5,000,000 01 Reconstruction Phase II 02 (HD 2) 03 * * * * * * * * * *  04 * * * * * Department of Transportation/Public Facilities * * * * *  05 * * * * * * * * * *  06 General Obligation Bonds 271,700,000 271,700,000  07 Aleknagik - Wood River 20,000,000 08 Bridge (HD 37) 09 Anchorage: Connect 22,100,000 10 Anchorage Project (Dowling 11 Road - Old Seward Highway 12 to Minnesota Drive) (HD 13 17-32) 14 Copper River Highway: Mile 5,100,000 15 38-43 Highway Protection 16 (HD 5) 17 Craig-Klawock Highway: 4,800,000 18 Resurfacing of 19 Craig-Klawock Section (HD 20 5) 21 Dalton Highway 14,000,000 22 Improvements (HD 1-40) 23 Fairbanks - University 30,000,000 24 Avenue Widening (HD 7-11) 25 Glacier Highway - Back 5,000,000 26 Loop Road Intersection 27 Safety Improvements (HD 28 3-4) 29 Glenn Highway: MP181 to 13,000,000 30 189 Tolsona Lake Rd to 31 Richardson Hwy Junction - 01 Rehab and Resurface, 02 Including Bikeway (HD 12) 03 Kenai Peninsula Borough 8,000,000 04 Road Projects (HD 33-35) 05 Ketchikan: Harriet Hunt 10,000,000 06 Lake to Shelter Cove, Road 07 Construction (HD 1) 08 Fairview Loop Road 22,000,000 09 Reconstruction (HD 13-16) 10 Mitkof Highway - Scow Bay 7,000,000 11 to Crystal Lake Hatchery 12 Road: Pavement 13 Rehabilitation and Drainage 14 Improvements (HD 2) 15 Nome: Snake River Bridge 10,000,000 16 Replacement (HD 39) 17 North Tongass Highway - 8,900,000 18 Ward Cove to Refuge Cove - 19 Pavement Rehabilitation and 20 Drainage Improvements (HD 21 1) 22 Parks Highway: Weight 15,000,000 23 Restriction Elimination 24 Program (HD 1-40) 25 Sawmill Creek Road Upgrade 10,800,000 26 Phase III with Separated 27 Pedestrian Path - Whale 28 Park to Sawmill Creek (HD 29 2) 30 Seward Highway: Windy 20,000,000 31 Corner Safety Improvements 01 (HD 17-32) 02 Statewide: Emergency 20,000,000 03 Bridge Repair (HD 1-40) 04 Steese Highway / Johansen 15,000,000 05 Expressway Area Traffic 06 Improvements (HD 7-11) 07 Sterling Highway: Mackey 11,000,000 08 Lake Road to Sterling 09 Rehabilitation (HD 33-35) 10 (SECTION 20 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 189) 01 * Sec. 20. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 19 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development 05 1008 General Obligation Bonds 43,350,000 06 *** Total Agency Funding *** $43,350,000 07 Department of Transportation/Public Facilities 08 1008 General Obligation Bonds 271,700,000 09 *** Total Agency Funding *** $271,700,000 10 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * $315,050,000 11 (SECTION 21 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 190) 01 * Sec. 21. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 19 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 General Funds 05 ***Total General Funds*** $0 06 Federal Funds 07 ***Total Federal Funds*** $0 08 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 09 ***Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds*** $0 10 Duplicated Funds 11 1008 General Obligation Bonds 315,050,000 12 ***Total Duplicated Funds*** $315,050,000 13 (SECTION 22 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 191) 01 * Sec. 22. The following appropriations are to implement the collective bargaining agreement 02 with the Public Safety Employees Association representing the regularly commissioned 03 public safety officers unit, as set out in section 23 of this Act, for the fiscal year ending June 04 30, 2009. 05 Appropriation General Other 06 Allocations Items Funds Funds 07 * * * * * * * * * *  08 * * * * * Department of Public Safety * * * * *  09 * * * * * * * * * *  10 Fire and Life Safety 36,100 36,100  11 Fire and Life Safety 36,100 12 Operations 13 Alaska State Troopers 4,166,500 4,073,000 93,500  14 Special Projects 114,600 15 Alaska Bureau of Judicial 269,800 16 Services 17 Narcotics Task Force 60,500 18 Alaska State Trooper 2,500,600 19 Detachments 20 Alaska Bureau of 159,800 21 Investigation 22 Alaska Bureau of Alcohol 65,200 23 and Drug Enforcement 24 Alaska Wildlife Troopers 953,900 25 Alaska Wildlife Troopers 6,600 26 Aircraft Section 27 Alaska Wildlife Troopers 35,500 28 Investigations 29 Village Public Safety 10,700 3,700 7,000  30  Officer Program  31 Support 10,700 01 Statewide Support 80,800 78,400 2,400  02 Training Academy 80,800 03 * * * * * * * * * *  04 * * * * * Department of Transportation & Public Facilities * * * * *  05 * * * * * * * * * *  06 International Airports 639,800 639,800  07 Anchorage Airport Safety 452,900 08 Fairbanks Airport Safety 186,900 09 (SECTION 23 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 193) 01 * Sec. 23. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 22 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Department of Public Safety  05 1002 Federal Receipts 13,200 06 1003 General Fund Match 15,700 07 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 4,175,500 08 1007 Interagency Receipts 2,400 09 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 87,300 10 *** Total Agency Funding *** $4,294,100 11 Department of Transportation & Public Facilities  12 1002 Federal Receipts 41,100 13 1027 International Airports Revenue Fund 598,700 14 *** Total Agency Funding *** $639,800 15 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * $4,933,900 16 (SECTION 24 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 194) 01 * Sec. 24. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 22 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 General Funds 05 1003 General Fund Match 15,700 06 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 4,175,500 07 ***Total General Funds*** $4,191,200 08 Federal Funds 09 1002 Federal Receipts 54,300 10 ***Total Federal Funds*** $54,300 11 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 12 1027 International Airports Revenue Fund 598,700 13 ***Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds*** $598,700 14 Duplicated Funds 15 1007 Interagency Receipts 2,400 16 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 87,300 17 ***Total Duplicated Funds*** $89,700 18 (SECTION 25 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 195) 01 * Sec. 25. The following appropriation items are to implement the collective bargaining 02 agreement with Public Employees Local 71, for the labor, trades and crafts unit, from the 03 general fund or other funds as set out in section 26 of this Act to the agencies named for the 04 fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, 05 06 07 Appropriation General Other 08 Allocations Items Funds Funds 09 * * * * * * * * * *  10 * * * * * Department of Administration * * * * *  11 * * * * * * * * * *  12 Centralized Administrative 2,200 1,400 800  13  Services  14 Property Management 2,200 15 State Owned Facilities 9,300 400 8,900  16 Facilities 9,300 17 Enterprise Technology 15,400 4,400 11,000  18  Services  19 Enterprise Technology 15,400 20 Services 21 Motor Vehicles 600 600  22 Motor Vehicles 600 23 * * * * * * * * * *  24 * * * * * Department of Corrections * * * * *  25 * * * * * * * * * *  26 Population Management 72,000 72,000  27 Anchorage Correctional 13,900 28 Complex 29 Anvil Mountain Correctional 3,000 30 Center 31 Combined Hiland Mountain 4,700 01 Correctional Center 02 Fairbanks Correctional 4,700 03 Center 04 Ketchikan Correctional 1,700 05 Center 06 Lemon Creek Correctional 5,600 07 Center 08 Matanuska-Susitna 2,200 09 Correctional Center 10 Palmer Correctional Center 9,000 11 Spring Creek Correctional 12,100 12 Center 13 Wildwood Correctional 9,300 14 Center 15 Yukon-Kuskokwim 3,000 16 Correctional Center 17 Point MacKenzie 2,800 18 Correctional Farm 19 * * * * * * * * * *  20 * * * * * Department of Education and Early Development * * * * *  21 * * * * * * * * * *  22 Mt. Edgecumbe Boarding 5,200 5,200  23  School  24 Mt. Edgecumbe Boarding 5,200 25 School 26 State Facilities Maintenance 5,200 5,200  27 State Facilities 5,200 28 Maintenance 29 * * * * * * * * * *  30 * * * * * Department of Environmental Conservation * * * * *  31 * * * * * * * * * *  01 DEC Buildings Maintenance 1,400 1,000 400  02  and Operations  03 DEC Buildings Maintenance 1,400 04 and Operations 05 Environmental Health 900 400 500  06 Air Quality 900 07 Spill Prevention and Response 600 600  08 Prevention and Emergency 600 09 Response 10 Water 3,100 1,300 1,800  11 Facility Construction 3,100 12 * * * * * * * * * *  13 * * * * * Department of Fish and Game * * * * *  14 * * * * * * * * * *  15 Commercial Fisheries 1,200 1,200  16 Central Region Fisheries 700 17 Management 18 Westward Region Fisheries 500 19 Management 20 Sport Fisheries 4,700 4,700  21 Sport Fisheries 4,700 22 Administration and Support 900 200 700  23 Administrative Services 900 24 * * * * * * * * * *  25 * * * * * Department of Health and Social Services * * * * *  26 * * * * * * * * * *  27 Alaska Pioneer Homes 75,600 60,300 15,300  28 Pioneer Homes 75,600 29 Behavioral Health 9,900 3,500 6,400  30 Alaska Psychiatric 9,900 31 Institute 01 Juvenile Justice 12,600 12,600  02 McLaughlin Youth Center 7,900 03 Mat-Su Youth Facility 700 04 Kenai Peninsula Youth 600 05 Facility 06 Fairbanks Youth Facility 800 07 Bethel Youth Facility 800 08 Nome Youth Facility 700 09 Johnson Youth Center 600 10 Ketchikan Regional Youth 500 11 Facility 12 Public Health 1,700 1,600 100  13 Nursing 200 14 Public Health Laboratories 1,500 15 * * * * * * * * * *  16 * * * * * Department of Labor and Workforce Development * * * * *  17 * * * * * * * * * *  18 Workers' Compensation and 23,600 23,600  19  Safety  20 Mechanical Inspection 7,700 21 Occupational Safety and 15,900 22 Health 23 Workforce Development 10,600 10,600  24 Alaska Vocational Technical 3,300 25 Center 26 AVTEC Facilities 7,300 27 Maintenance 28 * * * * * * * * * *  29 * * * * * Department of Military and Veterans Affairs * * * * *  30 * * * * * * * * * *  31 Military and Veteran's 39,000 15,800 23,200  01  Affairs  02 Army Guard Facilities 14,500 03 Maintenance 04 Air Guard Facilities 17,100 05 Maintenance 06 Alaska Military Youth 6,600 07 Academy 08 Alaska Statewide Emergency 800 09 Communications 10 * * * * * * * * * *  11 * * * * * Department of Natural Resources * * * * *  12 * * * * * * * * * *  13 Resource Development 4,700 3,600 1,100  14 North Latitude Plant 4,700 15 Material Center 16 Fire Suppression 13,000 12,500 500  17 Fire Suppression 13,000 18 Preparedness 19 Parks and Recreation 5,400 3,600 1,800  20  Management  21 Parks Management 5,400 22 * * * * * * * * * *  23 * * * * * Department of Public Safety * * * * *  24 * * * * * * * * * *  25 Alaska State Troopers 6,000 6,000  26 Alaska State Trooper 1,700 27 Detachments 28 Alaska Wildlife Troopers 4,300 29 Aircraft Section 30 Statewide Support 2,600 1,900 700  31 Training Academy 700 01 Administrative Services 1,200 02 Laboratory Services 700 03 * * * * * * * * * *  04 * * * * * Department of Transportation & Public Facilities * * * * *  05 * * * * * * * * * *  06 Administration and Support 7,800 4,700 3,100  07 Statewide Procurement 2,100 08 Central Region Support 1,100 09 Services 10 Northern Region Support 3,400 11 Services 12 Central Region Planning 600 13 Northern Region Planning 600 14 Design, Engineering and 117,600 117,600  15  Construction  16 Statewide Design and 5,100 17 Engineering Services 18 Central Design and 11,100 19 Engineering Services 20 Northern Design and 12,700 21 Engineering Services 22 Southeast Design and 6,300 23 Engineering Services 24 Central Region Construction 29,800 25 and CIP Support 26 Northern Region 31,500 27 Construction and CIP 28 Support 29 Southeast Region 21,100 30 Construction 31 State Equipment Fleet 111,000 111,000  01 State Equipment Fleet 111,000 02 Highways, Aviation and 492,600 398,400 94,200  03  Facilities  04 Central Region Facilities 17,200 05 Northern Region Facilities 37,800 06 Southeast Region Facilities 800 07 Central Region Highways and 145,200 08 Aviation 09 Northern Region Highways 239,200 10 and Aviation 11 Southeast Region Highways 52,400 12 and Aviation 13 International Airports 184,500 184,500  14 Anchorage Airport 78,900 15 Facilities 16 Anchorage Airport Field and 65,900 17 Equipment Maintenance 18 Fairbanks Airport 15,700 19 Facilities 20 Fairbanks Airport Field and 24,000 21 Equipment Maintenance 22 Marine Highway System 4,700 4,700  23 Marine Engineering 4,700 24 (SECTION 26 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 202) 01 * Sec. 26. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 25 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 Department of Administration  05 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 4,800 06 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 1,400 07 1007 Interagency Receipts 4,000 08 1033 Federal Surplus Property Revolving Fund 800 09 1081 Information Services Fund 11,000 10 1147 Public Building Fund 4,900 11 1156 Receipt Supported Services 600 12 *** Total Agency Funding *** $27,500 13 Department of Corrections  14 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 72,000 15 *** Total Agency Funding *** $72,000 16 Department of Education and Early Development  17 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 5,200 18 1007 Interagency Receipts 5,200 19 *** Total Agency Funding *** $10,400 20 Department of Environmental Conservation  21 1002 Federal Receipts 2,200 22 1003 General Fund Match 1,000 23 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 1,700 24 1007 Interagency Receipts 400 25 1052 Oil/Hazardous Release Prevention & Response 600 26 Fund 27 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 100 28 *** Total Agency Funding *** $6,000 29 Department of Fish and Game  30 1002 Federal Receipts 2,900 31 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 1,400 01 1007 Interagency Receipts 300 02 1024 Fish and Game Fund 900 03 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 1,300 04 *** Total Agency Funding *** $6,800 05 Department of Health and Social Services  06 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 48,800 07 1007 Interagency Receipts 12,100 08 1037 General Fund / Mental Health 29,200 09 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,400 10 1156 Receipt Supported Services 8,300 11 *** Total Agency Funding *** $99,800 12 Department of Labor and Workforce Development  13 1002 Federal Receipts 7,300 14 1007 Interagency Receipts 7,900 15 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 2,300 16 1156 Receipt Supported Services 3,300 17 1157 Workers Safety and Compensation 7,600 18 Administration Account 19 1172 Building Safety Account 5,800 20 *** Total Agency Funding *** $34,200 21 Department of Military and Veterans Affairs  22 1002 Federal Receipts 22,200 23 1003 General Fund Match 4,600 24 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 11,200 25 1007 Interagency Receipts 1,000 26 *** Total Agency Funding *** $39,000 27 Department of Natural Resources  28 1002 Federal Receipts 800 29 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 19,700 30 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 1,800 31 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 200 01 1156 Receipt Supported Services 600 02 *** Total Agency Funding *** $23,100 03 Department of Public Safety  04 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 7,900 05 1007 Interagency Receipts 700 06 *** Total Agency Funding *** $8,600 07 Department of Transportation & Public Facilities  08 1002 Federal Receipts 200 09 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 403,100 10 1007 Interagency Receipts 7,500 11 1026 Highways Equipment Working Capital Fund 111,000 12 1027 International Airports Revenue Fund 190,900 13 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 195,000 14 1076 Alaska Marine Highway System Fund 4,700 15 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 100 16 1156 Receipt Supported Services 5,700 17 *** Total Agency Funding *** $918,200 18 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * $1,245,600 19 (SECTION 27 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 205) 01 * Sec. 27. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 25 02 of this Act. 03 Funding Source Amount 04 General Funds 05 1003 General Fund Match 5,600 06 1004 Unrestricted General Fund Receipts 575,800 07 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 1,400 08 1037 General Fund / Mental Health 29,200 09 ***Total General Funds*** $612,000 10 Federal Funds 11 1002 Federal Receipts 35,600 12 1033 Federal Surplus Property Revolving Fund 800 13 ***Total Federal Funds*** $36,400 14 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 15 1024 Fish and Game Fund 900 16 1027 International Airports Revenue Fund 190,900 17 1076 Alaska Marine Highway System Fund 4,700 18 1108 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,700 19 1156 Receipt Supported Services 18,500 20 1157 Workers Safety and Compensation 7,600 21 Administration Account 22 1172 Building Safety Account 5,800 23 ***Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds*** $230,100 24 Duplicated Funds 25 1007 Interagency Receipts 39,100 26 1026 Highways Equipment Working Capital Fund 111,000 27 1052 Oil/Hazardous Release Prevention & Response 600 28 Fund 29 1061 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 200,500 30 1081 Information Services Fund 11,000 31 1147 Public Building Fund 4,900 01 ***Total Duplicated Funds*** $367,100 02 (SECTION 28 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 207) 01 * Sec. 28. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. It is the intent of the legislature that, with respect to 02 economic stimulus rebate checks issued by the federal government during 2008, all state 03 program beneficiaries be treated the same as all federal program beneficiaries and any rebate 04 issued not affect income eligibility criteria for any state program for the fiscal years ending 05 June 30, 2008, and June 30, 2009.  06  * Sec. 29. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC 07 DEVELOPMENT. (a) Section 1, ch. 159, SLA 2004, page 3, lines 9 - 10, is amended to read: 08 APPROPRIATION OTHER 09 ITEMS FUNDS 10 Re-Engineering Insurance Business 2,525,000 2,525,000 11 Processes (ED 99) [525,000] [525,000] 12 (b) The sum of $270,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 13 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 14 AS 37.05.316 to Haines Senior Assisted Living Center for removal and disposal of the 15 Alaskan and Proud building in Haines for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2008, and June 30, 16 2009. 17 (c) Section 4, ch. 30, SLA 2007, page 84, lines 22 - 23, is amended to read: 18 APPROPRIATION GENERAL OTHER 19 ITEMS FUND FUNDS 20 Alaska Energy Authority 31,700,000 1,200,000 30,500,000 21 Energy Projects and 22 Development of a  23 Statewide Energy Plan  24 (HD 1-40) 25 (d) The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to exceed $1,000,000 of the 26 appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 107, line 12, and allocated on page 108, 27 lines 3 - 4 (Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Engstrom Road paving - $1,000,000) is 28 reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for 29 payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the Matanuska-Susitna Borough for repair and 30 paving of Engstrom Road. 31  * Sec. 30. DEPARTMENT OF LAW. The sum of $1,449,100 is appropriated from the 01 general fund to the Department of Law, civil division, deputy attorney general's office, for the 02 purpose of paying judgments and settlements against the state for the fiscal year ending 03 June 30, 2008. 04  * Sec. 31. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. (a) Section 12, ch. 2, FSSLA 05 1999, as amended by sec. 30, ch. 135, SLA 2000, sec. 73(b), ch. 61, SLA 2001, sec. 47(b), ch. 06 1, SSSLA 2002, sec. 24(l), ch. 159, SLA 2004, and sec. 34(a), ch. 82, SLA 2006, is amended 07 to read: 08 Sec. 12. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. The unexpended and 09 unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 9, ch. 139, SLA 1998 (DNR 10 appraisal of public school lands - $432,525) is reappropriated for the fiscal years 11 ending June 30, 2000, June 30, 2001, June 30, 2002, June 30, 2003, June 30, 2004, 12 June 30, 2005, June 30, 2006, June 30, 2007, [AND] June 30, 2008, June 30, 2009,  13 June 30, 2010, and June 30, 2011, to the Department of Natural Resources for an 14 appraisal of public school lands to determine the fair market value of the public school 15 trust land where the land was redesignated as general grant land in 1978. 16 (b) Section 47(c), ch. 1, SSSLA 2002, as amended by sec. 24(m), ch. 159, SLA 2004, 17 and sec. 34(b), ch. 82, SLA 2006, is amended to read: 18 (c) The sum of $305,000 is appropriated from the public school trust fund 19 (AS 37.14.110) to the Department of Natural Resources for the fiscal years ending 20 June 30, 2002, June 30, 2003, June 30, 2004, June 30, 2005, June 30, 2006, June 30, 21 2007, [AND] June 30, 2008, June 30, 2009, June 30, 2010, and June 30, 2011, for 22 an appraisal of public school lands to determine the fair market value of the public 23 school trust land where the land was redesignated as general grant land in 1978. 24  * Sec. 32. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. Section 4, ch. 30, SLA 2007, page 102, lines 21 25 - 23, is amended to read: 26 APPROPRIATION OTHER 27 ITEMS FUNDS 28 Permanent Fund Dividend Payment and 925,000 925,000 29 Collection System Replacement (HD 1-40) [425,000] [425,000] 30  * Sec. 33. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES. (a) 31 Section 20(o), ch. 30, SLA 2007, is amended to read: 01 (o) The sum of $1,275,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the 02 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for Girdwood maintenance shop 03 replacement and salt storage building. 04 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance on June 30, 2008, of the appropriation 05 made in sec. 4, ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, page 97, lines 10 - 13 (Fairbanks, Richardson Highway, 06 northbound Chena overflow bypass/bridge for gas pipeline - $2,500,000) is reappropriated to 07 the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for the Richardson Highway, Shaw 08 Creek Bridge project. 09 (c) Section 4, ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, page 98, lines 19 - 22, is amended to read: 10 ALLOCATIONS 11 Kodiak - Otmeloi 1,000,000 12 Way Rehabilitation  13 and Rezanof Drive 14 Rehabilitation Lighting 15 and Intersection Safety 16 Improvements (HD 36) 17 (d) Section 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 85, lines 17 - 18, as amended by sec. 28(f), ch. 18 11, SLA 2008, is amended to read: 19 APPROPRIATION GENERAL 20 ITEMS FUND 21 Emergency and Non-Routine Repairs 463,200 463,200 22 (HD 1-40) [378,200] [378,200] 23 (e) The sum of $426,375.47 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department 24 of Transportation and Public Facilities, marine vessel operations, for payment of the 25 arbitration award to the International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots for the fiscal 26 year ending June 30, 2008. 27  * Sec. 34. AMENDMENT OF LAPSE OF CERTAIN PRIOR YEAR APPROPRIATIONS. 28 (a) Section 61(d), ch. 30, SLA 2007, is amended to read: 29 (d) The appropriation made by sec. 20(a), ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, as amended by 30 sec. 13(c), ch. 30, SLA 2007 [OF THIS ACT], lapses June 30, 2009 [2008]. 31 (b) Section 34(c), ch. 82, SLA 2006, as amended by sec. 4(a), ch. 6, SLA 2007, is 01 amended to read: 02 (c) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 03 7(d), ch. 6, SLA 2005, lapses June 30, 2010 [2008]. 04 (c) Section 64(c), ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, as amended by sec. 4(b), ch. 6, SLA 2007, is 05 amended to read: 06 (c) The appropriations made by 07 (1) sec. 37(b), ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, lapse June 30, 2007; 08 (2) secs. 20(a), [20(c),] 20(e), and 20(f), ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, lapse 09 June 30, 2008;  10 (3) sec. 20(c), ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, lapse June 30, 2009. 11 (d) Section 20(d), ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, as amended by sec. 34(d), ch. 82, SLA 2006, 12 and sec. 4(c), ch. 6, SLA 2007, is amended to read: 13 (d) The sum of $1,525,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the 14 Department of Natural Resources for work related to the state gas pipeline and to 15 bringing North Slope natural gas to market, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2005, 16 June 30, 2006, June 30, 2007, [AND] June 30, 2008, June 30, 2009, and June 30,  17 2010, for the following purposes: 18 PURPOSE ALLOCATION 19 (1) Bullen Pt. Road right-of-way permitting $800,000 20 (2) Division of oil and gas increased workload 675,000 21 (3) Commissioner's office increased workload 50,000 22 (e) The appropriation made by sec. 2, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 44, lines 22 - 24, lapses 23 June 30, 2009. 24  * Sec. 35. FEDERAL AND OTHER PROGRAM RECEIPTS. (a) Federal receipts, 25 designated program receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146(b)(3), information services fund 26 program receipts as defined in AS 44.21.045(b), receipts of the University of Alaska as 27 described in AS 37.05.146(b)(2), receipts of commercial fisheries test fishing operations 28 under AS 37.05.146(c)(21), corporate receipts of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, 29 corporate receipts of the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation, Exxon Valdez oil spill 30 trust receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146(b)(4), receipts of the Alaska Fire Standards Council 31 under AS 37.05.146(b)(5), and the balance of the renewable energy fund (AS  42.45.045), that 01 exceed the amounts appropriated by this Act are appropriated conditioned on compliance with 02 the program review provisions of AS 37.07.080(h). 03 (b) If federal or other program receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146 and in 04 AS 44.21.045(b) exceed the estimates appropriated by this Act, the appropriations from state 05 funds for the affected program may be reduced by the excess if the reductions are consistent 06 with applicable federal statutes. 07 (c) If federal or other program receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146 and in 08 AS 44.21.045(b) fall short of the estimates appropriated by this Act, the affected 09 appropriation is reduced by the amount of the shortfall in receipts. 10 (d) The section in the version of HB 310, Twenty-Fifth Alaska State Legislature, that 11 is enacted into law and that corresponds to sec. 22(a), SCS CSHB 310(FIN) am S(brf sup maj 12 fld S), is amended to read: 13 (a) Federal receipts, designated program receipts as defined in 14 AS 37.05.146(b)(3), information services fund program receipts as described in 15 AS 44.21.045(b), Exxon Valdez oil spill trust receipts described in 16 AS 37.05.146(b)(4), receipts of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, [AND] 17 receipts of the Alaska Fire Standards Council described in AS 37.05.146(b)(5), and  18 receipts of the Alaska marine highway system fund described in AS 19.65.060(a) 19 that are received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009, and that exceed the 20 amounts appropriated by this Act, are appropriated conditioned on compliance with 21 the program review provisions of AS 37.07.080(h). 22  * Sec. 36. FUND TRANSFERS. (a) The following amounts are appropriated to the election 23 fund required by the federal Help America Vote Act: 24 (1) the sum of $100,000 from federal receipts; 25 (2) interest earned on amounts in the election fund required by the federal 26 Help America Vote Act. 27 (b) The sum of $25,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska 28 marine highway system fund (AS 19.65.060(a)). 29 (c) The sum of $75,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska 30 marine highway system vessel replacement fund (AS 37.05.550). 31 (d) The sum of $2,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the oil and 01 hazardous substance release prevention account (AS 46.08.010(a)(1)). 02 (e) The sum of $5,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the information 03 services fund (AS 44.21.045(a)). 04 (f) The sum of $100,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the oil and gas 05 tax credit fund (AS 43.55.028(a)). 06 (g) The sum of $225,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the oil and gas 07 tax credit fund (AS 43.55.028(a)). 08 (h) The sum of $50,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the renewable 09 energy fund (AS 42.45.045). 10  * Sec. 37. INSURANCE CLAIMS. The amounts to be received in settlement of insurance 11 claims for losses and the amounts to be received as recovery for losses are appropriated from 12 the general fund to the 13 (1) state insurance catastrophe reserve account (AS 37.05.289(a)); or 14 (2) appropriate state agency to mitigate the loss. 15 * Sec. 38. NATIONAL PETROLEUM RESERVE - ALASKA IMPACT GRANT 16 PROGRAM. The amount received by the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska special 17 revenue fund (AS 37.05.530) under 42 U.S.C. 6506a(l) or former 42 U.S.C. 6508 by 18 August 31, 2008, estimated to be $5,300,000, is appropriated from that fund to the 19 Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for capital project grants 20 under the National Petroleum Reserve - Alaska impact grant program to the following 21 municipalities in the amounts stated: 22 MUNICIPALITY PROJECT APPROPRIATION 23 North Slope Borough Emergency operations center $ 317,000 24 communication upgrades 25 and response tools, equipment, 26 supplies, and personal 27 protective equipment for 28 NPRA village fire departments 29 North Slope Borough Flight equipment, medical 500,000 30 oxygen generator, equipment, 31 vehicles, and supplies for 01 search and rescue department 02 North Slope Borough Arctic fox continuing study 402,000 03 North Slope Borough Police officers for NPRA 274,000 04 impacted communities 05 City of Wainwright Robert James Community 36,000 06 Center heating fuel tank 07 replacement 08 North Slope Borough School counselors 300,000 09 City of Barrow Piuraagvik Recreation Center 1,300,000 10 facility addition design 11 City of Barrow Public facilities operations and 985,000 12 maintenance 13 North Slope Borough Water tender 300,000 14 City of Atqasuk Local government operations 238,000 15 and youth center 16 City of Wainwright Wainwright local government 188,000 17 operations 18 City of Wainwright Wainwright youth program 125,000 19 City of Nuiqsut Local government operations 285,000 20 and maintenance 21 City of Nuiqsut Youth recreation 50,000 22  * Sec. 39. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION REVOLVING LOAN FUND; ELECTRICAL 23 EMERGENCIES PROGRAM. (a) Notwithstanding AS 42.45.020(g), the balance of the rural 24 electrification revolving loan fund (AS 42.45.020) on June 30, 2008, estimated to be $80,400, 25 is appropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, 26 Alaska Energy Authority, for the electrical emergencies program. 27 (b) The sum of $250,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 28 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, Alaska Energy Authority, for the 29 electrical emergencies program. 30  * Sec. 40. HOUSE DISTRICT 1. (a) Section 1, ch. 30, SLA 2007, page 62, lines 32 - 33, is 31 amended to read: 01 APPROPRIATION GENERAL 02 ITEMS FUND 03 Ketchikan (City of) - Meth and 35,000 35,000 04 Other Drug Education Project  05 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 18(a), 06 ch. 82, SLA 2003 (Ketchikan Gateway Borough, parking lot lighting) is reappropriated to the 07 Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant 08 under AS 37.06.010 to the Ketchikan Gateway Borough for airport parking lot upgrades. 09  * Sec. 41.  HOUSE DISTRICT 2. (a) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the 10 appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2002, page 8, lines 8 - 10 (Wrangell, water tank 11 and connection to upper water reservoir - $180,000) is reappropriated to the Department of 12 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 13 AS 37.05.315 to the City of Wrangell for water tank and connection to upper water reservoir 14 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 15 (b) Section 1, ch. 61, SLA 2001, page 17, lines 8 - 9, is amended to read: 16 ALLOCATIONS 17 Sitka Sawmill Creek 900,000 18 Road Sewer and Water 19 Upgrades [EXPANSION 20 PHASE 2] (ED 2) 21  * Sec. 42. HOUSE DISTRICT 5. (a) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the 22 appropriation made in sec. 33(b), ch. 159, SLA 2004 (Angoon, city dock and boat harbor 23 repair and expansion - $314,000) is reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, 24 Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the 25 City of Angoon for community projects and improvements. 26 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to exceed $11,285, of the 27 appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2002, page 6, lines 15 - 17 (Hydaburg, ice cold 28 storage/smokery facility final phase - $75,000) is reappropriated to the Department of 29 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 30 AS 37.05.315 to the City of Hydaburg for replacing water turbine impellers. 31 (c) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 01 30, SLA 2007, page 57, lines 17 - 19 (Gustavus, Falls Creek hydroelectric project 02 construction - $300,000) is reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and 03 Economic Development for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.316 to the Gustavus Electric 04 Company for the Falls Creek hydroelectric project construction. 05 (d) The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to exceed $500,000, of the 06 appropriation made in sec. 4(c), ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 118, lines 20 - 22 (Craig, Ward Cove 07 cannery renovation and upgrades - $1,000,000) is reappropriated to the Department of 08 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 09 AS 37.05.315 to the City of Craig for the Prince of Wales health care facility project. 10 (e) The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to exceed $300,000, of the 11 appropriation made in sec. 4(c), ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 118, lines 20 - 22 (Craig, Ward Cove 12 cannery renovation and upgrades - $1,000,000) is reappropriated to the Department of 13 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 14 AS 37.05.315 to the City of Craig for Craig Elementary School roof replacement. 15 (f) If the amount available for reappropriation under (d) and (e) of this section is less 16 than $800,000, the reappropriations made in (d) and (e) of this section shall be reduced in 17 proportion to the amount of the shortfall. 18  * Sec. 43. HOUSE DISTRICT 6. (a) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the 19 appropriation made from that portion of the appropriation made in sec. 14, ch. 79, SLA 1993, 20 and allocated under sec. 4(b), ch. 80, SLA 1993, to the account in the municipal capital 21 project matching grant fund that the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic 22 Development holds in custody for the City of Kaltag under AS 37.06.010(b) that was awarded 23 as grant number 8/94-084 by the Department of Administration for road development is 24 reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for 25 payment as a grant under AS 37.06.010 to the City of Kaltag for road maintenance and safety. 26 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 27 1, SSSLA 2002, page 79, lines 22 - 23 (Koyukuk, storage building construction - $25,000) is 28 reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for 29 payment as a grant under AS 37.06.010 to the City of Koyukuk for city projects and 30 improvements. 31  * Sec. 44. HOUSE DISTRICTS 7 - 11. Section 4, ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, page 98, lines 4 - 5, 01 is amended to read: 02 ALLOCATIONS 03 Fairbanks - Gaffney Road 6,250,000 04 Upgrade and Cushman  05  Street Reconstruction 06 (HD 7-11) 07  * Sec. 45. HOUSE DISTRICT 12. The unexpended and unobligated balance of the 08 appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2003, page 17, lines 13 - 17 (Copper River School 09 District, Glennallen Elementary School roof design and engineering - $119,000) is 10 reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for 11 payment as a grant under AS 37.05.316 to the Copper River School District for facility 12 maintenance and repair. 13  * Sec. 46. HOUSE DISTRICTS 13 - 16. The unexpended and unobligated balance of the 14 appropriation made in sec. 42(d), ch. 3, FSSLA 2005 (Wasilla, water utility improvements 15 along the Palmer-Wasilla Highway extension) is reappropriated to the Department of 16 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 17 AS 37.05.315 to the City of Wasilla for the Garden Terrace water main extension project. 18  * Sec. 47. HOUSE DISTRICT 15. The unexpended and unobligated balance of the 19 appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 44, lines 14 - 17, as amended by sec. 20 37(c), ch. 30, SLA 2007 (Matanuska-Susitna Borough, Knik Road Service Area No. 17, This 21 Way, That Way, Finally Here) is reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, 22 Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the 23 Matanuska-Susitna Borough for upgrading Knik Road Service Area No. 17, Carmel Road. 24  * Sec. 48.  HOUSE DISTRICTS 17 - 32. (a) The unexpended and unobligated balance of 25 the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 49, lines 8 - 11 (Anchorage, Eagle 26 River Lions Club access and site improvements - $200,000) is reappropriated to the 27 Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant 28 under AS 37.05.316 to the Eagle River Lions Club for access and site improvements. 29 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 30 82, SLA 2006, page 49, line 33, through page 50, line 4 (Anchorage, Grumman Street south 31 of Tudor Road area drainage - $60,000) is reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, 01 Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the 02 Municipality of Anchorage for safety improvements to 42nd Avenue from Lake Otis Parkway 03 to Florida Street. 04 (c) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 05 82, SLA 2006, page 48, lines 14 - 17 (Anchorage, Bayshore Greenbelt Trail, 100th Avenue to 06 Amber Bay Loop - $110,000) is reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, 07 and Economic Development for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the Municipality 08 of Anchorage for Mears Middle School area pedestrian safety. 09  * Sec. 49. HOUSE DISTRICT 19. The unexpended and unobligated balances of the 10 appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2002, page 15, lines 3 - 6 (Anchorage, planning 11 and development for Muldoon town center project - $250,000) and sec. 21(b), ch. 1, SSSLA 12 2002 (Anchorage, drainage improvements at Fourth Avenue and Creekside) are 13 reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for 14 payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the Municipality of Anchorage for traffic and 15 pedestrian safety improvements. 16  * Sec. 50.  HOUSE DISTRICT 21. The unexpended and unobligated balance of the 17 appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2002, page 13, lines 28 - 30 (Anchorage, East 18 Anchorage Muldoon ball field development - $150,000) is reappropriated to the Department 19 of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 20 AS 37.05.315 to the Municipality of Anchorage for East Anchorage Muldoon ball field 21 development. 22  * Sec. 51.  HOUSE DISTRICTS 25 - 26. The unexpended and unobligated balance of the 23 appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2002, page 21, line 30, through page 22, line 3 24 (Boys/Girls Clubs of Southcentral AK, Dimond/Sand Lake clubhouse facility lease, upgrades, 25 and program equipment - $50,000) is reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, 26 Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.316 to the 27 Woodland Park Boys and Girls Club for capital improvements and program equipment. 28  * Sec. 52. HOUSE DISTRICT 28. The unexpended and unobligated balance of the 29 appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 1, SSSLA 2002, page 13, lines 16 - 19 (Anchorage, 30 completion of the South Anchorage sports complex baseball fields - $500,000) is 31 reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for 01 payment as a grant under AS 37.05.316 to the American Legion, Department of Alaska, for 02 completion of the South Anchorage sports complex baseball fields. 03  * Sec. 53. HOUSE DISTRICT 30. (a) The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to 04 exceed $40,000, of the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, page 29, lines 27 - 05 30 (Anchorage, Abbott Road guard rail construction, Birch Run subdivision - $75,000) is 06 reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for 07 payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the Municipality of Anchorage for Meadow Park 08 improvements. 09 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance, not to exceed $33,500, of the 10 appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, page 29, lines 27 - 30 (Anchorage, Abbott 11 Road guard rail construction, Birch Run subdivision - $75,000) is reappropriated to the 12 Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant 13 under AS 37.05.315 to the Municipality of Anchorage for the Sahalee subdivision trail 14 connect. 15 (c) If the amount available for reappropriation under (a) and (b) of this section is less 16 than $73,500, the reappropriations made in (a) and (b) of this section shall be reduced in 17 proportion to the amount of the shortfall. 18  * Sec. 54. HOUSE DISTRICT 32. (a) The unexpended and unobligated balances of the 19 appropriations made in sec. 28(a), ch. 82, SLA 2003 (Whittier, design and construction of 20 water, sewer, and paving project) and sec. 28(b), ch. 82, SLA 2003 (Whittier, design and 21 construction of water, sewer, and paving project) are reappropriated to the Department of 22 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 23 AS 37.05.315 to the City of Whittier for community projects and improvements. 24 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 25 30, SLA 2007, page 48, lines 13 - 15 (Anchorage, Rockridge Drive relocation project - 26 $60,000) is reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic 27 Development for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the Municipality of Anchorage 28 for Birch Road safety improvements. 29  * Sec. 55.  HOUSE DISTRICT 37. (a) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the 30 appropriation made in sec. 32(d), ch. 82, SLA 2003 (Bristol Bay Borough, Naknek sewer 31 extension design project) is reappropriated to the Department of Commerce, Community, and 01 Economic Development for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.315 to the Bristol Bay 02 Borough for furniture and fixtures for the Martin Monsen Regional Library in Naknek. 03 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 04 3, FSSLA 2005, page 15, lines 23 - 27 (Dillingham, Dillingham city schools, Dillingham 05 Elementary School fire and safety upgrades - $200,000) is reappropriated to the Department 06 of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 07 AS 37.05.315 to the City of Dillingham for Dillingham High School fire and safety upgrades. 08  * Sec. 56.  HOUSE DISTRICT 38. The unexpended and unobligated balance of the 09 appropriation made in sec. 44(c), ch. 159, SLA 2004 (Kwigillingok, purchase of equipment, 10 construction of a storage shed, and installation of a flush-hall system) is reappropriated to the 11 Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant 12 under AS 37.06.020 to the unincorporated community of Kwigillingok for purchase of 13 equipment and boardwalk maintenance. 14  * Sec. 57. HOUSE DISTRICT 39. (a) The unexpended and unobligated balances of the 15 appropriations made in sec. 45(b), ch. 30, SLA 2007 (Wales, payment to the IRS and 16 Department of Labor of 2005 and 2006 payroll taxes, penalties, and interest) and sec. 1, ch. 3, 17 FSSLA 2005, page 22, lines 16 - 18, as amended by sec. 45(c), ch. 30, SLA 2007 (Wales, city 18 facilities repair and maintenance and payment of 2005 and 2006 payroll taxes, penalties, and 19 interest to IRS and Department of Labor - $25,000) are reappropriated to the Department of 20 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 21 AS 37.05.315 to the City of Wales for community facilities repair and maintenance and 22 equipment and parts purchases. 23 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 24 3, FSSLA 2005, page 43, line 17, and allocated on page 44, line 33, through page 45, line 4 25 (Saint Mary's, Andreafski High School code upgrades - $304,449) is reappropriated to the 26 Department of Education and Early Development for payment as a grant under AS 14.11.007 27 to the Saint Mary's School District for the school complex renovation project. 28 (c) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 3, ch. 29 61, SLA 2001, page 69, lines 30 - 31 (Lower Yukon, Emmonak mechanical system upgrade - 30 $574,885) is reappropriated to the Department of Education and Early Development for 31 payment as a grant under AS 14.11.015 to the Lower Yukon School District for the Russian 01 Mission K-12 school replacement project. 02  * Sec. 58.  BULK FUEL BRIDGE LOAN FUND. The amount held in trust for the state by 03 the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative in the form of cash, loan receivables, and interest, 04 estimated to be $2,200,000, is appropriated from the money held in trust for the state by the 05 Alaska Village Electric Cooperative to the bulk fuel bridge loan fund (AS 29.60.660). 06  * Sec. 59. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION. The sum of $7,500 is appropriated 07 from the general fund to the Department of Administration, division of personnel, for costs 08 associated with the State Officers Compensation Commission for the fiscal year ending 09 June 30, 2009.  10  * Sec. 60. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC 11 DEVELOPMENT. (a) The sum of $55,000 is appropriated from the anatomical gift 12 awareness fund (AS 13.50.160) to the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic 13 Development for payment as a grant under AS 37.05.316 to Life Alaska Donor Services, Inc., 14 for promoting the donation program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 15 (b) The sum of $125,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 16 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development for payment as a grant under 17 AS 37.05.316 to World Trade Center Alaska for the international trade program partnership 18 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 19 (c) The sum of $164,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 20 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, community and regional affairs, for 21 grants administration costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 22 (d) The sum of $2,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 23 Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, Alaska Energy Authority, for payment 24 as a grant under the authority of AS 44.83.080 to the Southeast Conference for the Reynolds 25 Creek hydroelectric project. 26  * Sec. 61. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND EARLY DEVELOPMENT. (a) The 27 sum of $20,700,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Education and 28 Early Development for distribution as grants to each school district for energy relief for the 29 fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, based on adjusted ADM as calculated under 30 AS 14.17.410(b)(1). 31 (b) The sum of $1,127,820 is appropriated from the general fund to the major 01 maintenance grant fund (AS 14.11.007) for payment as grants by the Department of 02 Education and Early Development to the following school districts for the following 03 purposes: 04 RECIPIENT/PURPOSE AMOUNT 05 Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District - $ 436,095 06 Schoenbar Middle School Repair and 07 Remediation 08 Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District - 44,871 09 Playground Safety Upgrades - Houghtaling, 10 Valley Park, and Pt. Higgins Elementary Schools 11 Klawock City School District - K-12 School Gym 353,617 12 Structural Repairs 13 Klawock City School District - K-12 School Renovation 293,237 14 (c) The funds appropriated in (b) of this section and sec. 13 of this Act for grants from 15 the major maintenance grant fund (AS 14.11.007) that are determined by the Department of 16 Education and Early Development not to be required for completion of a project for which the 17 grant was awarded are reappropriated to the major maintenance grant fund (AS 14.11.007) for 18 payment as grants by the Department of Education and Early Development for projects in 19 accordance with the Department of Education and Early Development's December 17, 2008, 20 rankings as funding becomes available. 21  * Sec. 62. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION. The sum of 22 $4,504,400 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Environmental 23 Conservation for municipal water, sewage, and solid waste facilities grants (AS 46.03.030) 24 for the following projects in the following amounts: 25 PROJECT AMOUNT 26 Anchorage: Asplund wastewater treatment $206,000 27 facility disinfection upgrade 28 Fairbanks: Wastewater treatment facility 91,535 29 plant clarifier rehabilitation 30 Fairbanks North Star Borough: Pioneer 103,500 31 Park water and sewer enhancement 01 Homer water treatment plant upgrade 494,400 02 Juneau: West Mendenhall Valley sewer 111,755 03 expansion phase 2 04 Juneau: North Douglas sewer expansion phase 3 125,351 05 Juneau: East Valley Reservoir/Jordan Creek 41,918 06 rehabilitation project 07 Kenai new water transmission main phase 2 279,450 08 well house 09 Kodiak Aleutian homes water and sewer 519,120 10 replacement phase 4 11 Kodiak ultraviolet secondary water treatment 824,000 12 facility 13 Matanuska-Susitna Borough: Central landfill 103,500 14 expansion phase 3B 15 Palmer steel water main replacement phase 6 547,917 16 Palmer wastewater treatment plant improvements 59,512 17 design 18 Palmer southwest utility extension phase 2 706,642 19 Wasilla Mission Hills water extension 289,800 20  * Sec. 63. DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME. (a) The amount earned by the 21 investments of the Alaska sport fishing construction account (AS 16.05.130(f)) of the fish and 22 game fund (AS 16.05.100) from the inception date of April 1, 2006, to June 30, 2008, after 23 any payment required under 26 U.S.C. 148, not to exceed $6,000,000, is appropriated from 24 the Alaska sport fishing construction account (AS 16.05.130(f)) to the Department of Fish and 25 Game for construction and renovation of the sport fish hatchery in Anchorage.  26 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 4, ch. 27 30, SLA 2007, page 94, lines 6 - 8 (Western Alaska salmon stock identification program - 28 $1,542,500) is reappropriated to the Department Fish and Game for the Bristol Bay sockeye 29 stock identification program. 30 (c) Section 1, ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, page 55, lines 21 - 22, is amended to read: 31 APPROPRIATION OTHER 01 ITEMS FUNDS 02 Sport Fish Hatchery in Fairbanks (HD 7-11) 39,123,200 39,123,200 03 Sport Fish Hatchery in Anchorage (HD 17-32) 23,016,800 23,016,800 04 [HATCHERIES (HD 1-40)] [62,140,000] [62,140,000] 05 (d) The sum of $70,640,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska sport 06 fishing construction account (AS 16.05.130(f)) for facility upgrades, improvements, and 07 construction for the sport fish hatchery in Anchorage. 08  * Sec. 64. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES. (a) The sum of 09 $164,400 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Health and Social 10 Services, community initiative matching grants, for operating costs for the fiscal year ending 11 June 30, 2009. 12 (b) The sum of $10,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department 13 of Health and Social Services, public assistance energy assistance program, for heating 14 assistance for low-income households for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 15  * Sec. 65. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. The unexpended and 16 unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 30, SLA 2007, page 42, lines 19 - 17 21 (Anchorage, Eagle River Southfork Confluence Bridge - $150,000) is reappropriated to the 18 Department of Natural Resources for Chugach State Park South Fork trail system 19 rehabilitation. 20  * Sec. 66. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES. (a) The 21 sum of $2,297,600 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Transportation 22 and Public Facilities, marine vessels operations, for maintaining service to southwest Alaska 23 during the overhaul of the M/V Tustumena, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 24 (b) The sum of $1,950,000 is appropriated from the Alaska marine highway system 25 fund (AS 19.65.060(a)) to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, marine 26 vessels operations, for maintaining service to southwest Alaska during the overhaul of the 27 M/V Tustumena, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 28 (c) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 1, ch. 29 82, SLA 2006, page 85, lines 28 - 29 (Farmers Loop, dog mushers sanitary wayside - 30 $150,000) is reappropriated to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for 31 construction of the Farmers Loop to Chena Hot Springs Road trail connection. 01 (d) Section 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 94, lines 13 - 14, as amended by sec. 7(c), ch. 02 10, SLA 2007, is amended to read: 03 APPROPRIATION OTHER 04 ITEMS FUNDS 05 Surface Transportation Program 355,365,200 355,365,200  06  [355,395,200] [355,395,200]  07 (e) Section 1, ch. 82, SLA 2006, page 96, lines 9 - 12, as amended by sec. 7(d), ch. 10, 08 SLA 2007, is amended to read: 09 ALLOCATIONS 10 Anchorage: Eagle 12,170,000 11 River Loop Road [12,200,000] 12 Reconstruction - Old 13 Glenn Highway to Eagle 14 River Road (HD 17-32) 15 (f) It is the intent of the legislature that the appropriation reduction made in (e) of this 16 section will leave the department sufficient funding to construct a 150-foot traffic control 17 island at the northwest intersection of Eagle River Loop Road and the Old Glenn Highway. 18 (g) The sum of $1,363,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 19 Transportation and Public Facilities, marine vessel operations, to implement the collective 20 bargaining agreement with the Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific for the fiscal year ending 21 June 30, 2009. 22 (h) The sum of $500,000 is appropriated from the regional cruise ship impact fund 23 (AS 43.52.230(c)) to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to provide 24 operating hours of the Whittier Tunnel needed to service cruise ship vessels and accommodate 25 access requirements affected by or supporting vessel servicing for the fiscal year ending 26 June 30, 2009. 27 (i) The sum of $194,000 is appropriated from federal receipts to the Department of 28 Transportation and Public Facilities to provide child safety and booster seat incentive grants. 29  * Sec. 67. OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR. (a) The sum of $10,000 is appropriated from the 30 general fund to the Office of the Governor for examining the possibility of designing a new 31 official state seal that represents modern Alaska, the state's diverse peoples, and the state's 01 abundance of natural resources for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 02 (b) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balances on June 30, 2008, of the 03 appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 16, line 22 (Office of the Governor, 04 commissions/special offices - $1,848,400); sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 16, line 26 (Office 05 of the Governor, executive operations - $10,795,200); sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 16, lines 06 31 - 32 (Office of the Governor, state facilities rent - $815,600); sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, 07 page 17, lines 5 - 6 (Office of the Governor, office of management and budget - $2,043,600); 08 and sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 17, line 9 (Office of the Governor, elections - $3,005,500) 09 are reappropriated to the Office of the Governor for operating costs for the fiscal year ending 10 June 30, 2009. 11 (c) The sum of $25,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Office of the 12 Governor to facilitate educating the public regarding current state regulation of mining and 13 mining activities in the state, including providing information that may influence the outcome 14 of an election on initiatives affecting those mining activities, for the fiscal years ending 15 June 30, 2008, and June 30, 2009. 16 (d) It is the intent of the legislature that the appropriation made by (c) of this section 17 meet the requirements of AS 15.13.145. 18  * Sec. 68. RETIREMENT SYSTEMS. (a) The sum of $49,000,000 is appropriated from 19 the general fund to the judicial retirement trust fund (AS 22.25.048) for payment of the 20 judicial retirement system unfunded liability. 21 (b) The sum of $10,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the military 22 retirement trust fund (AS 26.05.228) for payment of the National Guard retirement system 23 liability. 24  * Sec. 69.  ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY. The unexpended and unobligated balance, 25 not to exceed $10,000,000, of the appropriation made in sec. 78(c), ch. 1, SSSLA 2002 26 (Alaska Energy Authority, upgrade and extend the Anchorage to Fairbanks power 27 transmission intertie to Teeland substation - $20,300,000) is reappropriated to the Department 28 of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, Alaska Energy Authority, for 29 Alaska intertie static VAR compensators and tower upgrade and repair. 30  * Sec. 70. REAPPROPRIATION OF LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATIONS. (a) The 31 unexpended and unobligated balances, not to exceed $6,000,000, of the appropriations made 01 in sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 42, line 22 (Budget and Audit Committee - $14,219,300); 02 sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 42, line 28 (Legislative Council - $30,201,500); and sec. 1, ch. 03 28, SLA 2007, page 43, line 6 (Legislative Operating Budget - $9,682,300) are reappropriated 04 to the Legislative Council for life and safety improvements, fire alarm and sprinkler system, 05 exterior refinishing and repair, capital renovations and remodel, and technology 06 improvements. 07 (b) The unexpended and unobligated balances, not to exceed $2,000,000, of the 08 appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 42, line 22 (Budget and Audit 09 Committee - $14,219,300); sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 42, line 28 (Legislative Council - 10 $30,201,500); and sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 43, line 6 (Legislative Operating Budget - 11 $9,682,300) are reappropriated to the Legislative Council for the Alaska Conference on State 12 and Federal Responsibility Related to Economic Impacts of ESA Listings for the fiscal years 13 ending June 30, 2009, and June 30, 2010. 14 (c) The unexpended and unobligated balances, not to exceed $100,000, of the 15 appropriations made in sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 42, line 22 (Budget and Audit 16 Committee - $14,219,300); sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 42, line 28 (Legislative Council - 17 $30,201,500); and sec. 1, ch. 28, SLA 2007, page 43, line 6 (Legislative Operating Budget - 18 $9,682,300) are reappropriated to the Legislative Council for the Legislative Outdoor 19 Heritage Caucus for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. 20 (d) If the amount available for reappropriation under (a) - (c) of this section is less 21 than $8,100,000, the reappropriations made in (a) - (c) of this section shall be reduced in 22 proportion to the amount of the shortfall. 23  * Sec. 71. TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM. The following 24 amounts are appropriated from the technical vocational education account (AS 37.10.200) to 25 the following state agencies for operating expenditures for the institutions listed in 26 AS 23.15.835(d), added by a version of HB 2, Twenty-Fifth Alaska State Legislature, for 27 programs consistent with AS 23.15.820 - 23.15.850 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009: 28 APPROPRIATION 29 HB 2 Technical Vocational Education 1,704,300 30 Program appropriated to Department 31 of Labor and Workforce Development 01 HB 2 Technical Vocational Education 120,200 02 Program appropriated to Department 03 of Education and Early Development 04 HB 2 Technical Vocational Education 1,180,700 05 Program appropriated to University of 06 Alaska  07  * Sec. 72. CONSTITUTIONAL BUDGET RESERVE FUND. (a) The sum of $400,000,000 08 is appropriated from the general fund to the constitutional budget reserve fund (art. IX, sec. 09 17, Constitution of the State of Alaska) for repayment of amounts owed the constitutional 10 budget reserve fund. 11 (b) The sum of $820,000 is appropriated from the budget reserve fund (art. IX, sec. 12 17, Constitution of the State of Alaska) to the Department of Revenue, treasury division, for 13 operating costs related to management of the budget reserve fund for the fiscal year ending 14 June 30, 2008. 15 (c) The sum of $4,080,000 is appropriated from the budget reserve fund (art. IX, sec. 16 17, Constitution of the State of Alaska) to the Department of Revenue, treasury division, for 17 operating cost related to the management of the budget reserve fund for the fiscal year ending 18 June 30, 2009. 19 (d) The appropriations made by (b) and (c) of this section are made under art. IX, sec. 20 17(c), Constitution of the State of Alaska. 21  * Sec. 73. Sections 26(b) and 26(c), ch. 11, SLA 2008, are repealed. 22  * Sec. 74. CONTINGENCIES. (a) Section 58 of this Act is contingent on enactment into 23 law of SCS CSHB 338(FIN), Twenty-Fifth Alaska State Legislature. 24 (b) The appropriation made in sec. 66(g) of this Act is contingent on ratification of the 25 collective bargaining agreement by the membership of the Inlandboatmen's Union of the 26 Pacific. 27 (c) Section 66(i) of this Act is contingent on passage by the Twenty-Fifth Alaska State 28 Legislature and enactment into law of a version of SB 218. 29 (d) Section 62 of this Act is contingent on passage by the Twenty-Fifth Alaska State 30 Legislature and enactment into law of a version of SB 303. 31 (e) Sections 61(b) and 61(c) of this Act are contingent on passage by the Twenty-Fifth 01 Alaska State Legislature and enactment into law of a version of HB 373. 02 (f) The appropriations made for renewable energy projects under the Alaska Energy 03 Authority in sec. 13 of this Act and made in sec. 36(h) of this Act are contingent on passage 04 by the Twenty-Fifth Alaska State Legislature and enactment into law of a version of HB 152 05 that creates a renewable energy fund. 06 (g) The appropriations made in sec. 22 of this Act are contingent on ratification of the 07 collective bargaining agreement by the membership of the Public Safety Employees 08 Association for the regularly commissioned public safety officers unit. 09 (h) The appropriations made in sec. 25 of this Act are contingent on ratification of the 10 collective bargaining agreement by the membership of the Public Employees Local 71 for the 11 labor, trades, and crafts unit. 12 (i) The appropriation made in sec. 71 of this Act is contingent on passage by the 13 Twenty-Fifth Alaska State Legislature and enactment into law of provisions contained in SCS 14 CSHB 2(FIN).  15  * Sec. 75. LAPSE. (a) The appropriations made by secs. 36, 37(1), and 58 of this Act are for 16 the capitalization of funds and do not lapse. 17 (b) The appropriations made by secs. 33(b), 37(2), 38, 39, 42(c), 45, 48(a), 48(c), 51, 18 52, 57(b), 57(c), 60(d), 62, 63, 65, 66(c), 66(i), 69, and 70(a) of this Act are for capital 19 projects and lapse under AS 37.25.020. 20 (c) A grant awarded in secs. 29 - 72 of this Act to a named recipient under 21 AS 37.05.316 is for a capital project, unless specifically identified in this Act as an operating 22 grant, and lapses under AS 37.25.020 unless otherwise stated or designated for a fiscal year. 23  * Sec. 76. RETROACTIVITY. (a) Section 33(a) of this Act is retroactive to March 10, 24 2008. 25 (b) Section 42(d) of this Act is retroactive to January 1, 2008. 26  * Sec. 77. Sections 1, 4, 7, 10, 29 - 32, 33(a), 33(d), 33(e), 36(b), 36(c), 36(d), 36(e), 36(h), 27 42(d), 42(e), 42(f), 60(d), 61(a), 63(c), 63(d), 67(c), 68, 72(b), 73, and 76 of this Act take 28 effect April 13, 2008. 29  * Sec. 78. Sections 33(b), 33(c), 34, 36(f), 39(a), 40, 41, 42(a), 42(b), 42(c), 43 - 57, 63(b), 30 65, 66(c), 67(b), 69, 70 and 72(a) of this Act take effect June 30, 2008. 31  * Sec. 79. Except as provided in secs. 77 and 78 of this Act, this Act takes effect July 1, 01 2008.