00 SENATE BILL NO. 205 01 "An Act removing the prohibition against individuals who are related to a legislator or 02 legislative employee being eligible for employment by the legislature in certain 03 positions." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05  * Section 1. AS 24.60.090(a) is amended to read: 06 (a) An individual who is related to a member of the legislature may not be 07 employed (1) for compensation [(1) DURING THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION IN 08 THE HOUSE IN WHICH THE LEGISLATOR IS A MEMBER, (2)] by an agency of 09 the legislature established under AS 24.20, [(3) IN EITHER HOUSE DURING THE 10 INTERIM BETWEEN SESSIONS,] or (2) [(4),] whether for compensation or not, by 11 the committee. [AN INDIVIDUAL WHO IS RELATED TO A LEGISLATIVE 12 EMPLOYEE MAY NOT BE EMPLOYED IN A POSITION OVER WHICH THE 13 EMPLOYEE HAS SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY.] In this subsection, "an individual 14 who is related to" means a member of the legislator's [OR LEGISLATIVE 01 EMPLOYEE'S] immediate family or a person who is a legislator's [OR 02 LEGISLATIVE EMPLOYEE'S] domestic partner living together in a conjugal 03 relationship not a legal marriage with the legislator or legislative employee [, AND 04 "INTERIM BETWEEN SESSIONS" MEANS THE PERIOD BEGINNING ON THE 05 EIGHTH DAY AFTER THE LEGISLATURE ADJOURNS FROM A REGULAR 06 SESSION, AND ENDING EIGHT DAYS BEFORE THE DATE THAT THE 07 LEGISLATURE SHALL CONVENE UNDER AS 24.05.090].