00 HOUSE BILL NO. 138 01 "An Act making supplemental appropriations and other appropriations; amending the 02 lapse dates of certain appropriations; and providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04  * Section 1. DEPARTMENT OF LAW. The sum of $21,500,000 is appropriated from the 05 general fund to the Department of Law, oil, gas and mining, for work related to the state gas 06 pipeline and to bringing North Slope natural gas to market, and to other oil and gas projects. 07  * Sec. 2. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. (a) The sum of $6,550,000 is 08 appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Natural Resources for gas pipeline 09 analysis. 10 (b) The sum of $1,500,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 11 Natural Resources for oil and gas lease litigation. 12  * Sec. 3. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. (a) The sum of $3,000,000 is appropriated from 13 the general fund to the Department of Revenue for commercialization of North Slope gas. 14 (b) The sum of $521,700 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 01 Revenue, tax division, for implementation costs of the petroleum production tax for the fiscal 02 year ending June 30, 2007. 03 (c) The amount necessary to issue refunds for capital expenditures and lease bids as 04 provided in AS 43.55.023(f) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, is appropriated from the 05 general fund to the Department of Revenue, tax division, for the purpose of making refunds 06 under AS 43.55.023(f). 07  * Sec. 4. AMENDMENT OF LAPSE OF CERTAIN PRIOR YEAR APPROPRIATIONS. 08 (a) Section 34(c), ch. 82, SLA 2006, is amended to read: 09 (c) The unexpended and unobligated balance of the appropriation made in sec. 10 7(d), ch. 6, SLA 2005, lapses June 30, 2008 [2007]. 11 (b) Section 64(c), ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, is amended to read: 12 (c) The appropriations made by 13 (1) sec. [SECS. 20(a), 20(c), 20(e), 20(f), AND] 37(b) of this Act 14 lapses [LAPSE] June 30, 2007;  15 (2) secs. 20(a), 20(c), 20(e), and 20(f) of this Act lapse June 30, 2008.  16 (c) Section 20(d), ch. 3, FSSLA 2005, as amended by sec. 34(d), ch. 82, SLA 2006, 17 is amended to read: 18 (d) The sum of $1,525,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the 19 Department of Natural Resources for work related to the state gas pipeline and to 20 bringing North Slope natural gas to market, for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2005, 21 June 30, 2006, [AND] June 30, 2007, and June 30, 2008, for the following purposes: 22 PURPOSE ALLOCATION 23 (1) Bullen Pt. Road right-of-way permitting $800,000 24 (2) Division of oil and gas increased workload 675,000 25 (3) Commissioner's office increased workload 50,000 26  * Sec. 5. LAPSE OF OTHER APPROPRIATIONS. The appropriations made by secs. 1, 2, 27 3(a) of this Act are not one-year appropriations and lapse as provided in AS 37.25.020. 28 * Sec. 6. RETROACTIVITY. (a) The appropriation made by sec. 1 of this Act is retroactive 29 to October 1, 2006. 30 (b) The appropriations made by sec. 2 of this Act are retroactive to February 1, 2007. 31  * Sec. 7. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).