00 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 10 am 01 Relating to a task force and the school district cost factor adjustments for education 02 funding. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: 04 WHEREAS a study conducted in the state in 2004 by the Institute of Social and 05 Economic Research recommended that the school district cost factors under AS 14.17.460(a) 06 be increased to more accurately reflect cost differentials in rural school districts; and 07 WHEREAS a study published in 2003, by the Institute for Social and Economic 08 Research also recommended that the school district cost factors under AS 14.17.460(a) be 09 increased to more accurately reflect cost differentials in rural school districts; and 10 WHEREAS the studies of school district cost factors should be valid, defensible, and 11 decisive; and 12 WHEREAS the rates of inflation, building, and energy costs, and other costs affecting 13 education are significantly higher in rural school districts than in urban school districts; and 14 WHEREAS the current district cost factors under AS 14.17.460(a) do not accurately 15 reflect the cost differentials among the school districts. 16 BE IT RESOLVED that the House of Representatives establish a seven-member task 01 force on school district cost factors and foundation formula to evaluate proposals that are 02 based on available facts and conclusions pertaining to school district cost differentials. The 03 task force shall be comprised of at least four members of the House of Representatives, 04 appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and three members may be 05 appointed at the discretion of the President of the Senate by July 15, 2005. The task force 06 shall prepare a written report with recommendations to be delivered to the House of 07 Representatives and the Senate not later than January 20, 2006. The task force members will 08 receive no additional compensation and shall serve at the pleasure of the Speaker of the House 09 of Representatives.