00 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 345(JUD) 01 "An Act relating to civil liability associated with aircraft runways, airfields, and landing 02 areas." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04  * Section 1. AS 09.65.093 is amended to read: 05 Sec. 09.65.093. Civil liability relating to aircraft runways, airfields, and  06 landing areas. (a) A [NATURAL] person who without compensation constructs, 07 maintains, or repairs an aircraft runway, airfield, or landing area may not be held 08 civilly liable, except for an act or omission that constitutes gross negligence or 09 recklessness or intentional misconduct, for the injury to or death of a person or for 10 damage to an aircraft, resulting from the use of the runway, airfield, or landing area to 11 take off, land, park, or operate an aircraft. 12 (b) A [NATURAL] person who is the owner or operator of an aircraft runway, 13 airfield, or landing area [THAT IS LOCATED ON PRIVATE LAND] is not civilly 14 liable, except for an act or omission that constitutes gross negligence or recklessness 01 or intentional misconduct, for the injury to or the death of a person or for damage to an 02 aircraft, resulting from the use or attempted use of the runway, airfield, or landing area 03 to take off, land, park, or operate an aircraft while the runway, airfield, or landing 04 area [IS] 05 (1) is marked as closed by placement of a large "X" on the runway, in  06 accordance with Federal Aviation Administration guidelines [THAT IS READILY 07 VISIBLE FROM THE AIR]; and 08 (2) if listed or charted, is designated as closed in the appropriate 09 aeronautical charts and publications published by the Federal Aviation Administration.