00 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 6 01 Extending the termination date of the Joint Legislative Salmon Industry Task Force 02 until 2005. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 That the termination date of the Joint Legislative Salmon Industry Task Force 05 established by Legislative Resolve 53, Twenty-Second Alaska State Legislature, is extended 06 until 11:59 p.m. on March 1, 2005; and 07 That the original legislative members of the Joint Legislative Salmon Industry Task 08 Force shall continue to serve on the task force unless the member no longer serves in the 09 legislature, resigns from the task force, or is jointly removed from the task force by the 10 president of the senate and speaker of the house of representatives; and 11 That the original public members of the Joint Legislative Salmon Industry Task Force 12 shall continue to serve on the task force unless the member resigns from the task force or is 13 jointly removed from the task force by the president of the senate, the speaker of the house of 14 representatives, and the legislative members of the task force; and 15 That a vacancy arising in the legislative or public membership of the Joint Legislative 16 Salmon Industry Task Force shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment to 17 the vacant position; and 01 That the Joint Legislative Salmon Industry Task Force shall submit a final report of its 02 findings and proposed industry and legislative changes to the legislature by January 31, 2005, 03 and may make any interim reports it considers advisable.