00 SENATE BILL NO. 291 01 "An Act making supplemental and other appropriations; amending appropriations; and 02 providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04  * Section 1. ALASKA COURT SYSTEM. The sum of $6,829.77 is appropriated from the 05 general fund to the Alaska Court System, Commission on Judicial Conduct, for the fiscal year 06 ending June 30, 2002, for payment of unpaid bills for services received in the fiscal year 07 ending June 30, 2001. 08  * Sec. 2. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. (a) 09 The sum of $25,000 is appropriated from statutory designated program receipts to the 10 Department of Community and Economic Development, Alaska Science and Technology 11 Foundation, for research contracts for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002. 12 (b) To replace unrealized international trade and development fund earnings, an 13 additional amount for community assistance and economic development is appropriated from 14 the general fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002 as follows: 01 (1) Section 1, ch. 60, SLA 2001, page 6, lines 31 and 32, is amended to read: 02 APPROPRIATION GENERAL OTHER 03 ITEMS FUND FUNDS 04 Community Assistance 10,716,800 5,972,500 4,744,300  05 & Economic Development [5,742,100] [4,974,700] 06 (2) Section 3, ch. 60, SLA 2001, page 43, line 9, is amended to read: 07 General Fund Receipts 41,949,100 [41,718,700] 08 (3) Section 3, ch. 60, SLA 2001, page 43, line 31, is amended to read: 09 International Trade and Development Fund 266,000 [496,400] 10 Earnings Reserve 11 * Sec. 3. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS. The sum of $172,200 is appropriated 12 from statutory designated program receipts to the Department of Corrections to replace a 13 failed water well and pump at the Palmer correctional center. 14  * Sec. 4. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES. (a) The sum of 15 $143,233,800 is appropriated to the Department of Health and Social Services, Medicaid 16 services, to pay for fiscal year 2002 costs above the low-case scenario upon which the fiscal 17 year 2002 appropriation was based, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002, from the 18 following sources: 19 General fund $ 12,712,500 20 Federal receipts 106,618,000 21 Statutory designated program receipts 23,903,300 22 (b) The sum of $2,529,600 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 23 Health and Social Services, subsidized adoptions and guardianship, for increased caseloads 24 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002. 25 * Sec. 5. MARINE HIGHWAY SYSTEM FUND. The sum of $2,876,900 is appropriated 26 from the general fund to the Alaska marine highway system fund (AS 19.65.060). 27  * Sec. 6. DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AND VETERANS' AFFAIRS. The sum of 28 $100,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Military and Veterans' 29 Affairs, disaster planning and control, for operating costs of the 24-hour state emergency 30 coordination center for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002. 31  * Sec. 7. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. The unexpended and 01 unobligated balance on February 28, 2002, estimated to be $310,100, of the appropriation 02 made by sec. 15(k), ch. 50, SLA 1997 (prepare and administer the Kalgin Island II, Caribou 03 Hills, South Ninilchik - Dome View, and South Ninilchik Block timber sales in the Kenai 04 Peninsula - $568,000) is repealed and reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources 05 for Kenai Peninsula wildfire risk reduction. 06  * Sec. 8. OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR. The sum of $25,000 is appropriated from the 07 general fund to the Office of the Governor, division of elections, for the costs of statewide 08 primary official election pamphlets for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002. 09  * Sec. 9. POWER COST EQUALIZATION. (a) To implement the provisions of 10 sec. 14(a)(1), ch. 60, SLA 2000, regarding the fiscal year 2002 appropriation for power cost 11 equalization, seven percent of the market value of the power cost equalization endowment 12 fund (AS 42.45.070) as of February 1, 2001, is appropriated from that fund to the power cost 13 equalization and rural electric capitalization fund (AS 42.45.100). 14 (b) The sum of $1,100,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the power cost 15 equalization and rural electric capitalization fund (AS 42.45.100). 16 (c) The sum of $1,100,000 is appropriated from the power cost equalization and rural 17 electric capitalization fund (AS 42.45.100) to the Department of Community and Economic 18 Development for the power cost equalization program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19 2002. 20 (d) This subsection reduces the fiscal year 2002 power cost equalization appropriation 21 by $56,800 to cover fiscal year 2001 unpaid grant obligations, as follows: 22 (1) Section 1, ch. 60, SLA 2001, page 8, lines 10 - 13, is amended to read: 23 APPROPRIATION GENERAL OTHER 24 ALLOCATIONS ITEMS FUND FUNDS 25 Rural Energy 18,194,200 489,700 17,704,500 26 [18,251,000] [17,761,300] 27 Energy Operations 2,251,000 28 Circuit Rider 300,000 29 Power Cost Equalization 15,643,200 30 [15,700,000] 31 (2) The sum of $56,800 is appropriated from the power cost equalization and 01 rural electric capitalization fund (AS 42.45.100) to the Department of Community and 02 Economic Development, power cost equalization program, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 03 2002, for payment of fiscal year 2001 unpaid grant obligations. 04  * Sec. 10. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES. (a) 05 The following amounts are appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 06 Transportation and Public Facilities for temporary rental space and other costs of vacating the 07 following maintenance stations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002: 08 (1) Chandalar $127,800 09 (2) East Fork 21,900 10 (3) Willow 45,500 11 (4) Nome 72,000 12 (b) The sum of $456,800 is appropriated from statutory designated program receipts 13 to the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities for design costs associated with the 14 replacement of the Chandalar maintenance station. 15 (c) To comply with a federal project scope change, sec. 100, ch. 2, FSSLA 1999, page 16 71, lines 32 - 33, is amended to read: 17 ALLOCATIONS 18 Juneau: Gastineau Channel 600,000 19 Second Crossing [WEST DOUGLAS 20 HIGHWAY EXTENSION] (ED 3-4) 21  * Sec. 11. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA. (a) The sum of $800,000 is appropriated from 22 university receipts to the University of Alaska for the Fisheries and Ocean Sciences Facility at 23 Lena Point. 24 (b) Section 3, ch. 61, SLA 2001, p. 71, lines 29 - 33 through p. 72, line 1, is amended 25 to read: 26 APPROPRIATION GENERAL OTHER 27 ITEMS FUND FUNDS 28 U of A - Anchorage Science/ 10,200,000 10,200,000 29 Biomedical Facilities 30 Renovations/Classroom 31 Renovation/Housing Safety Upgrades/ 01 Pool Replacement and HVAC Piping 02 Replacement Phases 1 - 4 (ED 10-25) 03  * Sec. 12. LAPSE PROVISIONS. (a) The appropriations made by secs. 5 and 9(a) and (b) 04 of this Act are for the capitalization of funds and do not lapse. 05 (b) The appropriations made by secs. 3, 7, 10(b), and 11(a) of this Act are for capital 06 projects and lapse under AS 37.25.020. 07  * Sec. 13. RETROACTIVITY. The appropriation made by sec. 9(a) of this Act is 08 retroactive to July 1, 2001. 09  * Sec. 14. This Act takes effect March 1, 2002.