00 CONFERENCE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 403 01 "An Act making appropriations for the operating and loan program expenses of state 02 government, for certain programs, and to capitalize funds; and providing for an 03 effective date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 (SECTION 1 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 2) 01 * Section 1. The following appropriation items are for operating expenditures from the 02 general fund or other funds as set out in section 2 of this Act to the agencies named for the 03 purposes expressed for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002 and ending June 30, 2003, 04 unless otherwise indicated. A department-wide, agency-wide, or branch-wide unallocated 05 reduction set out in this section may be allocated among the appropriations made in this 06 section to that department, agency, or branch. 07 08 Appropriation General Other 09 Allocations Items Funds Funds 10  * * * * * * * * * * *  11 * * * * * * Department of Administration * * * * * *  12 * * * * * * * * * * * *  13 Commissioner's Office 102,000 -252,000 354,000  14 Office of the Commissioner 487,000 15 Agency-wide Unallocated -385,000 16 Reduction 17 Centralized Administrative 41,119,400 9,264,500 31,854,900  18  Services  19 Tax Appeals 224,200 20 Administrative Services 1,577,400 21 DOA Information Technology 1,163,200 22 Support 23 Finance 6,038,600 24 Personnel 2,463,800 25 Labor Relations 1,003,100 26 Purchasing 1,003,000 27 Property Management 821,200 28 Central Mail 1,139,500 29 Retirement and Benefits 11,263,800 30 Group Health Insurance 14,371,600 31 Labor Agreements 50,000 01 Miscellaneous Items 02 Leases 33,449,000 20,614,600 12,834,400  03 Leases 33,013,200 04 Lease Administration 435,800 05 DMV Leases- Dowling Road/ 1,044,900 1,044,900  06  Benson Avenue  07 DMV Leases- Dowling Road/ 1,044,900 08 Benson Avenue 09 DMV Leases- Fairbanks Street 64,400 64,400  10 DMV Leases- Fairbanks Street 64,400 11 DMV Leases- Downtown Core Area 28,500 28,500  12 DMV Leases- Downtown Core 28,500 13 Area 14 DMV Leases- Eagle River Office 26,600 26,600  15 DMV Leases- Eagle River 26,600 16 Office 17 State Owned Facilities 7,183,200 1,029,800 6,153,400  18 Facilities 5,804,000 19 Facilities Administration 296,400 20 Non-Public Building Fund 1,082,800 21 Facilities 22 Administration State 464,300 464,300  23  Facilities Rent  24 Administration State 464,300 25 Facilities Rent 26 Special Systems 1,168,900 1,168,900  27 Unlicensed Vessel 75,000 28 Participant Annuity 29 Retirement Plan 30 Elected Public Officers 1,093,900 31 Retirement System Benefits 01 Information Technology Group 33,896,900 33,896,900  02 Information Technology Group 33,896,900 03 Information Services Fund 380,000 325,000 55,000  04 Information Services Fund 380,000 05 This appropriation to the Information Services Fund capitalizes a fund and does not lapse. 06 Public Communications Services 5,884,400 4,660,700 1,223,700  07 Public Broadcasting 54,200 08 Commission 09 Public Broadcasting - Radio 2,469,900 10 Public Broadcasting - T.V. 754,300 11 Satellite Infrastructure 2,606,000 12 AIRRES Grant 76,000 76,000  13 AIRRES Grant 76,000 14 Risk Management 24,427,200 24,427,200  15 Risk Management 24,427,200 16 Longevity Bonus Grants 48,051,000 48,051,000  17 Longevity Bonus Grants 48,051,000 18 Alaska Longevity Programs 25,360,400 12,452,500 12,907,900  19  Management  20 Pioneers Homes 24,009,100 21 Alaska Longevity Programs 1,351,300 22 Management 23 Senior Services 19,647,700 9,128,500 10,519,200  24 Protection, Community 7,229,400 25 Services, and Administration 26 Nutrition, Transportation 6,703,600 27 and Support Services 28 Senior Employment Services 1,857,600 29 Home and Community Based 1,101,400 30 Care 31 Senior Residential Services 1,015,000 01 Home Health Services 1,740,700 02 Alaska Oil and Gas 4,151,200 4,151,200  03  Conservation Commission  04 Alaska Oil and Gas 4,151,200 05 Conservation Commission 06 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 07 balance on June 30, 2002, of the receipts of the Department of Administration, Alaska Oil and 08 Gas Conservation Commission receipts account for regulatory cost charges under AS 09 31.05.093 and permit fees under AS 31.05.090. 10 Legal and Advocacy Services 19,000,700 17,780,800 1,219,900  11 Office of Public Advocacy 8,541,100 12 Public Defender Agency 10,459,600 13 Alaska Public Offices 752,600 752,600  14  Commission  15 Alaska Public Offices 752,600 16 Commission 17 Motor Vehicles 9,891,800 9,454,700 437,100  18 Motor Vehicles 9,891,800 19 Pioneers' Homes Facilities 2,125,000 2,125,000  20  Maintenance  21 Pioneers' Homes Facilities 2,125,000 22 Maintenance 23 General Services Facilities 39,700 39,700  24  Maintenance  25 General Services Facilities 39,700 26 Maintenance 27 ITG Facilities Maintenance 23,000 23,000  28 ITG Facilities Maintenance 23,000 29  * * * * * * * * * * *  30 * * * * * * Department of Community and Economic Development * * * * * *  31 * * * * * * * * * * * *  01 Commissioner's Office 262,900 -204,300 467,200  02 Commissioner's Office 575,900 03 It is the intent of the legislature that no amount of the agency-wide unallocated reduction be 04 used to reduce the level of funding for the Qualified Trade Association contract in the FY03 05 budget. 06 Agency-wide Unallocated -313,000 07 Reduction 08 Executive Administration and 2,382,700 1,064,200 1,318,500  09  Development  10 Administrative Services 2,382,700 11 Community Assistance & 10,274,700 4,937,600 5,337,100  12  Economic Development  13 Community and Business 8,755,600 14 Development 15 International Trade and 1,519,100 16 Market Development 17 State Revenue Sharing 29,835,200 12,855,200 16,980,000  18 State Revenue Sharing 12,855,200 19 National Program Receipts 15,830,000 20 Fisheries Business Tax 1,150,000 21 Safe Communities Program 16,775,500 16,775,500  22 Safe Communities Program 16,775,500 23 Qualified Trade Association 4,005,100 4,005,100  24  Contract  25 Qualified Trade Association 4,005,100 26 Contract 27 Investments 3,626,900 3,626,900  28 Investments 3,626,900 29 Alaska Aerospace Development 5,612,500 5,612,500  30  Corporation  31 Alaska Aerospace 1,348,400 01 Development Corporation 02 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 03 balance on June 30, 2002, of corporate receipts of the Department of Community and 04 Economic Development, Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation. 05 Alaska Aerospace 4,264,100 06 Development Corporation 07 Facilities Maintenance 08 Alaska Industrial Development 7,606,600 7,606,600  09  and Export Authority  10 Alaska Industrial 6,362,500 11 Development and Export 12 Authority 13 Alaska Industrial 177,000 14 Development Corporation 15 Facilities Maintenance 16 Alaska Energy Authority 1,067,100 17 Statewide Operations and 18 Maintenance 19 Rural Energy Programs 3,058,200 489,700 2,568,500  20 Energy Operations 2,758,200 21 Circuit Rider 300,000 22 Power Cost Equalization 15,700,000 15,700,000  23 Power Cost Equalization 15,700,000 24 It is the intent of the legislature that federal receipts received during FY03 for Power Cost 25 Equalization be deposited into the PCE Endowment Fund as specified in AS 42.45.070(a)(3). 26 This appropriation is conditioned on compliance with the program review provisions of AS 27 37.07.080(h). 28 Alaska Science and Technology 10,608,600 10,608,600  29  Foundation  30 Alaska Science and 10,608,600 31 Technology Foundation 01 Alaska Seafood Marketing 10,581,800 10,581,800  02  Institute  03 Alaska Seafood Marketing 10,581,800 04 Institute 05 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 06 balance on June 30, 2002, of the receipts from the salmon marketing tax (AS 43.76.110), from 07 the seafood marketing assessment (AS 16.51.120), and from program receipts of the Alaska 08 Seafood Marketing Institute. 09 Banking, Securities and 2,405,000 2,405,000  10  Corporations  11 Banking, Securities and 2,405,000 12 Corporations 13 Insurance Operations 4,870,000 4,870,000  14 Insurance Operations 4,870,000 15 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 16 balance on June 30, 2002, of the Department of Community and Economic Development, 17 division of insurance, program receipts from license fees and service fees. 18 Occupational Licensing 7,690,100 10,300 7,679,800  19 Occupational Licensing 7,690,100 20 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 21 balance on June 30, 2002, of the Department of Community and Economic Development, 22 division of occupational licensing, receipts from occupational licensing fees under AS 23 08.01.065(a), (c), and (f). 24 Regulatory Commission of 6,003,100 6,003,100  25  Alaska  26 Regulatory Commission of 6,003,100 27 Alaska 28 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 29 balance on June 30, 2002, of the Department of Community and Economic Development, 30 Regulatory Commission of Alaska receipts account for regulatory cost charges under AS 31 42.05.254 and AS 42.06.286. 01 DCED State Facilities Rent 777,900 368,100 409,800  02 DCED State Facilities Rent 777,900 03  * * * * * * * * * * *  04 * * * * * * Department of Corrections * * * * * *  05 * * * * * * * * * * * *  06 Administration & Operations 160,155,900 136,533,500 23,622,400  07 Office of the Commissioner 1,000,100 08 Correctional Academy 746,200 09 Administrative Services 2,562,300 10 Data and Word Processing 2,012,300 11 Facility-Capital 217,100 12 Improvement Unit 13 Inmate Health Care 11,352,300 14 Inmate Programs 2,847,900 15 Correctional Industries 1,202,200 16 Administration 17 Correctional Industries 4,150,600 18 Product Cost 19 Institution Director's 2,786,700 20 Office 21 Anchorage Jail 10,058,500 22 Anvil Mountain Correctional 4,117,700 23 Center 24 Combined Hiland Mountain 7,658,800 25 Correctional Center 26 Cook Inlet Correctional 9,728,100 27 Center 28 Fairbanks Correctional 6,967,800 29 Center 30 Ketchikan Correctional 2,763,700 31 Center 01 Lemon Creek Correctional 6,214,100 02 Center 03 Matanuska-Susitna 2,769,700 04 Correctional Center 05 Palmer Correctional Center 8,484,200 06 Spring Creek Correctional 14,090,400 07 Center 08 Wildwood Correctional Center 8,265,500 09 Yukon-Kuskokwim 4,218,000 10 Correctional Center 11 Point MacKenzie 2,184,100 12 Rehabilitation Program 13 Community Jails 4,844,900 14 Community Corrections 942,800 15 Director's Office 16 Northern Region Probation 2,557,000 17 Southcentral Region 5,019,500 18 Probation 19 Southeast Region Probation 1,002,100 20 Transportation and 1,633,900 21 Classification 22 Electronic Monitoring 827,600 23 Facility Maintenance 7,780,500 24 DOC State Facilities Rent 91,300 25 White Bison Project 50,000 26 Parole Board 481,200 27 Community Residential 756,000 28 Center Offender Supervision 29 Out-of-State Contractual 17,603,400 30 Alternative Institutional 167,400 31 Housing 01 Community Residential Centers 15,532,900 13,647,900 1,885,000  02 Existing Community 14,371,600 03 Residential Centers 04 Nome Culturally Relevant CRC 1,016,500 05 Bethel Culturally Relevant 144,800 06 CRC 07  * * * * * * * * * * *  08 * * * * * * Department of Education and Early Development * * * * * *  09 * * * * * * * * * * * *  10 Executive Administration 177,700 -277,200 454,900  11 State Board of Education 146,300 12 Commissioner's Office 375,100 13 Agency-wide Unallocated -343,700 14 Reduction 15 K-12 Support 685,645,600 652,376,100 33,269,500  16 Foundation Program 677,319,400 17 Tuition Students 2,225,000 18 Boarding Home Grants 185,900 19 Youth in Detention 1,100,000 20 Schools for the Handicapped 4,315,300 21 Community Schools 500,000 22 Pupil Transportation 53,933,800 53,933,800  23 Pupil Transportation 53,933,800 24 Teaching and Learning Support 116,614,100 5,578,500 111,035,600  25 Special and Supplemental 75,351,900 26 Services 27 Quality Schools 39,894,700 28 Education Special Projects 672,300 29 Teacher Certification 695,200 30 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 31 balance on June 30, 2002, of the Department of Education and Early Development receipts 01 from teacher certification fees under AS 14.20.020(c). 02 Early Development 77,205,600 8,370,100 68,835,500  03 Child Nutrition 28,047,200 04 Child Care Assistance & 39,251,700 05 Licensing 06 Head Start Grants 9,906,700 07 Alaska State Community 2,959,800 63,900 2,895,900  08  Service Commission  09 Alaska State Community 2,959,800 10 Service Commission 11 Education Support Services 3,582,800 1,998,200 1,584,600  12 Administrative Services 1,239,000 13 Information Services 610,300 14 District Support Services 1,038,200 15 Educational Facilities 695,300 16 Support 17 Alyeska Central School 5,509,300 500,000 5,009,300  18 It is the intent of the legislature that Alyeska Central School adopt course fees for its summer 19 school program that will encourage high school students to complete required course 20 assignments and to help offset the cost of course materials and instruction. It is also the intent 21 of the legislature that Alyeska Central School provide a partial fee refund upon successful 22 course completion. 23 Alyeska Central School 5,509,300 24 Commissions and Boards 1,421,600 465,300 956,300  25 Professional Teaching 213,600 26 Practices Commission 27 Alaska State Council on the 1,208,000 28 Arts 29 Kotzebue Technical Center 1,100,900 600,000 500,900  30  Operations Grant  31 Kotzebue Technical Center 1,100,900 01 Operations Grant 02 Alaska Vocational Technical 7,297,300 3,372,600 3,924,700  03  Center Operations  04 It is the intent of the legislature that the $75.0 personal services and travel reduction not result 05 in the cancellation or delay of the Certified Nurse Assistant Training Program offered by the 06 Alaska Vocational Technical Center. 07 Alaska Vocational Technical 7,297,300 08 Center Operations 09 Mt. Edgecumbe Boarding School 4,563,200 2,530,700 2,032,500  10 Mt. Edgecumbe Boarding 4,563,200 11 School 12 State Facilities Maintenance 2,048,600 253,900 1,794,700  13 State Facilities Maintenance 1,736,700 14 EED State Facilities Rent 311,900 15 Alaska Library and Museums 7,879,000 5,735,400 2,143,600  16 Library Operations 5,689,800 17 Archives 747,300 18 Museum Operations 1,441,900 19 Alaska Postsecondary 10,306,100 1,507,300 8,798,800  20  Education Commission  21 Program Administration 1,444,700 22 Student Loan Operations 7,251,100 23 WWAMI Medical Education 1,507,300 24 Western Interstate 103,000 25 Commission for Higher 26 Education-Student Exchange 27 Program 28  * * * * * * * * * * *  29 * * * * * * Department of Environmental Conservation * * * * * *  30 * * * * * * * * * * * *  31 Commissioner's Office 415,300 307,800 107,500  01 Office of the Commissioner 415,300 02 Administration 3,112,100 823,800 2,288,300  03 Administrative Services 3,112,100 04 Environmental Health 13,426,800 5,833,800 7,593,000  05 Environmental Health 263,600 06 Director 07 Food Safety & Sanitation 3,590,300 08 It is the intent of the legislature that FY03 will be used as a transition year to move food 09 inspection responsibilities to local governments and that there will be no funding for food 10 inspections in FY04. 11 Laboratory Services 2,178,600 12 Drinking Water 4,155,400 13 Solid Waste Management 1,193,500 14 Statewide Public Services 2,045,400 15 Air and Water Quality 11,486,800 3,898,600 7,588,200  16 Air and Water Director 236,200 17 Air Quality 5,926,000 18 Water Quality 4,620,900 19 Commercial Passenger Vessel 703,700 20 Environmental Compliance 21 Program 22 Non-Point Source Pollution 1,715,400 1,715,400  23  Control  24 Non-Point Source Pollution 1,715,400 25 Control 26 The Legislature intends that a total of $750,000 will be transferred from DEC to the 27 Department of Natural Resources as follows: 28 $250,000 to the Division of Forestry for Forest Practices Act activities; 29 $500,000 to the new BRU--Natural Resource Conservation and Development Board. 30 Spill Prevention and Response 15,898,300 15,898,300  31 Spill Prevention and 202,400 01 Response Director 02 Contaminated Sites Program 7,287,600 03 Industry Preparedness and 3,471,600 04 Pipeline Operations 05 Prevention and Emergency 3,144,300 06 Response 07 Response Fund Administration 1,792,400 08 Local Emergency Planning 326,100 326,100  09  Committees  10 Local Emergency Planning 326,100 11 Committees 12 Facility Construction and 5,845,900 1,037,900 4,808,000  13  Operations  14 Facility Construction and 5,845,900 15 Operations 16  * * * * * * * * * * *  17 * * * * * * Department of Fish and Game * * * * * *  18 * * * * * * * * * * * *  19 Commissioner's Office 572,800 256,100 316,700  20 Commissioner's Office 879,100 21 Agency-wide Unallocated -306,300 22 Reduction 23 Commercial Fisheries 49,313,400 25,039,400 24,274,000  24 Southeast Region Fisheries 5,516,500 25 Management 26 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 27 balance on June 30, 2002, of the Department of Fish and Game receipts from commercial 28 fisheries test fishing operations receipts under AS 16.05.050(a)(15). 29 Central Region Fisheries 6,265,800 30 Management 31 AYK Region Fisheries 4,281,600 01 Management 02 Westward Region Fisheries 7,922,400 03 Management 04 Headquarters Fisheries 4,067,400 05 Management 06 Fisheries Development 2,296,500 07 Commercial Fisheries 16,818,200 08 Special Projects 09 Commercial Fish Capital 1,898,000 10 Improvement Position Costs 11 Commercial Fish EVOS 247,000 12 Restoration Projects 13 Sport Fisheries 28,576,900 20,000 28,556,900  14 Sport Fisheries 24,039,100 15 Sport Fisheries Special 4,537,800 16 Projects 17 Crystal Lake Hatchery 192,700 192,700  18 Crystal Lake Hatchery 192,700 19 Wildlife Conservation 27,721,000 32,300 27,688,700  20 Wildlife Conservation 17,300,000 21 Wildlife Conservation 5,036,300 22 Restoration Program 23 Wildlife Conservation 4,467,600 24 Special Projects 25 Wildlife Conservation 159,000 26 Capital Improvement 27 Position Costs 28 Wildlife Conservation EVOS 547,500 29 Restoration Projects 30 Assert/Protect State's 210,600 31 Rights 01 Administration and Support 11,721,200 2,355,200 9,366,000  02 Public Communications 136,900 03 Administrative Services 5,305,400 04 Boards of Fisheries and Game 1,266,600 05 Advisory Committees 557,300 06 State Subsistence 4,455,000 07 State Facilities Maintenance 1,272,200 181,800 1,090,400  08 State Facilities Maintenance 1,008,800 09 Fish and Game State 263,400 10 Facilities Rent 11 Habitat 12,342,800 2,075,800 10,267,000  12 Habitat 5,409,600 13 Habitat Special Projects 3,313,000 14 Exxon Valdez Restoration 3,620,200 15 Commercial Fisheries Entry 3,018,500 3,018,500  16  Commission  17 Commercial Fisheries Entry 3,018,500 18 Commission 19  * * * * * * * * * * *  20 * * * * * * Office of the Governor * * * * * *  21 * * * * * * * * * * * *  22 Commissions/Special Offices 1,494,000 1,365,300 128,700  23 Human Rights Commission 1,494,000 24 Executive Operations 8,632,000 8,617,400 14,600  25 Executive Office 6,693,000 26 Governor's House 348,500 27 Contingency Fund 410,000 28 Lieutenant Governor 893,900 29 Equal Employment Opportunity 286,600 30 Office of the Governor State 453,900 453,900  31  Facilities Rent  01 Governor's Office State 453,900 02 Facilities Rent 03 Office of Management and 1,649,000 1,649,000  04  Budget  05 Office of Management and 1,649,000 06 Budget 07 Governmental Coordination 4,738,200 1,509,100 3,229,100  08 Governmental Coordination 4,738,200 09 Elections 2,180,100 2,180,100  10 Elections 2,180,100 11 Agencywide Reductions -804,600 -804,600  12 Agency-wide Unallocated -804,600 13 Reduction 14  * * * * * * * * * * *  15 * * * * * * Department of Health and Social Services * * * * * *  16 * * * * * * * * * * * *  17 Commissioner's Office 890,900 253,600 637,300  18 No money appropriated in this appropriation may be expended for an abortion that is not a 19 mandatory service required under AS 47.07.030(a). This statement is a statement of the 20 purpose of this appropriation and is neither merely descriptive language nor a statement of 21 legislative intent. 22 Commissioner's Office 890,900 23 Public Assistance 138,434,200 86,926,400 51,507,800  24 Alaska Temporary Assistance 48,406,100 25 Program 26 Adult Public Assistance 54,357,500 27 General Relief Assistance 1,061,400 28 Old Age Assistance-Alaska 1,527,900 29 Longevity Bonus (ALB) Hold 30 Harmless 31 Permanent Fund Dividend 13,007,900 01 Hold Harmless 02 Energy Assistance Program 12,011,400 03 Tribal Assistance Programs 8,062,000 04 Medical Assistance 790,306,800 144,352,600 645,954,200  05 Medicaid Services 790,306,800 06 No money appropriated in this appropriation may be expended for an abortion that is not a 07 mandatory service required under AS 47.07.030(a). 08 The money appropriated for Medical Assistance may be expended only for mandatory 09 services required under Title XIX of the Social Security Act and for optional services offered 10 by the state under the state plan for medical assistance that has been approved by the United 11 States Department of Health and Human Services. This statement is a statement of the 12 purpose of the appropriation for Medical Assistance and is neither merely descriptive 13 language nor a statement of legislative intent. 14 It is the intent of the legislature that the amount appropriated in this appropriation is the full 15 amount that will be appropriated for Medical Assistance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 16 2003. If the amount appropriated in this appropriation is not sufficient to cover the costs of 17 Medical Assistance for all eligible persons, the department shall eliminate coverage for 18 optional medical services that have a federal match and optionally eligible groups of 19 individuals in accordance with AS 47.07.035. It is the intent of the Legislature that requests 20 for supplemental appropriations for Medical Assistance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 21 2003 will not be approved. This intent covers the budgeted reductions to Medicaid, but does 22 not apply to any loss of funds that may occur if the department's "Fair Share" funding 23 mechanism is not approved by the federal government. 24 Catastrophic and Chronic 2,000,000 2,000,000  25  Illness Assistance  26 Catastrophic and Chronic 2,000,000 27 Illness Assistance (AS 28 47.08) 29 Public Assistance 53,460,200 18,251,800 35,208,400  30  Administration  31 Public Assistance 6,484,900 01 Administration 02 Quality Control 1,082,000 03 Public Assistance Field 25,544,100 04 Services 05 Public Assistance Data 4,756,100 06 Processing 07 Work Services 15,593,100 08 Child Care Benefits 33,102,000 3,000,000 30,102,000  09 Child Care Benefits 33,102,000 10 Medical Assistance 39,328,000 9,491,600 29,836,400  11  Administration  12 Medical Assistance 2,100,400 13 Administration 14 Medicaid State Programs 19,080,100 15 Health Purchasing Group 16,657,100 16 Certification and Licensing 1,117,800 17 Hearings and Appeals 372,600 18 Fraud Investigation 1,249,900 583,500 666,400  19 Fraud Investigation 1,249,900 20 Children's Health Eligibility 2,588,300 844,600 1,743,700  21 Children's Health 2,588,300 22 Eligibility 23 Purchased Services 55,638,300 31,358,700 24,279,600  24 Family Preservation 8,925,900 25 Foster Care Base Rate 10,011,100 26 Foster Care Augmented Rate 3,185,500 27 Foster Care Special Need 3,101,300 28 Foster Care Alaska Youth 150,000 29 Initiative 30 Subsidized Adoptions & 14,610,100 31 Guardianship 01 Residential Child Care 15,154,400 02 Court Orders and 500,000 03 Reunification Efforts 04 Family and Youth Services 30,185,100 11,446,700 18,738,400  05 Front Line Social Workers 24,115,100 06 Family and Youth Services 4,849,600 07 Management 08 Family and Youth Services 1,220,400 09 Training 10 Balloon Project 1,546,600 1,546,600  11 Balloon Project 1,546,600 12 Juvenile Justice 34,347,800 29,504,100 4,843,700  13 McLaughlin Youth Center 12,162,800 14 Fairbanks Youth Facility 2,877,900 15 Nome Youth Facility 700,800 16 Johnson Youth Center 2,554,900 17 Bethel Youth Facility 2,255,400 18 Mat-Su Youth Facility 1,467,200 19 Ketchikan Regional Youth 1,138,000 20 Facility 21 Delinquency Prevention 2,876,500 22 Probation Services 8,314,300 23 It is the intent of the legislature that the reduction made to Probation Services in Juvenile 24 Justice be applied statewide on a caseload basis. 25 Children's Trust Programs 574,900 574,900  26 Children's Trust Programs 574,900 27 Human Services Community 1,278,400 205,400 1,073,000  28  Matching Grant  29 Human Services Community 1,278,400 30 Matching Grant 31 State Health Services 114,190,300 26,012,800 88,177,500  01 Nursing 19,660,600 02 Women, Infants and Children 21,820,600 03 Maternal, Child, and Family 15,449,400 04 Health 05 Healthy Families 1,240,600 06 Public Health 3,301,300 07 Administrative Services 08 Epidemiology 12,619,000 09 Bureau of Vital Statistics 1,922,000 10 Health Information & System 692,500 11 Support 12 Community Health/Emergency 17,834,200 13 Medical Services 14 Community Health Grants 5,997,700 15 Emergency Medical Services 1,760,100 16 Grants 17 State Medical Examiner 1,234,400 18 Infant Learning Program 1,049,300 19 Grants 20 Public Health Laboratories 5,096,500 21 Tobacco Prevention and 4,512,100 22 Control 23 Alcohol and Drug Abuse 26,906,400 10,061,300 16,845,100  24  Services  25 Alcohol and Drug Abuse 1,111,700 26 Administration 27 Alcohol Safety Action 1,546,900 28 Program (ASAP) 29 Alcohol and Drug Abuse 11,938,200 30 Treatment Grants 31 AK Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 6,432,400 01 Program 02 Community Action Prevention 5,552,200 03 & Intervention Grants 04 Rural Services and Suicide 325,000 05 Prevention 06 Community Mental Health Grants 5,437,200 5,437,200  07 General Community Mental 64,000 08 Health Grants 09 Psychiatric Emergency 1,343,000 10 Services 11 Services to the Chronically 2,110,600 12 Mentally Ill 13 Designated Evaluation and 724,900 14 Treatment 15 Services for Seriously 1,194,700 16 Emotionally Disturbed Youth 17 Community Developmental 885,300 47,800 837,500  18  Disabilities Grants  19 Community Developmental 885,300 20 Disabilities Grants 21 Institutions and 15,002,300 282,700 14,719,600  22  Administration  23 Mental Health/Developmental 4,474,700 24 Disabilities Administration 25 Alaska Psychiatric Institute 10,527,600 26 Mental Health Trust Boards 1,890,100 1,890,100  27 Alaska Mental Health Board 21,300 28 Governor's Council on 1,868,800 29 Disabilities and Special 30 Education 31 Administrative Services 6,593,000 2,955,000 3,638,000  01 Personnel and Payroll 1,613,600 02 Administrative Support 3,700,600 03 Services 04 Health Planning & 999,600 05 Facilities Management 06 Audit 279,200 07 Facilities Maintenance 3,328,000 452,200 2,875,800  08 Facilities Maintenance 2,584,900 09 HSS State Facilities Rent 743,100 10  * * * * * * * * * * *  11 * * * * * * Department of Labor and Workforce Development * * * * * *  12 * * * * * * * * * * * *  13 Office of the Commissioner 15,244,400 3,495,400 11,749,000  14 Commissioner's Office 680,600 15 Alaska Human Resources 749,500 16 Investment Council 17 Alaska Labor Relations 338,300 18 Agency 19 Fishermens Fund 1,312,200 20 Workers' Compensation 2,609,800 21 Second Injury Fund 3,182,500 22 Wage and Hour Administration 1,377,400 23 Mechanical Inspection 1,408,500 24 Occupational Safety and 3,477,200 25 Health 26 Alaska Safety Advisory 108,400 27 Council 28 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 29 balance on June 30, 2002, of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Alaska 30 Safety Advisory Council receipts under AS 18.60.840. 31 Employment Security 82,916,600 3,136,700 79,779,900  01 Employment Services 18,306,200 02 Unemployment Insurance 17,988,500 03 Job Training Programs 30,098,800 04 Adult Basic Education 2,711,000 05 DOL State Facilities Rent 246,500 06 Data Processing 6,452,400 07 Management Services 3,084,900 08 Labor Market Information 4,028,300 09 Vocational Rehabilitation 23,073,500 4,143,200 18,930,300  10 Client Services 12,296,300 11 Federal Training Grant 56,300 12 Vocational Rehabilitation 1,471,600 13 Administration 14 Independent Living 1,592,800 15 Rehabilitation 16 Disability Determination 5,127,600 17 Special Projects 1,766,500 18 Assistive Technology 567,700 19 Americans With Disabilities 194,700 20 Act (ADA) 21  * * * * * * * * * * *  22 * * * * * * Department of Law * * * * * *  23 * * * * * * * * * * * *  24 Office of the Attorney General -160,100 -160,100  25 Office of the Attorney 344,800 26 General 27 Agency-wide Unallocated -504,900 28 Reduction 29 Criminal Division 15,714,400 13,558,800 2,155,600  30 First Judicial District 1,261,800 31 Second Judicial District 882,400 01 Third Judicial District: 3,650,000 02 Anchorage 03 Third Judicial District: 2,467,000 04 Outside Anchorage 05 Fourth Judicial District 3,145,000 06 Criminal Justice Litigation 1,727,000 07 Criminal Appeals/Special 2,831,200 08 Litigation Component 09 Unallocated Reduction -250,000 10 The unallocated reduction in this appropriation is not a department-wide, agency-wide, or 11 branch-wide unallocated reduction and may not be allocated to other appropriations made in 12 this section. 13 Civil Division 24,402,800 7,244,600 17,158,200  14 Deputy Attorney General's 200,200 15 Office 16 Collections and Support 1,902,900 17 Commercial Section 2,000,900 18 Environmental Law 1,241,300 19 Fair Business Practices 1,712,900 20 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 21 balance on June 30, 2002, of designated program receipts and general fund program receipts 22 of the Department of Law, fair business practices section. 23 Governmental Affairs Section 3,551,800 24 Human Services Section 3,964,900 25 Legislation/Regulations 513,100 26 Natural Resources 1,311,500 27 Oil, Gas and Mining 2,919,100 28 Special Litigation 2,421,200 29 Transportation Section 2,143,800 30 Timekeeping and Support 769,200 31 Unallocated Reduction -250,000 01 The unallocated reduction in this appropriation is not a department-wide, agency-wide, or 02 branch-wide unallocated reduction and may not be allocated to other appropriations made in 03 this section. 04 Statehood Defense 1,114,500 1,114,500  05 Statehood Defense 1,114,500 06 Oil and Gas Litigation and 4,198,300 2,721,300 1,477,000  07  Legal Services  08 Oil & Gas Litigation 4,345,100 09 Oil & Gas Legal Services 295,700 10 Unallocated Reduction -442,500 11 The unallocated reduction in this appropriation is not a department-wide, agency-wide, or 12 branch-wide unallocated reduction and may not be allocated to other appropriations made in 13 this section. 14 Administration and Support 1,281,700 590,000 691,700  15 Administrative Services 1,281,700 16  * * * * * * * * * * *  17 * * * * * * Department of Military and Veterans Affairs * * * * * *  18 * * * * * * * * * * * *  19 Commissioner's Office 1,607,700 930,800 676,900  20 Office of the Commissioner 1,721,100 21 Agency-wide Unallocated -113,400 22 Reduction 23 It is the intent of the legislature that the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs 24 eliminate the Assistant Adjutant General - Air Guard position, and not eliminate the State 25 National Missile Defense Coordinator position. 26 Disaster Planning and Control 4,584,200 694,300 3,889,900  27 Disaster Planning & Control 4,584,200 28 Local Emergency Planning 493,200 69,800 423,400  29  Committee Grants  30 Local Emergency Planning 493,200 31 Committee 01 Alaska National Guard 23,611,600 4,766,400 18,845,200  02 National Guard Military 544,000 03 Headquarters 04 Army Guard Facilities 11,860,600 05 Maintenance 06 Air Guard Facilities 5,850,600 07 Maintenance 08 State Active Duty 320,000 09 Alaska Military Youth 4,777,700 10 Academy 11 Starbase 258,700 12 Alaska National Guard Benefits 1,601,000 1,601,000  13 Educational Benefits 278,500 14 Retirement Benefits 1,322,500 15 Veterans' Affairs 646,000 646,000  16 Veterans' Services 646,000 17  * * * * * * * * * * *  18 * * * * * * Department of Natural Resources * * * * * *  19 * * * * * * * * * * * *  20 Commissioner's Office 223,000 167,200 55,800  21 Commissioner's Office 561,100 22 Agency-wide Unallocated -338,100 23 Reduction 24 Management and Administration 3,872,500 1,495,300 2,377,200  25 Administrative Services 2,257,300 26 Public Services Office 388,900 27 Trustee Council Projects 1,226,300 28 Information/Data Management 6,406,200 2,238,800 4,167,400  29 Recorder's Office/Uniform 3,045,800 30 Commercial Code 31 Information Resource 2,527,700 01 Management 02 Interdepartmental Data 832,700 03 Processing Chargeback 04 Resource Development 750,000 750,000  05 Development - Special 500,000 06 Projects 07 Emergency Firefighters 250,000 08 Non-Emergency Projects 09 Forestry Management and 9,527,700 6,598,700 2,929,000  10  Development  11 Forest Management and 9,527,700 12 Development 13 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 14 balance on June 30, 2002, of the timber receipts account (AS 38.05.110). 15 It is the intent of the legislature that the general fund reduction in Forestry Management and 16 Development is not to be used for reductions in the Forest Practices or the Fire Preparedness 17 activities. 18 Oil and Gas Development 11,880,100 4,141,000 7,739,100  19 Oil & Gas Development 5,703,200 20 It is the intent of the legislature that the division allocate the general fund incremental funding 21 between the requesting components to maximize the State's revenue enhancement. 22 Pipeline Coordinator 3,934,400 23 Gas Pipeline Office 2,242,500 24 Minerals, Land, and Water 17,530,600 9,714,800 7,815,800  25  Development  26 Geological Development 4,138,600 27 Water Development 1,368,100 28 Claims, Permits & Leases 7,395,300 29 Land Sales & Municipal 3,047,000 30 Entitlements 31 Title Acquisition & Defense 1,097,700 01 Director's Office/Mining, 483,900 02 Land, & Water 03 Parks and Recreation 8,852,000 4,840,300 4,011,700  04  Management  05 It is the intent of the legislature that in spite of reductions in parks service funds, that no parks 06 be closed, but that services be reduced. 07 State Historic Preservation 1,349,600 08 Program 09 Parks Management 5,466,700 10 Parks & Recreation Access 2,035,700 11 Agricultural Development 3,722,600 16,000 3,706,600  12 Agricultural Development 1,195,400 13 North Latitude Plant 2,527,200 14 Material Center 15 Agricultural Revolving Loan 743,900 743,900  16  Program Administration  17 Agriculture Revolving Loan 743,900 18 Program Administration 19 RS2477 Navigability 115,000 115,000  20  Assertions & Litigation  21  Support  22 RS 2477/Navigability 115,000 23 Assertions and Litigation 24 Support 25 Facilities Maintenance 2,577,000 1,372,200 1,204,800  26 Facilities Maintenance 1,100,000 27 Fairbanks Office Building 103,600 28 Chargeback 29 DNR State Facilities Rent 1,373,400 30 Fire Suppression 8,551,400 3,229,600 5,321,800  31 Fire Suppression 8,551,400 01 Natural Resource Conservation 589,500 589,500  02  and Development Board  03 Conservation and 114,500 04 Development Board 05 Grants to Soil and Water 475,000 06 Conservation Districts 07  * * * * * * * * * * *  08 * * * * * * Department of Public Safety * * * * * *  09 * * * * * * * * * * * *  10 Office of the Commissioner -1,107,300 -1,107,300  11 Commissioner's Office 567,600 12 Agency-wide Unallocated -1,674,900 13 Reduction 14 Fish and Wildlife Protection 17,894,800 16,083,500 1,811,300  15 Enforcement and 11,841,000 16 Investigative Services Unit 17 Director's Office 267,200 18 Aircraft Section 2,603,800 19 Marine Enforcement 3,182,800 20 Fire Prevention 3,278,800 1,353,600 1,925,200  21 Fire Prevention Operations 2,220,100 22 Fire Service Training 1,058,700 23 Alaska Fire Standards Council 223,500 223,500  24 Alaska Fire Standards 223,500 25 Council 26 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 27 balance on June 30, 2002, of the receipts collected under AS 18.70.350(4) and AS 18.70.360. 28 Alaska State Troopers 15,396,300 8,387,800 7,008,500  29 Special Projects 3,670,200 30 Criminal Investigations 3,136,100 31 Bureau 01 Director's Office 687,500 02 Judicial Services-Anchorage 2,088,500 03 Prisoner Transportation 1,476,700 04 Search and Rescue 368,100 05 Rural Trooper Housing 712,900 06 Narcotics Task Force 3,256,300 07 Alaska State Trooper 37,993,100 36,827,300 1,165,800  08  Detachments  09 Alaska State Trooper 37,993,100 10 Detachments 11 Village Public Safety Officer 8,776,000 8,776,000  12  Program  13 Contracts 6,398,400 14 Support 2,189,800 15 Administration 187,800 16 Alaska Police Standards 967,000 967,000  17  Council  18 Alaska Police Standards 967,000 19 Council 20 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 21 balance on June 30, 2002, of the receipts collected under AS 12.25.195(c), AS 12.55.039, AS 22 28.05.151, and AS 29.25.074 and receipts collected under AS 18.65.220(7). 23 Violent Crimes Compensation 1,584,300 1,584,300  24  Board  25 Violent Crimes Compensation 1,584,300 26 Board 27 Council on Domestic Violence 9,725,200 367,200 9,358,000  28  and Sexual Assault  29 Council on Domestic 9,725,200 30 Violence and Sexual Assault 31 Batterers Intervention Program 320,000 120,000 200,000  01 Batterers Intervention 320,000 02 Program 03 Statewide Support 8,583,100 4,110,800 4,472,300  04 Training Academy 1,485,100 05 Administrative Services 848,100 06 Alaska Wing Civil Air Patrol 503,100 07 Alaska Public Safety 2,091,700 08 Information Network 09 Alaska Criminal Records and 3,655,100 10 Identification 11 The amount appropriated by this appropriation includes the unexpended and unobligated 12 balance on June 30, 2002, of the receipts collected by the Department of Public Safety from 13 the Alaska automated fingerprint system under AS 44.41.025(b). 14 Laboratory Services 2,570,900 2,427,800 143,100  15 Laboratory Services 2,570,900 16 Statewide Facility Maintenance 608,800 608,800  17 Facility Maintenance 608,800 18 DPS State Facilities Rent 121,700 121,700  19 DPS State Facilities Rent 121,700 20 Victims for Justice 246,000 246,000  21 Victims for Justice 246,000 22  * * * * * * * * * * *  23 * * * * * * Department of Revenue * * * * * *  24 * * * * * * * * * * * *  25 Child Support Enforcement 18,773,400 118,600 18,654,800  26 Child Support Enforcement 18,773,400 27 Alcohol Beverage Control Board 711,200 711,200  28 Alcohol Beverage Control 711,200 29 Board 30 Municipal Bond Bank Authority 522,700 522,700  31 Municipal Bond Bank 522,700 01 Authority 02 Permanent Fund Corporation 7,364,800 7,364,800  03 Permanent Fund Corporation 7,364,800 04 PFC Custody and Management 43,585,800 43,585,800  05  Fees  06 PFC Custody and Management 43,585,800 07 Fees 08 Alaska Housing Finance 39,060,100 39,060,100  09  Corporation  10 Alaska Housing Finance 39,060,100 11 Corporation Operations 12 Anchorage State Office 1,228,100 1,228,100  13  Building  14 Anchorage State Office 1,228,100 15 Building 16 Alaska Mental Health Trust 354,000 354,000  17  Authority  18 Alaska Mental Health Trust 354,000 19 Authority 20 Revenue Operations 13,651,300 7,632,100 6,019,200  21 Treasury Management 3,539,000 22 Alaska State Pension 3,374,200 23 Investment Board 24 Tax Division 6,738,100 25 ASPIB Bank Custody and 27,913,600 27,913,600  26  Management Fees  27 ASPIB Bank Custody and 27,913,600 28 Management Fees 29 Administration and Support 2,251,500 621,200 1,630,300  30 Commissioner's Office 982,100 31 Administrative Services 1,180,300 01 REV State Facilities Rent 223,000 02 Agency-wide Unallocated -133,900 03 Reduction 04 The general fund/program receipts portion of this unallocated reduction is to be spread among 05 the Alcohol Beverage Control Board, Treasury Management and Tax Division only. 06 Permanent Fund Dividend 5,276,700 5,276,700  07 Permanent Fund Dividend 5,276,700 08  * * * * * * * * * * *  09 * * * * * * Department of Transportation/Public Facilities * * * * * *  10 * * * * * * * * * * * *  11 Commissioner's Office -895,100 -1,198,100 303,000  12 Commissioner's Office 971,900 13 Agency-wide Unallocated -1,867,000 14 Reduction 15 Administration and Support 17,027,500 6,839,600 10,187,900  16 Contracting, Procurement 491,700 17 and Appeals 18 Transportation Management 340,000 19 and Security 20 Equal Employment and Civil 670,900 21 Rights 22 Internal Review 754,200 23 Statewide Administrative 1,791,900 24 Services 25 Statewide Information 1,942,400 26 Systems 27 State Equipment Fleet 2,628,100 28 Administration 29 Regional Administrative 3,647,600 30 Services 31 Central Region Support 819,900 01 Services 02 Northern Region Support 1,081,100 03 Services 04 Southeast Region Support 2,182,000 05 Services 06 Statewide Aviation 677,700 07 Planning 6,195,400 335,100 5,860,300  08 Statewide Planning 2,917,500 09 Central Region Planning 1,320,100 10 Northern Region Planning 1,315,700 11 Southeast Region Planning 642,100 12 Design and Engineering 38,329,900 1,890,400 36,439,500  13  Services  14 Statewide Design and 8,670,300 15 Engineering Services 16 Central Design and 12,489,000 17 Engineering Services 18 Northern Design and 10,817,500 19 Engineering Services 20 Southeast Design and 6,353,100 21 Engineering Services 22 Construction and Capital 31,830,700 728,900 31,101,800  23  Improvement Program Support  24 Central Region Construction 15,268,400 25 and CIP Support 26 Northern Region 11,900,700 27 Construction and CIP Support 28 Southeast Region 4,661,600 29 Construction 30 Statewide Facility 13,286,600 10,151,300 3,135,300  31  Maintenance and Operations  01 Central Region Facilities 3,489,600 02 Northern Region Facilities 7,672,900 03 Southeast Region Facilities 851,500 04 Central Region Leasing and 655,000 05 Property Management 06 Northern Region Leasing and 617,600 07 Property Management 08 Traffic Signal Management 1,506,000 1,506,000  09 Traffic Signal Management 1,506,000 10 State Equipment Fleet 20,346,400 20,346,400  11 Central Region State 7,861,200 12 Equipment Fleet 13 Northern Region State 10,679,800 14 Equipment Fleet 15 Southeast Region State 1,805,400 16 Equipment Fleet 17 Measurement Standards & 4,879,000 1,987,300 2,891,700  18  Commercial Vehicle Enforcement  19 Measurement Standards & 4,867,600 20 Commercial Vehicle 21 Enforcement 22 DOT State Facilities Rent 11,400 23 Highways and Aviation 86,773,100 74,998,200 11,774,900  24 Central Region Highways and 36,240,900 25 Aviation 26 Northern Region Highways 40,298,200 27 and Aviation 28 Southeast Region Highways 10,234,000 29 and Aviation 30 The appropriation for Highways and Aviation shall lapse into the general fund on August 31, 31 2003. 01 Northern Region Road Openings 316,000 316,000  02 Northern Region Road 316,000 03 Openings 04 It is the intent of the legislature to assure that the Northern Region highways are opened in the 05 spring and do not receive a disproportionate cut of service relative to other areas. Therefore, 06 funding for this purpose is being placed in a separate appropriation. 07 North Kenai Maintenance 385,400 385,400  08  Station  09 North Kenai Maintenance 385,400 10 Station 11 International Airports 45,698,400 45,698,400  12 International Airport 381,200 13 Systems Office 14 Anchorage Airport 6,574,100 15 Administration 16 Anchorage Airport Facilities 10,322,300 17 Anchorage Airport Field and 9,273,500 18 Equipment Maintenance 19 Anchorage Airport Operations 2,205,400 20 Anchorage Airport Safety 6,209,400 21 Fairbanks Airport 1,630,300 22 Administration 23 Fairbanks Airport Facilities 2,392,600 24 Fairbanks Airport Field and 3,066,200 25 Equipment Maintenance 26 Fairbanks Airport Operations 1,173,800 27 Fairbanks Airport Safety 2,469,600 28 Marine Highway System 85,163,100 85,163,100  29 Marine Vessel Operations 73,578,400 30 Marine Engineering 2,201,000 31 Overhaul 1,698,400 01 Reservations and Marketing 2,121,600 02 Southeast Shore Operations 3,073,100 03 Southwest Shore Operations 1,110,400 04 Vessel Operations Management 1,380,200 05  * * * * * * * * * * *  06 * * * * * * University of Alaska * * * * * *  07 * * * * * * * * * * * *  08 University of Alaska 611,423,500 205,614,200 405,809,300  09 Budget Reductions/Additions 60,590,700 10 - Systemwide 11 Statewide Services 34,908,200 12 Statewide Networks (ITS) 11,757,500 13 Anchorage Campus 151,597,500 14 Kenai Peninsula College 6,788,200 15 Kodiak College 2,716,600 16 Matanuska-Susitna College 4,974,400 17 Prince William Sound 5,118,400 18 Community College 19 Cooperative Extension 6,781,900 20 Service 21 Bristol Bay Campus 1,677,200 22 Chukchi Campus 1,084,500 23 Fairbanks Campus 164,839,100 24 Fairbanks Organized Research 105,369,100 25 Interior-Aleutians Campus 2,286,700 26 Kuskokwim Campus 3,839,600 27 Northwest Campus 2,189,600 28 Rural College 4,598,800 29 Tanana Valley Campus 5,889,800 30 Juneau Campus 25,349,700 31 Ketchikan Campus 4,138,900 01 Sitka Campus 4,927,100 02  * * * * * * * * * * *  03 * * * * * * Alaska Court System * * * * * *  04 * * * * * * * * * * * *  05 Alaska Court System 52,964,200 52,260,100 704,100  06 Appellate Courts 4,212,800 07 Trial Courts 42,579,900 08 Administration and Support 6,559,500 09 Agency-wide Unallocated -388,000 10 Reduction 11 Commission on Judicial Conduct 241,000 241,000  12 Commission on Judicial 241,000 13 Conduct 14 Judicial Council 796,600 796,600  15 Judicial Council 766,600 16 Courtwatch 30,000 17  * * * * * * * * * * *  18 * * * * * * Legislature * * * * * *  19 * * * * * * * * * * * *  20 Budget and Audit Committee 8,066,300 7,816,300 250,000  21 Legislative Audit 3,033,200 22 Ombudsman 532,500 23 Legislative Finance 3,806,000 24 Committee Expenses 571,900 25 Legislature State 122,700 26 Facilities Rent 27 Unallocated Reduction -200,000 -200,000  28 Agency-wide Unallocated -200,000 29 Reduction 30 Legislative Council 23,059,500 22,485,200 574,300  31 Salaries and Allowances 4,433,800 01 Administrative Services 7,777,200 02 Session Expenses 6,355,500 03 Council and Subcommittees 2,060,100 04 Legal and Research Services 2,298,300 05 Select Committee on Ethics 134,600 06 Legislative Operating Budget 6,457,300 6,457,300  07 Legislative Operating Budget 6,457,300 08 (SECTION 2 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 42) 01 * Sec. 2 The following appropriation items are for operating expenditures from the general 02 fund or other funds as set out in the fiscal year 2003 budget summary by funding source to the 03 state agencies named and for the purposes set out in the new legislation for the fiscal year 04 beginning July 1, 2002 and ending June 30, 2003. The appropriation items contain funding 05 for legislation assumed to have passed during the second session of the twenty-second 06 legislature and are to be considered part of the agency operating budget. Should a measure 07 listed in this section either fail to pass, its substance fail to be incorporated in some other 08 measure, or be vetoed by the governor, the appropriation for that measure shall lapse. A 09 department-wide, agency-wide, or branch-wide unallocated reduction or increase set out in 10 the New Legislation section may be allocated among the appropriations made in this section 11 to that department, agency, or branch. 12 Appropriation General Other 13 Items Funds Funds 14 HB 4 Omnibus Drunk Driving Amendments 195,000 195,000 15 appropriated to Department of Administration 16 HB 4 Omnibus Drunk Driving Amendments 100,000 100,000 17 appropriated to Department of Corrections 18 HB 4 Omnibus Drunk Driving Amendments 138,000 138,000 19 appropriated to Department of Law 20 HB 4 Omnibus Drunk Driving Amendments 105,500 105,500 21 appropriated to Department of Public Safety 22 HB 27 License Home Inspectors appropriated 64,500 64,500 23 to Department of Community and Economic 24 Development 25 HB 51 Legislative Approval of Seafood/Food 18,000 18,000 26 Safety Lab appropriated to Department of Revenue 27 HB 53 Seismic Hazards Safety Commission 33,500 33,500 28 appropriated to Office of the Governor 29 HB 56 Minimum Wage appropriated to -201,900 -201,900 30 Department of Health and Social Services 31 HB 96 Acquiring Jesse Lee Home appropriated 45,000 45,000 01 to Department of Natural Resources 02 HB 128 Approval for Employment of Minors 22,500 22,500 03 appropriated to Department of Labor and 04 Workforce Development 05 HB 162 Absences Under Longevity Bonus -146,700 -146,700 06 Program appropriated to Department of 07 Administration 08 HB 208 Aquatic Farming of Shellfish 122,500 122,500 09 appropriated to Department of Fish and Game 10 HB 208 Aquatic Farming of Shellfish 98,300 98,300 11 appropriated to Department of Natural Resources 12 HB 225 Alcoholic Beverage Tax appropriated 3,600,000 3,600,000 13 to Department of Health and Social Services 14 HB 225 Alcoholic Beverage Tax appropriated 74,500 74,500 15 to Department of Revenue 16 HB 239 Vocational Education Pilot Program 150,000 150,000 17 appropriated to Department of Education and 18 Early Development 19 HB 262 Certain State Program Receipts -5,636,200 5,636,200 20 appropriated to Department of Administration 21 HB 262 Certain State Program Receipts 500,000 500,000 22 appropriated to Department of Community and 23 Economic Development 24 HB 262 Certain State Program Receipts -851,300 851,300 25 appropriated to Department of Education and 26 Early Development 27 HB 262 Certain State Program Receipts -1,424,500 1,424,500 28 appropriated to Department of Health and Social 29 Services 30 HB 262 Certain State Program Receipts 234,600 -1,041,200 1,275,800 31 appropriated to Department of Labor and 01 Workforce Development 02 HB 262 Certain State Program Receipts -170,600 170,600 03 appropriated to Department of Public Safety 04 HB 262 Certain State Program Receipts -3,820,000 3,820,000 05 appropriated to Department of Transportation/ 06 Public Facilities 07 HB 344 Increasing Fees for Drivers Licenses, 500,000 500,000 08 Instruction Permits appropriated to Department 09 of Administration 10 HB 382 Clean up of illegal drug sites 12,000 12,000 11 appropriated to Department of Environmental 12 Conservation 13 HB 443 Tattooing and Body Piercing 3,300 2,000 1,300 14 appropriated to Department of Environmental 15 Conservation 16 HB 498 Whittier Private Prison appropriated 165,500 165,500 17 to Department of Corrections 18 SB 37 Physician Negotiations with Health 119,500 119,500 19 Insurance appropriated to Department of Law 20 SB 140 Small Water Power Development 36,100 36,100 21 Projects appropriated to Department of 22 Community and Economic Development 23 SB 140 Small Water Power Development 19,500 19,500 24 Projects appropriated to Department of Fish and 25 Game 26 SB 140 Small Water Power Development 24,000 24,000 27 Projects appropriated to Department of Natural 28 Resources 29 SB 180 State Employee Pay Differentials 36,000 36,000 30 appropriated to Alaska Court System 31 SB 219 Fed/State Navigable Waters Commission 200,000 200,000 01 appropriated to Department of Natural Resources 02 SB 222 Requires Slow Drivers to Pull Over 30,000 30,000 03 appropriated to Department of Transportation/ 04 Public Facilities 05 SB 252 Employment and Training Program/Board 91,200 91,200 06 appropriated to Department of Labor and 07 Workforce Development 08 SB 268 Guaranteed Revenue Bonds for Veterans 1,500 1,500 09 appropriated to Office of the Governor 10 SB 299 Workers Compensation Board Panels 5,000 5,000 11 appropriated to Department of Labor and 12 Workforce Development 13 SB 326 Wastewater Discharge Program 172,200 109,100 63,100 14 appropriated to Department of Environmental 15 Conservation 16 SB 345 School Services for Disabled Students 1,854,700 1,854,700 17 appropriated to Department of Education and 18 Early Development 19 SB 345 School Services for Disabled Students 925,500 52,100 873,400 20 appropriated to Department of Health and Social 21 Services 22 SB 345 School Services for Disabled Students 641,500 -1,505,100 2,146,600 23 appropriated to Department of Military and 24 Veterans Affairs 25 SB 359 Supplemental Approp Tourism Marketing 250,000 250,000 26 appropriated to Department of Community and 27 Economic Development 28 SCR 28 Joint Legis Salmon Industry Task 258,000 258,000 29 Force appropriated to Legislature 30 (SECTION 3 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 46) 01 * Sec. 3. The following sets out the funding by agency for the appropriations made in sec. 1 02 and sec. 2 of this Act. 03 Department of Administration  04 Federal Receipts 9,022,700 05 General Fund Match 1,291,400 06 General Fund Receipts 128,492,700 07 General Fund/Program Receipts 6,352,200 08 Inter-Agency Receipts 49,014,400 09 Benefits Systems Receipts 17,435,100 10 FICA Administration Fund Account 143,000 11 Public Employees Retirement Fund 5,674,100 12 Surplus Property Revolving Fund 409,500 13 Teachers Retirement System Fund 2,252,900 14 Judicial Retirement System 28,400 15 National Guard Retirement System 100,500 16 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 131,400 17 Information Services Fund 33,896,900 18 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,542,100 19 Public Building Fund 5,654,700 20 Receipt Supported Services 12,870,600 21 Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Receipts 4,046,200 22 *** Total Agency Funding *** $278,358,800 23 Department of Community and Economic Development  24 Federal Receipts 20,903,700 25 General Fund Match 607,900 26 General Fund Receipts 39,674,800 27 General Fund/Program Receipts 18,700 28 Inter-Agency Receipts 8,244,700 29 Science & Technology Endowment Income 10,518,600 30 Veterans Revolving Loan Fund 59,100 31 Commercial Fishing Loan Fund 3,051,600 01 Real Estate Surety Fund 253,000 02 Small Business Loan Fund 3,500 03 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 2,233,800 04 Power Project Loan Fund 835,200 05 Mining Revolving Loan Fund 5,200 06 Child Care Facilities Revolving Loan Fund 6,200 07 Historical District Revolving Loan Fund 2,500 08 Fisheries Enhancement Revolving Loan Fund 340,700 09 Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Fund 141,200 10 Bulk Fuel Revolving Loan Fund 51,000 11 Power Cost Equalization Fund 15,700,000 12 Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation Revolving Fund 4,854,700 13 Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority Receipts 4,147,600 14 Alaska Energy Authority Corporate Receipts 1,067,100 15 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 350,000 16 Fishermen's Fund Income 115,000 17 International Trade and Business Endowment 196,400 18 Regulatory Commission of Alaska Receipts 6,003,100 19 Receipt Supported Services 21,206,600 20 Rural Development Initiative Fund 43,000 21 Small Business Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund 41,900 22 Business License Receipts 1,400,000 23 *** Total Agency Funding *** $142,076,800 24 Department of Corrections  25 Federal Receipts 3,445,600 26 General Fund Match 129,600 27 General Fund Receipts 150,023,800 28 General Fund/Program Receipts 28,000 29 Inter-Agency Receipts 8,309,500 30 Correctional Industries Fund 4,150,600 31 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 217,100 01 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,965,800 02 Receipt Supported Services 3,160,900 03 PFD Appropriations in lieu of Dividends to Criminals 4,257,900 04 *** Total Agency Funding *** $175,688,800 05 Department of Education and Early Development  06 Federal Receipts 157,927,500 07 General Fund Match 4,436,100 08 General Fund Receipts 731,631,600 09 General Fund/Program Receipts 940,900 10 Inter-Agency Receipts 37,114,800 11 Donated Commodity/Handling Fee Account 305,300 12 Impact Aid for K-12 Schools 20,791,000 13 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 129,800 14 Public School Fund 12,478,500 15 Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education Receipts 8,371,100 16 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,566,300 17 Art in Public Places Fund 75,600 18 Technical Vocational Education Program Receipts 1,684,900 19 Receipt Supported Services 2,792,000 20 *** Total Agency Funding *** $980,245,400 21 Department of Environmental Conservation  22 Federal Receipts 15,824,800 23 General Fund Match 2,838,000 24 General Fund Receipts 7,597,200 25 General Fund/Program Receipts 1,466,700 26 Inter-Agency Receipts 1,116,200 27 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Settlement 13,200 28 Commercial Fishing Loan Fund 175,000 29 Oil/Hazardous Response Fund 13,542,300 30 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 2,461,800 31 Alaska Clean Water Loan Fund 469,400 01 Storage Tank Assistance Fund 972,200 02 Clean Air Protection Fund 2,857,500 03 Alaska Drinking Water Fund 535,200 04 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 77,400 05 Receipt Supported Services 1,576,100 06 Vessel Environmental Compliance Fund 703,700 07 *** Total Agency Funding *** $52,226,700 08 Department of Fish and Game  09 Federal Receipts 47,850,600 10 General Fund Match 680,800 11 General Fund Receipts 29,267,900 12 General Fund/Program Receipts 11,900 13 Inter-Agency Receipts 10,221,400 14 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Settlement 4,783,900 15 Fish and Game Fund 24,880,800 16 Inter-Agency/Oil & Hazardous Waste 97,500 17 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 4,025,900 18 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 3,244,900 19 Test Fisheries Receipts 4,032,500 20 Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Dividend 1,000,000 21 Receipt Supported Services 4,633,400 22 *** Total Agency Funding *** $134,731,500 23 Office of the Governor  24 Federal Receipts 3,353,600 25 General Fund Match 1,304,000 26 General Fund Receipts 13,661,300 27 General Fund/Program Receipts 4,900 28 Inter-Agency Receipts 14,600 29 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 4,200 30 *** Total Agency Funding *** $18,342,600 31 Department of Health and Social Services  01 Federal Receipts 832,170,800 02 General Fund Match 218,895,800 03 General Fund Receipts 157,710,500 04 General Fund/Program Receipts 1,424,500 05 Inter-Agency Receipts 58,796,400 06 Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Revolving Loan Fund 2,000 07 Permanent Fund Dividend Fund 13,007,900 08 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 1,110,400 09 Children's Trust Fund Earnings 473,000 10 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 67,578,200 11 Receipt Supported Services 1,928,300 12 Tobacco Use Education and Cessation Fund 6,066,200 13 *** Total Agency Funding *** $1,359,164,000 14 Department of Labor and Workforce Development  15 Federal Receipts 83,981,400 16 General Fund Match 2,734,800 17 General Fund Receipts 7,176,900 18 General Fund/Program Receipts 863,600 19 Inter-Agency Receipts 11,242,800 20 Second Injury Fund Reserve Account 3,177,600 21 Fishermen's Fund 1,312,200 22 Training and Building Fund 692,700 23 State Employment & Training Program 5,165,600 24 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 157,400 25 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 748,000 26 Vocational Rehabilitation Small Business Enterprise Fund 365,000 27 Workers Safety and Compensation Administration Account 3,616,500 28 *** Total Agency Funding *** $121,234,500 29 Department of Law  30 Federal Receipts 488,400 31 General Fund Match 158,600 01 General Fund Receipts 24,518,300 02 General Fund/Program Receipts 392,200 03 Inter-Agency Receipts 18,300,800 04 Inter-Agency/Oil & Hazardous Waste 481,100 05 Permanent Fund Corporation Receipts 1,477,000 06 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 606,000 07 Fish and Game Criminal Fines and Penalties 129,200 08 *** Total Agency Funding *** $46,551,600 09 Department of Military and Veterans Affairs  10 Federal Receipts 18,399,400 11 General Fund Match 3,186,900 12 General Fund Receipts 5,493,000 13 General Fund/Program Receipts 28,400 14 Inter-Agency Receipts 3,405,900 15 Inter-Agency/Oil & Hazardous Waste 922,800 16 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 139,800 17 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 967,500 18 *** Total Agency Funding *** $32,543,700 19 Department of Natural Resources  20 Federal Receipts 11,870,500 21 General Fund Match 419,800 22 General Fund Receipts 29,831,000 23 General Fund/Program Receipts 3,678,100 24 Inter-Agency Receipts 5,932,500 25 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Settlement 1,075,300 26 Agricultural Revolving Loan Fund 1,906,500 27 Inter-Agency/Oil & Hazardous Waste 99,100 28 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 5,380,900 29 Permanent Fund Corporation Receipts 2,777,800 30 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 4,464,700 31 State Land Disposal Income Fund 3,122,600 01 Shore Fisheries Development Lease Program 323,600 02 Timber Sale Receipts 681,100 03 Receipt Supported Services 3,778,000 04 *** Total Agency Funding *** $75,341,500 05 Department of Public Safety  06 Federal Receipts 11,322,200 07 General Fund Match 458,600 08 General Fund Receipts 77,065,900 09 General Fund/Program Receipts 189,900 10 Inter-Agency Receipts 6,546,300 11 Inter-Agency/Oil & Hazardous Waste 50,300 12 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 352,400 13 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,325,000 14 Fish and Game Criminal Fines and Penalties 1,007,200 15 Alaska Fire Standards Council Receipts 223,500 16 Receipt Supported Services 3,260,400 17 PFD Appropriations in lieu of Dividends to Criminals 5,380,500 18 *** Total Agency Funding *** $107,182,200 19 Department of Revenue  20 Federal Receipts 33,514,400 21 General Fund Receipts 7,726,500 22 General Fund/Program Receipts 1,356,600 23 Inter-Agency Receipts 3,849,400 24 Federal Incentive Payments 2,607,900 25 Benefits Systems Receipts 99,000 26 International Airports Revenue Fund 38,600 27 Public Employees Retirement Fund 20,276,300 28 Teachers Retirement System Fund 10,534,700 29 Judicial Retirement System 275,400 30 National Guard Retirement System 102,400 31 Student Revolving Loan Fund 27,200 01 Permanent Fund Dividend Fund 5,244,700 02 Investment Loss Trust Fund 22,400 03 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 1,626,400 04 Public School Fund 164,200 05 Children's Trust Fund Earnings 52,700 06 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation Receipts 16,862,200 07 Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Receipts 522,700 08 Permanent Fund Corporation Receipts 51,243,000 09 Indirect Cost Reimbursement 1,146,600 10 Retiree Health Ins/Major Medical 23,400 11 Retiree Health Ins Fund/Long-Term Care 36,800 12 Receipt Supported Services 3,244,000 13 Power Cost Equalization Endowment Fund 95,700 14 *** Total Agency Funding *** $160,693,200 15 Department of Transportation/Public Facilities  16 Federal Receipts 2,673,400 17 General Fund Receipts 94,099,100 18 General Fund/Program Receipts 3,841,000 19 Inter-Agency Receipts 4,562,100 20 Highway Working Capital Fund 23,662,100 21 International Airports Revenue Fund 47,306,700 22 Oil/Hazardous Response Fund 700,000 23 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 83,368,600 24 Marine Highway System Fund 49,114,800 25 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 1,095,500 26 Alaska Marine Highway System Duplicated Expenditures 37,020,600 27 Receipt Supported Services 3,398,500 28 *** Total Agency Funding *** $350,842,400 29 University of Alaska  30 Federal Receipts 108,979,000 31 General Fund Match 2,777,300 01 General Fund Receipts 202,836,900 02 Inter-Agency Receipts 13,171,000 03 University of Alaska Interest Income 4,950,700 04 University of Alaska Dormitory/Food/Auxiliary Service 38,893,500 05 University of Alaska Student Tuition/Fees/Services 59,408,800 06 University of Alaska Indirect Cost Recovery 25,191,200 07 University of Alaska Restricted Receipts 98,457,700 08 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 3,966,300 09 Technical Vocational Education Program Receipts 2,868,900 10 University of Alaska Intra-Agency Transfers 47,607,200 11 Science and Technology Endowment 2,315,000 12 *** Total Agency Funding *** $611,423,500 13 Alaska Court System  14 Federal Receipts 516,000 15 General Fund Receipts 53,297,700 16 Inter-Agency Receipts 188,100 17 *** Total Agency Funding *** $54,001,800 18 Legislature  19 General Fund Receipts 36,449,800 20 General Fund/Program Receipts 109,000 21 Inter-Agency Receipts 362,100 22 PFD Appropriations in lieu of Dividends to Criminals 462,200 23 *** Total Agency Funding *** $37,383,100 24 New Legislation  25 Federal Receipts 406,000 26 General Fund Match -1,325,400 27 General Fund Receipts 3,364,600 28 General Fund/Program Receipts -12,598,100 29 Inter-Agency Receipts 2,147,900 30 International Airports Revenue Fund -4,000,000 31 State Employment & Training Program 91,200 01 Capital Improvement Project Receipts 200,000 02 Statutory Designated Program Receipts 305,800 03 Regulatory Commission of Alaska Receipts 36,100 04 Receipt Supported Services 12,489,900 05 Workers Safety and Compensation Administration Account 5,000 06 Building Safety Account 1,275,800 07 Business License Receipts 500,000 08 Passenger Facility Charges 4,000,000 09 Alcohol and Drug 3,600,000 10 *** Total New Legislation *** $10,498,800 11 * * * * * Total Budget * * * * * $4,748,530,900 12 (SECTION 4 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 56) 01 * Sec. 4. The following sets out the statewide funding for the appropriations made in sec. 1 02 and sec. 2 of this Act. 03 New 04 Funding Source Operating Legislation Total 05 General Funds 06 1003 General Fund Match 239,919,600 -1,325,400 238,594,200 07 1004 General Fund Receipts 1,796,554,900 3,364,600 1,799,919,500 08 1005 General Fund/Program Receipts 20,706,600 -12,598,100 8,108,500 09 ***Total General Funds*** $2,057,181,100 $-10,558,900 $2,046,622,200 10 Federal Funds 11 1002 Federal Receipts 1,362,244,000 406,000 1,362,650,000 12 1013 Alcoholism and Drug Abuse 2,000 2,000 13 Revolving Loan Fund 14 1014 Donated Commodity/Handling Fee 305,300 305,300 15 Account 16 1016 Federal Incentive Payments 2,607,900 2,607,900 17 1033 Surplus Property Revolving Fund 409,500 409,500 18 1043 Impact Aid for K-12 Schools 20,791,000 20,791,000 19 1133 Indirect Cost Reimbursement 1,146,600 1,146,600 20 ***Total Federal Funds*** $1,387,506,300 $406,000 $1,387,912,300 21 Other Non-Duplicated Funds 22 1010 University of Alaska Interest 4,950,700 4,950,700 23 Income 24 1015 University of Alaska Dormitory/ 38,893,500 38,893,500 25 Food/Auxiliary Service 26 1017 Benefits Systems Receipts 17,534,100 17,534,100 27 1018 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Settlement 5,872,400 5,872,400 28 1021 Agricultural Revolving Loan Fund 1,906,500 1,906,500 29 1023 FICA Administration Fund Account 143,000 143,000 30 1024 Fish and Game Fund 24,880,800 24,880,800 31 1025 Science & Technology Endowment 10,518,600 10,518,600 01 Income 02 1027 International Airports Revenue 47,345,300 -4,000,000 43,345,300 03 Fund 04 1029 Public Employees Retirement Fund 25,950,400 25,950,400 05 1031 Second Injury Fund Reserve Account 3,177,600 3,177,600 06 1032 Fishermen's Fund 1,312,200 1,312,200 07 1034 Teachers Retirement System Fund 12,787,600 12,787,600 08 1035 Veterans Revolving Loan Fund 59,100 59,100 09 1036 Commercial Fishing Loan Fund 3,226,600 3,226,600 10 1038 University of Alaska Student 59,408,800 59,408,800 11 Tuition/Fees/Services 12 1039 University of Alaska Indirect 25,191,200 25,191,200 13 Cost Recovery 14 1040 Real Estate Surety Fund 253,000 253,000 15 1042 Judicial Retirement System 303,800 303,800 16 1045 National Guard Retirement System 202,900 202,900 17 1046 Student Revolving Loan Fund 27,200 27,200 18 1048 University of Alaska Restricted 98,457,700 98,457,700 19 Receipts 20 1049 Training and Building Fund 692,700 692,700 21 1053 Investment Loss Trust Fund 22,400 22,400 22 1054 State Employment & Training 5,165,600 91,200 5,256,800 23 Program 24 1057 Small Business Loan Fund 3,500 3,500 25 1059 Correctional Industries Fund 4,150,600 4,150,600 26 1062 Power Project Loan Fund 835,200 835,200 27 1066 Public School Fund 12,642,700 12,642,700 28 1067 Mining Revolving Loan Fund 5,200 5,200 29 1068 Child Care Facilities Revolving 6,200 6,200 30 Loan Fund 31 1069 Historical District Revolving 2,500 2,500 01 Loan Fund 02 1070 Fisheries Enhancement Revolving 340,700 340,700 03 Loan Fund 04 1071 Alternative Energy Revolving Loan 141,200 141,200 05 Fund 06 1074 Bulk Fuel Revolving Loan Fund 51,000 51,000 07 1076 Marine Highway System Fund 49,114,800 49,114,800 08 1093 Clean Air Protection Fund 2,857,500 2,857,500 09 1098 Children's Trust Fund Earnings 525,700 525,700 10 1101 Alaska Aerospace Development 4,854,700 4,854,700 11 Corporation Revolving Fund 12 1102 Alaska Industrial Development & 4,147,600 4,147,600 13 Export Authority Receipts 14 1103 Alaska Housing Finance 16,862,200 16,862,200 15 Corporation Receipts 16 1104 Alaska Municipal Bond Bank 522,700 522,700 17 Receipts 18 1106 Alaska Commission on 8,371,100 8,371,100 19 Postsecondary Education Receipts 20 1107 Alaska Energy Authority Corporate 1,067,100 1,067,100 21 Receipts 22 1108 Statutory Designated Program 85,531,400 305,800 85,837,200 23 Receipts 24 1109 Test Fisheries Receipts 4,032,500 4,032,500 25 1111 Fishermen's Fund Income 115,000 115,000 26 1115 International Trade and Business 196,400 196,400 27 Endowment 28 1117 Vocational Rehabilitation Small 365,000 365,000 29 Business Enterprise Fund 30 1140 Alaska Industrial Development and 1,000,000 1,000,000 31 Export Authority Dividend 01 1141 Regulatory Commission of Alaska 6,003,100 36,100 6,039,200 02 Receipts 03 1142 Retiree Health Ins/Major Medical 23,400 23,400 04 1143 Retiree Health Ins Fund/Long-Term 36,800 36,800 05 Care 06 1151 Technical Vocational Education 4,553,800 4,553,800 07 Program Receipts 08 1152 Alaska Fire Standards Council 223,500 223,500 09 Receipts 10 1153 State Land Disposal Income Fund 3,122,600 3,122,600 11 1154 Shore Fisheries Development Lease 323,600 323,600 12 Program 13 1155 Timber Sale Receipts 681,100 681,100 14 1156 Receipt Supported Services 61,848,800 12,489,900 74,338,700 15 1157 Workers Safety and Compensation 3,616,500 5,000 3,621,500 16 Administration Account 17 1162 Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation 4,046,200 4,046,200 18 Commission Receipts 19 1164 Rural Development Initiative Fund 43,000 43,000 20 1166 Vessel Environmental Compliance 703,700 703,700 21 Fund 22 1168 Tobacco Use Education and 6,066,200 6,066,200 23 Cessation Fund 24 1169 Power Cost Equalization Endowment 95,700 95,700 25 Fund 26 1170 Small Business Economic 41,900 41,900 27 Development Revolving Loan Fund 28 1175 Business License Receipts 1,400,000 500,000 1,900,000 29 ***Total Other Non-Duplicated Funds*** $678,856,100 $9,428,000 $688,284,100 30 Duplicated Funds 31 1007 Inter-Agency Receipts 240,393,000 2,147,900 242,540,900 01 1026 Highway Working Capital Fund 23,662,100 23,662,100 02 1050 Permanent Fund Dividend Fund 18,252,600 18,252,600 03 1052 Oil/Hazardous Response Fund 14,242,300 14,242,300 04 1055 Inter-Agency/Oil & Hazardous Waste 1,650,800 1,650,800 05 1061 Capital Improvement Project 105,306,200 200,000 105,506,200 06 Receipts 07 1075 Alaska Clean Water Loan Fund 469,400 469,400 08 1079 Storage Tank Assistance Fund 972,200 972,200 09 1081 Information Services Fund 33,896,900 33,896,900 10 1089 Power Cost Equalization Fund 15,700,000 15,700,000 11 1100 Alaska Drinking Water Fund 535,200 535,200 12 1105 Permanent Fund Corporation 55,497,800 55,497,800 13 Receipts 14 1134 Fish and Game Criminal Fines and 1,136,400 1,136,400 15 Penalties 16 1135 Alaska Marine Highway System 37,020,600 37,020,600 17 Duplicated Expenditures 18 1145 Art in Public Places Fund 75,600 75,600 19 1147 Public Building Fund 5,654,700 5,654,700 20 1171 PFD Appropriations in lieu of 10,100,600 10,100,600 21 Dividends to Criminals 22 1174 University of Alaska Intra-Agency 47,607,200 47,607,200 23 Transfers 24 1176 Science and Technology Endowment 2,315,000 2,315,000 25 ***Total Duplicated Funds*** $614,488,600 $2,347,900 $616,836,500 26 (SECTION 5 OF THIS ACT BEGINS ON PAGE 61) 01  * Sec. 5. LEGISLATIVE INTENT AND FINDINGS. (a) It is the intent of the legislature 02 that the amounts appropriated by this Act are the full amounts that will be appropriated for 03 those purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 04 (b) The money appropriated by this Act may be expended only in accordance with the 05 purpose of the appropriation under which the expenditure is authorized. Money appropriated 06 by this Act may not be expended for or transferred to a purpose other than the purpose for 07 which the appropriation is made unless the transfer is authorized by the legislature by law. 08 See, Alaska Legislative Council v. Knowles, 21 P.3d 367 (Alaska 2001). All appropriations 09 made by this Act are subject to AS 37.07.080(e). A payment or authorization of a payment 10 not authorized by this Act may be a violation of AS 37.10.030 and may result in action under 11 AS 37.10.030 to make good to the state the amount of an illegal, improper, or incorrect 12 payment that does not represent a legal obligation under the appropriation involved. 13 (c) It is the intent of the legislature that each agency of the state report to the 14 legislature the percentage of the fiscal year 2003 authorized operating expenditures that were 15 expended during the first six months of fiscal year 2003 compared to the percentage of fiscal 16 year 2002 authorized operating expenditures that were expended during the first six months of 17 fiscal year 2002. The reports shall be submitted to the legislature by January 31, 2003, and 18 should contain line item information for each allocation of an appropriation made in this Act. 19 Each department of state government will be held accountable for its actions. 20  * Sec. 6. COSTS OF JOB RECLASSIFICATIONS. No money appropriated in this Act 21 may be used to pay the costs of personal services due to reclassification of job classes during 22 the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, except those specifically budgeted. 23  * Sec. 7. ALASKA AEROSPACE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. Corporate 24 receipts of the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation received during the fiscal year 25 ending June 30, 2003, that are in excess of the amount appropriated in sec. 1 of this Act are 26 appropriated to the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation for operations during the 27 fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 28  * Sec. 8. ALASKA CHILDREN'S TRUST. The portions of the fees listed in this section 29 that are collected during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, are appropriated to the Alaska 30 children's trust (AS 37.14.200): 31 (1) fees collected under AS 18.50.225, less the cost of supplies, for the 01 issuance of birth certificates; 02 (2) fees collected under AS 18.50.272, less the cost of supplies, for the 03 issuance of heirloom marriage certificates; and 04 (3) fees collected under AS 28.10.421(d) for the issuance of special request 05 Alaska children's trust license plates, less the cost of issuing the license plates. 06 * Sec. 9. ALASKA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION. (a) The board of directors 07 of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation anticipates that the net income from the second 08 preceding fiscal year will be available in each of the fiscal years 2004 through 2008. During 09 fiscal year 2003, the board of directors anticipates that $103,000,000 will be available for 10 payment of debt service, appropriation for capital projects, and transfer to the Alaska debt 11 retirement fund (AS 37.15.011). Of that amount, approximately $84,299,967 will be retained 12 by the corporation for the following purposes: 13 (1) $1,000,000 for debt service on University of Alaska, Anchorage, 14 dormitory construction, authorized under ch. 26, SLA 1996; 15 (2) $37,986,612 for debt service on the bonds authorized under sec. 2(c), 16 ch. 129, SLA 1998; 17 (3) $12,013,355 for debt service on the bonds authorized under sec. 10, 18 ch. 130, SLA 2000; 19 (4) $33,300,000 for capital projects. 20 (b) After deductions for the items set out in (a) of this section are made, any 21 remaining balance of the $103,000,000 anticipated by the board of directors of the Alaska 22 Housing Finance Corporation to be available in fiscal year 2003 is appropriated to the Alaska 23 debt retirement fund (AS 37.15.011). 24 (c) All unrestricted mortgage loan interest payments, mortgage loan commitment fees, 25 and other unrestricted receipts received by or accrued to the Alaska Housing Finance 26 Corporation during fiscal year 2003 and all income earned on assets of the corporation during 27 that period are appropriated to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation to hold as corporate 28 receipts for the purposes described in AS 18.55 and AS 18.56. The corporation shall allocate 29 its corporate receipts among the Alaska housing finance revolving fund (AS 18.56.082), 30 housing assistance loan fund (AS 18.56.420), and senior housing revolving fund 31 (AS 18.56.710) in accordance with procedures adopted by the board of directors. 01 (d) The sum of $798,000,000 is appropriated from the corporate receipts appropriated 02 to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and allocated among the Alaska housing finance 03 revolving fund (AS 18.56.082), housing assistance loan fund (AS 18.56.420), and senior 04 housing revolving fund (AS 18.56.710) under (c) of this section to the Alaska Housing 05 Finance Corporation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, for housing loan programs not 06 subsidized by the corporation. 07 (e) The sum of $30,000,000 is appropriated from the portion of the corporate receipts 08 appropriated to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and allocated among the Alaska 09 housing finance revolving fund (AS 18.56.082), housing assistance loan fund (AS 18.56.420), 10 and senior housing revolving fund (AS 18.56.710) under (c) of this section that is derived 11 from arbitrage earnings to the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation for the fiscal year ending 12 June 30, 2003, for housing loan programs and projects subsidized by the corporation. 13 (f) The sum of $30,000,000 is appropriated from federal receipts to the Alaska 14 Housing Finance Corporation for housing assistance payments under the Section 8 program 15 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 16  * Sec. 10. ALASKA PERMANENT FUND CORPORATION. (a) The amount authorized 17 for transfer by the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation under AS 37.13.145(b) is 18 appropriated from the earnings reserve account (AS 37.13.145) to the dividend fund 19 (AS 43.23.045(a)) for the payment of permanent fund dividends and administrative and 20 associated costs for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 21 (b) After money is transferred to the dividend fund under (a) of this section, the 22 amount calculated under AS 37.13.145 to offset the effect of inflation on the principal of the 23 Alaska permanent fund is appropriated from the earnings reserve account (AS 37.13.145) to 24 the principal of the Alaska permanent fund. 25 (c) The amount required to be deposited under AS 37.13.010(a)(1) and (2) during 26 fiscal year 2003 is appropriated to the principal of the Alaska permanent fund in satisfaction 27 of that requirement. 28 (d) The interest earned during fiscal year 2003 on revenue from the sources set out in 29 AS 37.13.010 while the revenue is held in trust, escrow, or otherwise before receipt by the 30 state is appropriated to the principal of the Alaska permanent fund. 31  * Sec. 11. CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT. (a) The minimum amount of program 01 receipts received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, by the child support 02 enforcement division that is required to secure the federal funding appropriated for the child 03 support enforcement program in sec. 1 of this Act is appropriated to the Department of 04 Revenue, child support enforcement division, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 05 (b) Program receipts collected as cost recovery for paternity testing administered by 06 the child support enforcement division, as required under AS 25.27.040 and 25.27.165, and as 07 collected under AS 25.20.050(f), are appropriated to the Department of Revenue, child 08 support enforcement division, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003.  09  * Sec. 12. DISASTER RELIEF AND FIRE SUPPRESSION. (a) Federal receipts received 10 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, for disaster relief are appropriated to the disaster 11 relief fund (AS 26.23.300). 12 (b) Federal receipts received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, for fire 13 suppression are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for fire suppression 14 activities for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 15  * Sec. 13. EDUCATION LOAN PROGRAM. The amount from student loan borrowers of 16 the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education that is assessed for loan origination fees 17 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, is appropriated to the origination fee account 18 (AS 14.43.120(u)) within the education loan fund of the Alaska Student Loan Corporation for 19 the purposes specified in AS 14.43.120(u). 20  * Sec. 14. FEDERAL AND OTHER PROGRAM RECEIPTS. (a) Federal receipts, 21 designated program receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146(b)(3), information services fund 22 program receipts as defined in AS 44.21.045(b), Exxon Valdez oil spill trust receipts as 23 described in AS 37.05.146(b)(5), receipts of the Alaska Fire Standards Council under 24 AS 37.05.146(b)(6), and program receipts of the Alaska Science and Technology Foundation, 25 that are received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, and that exceed the amounts 26 appropriated by this Act are appropriated conditioned on compliance with the program review 27 provisions of AS 37.07.080(h). 28 (b) If federal or other program receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146 and in 29 AS 44.21.045(b) that are received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, exceed the 30 estimates appropriated by this Act, the appropriations made by this Act from state funds for 31 the affected program may be reduced by the excess if the reductions are consistent with 01 applicable federal statutes. 02 (c) If federal or other program receipts as defined in AS 37.05.146 and in 03 AS 44.21.045(b) that are received during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, fall short of the 04 estimates appropriated by this Act, the affected appropriation is reduced by the amount of the 05 shortfall in receipts. 06  * Sec. 15. FISH AND GAME ENFORCEMENT. (a) To increase enforcement of the fish 07 and game laws of the state, the amount deposited in the general fund during the fiscal year 08 ending June 30, 2002, from criminal fines, penalties, and forfeitures imposed for violation of 09 AS 16 and its implementing regulations and from the sale of forfeited property or alternative 10 damages collected under AS 16.05.195 is appropriated to the fish and game fund 11 (AS 16.05.100). 12 (b) Appropriations totaling the estimated amount of the deposits described in (a) of 13 this section and the remaining unexpended and unobligated balances from prior year transfers 14 for these purposes are made in sec. 1 of this Act to the Department of Public Safety and the 15 Department of Law for increased enforcement, investigation, and prosecution of state fish and 16 game laws. If the amounts of the deposits and unexpended and unobligated balances fall 17 short of the estimates appropriated in sec. 1 of this Act, the amounts appropriated to the 18 Department of Public Safety and the Department of Law from the fish and game fund as set 19 out in sec. 1 of this Act are reduced proportionately. 20  * Sec. 16. FISH AND GAME FUND. The following revenue collected during the fiscal 21 year ending June 30, 2003, is appropriated to the fish and game fund (AS 16.05.100): 22 (1) receipts from the sale of crewmember fishing licenses (AS 16.05.480(a)) 23 that are not deposited into the fishermen's fund under AS 23.35.060; 24 (2) range fees collected at shooting ranges operated by the Department of Fish 25 and Game (AS 16.05.050(a)(16)); 26 (3) fees collected at boating and angling access sites described in 27 AS 16.05.050(a)(7) and managed by the Department of Natural Resources, division of parks 28 and outdoor recreation, under a cooperative agreement; 29 (4) receipts from the sale of Chitina dip net fishing permits 30 (AS 16.05.340(a)(22)); and 31 (5) receipts from the sale of waterfowl conservation stamp limited edition 01 prints (AS 16.05.826(a)). 02  * Sec. 17. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES. The amount 03 appropriated to the Department of Health and Social Services for community 04 health/emergency medical services under the appropriation for state health services in sec. 1 05 of this Act includes the unexpended and unobligated receipts from business license 06 endorsement fees collected under AS 43.70.075 by the Department of Community and 07 Economic Development during the fiscal years ending June 30, 2002, and June 30, 2003. 08  * Sec. 18. INSURANCE AND BOND CLAIMS. (a) The amount necessary to fund the 09 uses of the state insurance catastrophe reserve account described in AS 37.05.289(a) is 10 appropriated from that account to the Department of Administration for those uses during the 11 fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 12 (b) The amounts to be received in settlement of claims against bonds guaranteeing the 13 reclamation of state land are appropriated to the agency secured by the bond for the fiscal year 14 ending June 30, 2003, for the purpose of reclaiming state land affected by a use covered by 15 the bond. 16  * Sec. 19. LEARNING OPPORTUNITY GRANTS. (a) The sum of $16,510,000 is 17 appropriated from the general fund to the Department of Education and Early Development 18 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, for payment as learning opportunity grants to school 19 districts based on the school district's average daily membership to pay for instructional 20 programs intended to improve student performance. Learning opportunity grants will provide 21 the opportunity to move schools toward standards-based education, including vocational 22 education programs. The increased funding is available to pay for costs associated with 23 improving student performance by developing standards-based programs, including 24 implementation of standards, aligning student assessment to standards, staff development, 25 adopting instructional models based on basic skills, performance tasks, and projects, and 26 adopting a standards-based reporting system. Accomplishing this goal may include 27 acquisition of text books and other educational material. 28 (b) The unexpended and unobligated general fund balance of that portion of the 29 appropriation made by sec. 1, ch. 60, SLA 2001, page 11, line 30, that is allocated on line 31 30 (Foundation Program - $665,017,700) is reappropriated to the Department of Education and 31 Early Development for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, for payment as learning 01 opportunity grants to school districts based on the school district's average daily membership 02 to pay for instructional programs intended to improve student performance. Learning 03 opportunity grants will provide the opportunity to move schools toward standards-based 04 education, including vocational education programs. The increased funding is available to 05 pay for costs associated with improving student performance by developing standards-based 06 programs, including implementation of standards, aligning student assessment to standards, 07 adopting instructional models based on basic skills, performance tasks, and projects, and 08 adopting a standards-based reporting system. Accomplishing this goal may include 09 acquisition of text books and other educational material.  10  * Sec. 20. MARINE HIGHWAY SYSTEM FUND. The sum of $37,020,600 is 11 appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska marine highway system fund 12 (AS 19.65.060). 13  * Sec. 21. MOTOR FUEL TAX. The following estimated amounts from the unreserved 14 special accounts in the general fund are included within the general fund amounts 15 appropriated by this Act: 16 Special highway fuel tax account (AS 43.40.010(g)) $25,500,000 17 Special aviation fuel tax account (AS 43.40.010(e)) 5,300,000 18  * Sec. 22. MT. MCKINLEY MEAT & SAUSAGE COMPANY PACKING PLANT. The 19 sum of $300,000 is appropriated from the agricultural revolving loan fund (AS 03.10.040) to 20 the Department of Natural Resources, division of agriculture, for the fiscal year ending 21 June 30, 2003, for part-time operation and preparation for transfer to the private sector of the 22 Mt. McKinley Meat & Sausage Company packing plant. The Department of Natural 23 Resources will provide a report to the legislature by February 1, 2003, on actions taken 24 toward implementation of a plan to transfer the meat packing plant to the private sector. 25  * Sec. 23. NATIONAL FOREST RECEIPTS. The unexpended and unobligated balance of 26 federal money apportioned to the state as national forest income that the Department of 27 Community and Economic Development determines would lapse into the unrestricted portion 28 of the general fund June 30, 2003, under AS 41.15.180(j) is appropriated as follows: 29 (1) the sum of $170,000 is appropriated to the Department of Transportation 30 and Public Facilities, commissioner's office, for road maintenance in the unorganized 31 borough; and 01 (2) the balance remaining is appropriated to home rule cities, first class cities, 02 second class cities, a municipality organized under federal law, or regional educational 03 attendance areas entitled to payment from the national forest income for the fiscal year ending 04 June 30, 2003, to be allocated among the recipients of national forest income according to 05 their pro rata share of the total amount distributed under AS 41.15.180(c) and (d) for the fiscal 06 year ending June 30, 2003. 07  * Sec. 24. OIL AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE RELEASE PREVENTION 08 ACCOUNT. The following amounts are appropriated to the oil and hazardous substance 09 release prevention account (AS 46.08.010(a)(1)) in the oil and hazardous substance release 10 prevention and response fund (AS 46.08.010) from the sources indicated: 11 (1) the balance of the oil and hazardous substance release prevention 12 mitigation account (AS 46.08.020(b)) in the general fund on July 1, 2002, not otherwise 13 appropriated by this Act; 14 (2) the amount collected for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002, estimated to 15 be $10,000,000, from the surcharge levied under AS 43.55.300. 16  * Sec. 25. OIL AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE RELEASE RESPONSE ACCOUNT. 17 The following amounts are appropriated to the oil and hazardous substance release response 18 account (AS 46.08.010(a)(2)) in the oil and hazardous substance release prevention and 19 response fund (AS 46.08.010) from the following sources: 20 (1) the balance of the oil and hazardous substance release response mitigation 21 account (AS 46.08.025(b)) in the general fund on July 1, 2002, not otherwise appropriated by 22 this Act; 23 (2) the amount collected for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002, from the 24 surcharge levied under AS 43.55.201. 25  * Sec. 26. POWER COST EQUALIZATION. The sum of $14,883,700 is appropriated 26 from the power cost equalization endowment fund (AS 42.45.070) to the power cost 27 equalization and rural electric capitalization fund (AS 42.45.100). 28  * Sec. 27. RETAINED FEES AND BANKCARD SERVICE FEES. (a) The amount 29 retained to compensate the collector or trustee of fees, licenses, taxes, or other money 30 belonging to the state during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, is appropriated for that 31 purpose to the agency authorized by law to generate the revenue. 01 (b) The amount retained to compensate the provider of bankcard or credit card 02 services to the state during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, is appropriated for that 03 purpose to each agency of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches that accepts 04 payment by bankcard or credit card for licenses, permits, goods, and services provided by that 05 agency on behalf of the state, from the funds and accounts in which the payments received by 06 the state are deposited. 07  * Sec. 28. SALARY AND BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS. (a) The operating budget 08 appropriations made to the University of Alaska in sec. 1 of this Act include amounts for 09 salary and benefit adjustments for university employees who are not members of a collective 10 bargaining unit and for implementing the monetary terms of the following collective 11 bargaining agreements with entities representing employees of the University of Alaska: 12 (1) Alaska Higher Education Crafts and Trades Employees; 13 (2) Alaska Community Colleges' Federation of Teachers; 14 (3) United Academics; 15 (4) United Academics-Adjuncts. 16 (b) The operating budget appropriations made to the executive branch of state 17 government in sec. 1 of this Act include amounts for salary and benefit adjustments for public 18 officials, officers, and employees of the executive branch who are not members of a collective 19 bargaining unit and for implementing the monetary terms of the following collective 20 bargaining agreements: 21 (1) Alaska Public Employees Association, for the Supervisory Unit; 22 (2) Alaska State Employees Association, for the General Government Unit; 23 (3) Alaska Vocational Technical Center Teachers Association, representing 24 teachers at the Alaska Vocational Technical Center; 25 (4) Alyeska Correspondence School Education Association, representing 26 teachers at the Alyeska Central School; 27 (5) Confidential Employees Association; 28 (6) Inlandboatmen's Union of the Pacific, representing the unlicensed marine 29 unit; 30 (7) International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots, Pacific Maritime 31 Region, for the Masters, Mates, and Pilots Unit; 01 (8) Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, representing licensed engineers 02 employed by the Alaska marine highway system; 03 (9) Public Employees Local 71, for the Labor, Trades and Crafts Unit: 04 (10) Public Safety Employees Association, for the Correctional Officers Unit; 05 (11) Public Safety Employees Association, representing state troopers and 06 other commissioned law enforcement personnel; 07 (12) Teachers' Education Association of Mt. Edgecumbe. 08 (c) The operating budget appropriations made to the Alaska Court System in sec. 1 of 09 this Act include amounts for salary and benefit adjustments for Alaska Court System 10 employees. 11 (d) The operating budget appropriations made to the legislative branch of state 12 government in sec. 1 of this Act include amounts for salary and benefit adjustments for 13 employees of the legislature and for benefit adjustments for legislators. 14  * Sec. 29. SALMON ENHANCEMENT TAX. The salmon enhancement tax collected 15 under AS 43.76.010 - 43.76.028 in calendar year 2001 and deposited in the general fund 16 under AS 43.76.025(c) is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 17 Community and Economic Development for payment in fiscal year 2003 to qualified regional 18 associations operating within a region designated under AS 16.10.375. 19  * Sec. 30. SHARED TAXES AND FEES. The amount necessary to refund to local 20 governments their share of taxes and fees collected in the listed fiscal years under the 21 following programs is appropriated to the Department of Revenue from the general fund for 22 payment in fiscal year 2003: 23 REVENUE SOURCE FISCAL YEAR COLLECTED 24 fisheries taxes (AS 43.75) 2002 25 fishery resource landing tax (AS 43.77) 2002 26 aviation fuel tax (AS 43.40.010) 2003 27 electric and telephone cooperative tax (AS 10.25.570) 2003 28 liquor license fee (AS 04.11) 2003 29  * Sec. 31. STATE DEBT AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS. (a) The amount required to pay 30 interest on any revenue anticipation notes issued by the commissioner of revenue under 31 AS 43.08 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, is appropriated from the general fund to 01 the Department of Revenue for payment of the interest on those notes. 02 (b) The amount required to be paid by the state for principal and interest on all issued 03 and outstanding state-guaranteed bonds is appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska 04 Housing Finance Corporation for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, for payment of 05 principal and interest on those bonds. 06 (c) The sum of $8,000,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Alaska debt 07 retirement fund (AS 37.15.011). 08 (d) The sum of $14,092,700 is appropriated from the Alaska debt retirement fund 09 (AS 37.15.011) to the Department of Revenue, treasury division, for the fiscal year ending 10 June 30, 2003, for trustee fees and lease payments relating to certificates of participation 11 issued for real property. 12 (e) The sum of $17,744,000 is appropriated to the Department of Administration, 13 division of finance, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, for payment of debt service and 14 trustee fees on outstanding international airports revenue bonds from the following sources in 15 the amounts stated: 16 SOURCE AMOUNT 17 International Airports Revenue $13,744,000 18 Fund (AS 37.15.430) 19 Passenger facility charge 4,000,000 20 (f) The sum of $56,378,400 is appropriated to the Department of Education and Early 21 Development for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, for state aid for costs of school 22 construction under AS 14.11.100 from the following sources: 23 Alaska debt retirement fund (AS 37.15.011) $27,372,100 24 School fund (AS 43.50.140) 29,006,300 25 (g) The sum of $5,262,800 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 26 Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, for payment of obligations to the 27 Municipality of Anchorage for the Anchorage Jail. 28 (h) The sum of $3,549,400 is appropriated from the general fund to the Department of 29 Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, for payment of obligations to the 30 Alaska Housing Finance Corporation for the Robert B. Atwood Building in Anchorage. 31 (i) The sum of $1,680,000 is appropriated from interest earnings of the Alaska clean 01 water fund (AS 46.03.032) to the Alaska clean water fund revenue bond redemption fund 02 (AS 37.15.565) for payment of principal and interest, redemption premium, and trustee fees, 03 if any, on bonds issued by the state bond committee under AS 37.15.560 during the fiscal year 04 ending June 30, 2003. 05 (j) The sum of $1,060,500 is appropriated from interest earnings of the Alaska 06 drinking water fund (AS 46.03.036) to the Alaska drinking water fund revenue bond 07 redemption fund (AS 37.15.565) for payment of principal and interest, redemption premium, 08 and trustee fees, if any, on bonds issued by the state bond committee under AS 37.15.560 09 during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 10 (k) The sum of $1,061,400 is appropriated from the tobacco use education and 11 cessation fund (AS 37.05.580) to the Alaska debt retirement fund (AS 37.15.011). 12 (l) The sum of $100,000 is appropriated from the investment loss trust fund 13 (AS 37.14.300) to the Alaska debt retirement fund (AS 37.15.011). 14 (m) The sum of $783,100 from the fiscal year 2003 dividend that is declared by the 15 Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education is appropriated from the education loan fund 16 (AS 14.42.210) to the Alaska debt retirement fund (AS 37.15.011). 17 (n) The balance, including unobligated and unencumbered earnings, of the 18 international trade and business endowment (AS 37.17.440) on July 1, 2002, is appropriated 19 to the Alaska debt retirement fund (AS 37.15.011). 20  * Sec. 32. STATEWIDE ELECTION AND TRANSITION COSTS. (a) The sum of 21 $2,421,700 is appropriated from the general fund to the Office of the Governor, division of 22 elections, for costs associated with conducting the statewide primary and general elections in 23 the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 24 (b) The sum of $350,000 is appropriated from the general fund to the Office of the 25 Governor, executive office, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003, to pay for transition costs 26 following the election of a new governor. 27 (c) The unexpended and unobligated balances on December 31, 2002, of the 28 appropriations made in (a) and (b) of this section are reappropriated to the Office of the 29 Governor for operating costs of the Office of the Governor for the period of January 1, 2003, 30 to June 30, 2003. 31  * Sec. 33. STORAGE TANK ASSISTANCE FUND. The sum of $784,004 is appropriated 01 from the oil and hazardous substance release prevention account (AS 46.08.010(a)(1)) to the 02 storage tank assistance fund (AS 46.03.410). 03  * Sec. 34. UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA. The fees collected under AS 28.10.421(d) during 04 the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002, and during prior fiscal years, for the issuance of special 05 request university plates, less the cost of issuing the license plates, are appropriated to the 06 University of Alaska for support of alumni programs at the campuses of the university for the 07 fiscal year ending June 30, 2003. 08  * Sec. 35. NONLAPSE OF APPROPRIATIONS. The appropriations made by secs. 8, 09 9(b), 10(b), 10(c), 10(d), 12(a), 13, 15(a), 16, 20, 24, 25, 26, 31(c), 31(i), 31(j), 31(k), 31(l), 10 31(m), 31(n), and 33 of this Act are for the capitalization of funds and do not lapse. 11  * Sec. 36. Section 32(b) of this Act takes effect November 6, 2002. 12  * Sec. 37. Sections 17 and 19(b) of this Act take effect June 30, 2002. 13  * Sec. 38. Except as provided in secs. 36 and 37 of this Act, this Act takes effect July 1, 14 2002.