00 HOUSE BILL NO. 365 01 "An Act making capital appropriations and a special appropriation for the purpose of 02 performing deferred maintenance, replacement, modification, and expansion of capital 03 facilities owned by the state; and providing for an effective date." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05  * Section 1. (a) The sum of $106,769,900 is appropriated from the proceeds, and interest 06 earned on the proceeds, from the sale of certificates of participation described in sec. 4 of this 07 Act and issued by the state bond committee to the following agencies for deferred 08 maintenance projects for capital facilities of those agencies, in the amounts stated: 09 Agency Appropriation Amount 10 Administration $ 20,248,430 11 Administration - Pioneers' Homes 12,184,900 12 Corrections 25,824,500 01 Education and Early Development 8,876,700 02 Fish and Game 1,400,000 03 Health and Social Services 5,312,570 04 Military and Veterans' Affairs 1,009,800 05 Natural Resources 3,966,500 06 Public Safety 2,147,300 07 Transportation and Public Facilities 16,564,200 08 University of Alaska 5,500,000 09 Alaska Court System 3,735,000 10 (b) The sum of $28,835,100 is appropriated from the proceeds, and interest earned on 11 the proceeds, from the sale of certificates of participation described in sec. 4 of this Act and 12 issued by the state bond committee to the following agencies for the modification, expansion, 13 or replacement of the state-owned facilities for the following agencies, in the amounts stated: 14 Agency Appropriation Amount 15 University of Alaska - Americans with 16 Disabilities Act compliance $ 2,500,000 17 Office of the Governor - state agencies' 18 Americans with Disabilities Act 19 compliance 2,500,000 20 Administration - veterans' housing 4,000,000 21 Military and Veterans' Affairs - joint readiness 22 center and student activities center in Juneau, 23 shared with the University of Alaska Southeast 5,470,000 24 Education and Early Development - land 25 acquisition and expansion planning for 26 state museum 1,950,000 27 Public Safety - Ketchikan facility replacement 3,436,000 28 Public Safety - hangar construction in Anchorage 29 and Juneau 5,479,100 30 Health and Social Services - renovation and 31 expansion of the Nome Youth Detention Facility 3,500,000 01 (c) The sum of $4,204,400 is appropriated from the source indicated to the following 02 agencies for deferred maintenance projects for capital facilities of those agencies, in the 03 amounts stated: 04 Agency Appropriation Amount Source 05 Health and Social Services $ 143,400 Federal receipts 06 Military and Veterans' Affairs 831,000 Federal receipts 07 Natural Resources 2,000,000 Federal receipts 08 Transportation and Public 09 Facilities 1,000,000 Federal receipts 10 University of Alaska 230,000 University receipts 11 (d) The sum of $6,500,000 is appropriated from the sources indicated to the following 12 agencies for the modification, expansion, or replacement of state-owned facilities for the 13 following agencies, in the amounts stated: 14 Agency Appropriation Amount Source 15 Administration $6,000,000 Federal receipts 16 Education and Early Development 500,000 Designated 17 program receipts 18 * Sec. 2. The sum of $1,925,000 is appropriated to the state bond committee from the 19 proceeds, and interest earned on the proceeds, from the sale of certificates of participation 20 described in sec. 4 of this Act and issued by the state bond committee, for the costs of 21 issuance of, and costs of required reserves for, the certificates of participation. 22 * Sec. 3. LAPSE PROVISIONS. (a) The appropriations made in sec. 1 of this Act are for 23 capital projects and are subject to AS 37.25.020. 24 (b) The appropriation made in sec. 2 of this Act is not a one-year appropriation and 25 lapses as provided in AS 37.25.020. 26 * Sec. 4. CONTINGENT EFFECT. Sections 1(a), 1(b), and 2 of this Act take effect only if 27 a bill is passed by the Twenty-Second Alaska State Legislature and is enacted into law that 28 allows the state bond committee to issue certificates of participation for capital projects for 29 deferred maintenance, replacement, modification, and expansion of state facilities described 30 in secs. 1(a) and 1(b) of this Act for certain state-owned capital facilities. 31 * Sec. 5. If, under sec. 4 of this Act, secs. 1(a), 1(b), and 2 of this Act take effect, they take 01 effect July 1, 2002. 02 * Sec. 6. Except as provided in sec. 5 of this Act, this Act takes effect July 1, 2002.