00 SENATE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 262(RLS) 01 "An Act relating to the accounting for and appropriations of certain state program 02 receipts; and providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04  * Section 1. AS 18.60.360(c) is amended to read: 05 (c) The Department of Labor and Workforce Development shall give an 06 official receipt for an inspection fee collected under this section and shall transfer the 07 amount of the fee to the Department of Revenue for deposit in the building safety  08 account created under AS 44.31.025 in the state treasury. 09  * Sec. 2. AS 18.60.800 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 10 (f) Inspection fees collected under (b) of this section shall be deposited into 11 the building safety account created under AS 44.31.025. 12  * Sec. 3. AS 18.62.030 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 13 (b) Fees collected under (a) of this section shall be deposited into the building 14 safety account created under AS 44.31.025. 01  * Sec. 4. AS 37.05.146(b)(4)(ZZ) is amended to read: 02 (ZZ) receipts of the Department of Community and Economic 03 Development for fees for business licenses and license endorsements under  04 AS 43.70 [FOR TOBACCO PRODUCTS (AS 43.70.075)]; 05  * Sec. 5. AS 37.05.146(b)(4) is amended by adding new subparagraphs to read: 06 (AAA) receipts of fees for certain inspections deposited under 07 AS 18.60.360, 18.60.800, and AS 18.62.030 in the building safety account 08 created under AS 44.31.025; 09 (BBB) passenger facility charges collected at state-owned and 10 operated airports under Federal Aviation Administration guidelines; 11 (CCC) money received by the Department of Environmental 12 Conservation from the inspection of food under AS 17.20; 13 (DDD) fees received by the Department of Natural Resources 14 under AS 41.21.026 for the use of state park system facilities; 15 (EEE) application and renewal fees received by the Department 16 of Public Safety under AS 18.65.400 - 18.65.490 for licenses for security 17 guards and security guard agencies; 18 (FFF) fees received by the Department of Public Safety under 19 AS 18.65.700 - 18.65.790 for the issuance, renewal, and replacement of 20 permits to carry concealed handguns; 21 (GGG) monetary recoveries by the Department of Health and 22 Social Services of Medicaid expenditures from recipients, third parties, and 23 providers under AS 47; 24 (HHH) the state's share of overpayments collected by the 25 Department of Health and Social Services under AS 47.05.080; 26 (III) income received by the Department of Health and Social 27 Services from a state or federal agency for children in foster care under 28 AS 47.14.100; 29 (JJJ) fees received by the Department of Health and Social 30 Services under AS 44.29.022 for nursing and planning services provided at 31 health centers; 01 (KKK) fees received by the Department of Health and Social 02 Services under AS 44.29.022 for genetic screening clinics and specialty 03 clinics; 04 (LLL) fees received by the Department of Health and Social 05 Services under AS 18.08.080 for the certification of emergency medical 06 technicians, emergency medical dispatchers, and emergency medical 07 technician instructors; 08 (MMM) fees collected by the Department of Health and Social 09 Services under AS 44.29.022 from the certification of x-ray machines; 10 (NNN) fees collected under AS 44.29.022 by the Department 11 of Health and Social Services under the Alcohol Safety Action Program; 12 (OOO) fees received by the Department of Health and Social 13 Services under AS 47.33.910 for licensing assisted living homes; 14 (PPP) charges, rentals, and fees for airport or air navigation 15 facility contracts, leases, and other arrangements under AS 02.15.020 and 16 02.15.090; 17 (QQQ) fees for utility facility permits under AS 02.15.102, 18 encroachment permits under AS 02.15.106, utility right-of-way permits under 19 AS 19.25.010, and utility facility permits under AS 35.10.216; 20 (RRR) recoveries of repair costs for damage to highway 21 fixtures; 22 (SSS) the state's share of child support collections for 23 reimbursement of the cost of the Alaska temporary assistance program as 24 provided under AS 25.27.120, 25.27.130, and AS 47.27.040; 25 (TTT) vehicle registration fees collected under AS 28.10.421 26 and other fees and charges collected under AS 28.10.441; 27 (UUU) fees for drivers' licenses, drivers' permits, renewals, and 28 driver skills tests collected under AS 28.15.271; 29 (VVV) user fees and other fees collected by the Department of 30 Education and Early Development under AS 14.57.010; 31 (WWW) student tuition and other fees related to schools that 01 are operated by the state and collected under AS 14.07.030; 02  * Sec. 6. AS 44.31 is amended by adding a new section to read: 03 Sec. 44.31.025. Building safety account. The building safety account is 04 created in the state treasury. The legislature may appropriate money from the account 05 for necessary costs incurred by the Department of Labor and Workforce Development 06 in the administration of AS 18.60.180 - 18.60.395, 18.60.800 - 18.60.820, and 07 AS 18.62. Nothing in this section creates a dedicated fund or dedicates the money in 08 the account for a specific purpose. 09  * Sec. 7. This Act takes effect July 1, 2002.