00 HOUSE BILL NO. 155 01 "An Act relating to municipal assembly forms of representation and 02 apportionment." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 29.20.070(b) is amended to read: 05  (b) Not later than the first regular election that occurs after  adoption of a final 06 state redistricting plan under art. VI, sec. 10, Constitution of the State of Alaska  07 [THE REPORT OF A FEDERAL DECENNIAL CENSUS], the assembly shall propose 08 and submit to the voters of the borough, at that regular election or at a special election 09 called for the purpose, one or more forms of assembly representation. The forms of 10 representation that the assembly may submit to the voters are: 11  (1) election of members of the assembly at large by the voters 12 throughout the borough; 13  (2) election of members of the assembly by district, including 14  (A) election at large by the voters throughout the borough, but 01 with a requirement that a candidate live in an election district established by 02 the borough for election of assembly members; or 03  (B) election from election districts established by the borough 04 for the election of assembly members by the voters of a district; 05  (3) election of members of the assembly both at large and by district. 06 * Sec. 2. AS 29.20.080(a) is amended to read: 07  (a) Not later than two months after  adoption of a final state redistricting 08 plan under art. VI, sec. 10, Constitution of the State of Alaska  [THE OFFICIAL 09 REPORT OF A FEDERAL DECENNIAL CENSUS], the assembly shall determine and 10 declare by resolution whether the existing apportionment of the assembly meets the 11 standards of AS 29.20.060. If the assembly submits to the voters a form of 12 representation that includes election of assembly members under AS 29.20.070(b)(2) 13 or  (3),  [(b)(3)] the assembly shall submit with the proposition a proposed plan of 14 apportionment that corresponds to the form of representation proposed. The assembly 15 shall describe the plan of apportionment in the ballot proposition, and may present the 16 plan in any manner that it believes accurately describes the apportionment that is 17 proposed under the form of representation. If the assembly determines that its existing 18 apportionment meets the standards of AS 29.20.060, the assembly may include the 19 existing apportionment as a proposed plan of apportionment of assembly seats that 20 corresponds to a form of representation that is proposed. 21 * Sec. 3. AS 29.20.080(b) is amended to read: 22  (b) The assembly shall provide, by ordinance, for a change in an existing 23 apportionment of the assembly whenever it determines that the apportionment does not 24 meet the standards of AS 29.20.060.  The assembly may provide, by ordinance, for 25 a change in an existing apportionment of the assembly whenever a final state 26 redistricting plan is changed as a result of federal or court action.  At the same 27 time  a change in apportionment is provided for under this subsection , the assembly 28 may, by ordinance, change the composition of the assembly. 29 * Sec. 4. AS 29.20.080(e) is amended to read: 30  (e) Within six months after a determination by the assembly under (b) or (c) 31 of this section that the current apportionment  should be changed [DOES NOT MEET 01 THE STANDARDS OF AS 29.20.060] the assembly shall adopt an ordinance 02 providing for reapportionment and submit the ordinance to the voters. If, at the end 03 of the six-month time period, an ordinance providing for reapportionment has not been 04 approved by the voters  and if the current apportionment does not meet the 05 standards of AS 29.20.060 , the commissioner shall provide for the reapportionment 06 in accordance with the standards of AS 29.20.060 by preparing an order of 07 reapportionment and delivering the order to the borough mayor.