00 SENATE BILL NO. 226 01 "An Act relating to preventive maintenance programs required for certain state 02 grants; and providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 14.11.011(b) is amended to read: 05  (b) For a municipality that is a school district or a regional educational 06 attendance area to be eligible for a grant under this chapter, the district shall submit 07  (1) a six-year capital improvement plan that includes a description of 08 the district's fixed asset inventory system and preventive maintenance program no later 09 than September 1 of the fiscal year before the fiscal year for which the request is 10 made; the six-year plan must contain for each proposed project a detailed scope of 11 work, a project budget, and documentation of conditions justifying the project; 12  (2) evidence that the district has secured and will maintain adequate 13 property loss insurance for the replacement cost of all facilities for which state funds 14 are available under AS 14.11.005 or 14.11.007 or has a program of insurance 01 acceptable to the department; [AND] 02  (3) evidence acceptable to the department that the proposed project 03 should be a capital improvement project and not part of a preventive maintenance 04 program or regular custodial care program ; and 05  (4) evidence acceptable to the department that the district 06  (A) has a preventive maintenance plan that 07  (i) includes a computerized maintenance management 08 program; 09  (ii) addresses energy management for all buildings 10 owned or operated by the district; 11  (iii) includes a regular custodial care program for all 12 buildings owned or operated by the district; 13  (iv) includes preventive maintenance training for 14 facility managers and employees with maintenance duties; 15  (v) includes renewal and replacement schedules for 16 electrical, mechanical, structural, and other components of all 17 facilities owned or operated by the district; and 18  (B) is adequately adhering to the preventive maintenance 19 plan . 20 * Sec. 2. AS 37.06.010 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 21  (j) Before the department may pay a draw under this section to a municipality, 22 the department shall have evidence acceptable to the department that the municipality 23  (1) has a preventive maintenance plan that 24  (A) includes a computerized maintenance management program; 25  (B) addresses energy management for all buildings owned or 26 operated by the municipality; 27  (C) includes a regular custodial care program for all buildings 28 owned or operated by the municipality; 29  (D) includes preventive maintenance training for facility 30 managers and employees with maintenance duties; 31  (E) includes renewal and replacement schedules for electrical, 01 mechanical, structural, and other components of all facilities owned or operated 02 by the municipality; and 03  (2) is adequately adhering to the preventive maintenance plan. 04 * Sec. 3. AS 37.06.020 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 05  (l) Before the department may pay a draw under this section to an entity, the 06 department shall have evidence acceptable to the department that the entity 07  (1) has a preventive maintenance plan that 08  (A) includes a computerized maintenance management program; 09  (B) addresses energy management for all public buildings 10 owned or operated by the entity; 11  (C) includes a regular custodial care program for all public 12 buildings owned or operated by the entity; 13  (D) includes preventive maintenance training for managers of 14 public facilities owned or operated by the entity and employees with 15 maintenance duties; 16  (E) includes renewal and replacement schedules for electrical, 17 mechanical, structural, and other components of all public facilities owned or 18 operated by the entity; and 19  (2) is adequately adhering to the preventive maintenance plan. 20 * Sec. 4. This Act takes effect July 1, 1998.