00 HOUSE BILL NO. 171 01 "An Act relating to the state environmental policy and changing the name of the 02 Department of Environmental Conservation to the Department of Environmental 03 Development." 04 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 05 * Section 1. AS 44.17.005 is amended to read: 06  Sec. 44.17.005. Offices and departments. There are in the state government 07 the following principal offices and departments: 08  (1) Office of the Governor; 09  (2) Department of Administration; 10  (3) Department of Law; 11  (4) Department of Revenue; 12  (5) Department of Education; 13  (6) Department of Health and Social Services; 14  (7) Department of Labor; 01  (8) Department of Commerce and Economic Development; 02  (9) Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs; 03  (10) Department of Natural Resources; 04  (11) Department of Fish and Game; 05  (12) Department of Public Safety; 06  (13) [REPEALED 07  (14) REPEALED 08  (15)] Department of Transportation and Public Facilities; 09   (14) [(16)] Department of Environmental Development; 10 [CONSERVATION] 11   (15) [(17)] Department of Community and Regional Affairs; 12   (16) [(18)] Department of Corrections. 13 * Sec. 2. AS 46.03.010 is amended to read: 14  Sec. 46.03.010. Declaration of policy. (a) It is the policy of the state to 15 encourage the settlement and development of its land and natural resources in an 16 environmentally responsible manner and to concurrently provide for 17 [CONSERVE, IMPROVE, AND PROTECT ITS NATURAL RESOURCES AND 18 ENVIRONMENT AND CONTROL WATER, LAND, AND AIR POLLUTION, IN 19 ORDER TO ENHANCE] the health, safety, and welfare of the people of the state and 20 their overall economic and social well-being. 21  (b) It is the policy of the state to encourage the development and manage 22 the basic resources of water, land, and air, including the extraction of natural 23 resources, in an environmentally responsible manner so that the state may fulfill 24 its responsibility as trustee of those resources for the present and future 25 generations and to improve and coordinate the environmental plans, functions, 26 powers, and programs of the state, in cooperation with the federal government, regions, 27 local governments, industry, other public and private organizations, and concerned 28 individuals [, AND TO DEVELOP AND MANAGE THE BASIC RESOURCES OF 29 WATER, LAND, AND AIR TO THE END THAT THE STATE MAY FULFILL ITS 30 RESPONSIBILITY AS TRUSTEE OF THE ENVIRONMENT FOR THE PRESENT 31 AND FUTURE GENERATIONS]. 01 * Sec. 3. The revisor of statutes is directed to conform the statutes to AS 44.17.005, as 02 amended in sec. 1 of this Act, by changing 03 (1) "Department of Environmental Conservation" everywhere it appears in the 04 Alaska Statutes to "Department of Environmental Development"; and 05 (2) "commissioner of environmental conservation" everywhere it appears in the 06 Alaska Statutes to "commissioner of environmental development."