00 SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 7 01 Requesting the Governor to expand the subjects to be considered during the First 02 Special Session of the Nineteenth Alaska State Legislature to include the subjects 03 dealt with in SB 197. 04 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE: 05 WHEREAS at a special session called by the Governor subjects of legislation are 06 limited to those designated by the Governor or presented by him; and 07 WHEREAS the Governor has called the First Special Session of the Nineteenth Alaska 08 State Legislature and has already expanded the subjects of legislation that may be considered 09 during that special session; and 10 WHEREAS the legislature is in session and now able to act on important issues not 11 resolved during the regular session; 12 BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate that the Governor is respectfully requested to 13 expand the call to include the subjects dealt with in Senate Bill 197 of the regular session that 14 just ended, insurance covering an insured who is a victim of domestic violence and requiring 01 certain disclosures by an insurer.