00 CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 28(FIN) 01 "An Act relating to transfer of motor vehicle ownership and motor vehicle 02 emissions inspection; and providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 28.10.271 is amended by adding a new subsection to read: 05  (d) An emissions inspection and maintenance certificate shall be obtained when 06 ownership of a motor vehicle is transferred, if the 07  (1) transferee resides in an area designated by the Department of 08 Environmental Conservation as an emissions inspection and maintenance area; 09  (2) motor vehicle was manufactured in 1987 or earlier; 10  (3) motor vehicle would be subject to an emissions inspection and 11 maintenance program; and 12  (4) motor vehicle has not been inspected for emissions or the existing 13 emissions inspection certificate is more than 12 months old. 14 * Sec. 2. AS 28.10.421(a) is amended to read: 01  (a) Unless otherwise provided by law, 02  (1) the fees prescribed in this section shall be paid to the department 03 at the times provided under AS 28.10.108 and 28.10.111; and 04  (2) an additional fee of $10 shall be added to the registration fee set 05 out in this section for registration not conducted by mail or not conducted at an 06 emissions inspection station offering vehicle registration services; the department 07 may waive this additional fee for a good cause based on criteria established in 08 regulations adopted by the department. 09 * Sec. 3. AS 28.10.423 is amended to read: 10  Sec. 28.10.423. EMISSION CONTROL INSPECTION PROGRAM FEES. In 11 addition to the annual registration fee specified in AS 28.10.421, a $2 [$1] fee is 12 imposed upon every vehicle required to be inspected under an emission control 13 program established under AS 46.14.400 or 46.14.510. This fee shall be collected at 14 the same time and in the same manner as the registration fee. 15 * Sec. 4. AS 46.14.400 is amended by adding new subsections to read: 16  (i) If a municipality or a local air quality district administering a program 17 under this section requires emissions inspection for a motor vehicle, emission 18 inspection may not be required more than once every two years. 19  (j) A person who operates a motor vehicle in violation of emissions 20 requirements imposed under this section is guilty of a violation and upon conviction 21 shall be fined $200. It is the intent of the legislature that money collected under this 22 subsection be appropriated to promote air quality control programs in municipalities. 23 * Sec. 5. AS 46.14.510 is amended by adding new subsections to read: 24  (e) If the department adopts regulations requiring emissions inspection for a 25 motor vehicle, the department may not require the vehicle be inspected more than once 26 every two years. 27  (f) A person who operates a motor vehicle in violation of emissions 28 requirements imposed under this section is guilty of a violation and upon conviction 29 shall be fined $200. It is the intent of the legislature that money collected under this 30 subsection be appropriated to control pollution from motor vehicle emissions. 31 * Sec. 6. AS 46.14.400(j), enacted in sec. 4 of this Act, and AS 46.14.510(f), enacted in 01 sec. 5 of this Act, take effect July 1, 1995. 02 * Sec. 7. Except as provided in sec. 6 of this Act, this Act takes effect July 1, 1996.