00 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 17 01 Honoring Alaskan and Palmer resident Tommy Moe for winning a gold medal 02 at the 1994 Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer, Norway. 03 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 WHEREAS, Palmer resident Tommy Moe showed early promise as a world class 05 downhill skier; and 06 WHEREAS, Tommy Moe displayed true Alaskan spirit in overcoming personal 07 hardships and difficulties to continue to develop his athletic skills; and 08 WHEREAS, Tommy Moe and his father, Tommy Moe, Sr., exemplified the 09 importance of family support, love, and devotion--values Alaskans hold dear; and 10 WHEREAS, Tommy Moe never lost sight of his dream, and persevered in bringing 11 honor and respect to the State of Alaska and the United States of America by winning the 12 1994 Olympic Gold Medal in the Men's Downhill Skiing competition in Lillehammer, 13 Norway, on Sunday, February 13th; 14 BE IT RESOLVED that the members of the Eighteenth Alaska State Legislature 01 reflect Alaska's pride by honoring Tommy Moe for his outstanding athletic achievement and, 02 in so doing, setting an example for Alaskans and Americans everywhere. 03 COPIES of this resolution shall be sent to Tommy Moe and the members of his 04 family.