00 HOUSE BILL NO. 133 01 "An Act amending the definition of `value' for purposes of administration of 02 fisheries taxes; and providing for an effective date." 03 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF ALASKA: 04 * Section 1. AS 43.75.290(11) is repealed and reenacted to read: 05  (11) "value" means 06  (A) the market value of the fisheries resource if the taking of 07 the fisheries resource is done in company-owned or company-subsidized boats 08 operated by employees of the company or in boats that are operated under lease 09 to or from the company or other arrangement with the company and if the 10 fisheries resource is delivered to the company; in this subparagraph, "company" 11 means a fisheries business, a subsidiary of a fisheries business, or a subsidiary 12 of a parent company of a fisheries business; or 13  (B) for fisheries resources other than those described in (A) of 14 this paragraph, the actual price paid for the fisheries resource by the fisheries 01 business to the fisherman, including indirect consideration and bonus amounts 02 paid for fuel, supplies, gear, ice, handling, tender fees, or delivery, whether 03 paid at the time of purchase of the fisheries resource or tendered as a deferred 04 or delayed payment; in this subparagraph, "delivery" means 05  (i) transportation of the fisheries resource from the boat 06 or vessel on which the product was taken to a tender; or 07  (ii) if delivery was not to a tender, transportation of the 08 fisheries resource from the boat or vessel on which the product was 09 taken to a shore-based facility in which delivery of the fisheries 10 resource is normally accepted. 11 * Sec. 2. This Act takes effect January 1, 1994.