Title "An Act relating to the review and administration of tax credit programs; requiring the Department of Revenue to report indirect expenditures; relating to the duties of state agencies; requiring the legislative finance division to analyze certain indirect expenditures; relating to lapse dates for appropriations for capital projects; relating to lapse dates for capital budget grants; relating to capital expenditures; relating to unexpended balances of capital projects; repealing the capital projects funds; repealing the insurance tax education credit, the income tax education credit, the oil or gas producer education credit, the property tax education credit, the mining business education credit, the fisheries business education credit, the fisheries business tax credit for scholarship contributions, the fisheries business salmon product development tax credit, the fisheries business salmon utilization tax credit, the fisheries business landing tax credit for scholarship contributions, the fisheries resource landing tax credit for the fisheries resource harvested under the community development quota, the fisheries resource landing tax education credit, and the film production tax credit; providing for an effective date by repealing the effective dates in sec. 7, ch. 57, SLA 2003, the effective date in sec. 57, ch. 92, SLA 2010, and the effective dates in secs. 40 - 42, ch. 51, SLA 2012; and providing for an effective date."
Amendments that are adopted are incorporated into the next version of the bill. PDF versions of the amendment may have slight variations from the Journal entry. The Journal should be considered the authoritative version.