28th Legislature(2013-2014)

Bill History/Action for Legislature

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  • Bill HB 277
  • Current Status (H) RES
  •  Then L&C, FIN
  • Status Date 01/24/2014
  • Bill Version
  • Title "An Act relating to the purposes of the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation to advance to develop a large-diameter natural gas pipeline project, including treatment and liquefaction facilities; establishing the large-diameter natural gas pipeline project fund; creating a subsidiary related to a large-diameter natural gas pipeline project, including treatment and liquefaction facilities; relating to the authority of the commissioner of natural resources to negotiate contracts related to North Slope natural gas projects, to enter into confidentiality agreements in support of contract negotiations and implementation, and to take custody of gas delivered to the state under an election to pay the oil and gas production tax in kind; relating to the sale, exchange, or disposal of gas delivered to the state under an election to pay the oil and gas production tax in kind; relating to the duties of the commissioner of revenue to direct the disposition of revenues received from gas delivered to the state in kind and to consult with the commissioner of natural resources on the custody and disposition of gas delivered to the state in kind; relating to the authority of the commissioner of natural resources to propose modifications to existing state oil and gas leases; making certain information provided to the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Revenue exempt from inspection as a public record; making certain tax information related to an election to pay the oil and gas production tax in kind exempt from tax confidentiality provisions; relating to establishing under the oil and gas production tax a gross tax rate for gas after 2021; making the alternate minimum tax on oil and gas produced north of 68 degrees North latitude after 2021 apply only to oil; relating to apportionment factors of the Alaska Net Income Tax Act; authorizing a producer's election to pay the oil and gas production tax in kind for certain gas and relating to the authorization; relating to monthly installment payments of the oil and gas production tax; relating to interest payments on monthly installment payments of the oil and gas production tax; relating to settlements between producers and royalty owners for oil and gas production tax; relating to annual statements by producers and explorers; relating to annual production tax values; relating to lease expenditures; amending the definition of gross value at the 'point of production' for gas for purposes of the oil and gas production tax; adding definitions related to natural gas terms; clarifying that credit may not be taken against the in-kind levy of the oil and gas production tax for gas for purposes of the exploration incentive credit, the oil or gas producer education credit, and the film production tax credit; making conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date."
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Full Text of HB 277 Intro/ Offered Passed
Version Amended Name PDF Date House Senate
HB0277A HB 277 pdf

Fiscal Action Summary

HB 277 Published
Fiscal Note Preparer Date Chamber Fiscal Impact Cmte Report Approp Bill
pdf Fiscal Note 1 Commerce, Community & Economic Dev H Y HGOV
pdf Fiscal Note 2 Commerce, Community & Economic Dev H Y HGOV
pdf Fiscal Note 3 Natural Resources H Y HGOV
pdf Fiscal Note 4 Revenue H Y HGOV

Bill Amendments Summary

  • Bill : HB 277

Amendments that are adopted are incorporated into the next version of the bill.
PDF versions of the amendment may have slight variations from the Journal entry. The Journal should be considered the authoritative version.

Action Journal
Amendment Chamber Action Date Page PDF

House and Senate Minutes/Recordings

  • Bill : HB 277
Meeting Date Start Time Title Meeting Details
2/12/2014 1:00 PM HOUSE RESOURCES Minutes Audio

Documents for Bill HB 277 28th Legislature

Additional documents may be added - continue to check back.

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
Jrn Date Jrn Page Text
1429 (H) RES, L&C, FIN
1429 (H) FN1: (CED)
1429 (H) FN2: (CED)
1429 (H) FN3: (DNR)
1429 (H) FN4: (REV)
Min (H) Minutes (HRES)
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