Title "An Act relating to delinquent minors, to the taking of action based on the alleged criminal misconduct of certain minors, to the services to be provided to the victims of criminal misconduct of minors, and to agency records involving minors alleged to be delinquent based on their criminal misconduct; providing for the dual sentencing of minors who commit certain felony offenses; relating to violations of municipal ordinances by minors and to civil penalties for violation of municipal ordinances by minors; relating to semi-secure residential child care facilities and secure residential psychiatric treatment centers; relating to programs and shelters for runaways; relating to placement of children in need of aid and delinquent minors in secure residential psychiatric treatment centers; amending the Interstate Compact on Juveniles to which the state is a party; allowing use of hearsay evidence at temporary detention hearings in juvenile delinquency proceedings; and amending Rules 3, 10(c), 21, and 27 and repealing Rules 6 and 7, Alaska Delinquency Rules; and providing for an effective date."
Amendments that are adopted are incorporated into the next version of the bill. PDF versions of the amendment may have slight variations from the Journal entry. The Journal should be considered the authoritative version.