ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE  LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL  APRIL 2, 2015  5:05 PM  Approved May 26, 2015    MEMBERS PRESENT  Senator Gary Stevens, Chair Representative Bob Herron, Vice Chair Senator John Coghill Senator Lyman Hoffman Senator Charlie Huggins Senator Anna MacKinnon Senator Lesil McGuire, alternate Senator Kevin Meyer Senator Peter Micciche Representative Mike Chenault Representative Craig Johnson Representative Sam Kito Representative Charisse Millett Representative Mark Neuman Representative Steve Thompson, alternate MEMBERS ABSENT  Representative Mike Hawker   AGENDA  EXECUTIVE SESSION SPEAKER REGISTER 5:05:07 PM I. CHAIR GARY STEVENS called the Legislative Council meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. in Room 519 (House Finance) of the State Capitol. Present at the call were Senators Meyer, Coghill, Huggins, MacKinnon, Stevens, and McGuire, alternate member; Representatives Chenault, Johnson, Kito, Millett, Neuman, Herron, and Thompson, alternate member. Senators Hoffman and Micciche joined the meeting during executive session. Representative Hawker was absent. II. EXECUTIVE SESSION 5:06:06 PM VICE CHAIR HERRON moved that Legislative Council go into executive session under Uniform Rule 22 (b)(1) for the discussion of matters, the immediate knowledge of which would adversely affect the finances of a government unit. He asked that the following individuals remain in the room: Pam Varni, Executive Director of the Legislative Affairs Agency; Doug Gardner, Legal Services Director; Emily Nauman, Legal Services Staff Attorney; Katrina Matheny, staff to Chair Stevens; and Linda Hay, staff to Vice Chair Herron. He said that any Legislators not on Legislative Council may also remain in the room. Legislative Council went into executive session. Legislative Council came out of executive session. CHAIR STEVENS noted that no action was taken and adjourned the meeting. 6:05:29 PM