SB 75-COMMERCIAL VEHICLE LICENSING REQ'S  1:30:36 PM CHAIR HUGHES announced the consideration of SENATE BILL NO. 75 "An Act relating to a license to drive a commercial motor vehicle." She noted that the bill was introduced on March 31 and the committee previously heard invited testimony. 1:31:23 PM CHAIR HUGHES opened public testimony on SB 75. CHAIR SHOWER joined the meeting. 1:31:53 PM DON ETHERIDGE, Lobbyist, AFL CIO, Juneau, testified in support of SB 75. He explained that many training programs require the apprentice to have a Commercial Driver's License (CDL) in the first 2,000 hours of the program to advance to the next step. [An apprentice who is precluded from taking the CDL test because of age] could be delayed up to a year in completing the apprenticeship program. SB 75 addresses this issue. Noting that "in a previous life" he worked with at-risk youth, he said the bill has the potential to help young people who see no reason to complete high school but are looking for job opportunities. He said those youths would sometimes look at their work options and return to school to get their diploma. CHAIR HUGHES asked if an 18-year-old has to have a high school diploma to take the CDL test. MR. ETHRIDGE said no, but the CDL test is rigorous and somebody who can't do high-school-level work would have trouble passing. He noted that the AFL-CIO apprenticeship programs require either a GED (general education diploma) or a high school diploma. CHAIR HUGHES said she has respect for commercial truck drivers after trying her hand driving a semi in the state fair parking lot with Northern Industrial Training. SENATOR SHOWER argued that the armed services also teaches kids about hard work and what's important in life. 1:35:37 PM AVES THOMPSON, Executive Director, Alaska Trucking Association (ATA), Anchorage, stated that ATA is a statewide organization that represents nearly 200 member companies. He said that freight moving is an essential element of the economy that impacts everyone. He said he was testifying in support of SB 75 because ATA believes that lowering the eligibility age for an intrastate CDL will provide young men and women with a path to a truck-driving career. He said that his previous testimony failed to mention that both intrastate and interstate drivers are subject to the same qualifications and medical, safety, and equipment rules. The state adopts the federal rules by reference in the Alaska Administrative Code. He also pointed out that an 18-year-old can receive a commercial pilot's license. He said ATA believes that lowering the intrastate age requirement to 18 will allow students to go directly from school into commercial truck driver training. The CDL doesn't automatically create a professional truck driver, he said, but it provides the opportunity. ATA believes SB 75 provides an opportunity for young people and the potential to create a larger driver pool to help satisfy the demand for commercial drivers. He highlighted that the current commercial driver shortage will only get worse if a major project begins. SB 75 will help solve that problem and also ensure that Alaska is ready when Congress passes federal legislation lowering the interstate driving age, he said. CHAIR HUGHES thanked him for clarifying that except for age, the qualifications are the same for interstate and intrastate, and the reminder that someone is eligible to receive a commercial pilot's license at age 18. MR. THOMPSON said he also wanted to say he agrees with Mr. Ethridge that the CDL test is not easy. Simply taking the test demonstrates some commitment to hard work, he said. SENATOR SHOWER asked, should the bill pass, if there was a plan to get the word out about the age reduction. MR. THOMPSON said ATA will work with the King Technology Center and schools throughout Alaska. Through word of mouth, members will also let it be known that an 18-year-old is eligible to take the CDL test. CHAIR HUGHES encouraged him to notify the commissioners of labor and education about this career option, should the bill pass. 1:40:37 PM SENATOR KIEHL related that Mr. Thompson visited his office to discuss the insurance requirements and to clarify that lowering the age to 18 would not raise insurance rates for every trucking company. CHAIR SHOWER thanked him for putting that on the record. SENATOR SHOWER asked if somebody with driving infractions would be precluded from receiving a CDL. MR. THOMPSON said potentially yes; drug convictions could severely constrain the ability to get a CDL. 1:42:57 PM MR. ETHRIDGE added that somebody who has a drug or DUI conviction must wait five years before they can test for a CDL. CHAIR HUGHES found no further questions or comments and asked the will of the committee. 1:43:46 PM SENATOR SHOWER moved to report SB 75, work order 31-LS0610\A, from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s). 1:44:05 PM CHAIR HUGHES stated that without objection, SB 75 passed from the Senate Transportation Standing Committee.