SB 288-SEPTEMBER AS EDUCATION SAVINGS MONTH    3:53:54 PM CHAIR GENE THERRIAULT announced SB 288 to be up for consideration. CHRISTIAN GOU-LENDHARDT, Staff to Senator Ellis, introduced SB 288 for the sponsor and discussed the information he had distributed. First was a recent US New & World Report article about college affordability and the second was the page on the National Report Card evaluation giving Alaska an F in affordability for 2004. He explained that SB 288 identifies September as education savings month and establishes a framework for schools, communities and interested groups to hold activities to increase awareness of financing for college education. 3:56:18 PM CHAIR THERRIAULT noted the zero fiscal note and asked the will of the committee. SENATOR WAGONER took exception to the report saying he didn't know of a state that does more than Alaska when it comes to helping postsecondary students. CHAIR THERRIAULT asked who compiles the report card information. MR. GOU-LENDHARDT replied the National Council of State Legislatures set up the group that compiles the report card. SENATOR CHARLIE HUGGINS commented that October might be a more appropriate month since that's the month that the Permanent Fund Dividend comes out. CHAIR THERRIAULT noted that other Alaska governors have used September. SENATOR ELTON motioned to report SB 288 and attached fiscal note(s) from committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection, it was so ordered.