SB 235-EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE COMPACT    JOE BALASH, staff to the Senate State Affairs Committee, explained the work draft (C version) incorporates the technical amendments requested at the previous meeting. The first appears on page 2 and the second occurs on page 10. The final change comes in response to a question raised concerning the activities a volunteer would be engaged in and whether or not that individual would be covered by the state's worker compensation program in the event of injury or death. Wording on page 2, lines 13 and 14 clarifies that the volunteer is providing emergency services that were requested by the Department of Military and Veteran's Affairs for that emergency. CHAIRMAN THERRIAULT reminded members the question raised previously concerned freelance services versus services that were formally requested for a specific emergency. This establishes that such freelance services will not be covered under state worker compensation. SENATOR PHILLIPS asked if the changes would impact the fiscal note. MR. BALASH said they would not. CHAIRMAN THERRIAULT added the final change should prevent fiscal impact. He asked for a motion to accept the C version of SB 235 as the working document. SENATOR PHILLIPS moved the C version as the working document. There was no objection. CHAIRMAN THERRIAULT asked if there were any further amendments to come before the committee. There were none. He asked for the will of the committee. SENATOR PHILLIPS moved CSSB 235(STA) and attached fiscal note from committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection, CSSB 235(STA) moved from committee.