HCR 26 - 1998 INTERNATIONAL PEOPLE FIRST CONFERENCE MR. JIM SOURANT, staff to Representative Brian Porter, presented HCR 26 which urges support for the 1998 International People First Conference. He observed the conference is widely supported and will be held two months from now in Anchorage. MR. SOURANT explained the conference will link about 1,000 people from 41 countries in the world as a means to develop leadership skills and independence for developmentally disabled individuals. MR. SOURANT claimed the passage of this resolution will be of great assistance to the conference's co-chairs, who will be testifying on the bill. MR. JOE PICHLER, Co-Chair and Treasurer of the People First Conference, asked the committee for support for this conference he has been working on for eight years. He mentioned the conference will bring many people into Alaska and be a wonderful opportunity to show them the beauty of our state. MS. BEVERLY TALLMAN stated she had been working with Joe on this project for two years and is amazed at the progress that has been made. She indicated there will be over 50 workshops at the conference, entirely planned by and for people with disabilities. She expressed appreciation for the support they have received and hoped they could also obtain some financial support from the legislature. SENATOR WARD moved HCR 26 out of committee with individual recommendations and accompanying fiscal notes. Without objection, it was so ordered.