SB 180 VALUE-ADDED TIMBER SALES; MARKETING  Number 80 SENATOR LEMAN announced SB 180 to be up for consideration. TOM BOUTIN, Director, Division of Forestry, urged the committee to pass this bill. It was requested by some small mill operators both in the Interior and Southeast. It's a tool they don't now have and there are some situations now up in the Tanana Valley where some people have mills and want to add equipment so they can market lumber in Fairbanks. MR. BOUTIN said in the past 12 months they have offered more timber than they have offered in any two years in the past decade. At the same time they did a record amount of reforestation and did a record number of Forest Practices inspections. They offered 27 million of bark beetle kill timber on the Kenai which have been sold. They initiated a timber sale program for the Mental Health Trust Unit. There is a timber sale in the Copper River area. TAPE 96-46, SIDE A Number 001 MR. BOUTIN said that the classification of land has to be taken into account with the use of State land. A classification process must be followed for every timber sale and it hasn't been prohibitive. It protects the State so it doesn't get too far ahead of the public in offering timber sales. SENATOR TAYLOR said he was concerned that while it may not be an impediment in some areas that we are going to be making forestry decisions based on pollsters and politicians and not what's the greatest benefit to the people of Alaska and to the forest itself. He was also concerned that enough timber is not being offered, especially of diseased trees. MR. BOUTIN said the Division of Forestry has offered more beetle kill timber in the last 18 months than all other public owners put together. SENATOR TAYLOR encouraged him to make additional recommendations for specific areas as a professional so the legislature could assist him if they could. MR. BOUTIN replied that there are things in the bill that don't bring an impediment or a cost to the way they do business, but they might arguably give one more piece of assurance to the part of the public that isn't sure about what they are doing and he thought that was good value. SENATOR FRANK said he supported this bill because he hoped the Governor would become more comfortable with responsible timber harvest. He thought that even though the bill is modest, that if it doesn't pass, the people who depend on the forest who could be helped by this bill won't be helped at all. He thought that only through the process of experience will the harvest ever be increased. AL PAGH said he and his son own and operated the Four Star Lumber Company. He is also chairman of the Interior Alaska Forest Association. On page 9, line 1 a subsidy reduction is mentioned and he said he didn't know of anyone in the logging industry asking for a subsidy. He said they need a more reliable long term supply of lumber and most importantly they need a market for hard woods and pulp logs. On page 2, line 7, there is a limit of two contracts per year per region for three years for up to 10 million board feet, but the State Constitution states that any renewable resource be managed on a sustained yield basis. Page 3, line 26 he had a concern [the recording was indistinct at this point]. On page 4, line 4, giving the Commissioner the power to cancel a contract if it conflicts with a Forest Land Use Plan, he said he didn't know of anyone who would make an investment of any size with a condition like that. On page 4, line 15 - a purchaser may not be a party to more than one contract under this section at any one time - would not allow cooperative efforts. He recommended that the products list be deleted. The priority should go using logs that are currently valueless. Number 412 SENATOR TAYLOR asked him to send his comments to the committee. MR. PAGH said he already sent them letters. SENATOR TAYLOR asked why chipping for pulp purposes wouldn't be adequate under the current regulations in Fairbanks. MR. BOUTIN explained that they had four different proposed regulations on January 4. The ones Mr. Pagh is talking about were regulations pursuant to HB 121 which exempts salvage sales from the requirement that they be in the five year schedule for the two prior years. There had been talk and understandings that there would be regulations written and they talked with people in the industry and anyone they could think of to see what kind of regulations they could come up with for HB 121. They decided if timber was going to deteriorate within the next two years such that it would no longer be suitable for lumber or veneer, that would qualify as a salvage sale and hence not have to be in the five-year schedule. So much of the State's timber is only pulp quality; never was lumber or veneer quality and perhaps never will be. It would seem like including pulp wood in the regulation would be reasonable, but if you put in pulp wood, that's the whole spectrum. So they might not have a regulation. They have also decided to drop the debt to equity ratio for changes in the Schnabel law. They also got rid of the 50-year or older preference for beach log salvage, MR. BOUTIN said. There is an exemption in the Forest Practices Act to exempt salvage sales from reforestation. That applies to all ownerships, but the State, as a matter of policy, reforests all of its salvage sales. Private landowners asked the Division what is a salvage sale for purposes of exempting them from reforestation. So they are going back to the drawing board on that. Yet it looks too complicated to everyone and there weren't a lot of comments from the environmental community so they modified that regulation. They haven't received advice, yet, as to whether they go out to the public again or whether they take the modifications and talk to the people they concern. MR. PAGH commented that it didn't make any difference as long as there was a use for the lumber and he didn't know why it had to go through a five year plan to get on a salvage sale. SENATOR TAYLOR said the legislature's intent was to get value out of the forest resource whatever the product was. MR. BOUTIN is working within the directive to make sure timber can't be used for any other purpose before it is offered at a salvage sale. He would encourage the Department to remove the regulation concerning products. MR. BOUTIN commented that the public relies on the five-year schedules as being the one place - and it is the only place - where they can know they are looking at our entire timber sale program for that area. They can see all the sales and get an idea of all the impact. The public needs to be assured that the five-year schedule shows all the sales, that the State is not playing around. Number 550 SENATOR TAYLOR asked Mr. Pagh if he heard there would be a change in the definition so that logs salvaged under the salvage sales could be put into chips for pulp. MR. PAGH said he heard about the changes in the regulations they want to put forth. MR. BOUTIN explained that rather than putting pulp in, they are talking about just not having regulations for AS38.05.117. PHILLIP TSCHERSICH, Alaska Environmental Lobby, said they support the concepts behind the original legislation, but they have concerns with the present form. The changes made in the CS ignore the recommendations of the Board of Forestry and depart from the original intent of the bill which is to establish and sustain the operation of small scale, local, timber processing that would produce high value added finished wood products in order to maximize the opportunities for jobs and minimize the impact on fish and wildlife habitat. Their major concerns are that 10 years is too long for negotiated contract limits. Resource policy decisions rather than protracted contract obligations should drive forest management. Value added operators in the Interior have indicated that they need approximately a three year guaranteed supply of timber in order to acquire loans. A large portion of the trees should remain in state for processing. Allowing the Commissioner to stipulate how much timber undergoes high value added processing allows leeway above and beyond the original language which required at least 50 percent of the timber should undergo high value added processing in state. Some products were added to the high value added products that should qualify. They also feel that 10 million board feet is too large for a negotiated contract. The Board of Forestry recommended 5 million board feet per year. Also, logging levels need to be determined on a specific regional basis. There should be a limit on the number of contracts per region. In conclusion, MR. TSCHERSICH said, they recommend readopting the original SB 180. TAPE 96-46, SIDE B Number 580 SENATOR TAYLOR asked what information he had to reach a conclusion that pulp is not a high value added product. MR. TSCHERSICH replied that the amount of processing required to produce pulp is not in keeping with the original intent of the bill as given by the Governor that high value added products would be finished products such as cabinetry. He thought that while using pulp for medical purposes was admirable, it did not contribute much to the dollar value. SENATOR TAYLOR said it takes far fewer people to cut down a tree, dry it, mill it, and make a violin out of it. To take the same tree and run it through the process so it turns into a rayon dress or a product that 10,000 lbs. is needed every time it's used takes a tremendous amount of capital and human investment. There is no higher amount of labor intensity that you can put into a product than making dissolving cellulose pulp out of it. MR. TSCHERSICH replied that if rayon production was an industry in the State and if the Challenger did launch out of the State of Alaska, if these industries were in place and employing Alaskans, they would see this in a different lite. As it is, pulp products are exported far before any downstream manufacturing would take place. Therefore, in state processing is still a low value product. SENATOR TAYLOR said the world price on pulp right, up until a few months ago, is the highest it's ever been. And the log you use for pulp, you couldn't make a violin out of; it isn't good for anything else. The trees he's talking about are bug kill and burned trees, not pristine forest. He thinks that pulp is high value. MR. TSCHERSICH said SB 180 has its merit in trying to develop high value added product industries in the Interior and they are supporting that aspect of the legislation. SENATOR TAYLOR commented that the only concept being discussed in this legislation is the word salvage. The first and primary objective is that the people of the State need to salvage those resources that have been decimated either by fire or by bug infestation. If it's not salvaged, it's lost for all of us. SENATOR LEMAN announced a recess at 6:20 p.m. TAPE 96-47, SIDE A SENATOR LEMAN called the meeting back to order at 7:07 p.m. SB 318 NORTH STAR OIL & GAS LEASE AMENDMENT  CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Let's call the Resources Committee back to order and we're going to take up SB 318, the Northstar agreement. As I announced earlier, tonight's meeting, which I expect to be completed by 9:00, will be for British Petroleum to present the Northstar Development Plan and schedules and then any questions that we may have on the materials that we distributed that BP provided and if we have time for any follow up questions from the first two meetings we had. I understand, Mr. Luttrell, that you're the man of the hour. Please join us. Ready, please proceed. Representative Green, if you would like to join us at the table, take your chance at any of these places and if the members show up, we're just going to ask you shift to another spot. But I think there's a good chance that all of us who will be attending are in the room and you're welcome to join us at our table and you can have a cookie. SENATOR PEARCE: He can come to the table if he quits calling us the dark side on the floor of the House - a momentary lapse. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: The dark side, did you really say that? REPRESENTATIVE GREEN: It was a momentary lapse, because it's vernacular, but it meant no disrespect. ERIC LUTTRELL, Vice President, Exploration and Development, BP: Mr. Chairman, my name is Eric Luttrell and I'm the Vice President of Exploration and Development for BP and I'm happy to be here tonight to talk about our plans for the development of Northstar. You have in front of you a series of slides that we might walk through just to give you a sense of what we plan to do to bring Northstar to production. Just a little bit by way of background - on the first display, there, it talks about the project itself. As we've discussed before, Northstar is a fully appraised field. There are four wells that are capable of production on the structure. We believe the field has about 130 million barrels of reserves. We see a very high well rates, well in the range of 7,000 barrels per day of high quality oil, the highest quality oil on the North Slope. Northstar is a field that lies about six miles north of Prudhoe Bay. As you know, BP has about 98 percent of this field with 2 percent belonging to Murphy Oil and Gas and a partial interest in one of the federal leases. You know a lot about the State lease terms which are 20 percent and the federal lease terms are 1/6 royalties. The next line talks about the existing plan of development between BP and the Department of Natural Resources - an agreement which we reached last April, a three year plan and development in which we were obligated to do several things. But the three key items in that plan of development are a 3-D seismic program to be acquired this summer, an updated reservoir description by the end of this year, and detailed development scenarios by 1998. The 3-D seismic, we're about to let the contract. We've picked a contractor. We're in negotiation with them. It's something which we believe is absolutely essential for the development of the field. It's not essential for the appraisal of the field. We want to make sure we pick our development locations properly. The reservoir description is in progress and we will have no problem completing it. Development scenarios are also in progress and will probably be done long before the required time. We fully expect to meet the requirements of the plan of development for the Northstar joint federal/State unit. In the line of the development scenarios, we have looked at a large number of scenarios with our partners, VECO Corporation and Natchiq Corporation which is a subsidiary of ASRC and we now visualize a stand alone facility located on an expanded Seal Island which is the island in the east side of the field with a field life on the order of 15 years with a plateau rate of about 50,000 barrels a day and somewhere on the order of 25 wells. That's really dependent upon how successful they are in maintaining pressure. Certainly not all of those wells will be production wells. Some of them will be pressure maintenance wells. If you skip over one slide for just a minute and look at a picture of the facilities, I apologize for the quality of that picture. I thought this slide was in our Juneau office, but it wasn't so I had it faxed down, but I think you can get a picture of what we see the island looking like - a relatively square island. The bottom side is drilling facilities, the ball mill is where would grind the materials for reinjection of the cuttings. In the middle of the island would be the processing facilities where we would separate the oil and the gas and the water. Off to the middle of the side there's a dock for us to load and unload material. On the top there would be fuel storage on the left and quarters on the right of the top and other shops that have living areas. The helipad is on the top of the living quarters. I also see a flare to the lower left and the crude oil line to onshore coming off on the right. The point of the slide is to say basically we have a fairly mature idea of what we think the island is going to look like and what kind of facilities we expect to put on there, how we have to manage the island. This is a product of our conceptual engineering phase which you will see later on and it's now complete. And what we're doing now is preliminary engineering which is basically trying to draw all the processing facilities in a way that we can actually build them in an effective way. Then if you go on to the previous slide, you'll see a picture of how we see the expenditures and how we see the production. This is a very typical slide that we use inside of BP. We talk about when are we going to spend money, how much are we going to spend, and then what are we going to see in terms of a production profile. You see BP intends to spend upward of $100 million in '97 and '98 and somewhat less in 1999 to put in the pipeline, to build the facilities, and do the drilling, extending on into 2001. From that we expect to see a fairly quick ramp up to about 50,000 barrels a day starting early in 1999, a plateau in about two to two and a half, three years, and then a long decline lasting out into the year 2011 or 2012. It's hard to predict at this point in time exactly when it would take place. Now, in order to get to that point, the next slide talks about our development schedule and it has the key components that we're managing as we go to development of this field. Obviously the first things that's important to us are the regulatory permits and the key permit there actually is the EIS study. That is ongoing as we speak. We hope that will be done just after the first of the year. That will help us to go forward effectively. The next line is the conceptual engineering or design process. That was the process that we did with our Alaskan partners of VECO and Natchiq. That is now complete. The next item says Exco approval as basically some of you may know, I did go over to London early in March and got approval from BP to go forward with this project subject to legislative approval. It shows the legislative agreement, the process we're currently in. We're also currently in the process of preliminary engineering where we're doing the detailed drawings that will allow us to effectively cost this project out at a higher quality level. That will get us to the July/August time frame - what we call a class 2 cost estimate. With that class 2 cost estimate I can now go to BP and get the official sanction which is shown as the next item there. You can see the seismic program showing there in August, September, October of 1996 and a similar block of time in 1997. Because of the ice conditions in the Northstar area, we have to plan to do this over two seasons because we might not be able to get the seismic this year. We will have a contract...we should be shooting seismic somewhere on the slope this year in the open water. It shows there two seasons because it might take us two seasons to get done. The next line talks about fabrication and construction. The key short term objective there is the modification of the island which we plan to do next spring. And that is the critical path right now. If we fail to get the EIS permits in time, that will affect our ability to do that. We have been working the contingency plans, but there actually is a bottleneck in the system is the island construction in the spring of 1997. We will also be ordering equipment and begin the fabrication of the modules here in early 1997 and that will extend across into 1998. You would see a loadout in the summer of 1998 and taking the materials to the Slope and installation on the island. So that fabrication, construction, installation is that long bar there. Once the island is armored, then we can actually put the drilling rig on there which we would intend to do in the summer of 1997 and begin to predrill the field. And the drilling obviously goes out into the 2000s. We show here a startup by this aggressive schedule early in 1999. I expect to have a somewhat better date on the start up by the time we get the sanction this fall, but it's certainly that kind of timing we would see - maybe as early as the very late 1998 which we currently show right at that time window. Looking at that project, then, on the next line we look at the costs associated with that and the costs are now broken into several components - the cost of the island, the cost of the pipeline, the cost of the facilities, the cost of the engineering, drilling, and sort of everything else lumped into a pile. You see there a total cost for our current view of Northstar of about $350 million in the development phase and how much money is being spent on buying imported materials, things like pipe, compressors, and valves, etc. and how much is being done, contractor costs, and you can see of the contractor costs the amount of that is being placed in Alaska in aggregate we think the contractor component is about 70 - 75 percent. So this is a project which is dominantly Alaskan. You can see on the next page a sense of the Alaskan content. We think the Alaska spend is going to be somewhere between $210 - $250 million out of the $350 and that gets you a number of 60 or 65 percent of the total program or 80 or 85 percent, if you exclude the inherently imported materials. Alaska fabrication is actually an important part to us. My staff and their partners and we have now expanded our lines. We now have AIC in our lines and our engineering contractor is really working in our office in Anchorage. There's about 18 of them working there and there's some other contract engineering work being done elsewhere. Working effectively to design the facilities so they can be efficiently and effectively fabricated in the State of Alaska. Our commitment as part of the agreement with DNR is to substantially increase the content of Alaska fabrication. In the past we have built a number of small modules, truckable modules in the State of Alaska, and this will be the first time that any company has built large modules and aggregated them into megamodules in the State of Alaska. Basically that slide simply says that we will do that and we will find a way to do that and it will actually have a pretty big effect on Alaska industry. My conversations with our partners, VECO and Natchiq suggest they believe when we are done with this, they will be able to prove to all Alaskans that they can effectively compete for the building of modules and so we're actually developing a business here which could have considerable longevity. The last slide says that as a requirement that commitment be made for a port assembly yard. I think that was a concern we had several weeks ago. We now think that concern is lesser. We're pretty sure we can assemble this in the port. We haven't actually got all the contracts and agreements, but we're pretty sure it can be done. Our main concern now is to make sure the fabrication facilities in the City of Anchorage can handle both Northstar and the other material they would be pushing through those facilities in '97 and '98. And that's sort of shown on the last slide because the two fabrication facilities in Anchorage have been working at 1,000 - 1,200 tons a year at an ongoing basis building modules for the oil industry and you can see that Northstar is going to be a substantial change to that. And it's something we're managing with our contractors to make sure we don't get ourselves in the situation where they can't deliver on time and we get ourselves in a time box. It's a process which is being effectively managed. So that's a sense of where we are. I don't know what else the Committee would like to know about our development plans. I'm here to answer any questions. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: I'd like to start the questions tonight by going through what you've just done. I have a number of questions I think would be good to help clarify. Let's stick with the presentation first and then go back to some general questions and if we have time, some follow ups on the other. I want to end at nine and then if we need to, we'll pick up at another time. Representative Rokeberg, Chairman of the House Oil and Gas Committee, you're welcome to join us at the table. If you'd like to sit back there, you're welcome to and there are cookies or brownies that you can have or offer them to others. Just trying to make you comfortable. Go back to the very first chart where it says project description. This term, fully appraised, is that a term of art, what does it mean, in terms of confidence limits. Does it mean 90 - 95 percent? MR. LUTTRELL: This is a term we would use inside BP which simply says we've done enough work in the subsurface that we know how big the field is and we would not believe any more work would need to be done in terms of drilling wells or shooting seismic. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: In terms of confidence limits you don't place a number on it? MR. LUTTRELL: No, there is no number we would place on it. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: How does this well productivity of 7,000 barrels a day per well compare with a typical well at Endicott? MR. LUTTRELL: It's substantially better than a typical well at Endicott. I don't know the numbers, but I would thing the yearly well's were in the 3 - 4,000 range. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: That's what I was remembering something around 4,000. MR. LUTTRELL: This is actually not quite as good as Prudhoe, but I think the wells are probably capable of producing like some of the early Prudhoe wells, but we will choke them back to manage the reservoir pressure. So I think those wells will be capable of 10 or 15 when you get started, but we won't pull at that rate. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Are there any more questions from others on that first page? Second page. SENATOR FRANK: Just let me ask a question. Does that mean there won't be an ELF applied? MR. LUTTRELL: There will be an ELF. In fact the severance rate's going to be over 8 percent in the beginning part of the field because of the high flow rates of the wells. SENATOR FRANK: I thought the ELF limited the tax as opposed depends on how you look at it, I suppose. MR. LUTTRELL: There will be a severance tax on this field is the simple way of looking at it. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: It would be higher than that if ELF had been one. MR. LUTTRELL: I think the ELF number is actually .7 as I recall the number. SENATOR FRANK: What's severance tax - 12 or 15. MR. LUTTRELL: Fifteen. SENATOR FRANK: So these are not, just to digress for a second to refresh my memory, what would a well have to be, both a well and field, isn't it? MR. LUTTRELL: It's a well and field number so we're paying about as much as you can on a per well basis, but we're not paying on a field basis because it's affecting very large fields and very high flow rates. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: That exponential is at 150,000, if you remember. The secondary exponent - you remember how to solve that? SENATOR FRANK: I tried to work it out one time and I thought I understood it, but I certainly.... MR. LUTTRELL: We've all tried to work it out one time and thought we understood it. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Next page - plan and development. Under the key items in planning and development - updated reservoir description. If you're not drilling additional wells, what are you doing to update the reservoir description. What's the basis for this updating. MR. LUTTRELL: Mr. Chairman, when we acquired the field we didn't know very much about it. We actually got a bunch of data in a box from Amerada and from Shell and we felt it was important for us to do a lot of work studying that from both a geoscience point of view and a reservoir engineering point of view and that has actually evolved with time. So we now have a pretty good idea with a high level of confidence what the reserves are. When we bought it, we effectively only had a sort of a low level quality estimate of the reserves. This is actually work we would normally do to ensure we have reduced the uncertainty on reserves and production as much as possible. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: It is pretty much office work? MR. LUTTRELL: It is office work, yes. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: The next part, the detailed development scenarios by first quarter '98. That's two years from now. You said the field is delineated. What is it that requires almost two more years to continue. MR. LUTTRELL: Now I have to think back as to why the agreement was made that way. Basically what we're trying to do is say we agree by that time to have reviewed how we would develop it and convey those scenarios to the State. What you see in the following pieces of paper essentially, we've already gone through that process and now decided on the most effective way to develop. When we have to do it effectively, that job is now done. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Are there other questions on this page? Development plans. Spent oil facility. Assume based on this and what I see on the, I guess, the way you presented it would have been on the next slide, but on mine it's two more down, suggest that there would be a stand alone facility. Do you mean that you will process oil and gas on site. MR. LUTTRELL: That's correct. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: What if you decide to go to, what would it be, Prudhoe Bay, I guess, and pipe in and process there. How would that affect the economics. MR. LUTTRELL: We carried early on scenarios which allowed us to decide economically whether it would be feasible to go to Prudhoe Bay, to Endicott, to Milne Point, and to Lisborne. About three months ago we chose to eliminate Milne Point, Endicott, and Lisborne and entered into a conversation with Prudhoe Bay about the possibility of them processing for us. The amount of money you save is relatively modest, and therefore, the amount of processing fee we could pay to make the economics similar is quite small. We are now convinced we will not be able to reach agreement with Prudhoe Bay, a number they would agree to and process at Prudhoe Bay. So we're actually now planning to do a stand alone. Does that answer your question? CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Yeah, I guess, just knowing that you've looked at it. I just wanted to know if there was going to be any substantial difference and if so, how is that going to affect the economics of ... you know, you've got to look at costs when you're coming up with your deal, and if it's a substantial difference, then I would like to know what that would be. MR. LUTTRELL: As I said a moment ago, Mr. Chairman, the cost difference is actually modest. And that's simply says it drives down the fee you can afford to pay to make it economically equal, that helping or not? CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Just before you ask that question, Gene and Mark, you're welcome to come to the table. This space is for anybody who has not called the Senate the dark side, or if they have, they've apologized. Representative Green has apologized. MR. LUTTRELL: Let me answer on one more part of that question. We actually needed to make that decision relatively early, because unless you make that part of your development plan as we go into preliminary engineering, we simply have to decide. So we informed Prudhoe Bay that we did a decision by April 1, and we have, so far, not got into an agreement with them, so it's moving on. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: And there will become a time very soon when it's going to be too late to turn back on that one. Representative Green. REPRESENTATIVE GREEN: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Eric, does that mean that you will actually pipeline to PS 1, or will you join some other pipeline if the oil is pipeline quality. MR. LUTTRELL: It's my understanding, Representative Green, is that we will take the oil by pipeline to either Westock or Point Storkelson, put it on VSMs, and then ultimately get into the VSM parts of PBU, but go to PS 1. It would simply go across the area of Prudhoe Bay, but not be part of their infrastructure. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Further questions on this slide? Okay, production and capital expenditures. We went through this -- it appeared some inconsistencies from what's on here with some of the other charts in terms of some of the timings, and I just wanted to point out some of these things. If you look at the time lines, up at the top it says development schedules -- a couple of more sheets in -- you probably have that ... MR LUTTRELL: Yep, I have that. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Okay. The pipeline and facility construction is shown before the detailed development scenario is completed, correct? MR. LUTTRELL: I don't know what chart you are on now, so you'll have to help me there. The pipeline will be something that we will be working on -- I think they're going to do that, as I recall, in the winter of '97-98. They want to do it on the ice, that would be the winter they would do it. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: I'm not following this. You know, you can make notes to yourself and then ... REPRESENTATIVE GREEN: On that same issue. I think if you look at the diamond and start up on the development schedule, it shows the first quarter of '99 and the production chart shows the middle of '98. MR. LUTTRELL: Well, that's an artifact way the particular diagram was drawn. It actually should be starting up on 119 in a vertical line. It's difficult to do this with the graphic program that we're using. Visualize that line is essentially vertical off on the ordinate of '98-99. REPRESENTATIVE GREEN: That answered my question I was going to follow with that you aren't going to try and make it up or anything. MR. LUTTRELL: No, it will start up and because we'll have enough well capacity we'll start out at 50,000 a day. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Okay, well let me try another one. It appears that pipeline construction begins -- on this chart if you look at the production and cap ex, first quarter of '97 -- I guess that's best as I can read ... MR. LUTTRELL: Well, it shows, I believe, Mr. Chairman, that there is expenditure in '97 and '98. There's no quarters shown on that graph. If you were to see the one in color, you would see a color bar for pipeline in '97 and "98. That simply means that in that winter we would be spending that money. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Okay, then if you look at the other chart, the development schedule, permitting is completed at the end of the third quarter of '97. MR. LUTTRELL: That's correct. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: So I assume that your pipeline permitting is going to be completed some time before that. MR. LUTTRELL: In advance of that, yes. The critical element of the permitting is the EIS. Once that EIS is done, then the other permits are reasonably easy to obtain. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Okay, what is the significance of this reference to the Department of Revenue estimate of the first Northstar production in the year 2002? MR. LUTTRELL: It simply points out that if you look at the Department of Revenue forecast for the state of Alaska, they've assumed that Northstar would come on in 2002, and it just simply shows that what we're proposing to do will accelerate that by three years. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Okay, do you know what the basis was for that estimate when they made that? MR. LUTTRELL: Mr. Chairman, I do not. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Okay, we'll ask that question of somebody else. Any further questions of this sheet? Representative Green. REPRESENTATIVE GREEN: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Eric, you show a peak or a truncate peak at 50,000 barrels a day. Has there been any discussions or work effort with the AOGCC as far as EMER for this might be. MR. LUTTRELL: We have begun the conversation with AOGCC. The answer to that question is I don't think we have done that yet, no. REPRESENTATIVE GREEN: Would that have any impact if for some strange reason that we can't foresee that they would truncate that at something less. Would that adversely affect your project. MR. LUTTRELL: If they dropped it to 25,000 barrels a day, it would, but if you're talking about 5,000 barrel a day, I don't think it will have an effect. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: The next page of mine is the chart showing the island facilities. This is when it starts getting interesting, the engineering drawings. MR. LUTTRELL: I wish, actually, it was a hard quality one, and I endeavor to get the committee a higher quality, I apologize for it. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: This seems to me -- I was trying to figure out here the orientation of the main oil line to shore, which would suggest to me that if north is up, then it should be this way, and that's with this north arrow, but then it says wind, and northeast would be that direction, but I'm not sure why it says wind there. MR. LUTTRELL: I think the wind is on there to think about where the flare is, but I think the orientation is about like this, which would be consistent with the pipeline going due south towards the field. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: So the wind is typically coming from southwest, then? Is that... MR. LUTTRELL: Now you're into....I don't really know the answer to. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: What I really wanted to ask is slope protection. Is that only going to be on that one corner or is it all around. MR. LUTTRELL: It's all the way around. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Next one, development schedule. This one is the one that interests me. The legislative agreement you're showing, starting in the first of February and going until about the first of May. Did you suggest to DNR that we ought to see this about the first of February? MR. LUTTRELL: Let's say that some of us had stretched objectives that it would show up earlier than it did. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: So this chart was probably done... MR. LUTTRELL: It has a history to it... several versions. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: On seismic, I think you went through that earlier. The couple of events...I think that's open water. What do you do, tow drogues and set off explosions and take measurements? MR. LUTTRELL: What we're going to do is actually is marine 3-D, but we're not going to tow like you would in the Gulf of Mexico. We're going to use bottom cable. We'll put the geophones on the bottom and move the boats over the top of them. It actually is a much more effective way to do it in the shallow water we have. It also minimizes the impact on the modest floating ice that might be there. It's a fairly well established practice. We will not use an explosion. It will be air guns. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: When is the Anchorage to Northstar sea lift? MR. LUTTRELL: The sea lift would be in the summer of 1998. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Next page, preliminary costs, pipeline, $28 million. I assume that will be a common carrier pipeline and there will be a tariff association with it. MR. LUTTRELL: It is my understanding it will be a common carrier pipeline. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Do you have any thoughts on what the estimated dollars per barrel tariff will be for that? MR. LUTTRELL: I asked Daryl Clipin who works for me as commercial manager that question. He says it's about like the Endicott pipeline. It's a modest sum. I can get that for you. SENATOR FRANK: That's interesting to me, too. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: We're not expecting you to know everything tonight. You're doing a good job. SENATOR FRANK: What's the approximate capital cost of that pipeline? MR. LUTTRELL: That is the capital cost of the pipeline - about $28 million. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Alaska fabrication - I'm interested in what this means down here. It says, "requires commitment to port assembly by mid-year 1996. Now that's three months from now. What is this commitment, who makes it, what's required, is it going to take State bucks, loan guarantees, whatever... MR. LUTTRELL: I read this through before I came in here and I would have changed that slide, but I think what we were concerned about was our ability to fabricate at the port and load out. I know this was a concern of Mr. Morgan when he was here last week and it was a concern for those of you who are in the briefing in the Governor's office. What we've discovered is that does not seem to be as big a concern as we had thought. We're pretty sure now that we can in fact fabricate and assemble the modules in the port and load them out. Now there's some other work we're doing there, but I'm not convinced this is a big problem. But, this is a slide which is about two weeks old. It did say at that time we had to be assured it could be done. Otherwise we had a problem with what we were planning to do. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Are your contractors in fabrication going to be able to use, if they use the port of Anchorage area, be able to do that - build whatever facilities they need within the contract prices or are they going to be looking for infrastructure assistance. MR. LUTTRELL: I can't speak for them, but my sense is they are not going to be seeking infrastructure expenses. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Anyone else have questions on this? Senator Taylor. SENATOR TAYLOR What size acreage do you need for your assembly? MR. LUTTRELL: Rather than quote you a number, I'd like to come back and give you the information. I can get that from my engineers tomorrow. SENATOR TAYLOR I only wanted you to be aware that we have a mill site for the assembly - flat land with an already developed deep water dock. It has Gantry cranes with a rail mounting. It's all paved and is surrounded by warehouses. Sitka is probably acres and we've got a couple of other facilities. Ketchikan Marine maintenance facility - we might as well use it for fabricating something. I can't get a ferry boat to stop there, so... CHAIRMAN LEMAN: We've got a lot of Knik Arm silt and Bootlegger Cove mud and other things... SENATOR TAYLOR That's very delicate and it's going to take an engineering permit to build that and an environmental impact statement, an Army Corps of Engineers permit to build that and it would take a long time. I've got friends at DEC. REPRESENTATIVE GREEN: Eric, you know last year when I toured the port facility they were talking about moving one of the big modular containers to the north end of what is now developed and then opening up that middle area. Do you anticipate that this fa yard would be in there or what I'm wondering about is if it's on the undeveloped portion, then you have to come all the way back through all that mess. MR. LUTTRELL: It's my understanding, Representative Green, that we'll actually use the Lynden dock or some part associated with Lynden dock and not go to the actual port facilities further to the north. It actually is better for what we need. We're doing some boring studies to make sure it can support the weight, but we're pretty sure it can and then we would use that dock and that load out facility. Basically, we now have to negotiate with Lynden and their neighbors to do that, but I think it's achievable. SENATOR TAYLOR If they charge you too much, come and see us. The nice part is southeast has much milder winters and you can work outside a lot longer. SENATOR FRANK: Now, are these modules ones that have been done in Seattle or Louisiana or where do they get done? MR. LUTTRELL: Historically, modules have been built in a variety of different places, but the image I think people have, is building a large module of this sort in New Iberia and dragging it through the Panama Canal and taking it up around Barrow. New Iberia is a port in Louisiana where a lot of stuff is built for the oil industry. There's actually been modules built in Portland, Souther California, I think in the L.A. area, as well as New Iberia and in Canada. SENATOR FRANK: So it isn't implausible to be serious about Senator Taylor's idea. It could be done down here and sea lifted up there or whatever. It wouldn't be a technical problem, it would be a cost problem or something. MR. LUTTRELL: Let me answer your question directly, Senator Frank, one of the advantages of using the port is that the fabrication facilities of the skids, the parts of the modules you've built somewhere else, actually are in Anchorage. So, it's most convenient to take those skids and move them six miles to the north in to the port and assemble them into a mega-module. If we were to do what Senator Taylor suggested, we would have to build those in Anchorage and then load them on a boat and take them to some other site and then construct them and then load them on a boat again. It's that double handling that would make life difficult. SENATOR FRANK: Where do those things come from in the first place? MR. LUTTRELL: They're fabricated. Basically, we bring in pipes and structural steel and actually build a processing facility or a utility facility in series of boxes which we call skids. That's what's being built in the two existing facilities in Anchorage. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Back to this commitment by mid-year, or whatever you want to call it. I'd like to understand how you make commitments and yet your board according to your schedule is not going to make a decision until October provided the legislature approves this. So you have some kind of a process where you can make commitments ahead of the ultimate commitment on a go for this project? MR. LUTTRELL: Mr. Chairman, there is an official process in BP called sanction. We can actually not go to sanction without having a class II cost estimate which we will not have until mid-summer. The managing director of BP, Mr. Chase, for whom I work has reviewed this with the Board and the Board is comfortable with him making a commitment to develop in Alaska before we go to sanction. We have an agreement that should the legislature ratify this agreement, we are committed to developing this field. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: One of the concerns expressed in the first meeting were these words here, "potentially 75 percent could be fabricated in Alaska," and if we go back to the agreement, there's a whole bunch of words like that. Whenever they crop up it kind of makes us sit up and say what are you saying. I know there's probably some decisions that have to be made and some things have to happen for that to happen. I guess I'd like to know what is your commitment to these things happening and what do you think really is the risk of them not happening. MR. LUTTRELL: Let me just address the word "potentially" because I think since we haven't actually finalized the final design, I don't know whether the number is 65 or 68 or 72 or 75, that's part of the sense of it potentially. Our commitment is to design the facility such that it can be largely built in Alaska and that's the process we're currently in and that's what my engineers have sort of marching orders. We have no sense here of trying to design a facility which can be built in multiple places. We're designing the facility to be built here. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Is Chris Cox still with you in Anchorage? MR. LUTTRELL: Mr. Cox has taken a job with us in Australia. So, he died and went to heaven we claim. He has a chance to work in Melbourne. That's the garden spot of BP. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: O.K., general questions. I'm going to ask a few questions you can help us with. Mr. Morgan in the first meeting said, "The net profit leases create a very basic misalignment between the leasing company and the State. Once the net profit interest cut in... TAPE 96-47, SIDE B CHAIRMAN LEMAN: ...In the case of Northstar, some 90 percent of the revenue stream to the company would effectively dry up and that would lead to the premature shut down of the field. There's no question" closed quote. Under the net profit leasing regulations, wouldn't BP be encouraged to continue production by those provisions which allow recovery of BP's late fuel life investments with interest? The net profit share leasing system allows for those future investments to also be recovered. Is that not correct? MR. LUTTRELL: The answer to the question, Mr. Chairman is that the way that net profits works. Your profit would therefore be limited to prime. I don't believe any major company would invest monies to make the prime rate of return. That's the reason we would not make late life investments under those conditions. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: It would seem to me that you would get prime return on the investment plus eight percent return. That would be your share of the profit. Is that... MR. LUTTRELL: Mr. Chairman, I think I know where your going, but I... CHAIRMAN LEMAN: On questions like this I don't mind kicking to you and you can get back to us on it. MR. LUTTRELL: Is the question, what would be the rate of return of late life investments in the field? Is that the question? CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Yeah, and I'm just trying to get to this issue of the misalignment to make sure that I understand it. I understand how, you know, you need to be motivated by making money all the way through and returning your money and making sure in late life, where you're trying to get out of the ground what's in there. You wanna be motivated to get that out, I understand that. But, I just wanna make sure I understand this net profit share leasing and why -- and try to understand this misalignment. MR. LUTTRELL: Typically, late life investments have actually relatively handsome rates of return because you have some much of the infrastructure already in place. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Well, we'd be happy to take a more handsome rate up front and... MR. LUTTRELL: You are getting a more handsome rate up front, actually. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Maybe. Senator Frank, you had a question on this. SENATOR FRANK: Yeah, the rate of return on the additional investment and its always prime, is that it? It's always prime. MR. LUTTRELL: It works out that way because, because as you get to late life effectively you put the money in and you're just earning interest on the time. SENATOR FRANK: I mean, but that's what the... MR. LUTTRELL: I will get back with a precise number... SENATOR FRANK: I know they told us that prior investment was at prime and I understand that. And I can understand what you're saying. I'm not sure that you just take the -- I don't know where you came up with eight percent. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Well, if they're paying 92 percent to the state, the eight percent is what's remaining. And it would seem to me that it would be eight over prime, but I... SENATOR FRANK: It doesn't, I don't think you -- you're kinda adding apples and oranges there because you could have a that remaining eight percent of the net profit that's available to the company may or may not -- I mean compared to the investment is what you'd have to do. You'd have to take that, you'd take that net profit and for a year and divide it by the investment to get a return on investment. The eight percent would be on top of that prime, would be on top of that I assume. I don't know. MR. LUTTRELL: I think the simple thing to do is... SENATOR FRANK: I don't know. MR. LUTTRELL: ...we can go back and get a very simple calculation and bring it in and show it to you which I rather do than let us sit here speculating as to what this number would be. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: In the interest of time... SENATOR FRANK: Then it depends on how you look at the recovered cost of capital. If you've recovered all your capital, you might have an infinite, not that you'd look at it this way, you might have an infinite rate of return because you'd have no [indisc.]... MR. LUTTRELL: We do have operating costs on late life too which we have to remember to count. SENATOR FRANK: Yeah, but those come out before you calculate net profits. MR. LUTTRELL: It's still expenses. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Those, see those all come off first. Well, we're gonna learn how net profit share works. We're gonna get walked through it. It doesn't the development account reactivate to offset a reduced net profit share payments when a lessee makes additional investments to prolong production late in the field life. MR. LUTTRELL: This is the same question. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Okay, I'll sort the March 29th hearing -- Mr. Morgan responded to a question by Senator Frank concerning BP's net profit bidding elsewhere by saying: as far as I know we haven't ever bid in any other part of the world, ever, on an arrangement like the net profit arrangement in Alaska and of course, we did not bid on that here. This is a point of clarification. Didn't BP testify that it competitively bid against other companies for the Northstar leases? I think there were others interested in these leases and so there was... MR. LUTTRELL: I think that what Mr. Morgan was saying, Mr. Chairman, was that we did not bid in the lease sale. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Right. SENATOR FRANK: In the original one. MR. LUTTRELL: In the original lease sale for Northstar leases. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: In discussing BP's recent net profit arrangement in Venezuela, Morgan testified: I think I can assure you this was not an arrangement where there was the sudden imposition someway through the development of a field of different terms that altered the basic economics. He offered to discuss the details of the Venezuelan arrangement at some future time with the committee. And I don't know if you're prepared to talk about that. MR. LUTTRELL: As you know, Mr. Chairman, we did submit answers to your question. In those answers there was a four paragraph ?rep? about Venezuela. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: I remember reading... MR. LUTTRELL: about that or respond to whatever question you want. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Okay, aren't all net profit arrangements in one form or another some sort of arrangement where the terms change after development costs are recovered? Essentially, being deals where the financial terms change to the royalty owner's advantage at some point in the development of the field. MR. LUTTRELL: That's a question I don't know how to answer yes or no to because I don't know all net profits terms. If you're speaking to Venezuela, Venezuela is not a net profits arrangement. It is simply a tax and royalty arrangement which has been portrayed in the press as being net profits, but I think they're using the word net profits differently than you are in the legal sense of Alaska. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Maybe sometime you can explain us the differences between those arrangements in Venezuela and the... MR. LUTTRELL: Is the note not clear? CHAIRMAN LEMAN: In your response? MR. LUTTRELL: Yes. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: I'll look at it. If there's further questions, we'll go to round two on that one. MR. LUTTRELL: We're prepared to make it as clear as possible. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Okay. In an effort to differentiate the effects of profit sharing arrangements in Alaska versus those in Venezuela, Mr. Morgan noted that Venezuela is an extremely low cost area in terms of finding development and transportation costs. And that certainly distinguishes it from our activities on the North Slope. I note however, that in the case of Northstar there, at least in terms for you, there are no finding costs. And that was somebody else's investment. Well, I guess we don't know cause you haven't told us yet. MR. LUTTRELL: Can I put something in for correction, so you understand the distinction here? We would consider any cost done before sanction as a finding cost. It is an internal, an internal in actually how it's characterized as the industry reports itself through the SEC. So the cost that we've incurred and we will have incurred on the, on Northstar in advance of our sanction date would be called finding cost. Now we didn't actually spend any money to find it, but those would be called finding costs. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: All that engineering and the field work... MR. LUTTRELL: Office work we're doing and the three... CHAIRMAN LEMAN: defined for the legislature. Anyway, your record that you gave to us reflect, shows that the estimated development costs are $2.92 per barrel. And the primary transportation system taps is just six miles away from the Prudhoe Bay unit. And the question is under these circumstances, do you believe that developing your Venezuelan properties would be less costly than developing the Northstar unit? MR. LUTTRELL: All I can tell you, Mr. Chairman, is what my compadres in Venezuela have told as to what their FND and transportation and lifting cost numbers are and I'm sure they received the same level of scrutiny by the BP board as mine would've so their numbers are exceedingly much smaller than ours. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Smaller than 2.92. I guess you showed me something on a chart, didn't... SENATOR FRANK: Mr. Chairman. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Senator Frank. SENATOR FRANK: It seems like those arguments, I don't want to be argumentive or anything, but it seems like those arguments about cost comparisons between Alaska and Venezuela or anywhere else would have more relevance to what our underlying royalty ought to be rather than the effects of a net profits arrangement because a net profits assumes that you've recovered all your costs. And if you've recovered all your costs in Venezuela and you've recovered all your costs in Alaska, then you start paying net profits after that. And so it seems like, you kind of with the net profits -- and I'm not arguing for it, but it seems like just on a financial standpoint you kinda of taking away the, you know, the elements that are different between the two and then you're left with operating costs after recovering full, full -- excuse me, profits after operating costs and after recovery of capital costs, what you've got left here versus what you'd have left there. It seems like you'd kinda be in a percentage basis seems like you'd be kinda comparable. MR. LUTTRELL: Both Alaska and Venezuela are tax and royalty systems. They do not in Venezuela have net profits terms. The bid that was made recently by many oil companies in the Venezuelan sale was a bid for a thing called a peg [ph] which I don't know the Spanish words for, but effectively is a supplemental royalty. And the companies then bid that they would pay the state a supplemental royalty. And I think in the case of our property, of additional 50 percent. And we were able to do that in our economics because of the very, very, very low cost of finding and developing and operating the fields there. Obviously, if they had cost like ours in Alaska, they would not have been able to bid a number that high and still make a profit. It's just, it's simple economics. We put a certain amount of money in and we get a certain amount of money out and that becomes an economic venture. The state of Venezuela obviously, is was able to negotiate some very attractive terms for them in getting a very large piece of the pie. But had their costs been, you know total costs been in the range $7 a barrel like they are in Alaska then they would not have been able to command that big, large piece of the pie. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Mr. Morgan also stated that the net profit interest arrangements that were in place here are not profit related. Can you explain why BP does not believe that the state's net profit terms are profit related? MR. LUTTRELL: Well, Mr. Chairman, I think what he was trying to say was that the context of the question had to do with the recommendation and the Oil & Gas Policy Council that the state should move towards profit related taxes. In our view, the profit related taxes are ones that when the profit goes up on a annual basis the income of the state goes up on an annual basis. And under those circumstances, the net profits all coming at one time in the life of the field do misalign and therefore, they're not the kind of profit related taxes that I think would attract industry to the State of Alaska. That's why we think the supplemental royalty actually is more akin to the profit related taxes that were proposed in the Oil & Gas Policy Council because as our profits goes up as proxy and by the oil price, the state's take goes up. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: When DNR was drafting the state's net profit leasing regulations, it's my understanding that industry was actively involved in that process. Do you know if BP was or participated in the rule-making process and commented on the draft regulations? MR. LUTTRELL: I do not know. I could probably find out, that's some almost 20 years ago now. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Right and I don't know the answer to that either, but I've... MR. LUTTRELL: Probably all those people are... CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Ken, do you know? KEN BOYD: [indisc.] we don't Mr. Chairman. SENATOR TAYLO R I guess, I've read through your explanation of Venezuela a couple times, but focusing on Alaska. You say comparable costs in Alaska - lifting and transportation are about $7 a barrel. Then you go on to say in Alaska we look to make 3.25 per barrel on a capital investment of 3.50 or above per barrel, a .94 ratio. Isn't that about a hundred percent, I mean of profit? I mean if I'm manufacturing wigets, and it cost me $3.50 to manufacture each wiget and I sale it for $7, isn't that a... MR. LUTTRELL: Senator, I understand your question and I think that the analogy we were trying to draw there does not get to the conclusion you're trying to reach there. Your conclusion, as you said it is, is not incorrect. But what we're simply trying to say is to give you a comparable of what our income versus our capital in Venezuela looks like relative to our income versus capital here in Alaska. SENATOR TAYLOR I understood that ratio comparing because of the large volume that you expect to recover and a lower net or a lower profit that you expect to recover, but also at a lower cost. And I can understand the volume factors, but that didn't look like too bad a return to me, I mean. MR. LUTTRELL: The point of the illustration was to simply say that they are comparable to Venezuela. SENATOR TAYLOR In fact, Venezuela is a little [indisc.] MR. LUTTRELL: Better. Venezuela is a little better. I know that when I talked to Mr. Chase, he said anytime I can get a Venezuela deal I'll take it. SENATOR TAYLOR Till they nationalize you [indisc.]... CHAIRMAN LEMAN: We won't nationalize you. SENATOR TAYLOR I don't know. SENATOR FRANK: You know, this is kinda interesting. This statement here says, in Alaska we look to make about 3.25 per barrel on a capital investment of about 3.50. Now is that 3.25 an annual, that's a per barrel thing so that's... MR. LUTTRELL: That's a sort of a aggregate real number. SENATOR FRANK: Okay, so I know -- I mean to me I would say well that means your making 94 percent return on your investment annually. Now I know that if I looked up your information that's Standard & Poor's or whatever, they wouldn't say BP is making a return on equity of 94 percent. I know they wouldn't say that because your stock would be selling for a much higher multiple if it was. SENATOR TAYLOR I figure it's spread over the life of the field. MR. LUTTRELL: Yeah, it's spread over -- it's the same question he's asking. SENATOR FRANK: Well, if it's spread out over the life of the field, you wouldn't spend 3.20 or you wouldn't spend 3.50 to get 3.25 back; would you? SENATOR TAYLOR No, no they're spending... SENATOR FRANK: On top of your MR. LUTTRELL: I'm spending 3.50 up front and I get that production over a 15 year period and each year I make that, about that much out of each barrel I sell. So, you can't actually make the mathematical construct that you're trying to make. We are making a handsome profit on both of these deals. SENATOR TAYLOR So are we. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: So are you. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Senator Frank, we're starting to feel sorry for you, it's looking like you're loosing money and it's probably gonna see if we can cut you in the capital budget. SENATOR FRANK: Well, it's just clear that I don't understand. That's the only thing I'm clear about now. SENATOR TAYLOR I guess we could always take the Governor's deal and sweeten it a little bit. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: And ask for [indisc.], whatever that's called. Okay, I'm gonna go back to -- I just have a few more on this, this area. Did you ever provide testimony, and there again this has been a ways back so you made need to get back to us on this, ever prior testimony or formerly communicate with the Department of Natural Resources your view that the leasing provisions were not profit related before 1979 and 1982 when you successfully bid on the net profit sharing, share leases you own in Duck Island in Point Thompson? MR. LUTTRELL: A pretty complicated question, maybe you ought to write it down so I can understand it. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Okay. [indisc.] MR. LUTTRELL: If you provide me a written I'll get you a response. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: I'll give it to you. Last week, Mr. Morgan referred to the substitution of a supplemental royalty as negotiated in this new agreement, as very much closer to a profit related arrangement. He also said, very clearly the oil price is a strong proxy for the profitability of an oil fields operation. I think back to last year's hearings on HB 207 and it seems like the primary reason the commissioner needed flexibility to lower royalties was that they were not sensitive to profit. In fact, I believe there was testimony to the effect that both royalties and severance taxes were regressive. Question: how can a supplemental royalty based on the movement of oil prices be considered to be a profit related arrangement late in field life or anytime in field life, for that matter, if the royalty rate you have to pay bears no relationship to your cost of continued operation? MR. LUTTRELL: We, we run our economics, Mr. Chairman, with the 20 percent base royalty and we believe that under most price conditions we can make this field work. Obviously, it gets down in that $10 range I'm not quite sure what's gonna happen. We look that when the price goes above something which is say $16 or $17, I guess we actually agreed $17.35, then the fact there would be additional profit from the field that we would be willing to share with the state and that was the agreement that we reached. And it simply rather than going through a long involved process of actually establishing profit and taxing profit, we thought this was a simple proxy to do. It simply said, we know when price goes up we're gonna make money, when the price goes down we're actually gonna carry the burden of it and we were willing to share with the state then the profits that are related to the price range. That's how we set the supplemental royalty. I don't know if I answered your question or not. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: If on this topic, cause if you can just hold it I wanna, I just wanna clear of this one series of questions. We were told last year that high royalties will lead to the premature abandonment of oil fields. And yet, in this agreement you have a high royalty rate, I mean, then you say in the agreement that you're not going to seek royalty reduction. I mean, it seems to me there may be some inconsistency there that maybe we're not going to see it for 15 years, but at some time in the future it would seem to me a good business decision would be to come knocking on the door and say, hey, you know we've got this field and we've been paying according to these terms, but if we can get some royalty adjustment we can get this much more out of the field. Then, whoever is commissioner at the time, is gonna go back and say, well, you said you'd never seek it. But you know, and at that time it would seem - it might even be a good move. And then you say, we'll shut it in and the state says well, we better make some adjustments. Doesn't that hold true for this project also? MR. LUTTRELL: It's hard for me to look that far into the future, but I think your supposition is correct. There might be a circumstance at the end of the field life that might find it to the advantage of the state and the company to change the royalty, I don't know. Certainly, our commitment to no change in royalty was one we made early on to Commissioner Shively. He wanted specifically for us to articulate that we would not seek 207 relief for this field. And we felt that we could do that and we did do that. And that's what those words are about. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: And realistically that commitment, as far as your concerned, is it an indefinite commitment or about how many years would you say that's good for. I mean, can you... MR. LUTTRELL: It's an indefinite commitment. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: You have no plans to change that, although it's possible you might at some time in the future, but. Okay. Go ahead. SENATOR TAYLOR Did I note also in the Venezuela deal that their government owned enterprise was going to kick in 35% of the cost? MR. LUTTRELL: Senator Taylor that is correct. The Petovesa [ph], which is the Petrolista [ph] Venezuela Company has the right to acquire 35% of the fields that would be discovered in the block that we bought, the Guarapichi [ph] Block, in fact all of the blocks that were licensed recently. We expect eventually that they would exercise that right. But if they do so, they actually have to pay past cost and ongoing cost. They would be a full, working interest down there. SENATOR TAYLOR Plus prime, right? That's what it said. MR. LUTTRELL: Plus the prime of the past costs. SENATOR TAYLOR Yes, that was my question. And in fact, that's something I suggested last year during 207, that I thought that it was something that the state should start taking a serious look at if we're going to insist upon these joint venture approaches that maybe we ought to put our money where our mouth is and join in the risk. I didn't see a big rush to do that, but normally-- MR. LUTTRELL: The Alaska National Oil Company, is that right? SENATOR TAYLOR I'm willing to do her. I want to know what the inside information is and be part owner of this thing, I don't want to see the profits going all to somebody else, and us has to be painted as the bad guys in there taxing it. I'd just as soon see us as joint venture, as this is supposed to be some sort socialistic, wholly- owned state up here, the "we own the ranch" garbage. Well, if we're going to own the ranch, maybe we ought to do something with somebody on the ranch. Obviously it worked for Venezuela. MR. LUTTRELL You don't actually expect me to respond to this question, do you? SENATOR TAYLOR I don't imagine Venezuela's doing that because they're losing money at it. I don't see anybody jumping to go do it, but-- CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Last question I have, maybe we might even get DNR back up here, we can move on, unless we want to quit for tonight. SENATOR HALFORD: I gotta quit pretty quick. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: You gotta quit? In Mr. Morgan's comments last week, and I've talked about some of this in the hallway with you today, he said, "We depend on our reputation in doing our business around the world, and we would not be prepared as BP to enter into an arrangement to develop an oil field in the knowledge that we would be going forward on a basis that we would prematurely shut in oil in that oil field." I guess before I ask this question, I just want you to clarify what Mr. Morgan meant when he was talking about the reputation of BP in the world. He said, "We want to protect that reputation." You told me earlier today what that meant, but just the rest of the committee members and others hear that explanation, what did he mean? MR. LUTTRELL: Well, when we talked about earlier today, I think the best way to describe it is to put yourself, any one of you, in the position of being in government, or actually probably a member of the public in the year 2010, when the net profits were to kick in, if they were to kick in, and BP would feel compelled to shut in the field. The question is, "What would you feel, what would be your reaction?" I postulate the reaction would be one of outrage, "You mean we've actually done all this, and now when it gets to be our turn to make money, you shut the damn thing in?" I think that is the reaction that people would have, and we simply didn't feel as though that would be appropriate for BP to do, and we would not put ourselves in the circumstance where the state and the population would be outraged at our action. That is the reputation issue. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: This briefing book that DNR prepared I note, and this is something that we've talked about a little before, that BP owns Alaska Division of Lands Lease third-312828, a lease which contains about 25% of the oil in the Endicott Field. That lease was bought in 1979, in which all but one of the Northstar leases were sold. Same sale. It carries a 79.59% net profit share, which is a little bit less than Northstar, and a 20% royalty. Question: how can your decision to go forward with development in Endicott under these terms be reconciled with your unwillingness to proceed at Northstar without the change. MR. LUTTRELL: Well I think there's two things that you need to know: number one, when we developed Endicott, we actually didn't ever anticipate getting to net profits. And you can see the information we provided you earlier yesterday about the development costs at Endicott was actually probably relatively high. We actually now, it might actually sometime occur in the future. I've actually talked to the Endicott folks and asked them the specific question, and the answer is because it's only one of a number of leases, effectively we would continue to operate the field and the other leases would effectively carry the profit of this one lease. Now, I do want to mention something that's complicating there is because at Endicott, the various leases are owned by different companies, and what's happening right now as we speak, is that different companies have different economic interests because their future profitability looks different, and it's already beginning to affect development plans at Endicott, the fact that we have misalignment between the various parties. Now in this case, it's misalignment between the various owners, and not the state, but misalignment is the kind of misalignment we were talking about previously. But we would continue to operate. SENATOR FRANK: Did you say that you didn't, at the time you made the investment in Endicott, you didn't anticipate getting to a net profit situation? MR. LUTTRELL: It is my understanding they did not anticipate getting to that. SENATOR FRANK: So, that would indicate that you were willing to do it for prime, then, or what am I missing? MR. LUTTRELL: It's a complicated question, Senator Frank, having to do with some cost in forward-looking economics and development accounts and time and all that kind of stuff. You're right in saying what you're saying, is that it sounds like, overall, BP didn't anticipate making very much money in that that they could release. That is correct. Those costs, when they're past, were sunk, and we're only talking about future investments. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Joe? REPRESENTATIVE JOE GREEN : Thank you, Mr. Chairman. There was a significant difference too, in that there were some pretty high exploration costs involved in that also entered into this [indsc.], so that exploration costs made it as much as ten years earlier, we're accumulating this [indsc.]. MR. LUTTRELL: No, but Senator Frank's question is actually correct, because in a full-cycle basis, BP wasn't going to make very much money on this. But it made it's decision on a money-forward basis at that point in time. [Several people speak at the same time for a short while, and it cannot be determined what any of them are saying.] SENATOR FRANK: But when did you make the decision to lease the properties, though, I think is what Senator Leman was getting at on a net profits basis was the decision that I think he was wondering about. Didn't you make that decision to bid on that lease before you had done much in the way of, I don't know about exploration, do explore before you bid on a lease? MR. LUTTRELL: Senator Frank, I'm going to give you an answer, but I'm going to give it with great caution. I believe that Endicott was reasonably well understood when that lease bid was made, I don't know that for a fact. There was some exploration in the area prior to that lease. SENATOR FRANK: But you had no sunk cost at that point? MR. LUTTRELL: Now I can't do this without having a better sense of what took place [indsc.]. SENATOR FRANK: Not like this case, where you've got this, well in this case it's $300,000,000.00 without having actually paid, but 1% or 2% of it or whatever, so-- SENATOR TAYLOR Whatever, we don't know that number. Yet. SENATOR FRANK: But I still think that's irrelevant. If the question's relevant, then I don't understand the answer. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Further questions of Mr. Luttrell? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I've gotta go, Mr. Chairman. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: You've gotta go? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Yeah. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: I'm trying to decide if I want to capture Commissioner Shively while he's here. Are you going to be back at any time? Do you want to go for a few minutes? SENATOR TAYLOR I don't have to go, but I'm tired. I might want to go. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: John, why don't you come join us at the table, you're welcome to stay here. After 8:00 we get informal here. Sometimes even earlier than that. SENATOR TAYLOR And we're just hitting five hours, right? CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Yeah, I know. That cookie gave me a shot of sugar; I've got a little more energy. Now, John, in your overview of the proposed amendments you testified that the longer the development is delayed, the less money the state is going to get in net profits and indicated the timing of development was critical to you as the department negotiated the deal. And you confirmed that today in our hallway talk. My question is, if you're concerned about the need to hasten the development, and thus avoid the continued growth of the development account, or at least retard its' growth, why didn't your department insist on a firm commitment that it would develop Northstar before agreeing to extend the unit another three years? COMMISSIONER SHIVELY: Mr. Chairman, I can't totally answer that. First of all, there are two questions: one I think that people have raised, should we have even allowed BP to take over the leases from Amerada Hess, I think that's a question that's been raised. That happened before I was commissioner, and while I think in the transition I think it happened, in January of 95', and while Mr. Eason was the director of the Division of Oil & Gas, and I think the answer is that it's pretty common when you have one company wanting to look at another--take another shot at an oil field, to do that, I mean that's what we've traditionally done. I think that also you have to look at the fact that both--that we didn't understand the economics of that field in the spring of last year, the way we understand it now. In fact BP didn't understand the economics of that field when they bought it. What we knew about the field at the time that we did that three-year development plan was that there was less oil than people had hoped, by a significant amount in some ways, and that the last number we saw for developing the field was $1,500,000,000.00. We did believe, I think, or at least the Division of Oil & Gas, that we were bringing in a company that had far more experience on the slope that could look at those development costs and bring them down, and that provided an opportunity. If we had all the information in the spring of last year that we had today, we might have made another decision; we did not have that information. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: And when did you get that, during the course of these negotiations? COMMISSIONER SHIVELY: It was during the course of the negotiations, yes sir. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Was there ever any discussion within your department about requiring such a commitment from BP before you extended it, or at that time it was pretty speculative? COMMISSIONER SHIVELY: Mr. Chairman, those discussions, to my recollection, did not reach my level. They were done as most development plans are, in the Division of Oil & Gas. The professionals in that staff made that decision. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: You recall, if I can ask the question here Ken, if those discussions took place? KEN BOYD, DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF OIL & GAS, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES: Yes, Mr. Chairman. For the record, my name is Ken Boyd, I'm the director of the Division of Oil & Gas. The discussion, as I recall, centered around getting the field developed, you know, what we're going to do to move the field forward. We had a new owner, we'd done the assignments, and I had a couple of concerns. One concern concerned the southern lease, the fifth lease, the fact that a well had been drilled there that had not met expectations, the well is still confidential, and what they were going to do about that. I said you will do this through the seismic program, third quarter this year, or provide other information so that's on the lease. I wasn't looking to waste time. 3-D seismic survey in my view is something BP will be able use later on in field development to not drill stupid wells. We all knew what the field looked like. We'd all seen the wells. Our resource evaluation group was to confirm about what the reserves are. I mean 130 million barrels. We can get as high as 160. But the discussion really was how to get the field developed. What's a reasonable amount of time. BP provided a development plan or a plan of development, a proposed plan of development. We talked to BP, worked with our technical people, revised that technical plan. That's all in your book there and you can sort of see our thinking as the 3-D seismic survey to delineate or get rid of that southern lease. Show us there's something going to come off that lease or get rid of it. How can you afford on these leases you know have oil on it. There isn't any question about it. We looked at a reasonable plan development, we believe, and I still believe that, and you'll see in the third quarter, no it was the first quarter - April of 1998 call was the date we said that's the day you're either going to be - some certainty of going into production or we're going to start talking about the unit back. That's the way the discussion went. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: I think you probably understand our frustration and I think maybe you share it. You kind of get to a point where a good company, a good partner in Alaska, says well, we can make money. It's not uneconomic, but we're not going to do it unless we make these changes no these terms. Kind of puts us in a box, because if it's delayed, there's ramifications to that. It increases the cost and it's just one of those situations where you kind of get yourself boxed in and if you go back and say what decisions led to this, those are some of the them. John says you don't have all the information at that time and you can only make the decisions on the best information you have, so... COMMISSIONER SHIVELY: I'd like to say BP didn't have to be this aggressive, either. They've taken a very aggressive look at the field which I think is one of the things that intrigued us. We had to look at the fact situation before us when they came to us. And you're right. I felt the same last summer and this fall as you are feeling now about making these choices and it's one of the reasons I felt the decisions we made needed to be reviewed by a public body is because it is a tough choice that we've been put in here. And we've made the decisions that we think are correct and we're trying to lay out the difficulties we had in reaching that and you're going to have to make some of those same decisions. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Patrick, do you want to try a question? This has to do with your testimony. I'm almost done. Don't have any more cookies. Robin? Joe? Any more questions? SENATOR TAYLOR The only other question I had would have been a follow up on John's comment and that is that I - his inability to make the finding that it was noneconomic generated a situation where a decision had to be made. I still don't think there's a legal basis for this proposition. I appreciate the prudence that's being offered, but I still don't think we have a role to play here. I know it makes everyone more comfortable if we do. It certainly doesn't make anyone more comfortable if we don't and I just reflect upon it with Benjamin Franklin's great, great quote, "These are the times that men plow quietly in the field and women weep silently in their kitchens and the legislature is in session and no man's life or property is safe." There's a lot of places you could have placed this decision and I don't know where's the best spot to have it. COMMISSIONER SHIVELY: Mr. Chairman, I think that's precisely because there were some questions about the legal authority to do this. This is why we think legislative confirmation resolves the situation. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Patrick, in your testimony of March 30 you indicated that all bidders in the 1979 lease sale were on notice because of provisions in the lease form that at some point in the future the State's stake in royalty could be reduced from the terms of the contracts and they all bid on that basis. The question was paragraph nine of the 1980 lease which is entitled "Reduction of Royalty" in case you don't remember what paragraph nine is. We're not trying to trick you; we're just trying to see how good your memory is. It's usually real good. Anyhow, reduction of royalty, the lease provision you were referring to in your statement that all lessees were on notice of the potential to pay reduced royalties. Is that what you were referring to? PATRICK COUGHLIN, Deputy Director, Division of Oil and Gas: Yes, that's right. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Did you mean to equate notice of potential royalty relief after two years of production with the possibility the lessee could renegotiate the competitively bid net profit share, particularly where there has been no production. MR. COUGHLIN: No, I simply meant that there wasn't in the law, in the leases, that there was some form of royalty relief that had been available at some point in the development of the field. MR. BOYD: The answer to Senator Frank's question is yeah, people do explore before they lease. People go out and shoot seismic. We have thought that before. I worked for Marathon when this lease was being offered and it was one our best prospects and we had shot seismic and we did know generally the shape and size of it. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Knowing what you today from the experience you've had over the last 17 years, would you ever recommend a net profit share leasing arrangement? MR. BOYD: Mr. Chairman, I remember the vice president of our company writing a letter to whoever then was the governor saying don't ever do this again. Just stop doing it. His name was Ron Burk and I would call him here except he's dead. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: One last one I have and it's one I asked you earlier today, John. I could also ask Eric, also. In negotiations I know you're probably looking at different things and reacting to different things. As I would look at it to say over here is estimated value used based on model of what's coming from the field and timing and there's that value and if we change it, here's a value over here. Why didn't you work to get those two values to be equal. I think they're pretty close, but it seems to me they would have been an easier sell to the Anchorage Daily News. This is for Stan Jones to see if he's still awake, but wouldn't it have been an easier sell to say, look, we're changing the arrangements to create a better alignment which I think makes sense. To change some alignments, but divert them so they're equal and I know if you look at the model and we can delay it three years because if we don't make this change, then it's within $4 million which for practical purposes is probably a wash. So maybe in your mind you're there, but...that really wasn't a basis you were looking at in the negotiations. COMMISSIONER SHIVELY: The problem was we sort of became, as I think you often do in negotiations, more sophisticated as you go along. We first concentrated on the rate of return when we looked at the numbers and that almost ended the negotiations when we saw what we thought the rate of return was with the net profits. Because we recognized that it was a very decent field. We sort of got beyond that, but we really measured for most of the negotiations against the figure that we - net profits assuming that the field would be developed on the same time frame on the net profits as the supplemental royalty. And that was a figure that ... TAPE 46-48, SIDE A ...but we really didn't use that as a negotiating number. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: One other question I've had, and I don't think I've asked it yet, is why did you truncate the supplemental royalty at 27.5 percent when it would seem to me that as you climb for each dollar a barrel that there may be, I don't know that it's ever going to get that high, but if it did, wouldn't it make sense to track even higher than we are at 27.5 percent? COMMISSIONER SHIVELY: We were very far apart on some of the numbers very early on. Basically, we adjusted that formula as--what I told BP is, as well as protecting the 20 percent base royalty, which as far as I was [indsc.] never up for negotiation. We had to, out of the supplemental royalty, get what I thought was real money. They would have preferred not to give any real money, to say 20 percent is a good return, and if things go exceptionally well with prices, Eric can contradict me if I'm overstating their position, then maybe the State gets something. We didn't believe that was good enough. And we negotiated that formula; we negotiated over where you started, we negotiated how it went up, we negotiated how high you could go, and ultimately we talked about a figure that I felt was what I wanted, which was the $37,000,000.00, and we adjusted the formula to get that $37,000,000.00 when we agreed on that. They always wanted the cap, and it was sort of where it was and where it started and how you went up that we negotiated. MR. LUTTRELL: Just to add one point to that, I mean the amount of money that comes from a higher cap and the way we were running the mathematics didn't have very much impact at all, as I recall. If the [indsc.] cap had been higher, it had very little impact on the overall dollar figure that you were looking for. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Kevin, we've got everybody else up, why don't you come up here and just answer one question. Of all the people in the department, you seem to escape the politics of the legislature, and for that we thank you, and you've probably been one who's looked at the numbers and the model and everything and you're going to go through that with us more in detail. Is it the next meeting we have? I think next Thursday is our plan, so you can spend more time then, but can you just tell us tonight, in your opinion you looked at it all, is this a good deal for the State of Alaska? KEVIN BANKS, PETROLEUM ECONOMIST, DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES: Mr. Chairman, for the record I'm Kevin Banks-- CHAIRMAN LEMAN: A real easy question. MR. BANKS: --Petroleum Economist. Someone asked me that question last night, and I responded and then later thought--rather facetiously thought, "Well, isn't that for you to decide," would have been the answer to make. And I think that is true. I would hope that the legislature will come to the same conclusion that we did. And for my own part, I think this deal is, as I say, it's an okay deal for the State. There is a certain amount of certainty associated with the supplemental royalty paying something to us and, I believe, at least greater certainty that the net profit share offered to us. And I also believe that the supplemental royalty--the state has the opportunity to make revenues off of a supplemental royalty sooner than the net profit share would kick in, if at all. For those reasons, and together with the fact that if BP will get this project going now, and would not have been able to get it going now under the current system, that would also have ancillary benefits to the State, in terms of jobs and early revenue from royalties and taxes. So my answer is, "Yes, I think this is an okay deal for the state", and I think we did a pretty good job. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Any questions of any of these gentlemen? Senator Taylor? SENATOR TAYLOR Just that last one. The question you asked was, "Is this a good deal?" for the state. The answer was, "This is an okay deal for the state." Is there some reason you don't choose to use the adjective the chairman did? MR. BANKS: Yes there is, Senator Taylor. I think it has to do with the fact that the net profit share has considerable up-side for the state. If there's any change in the economics of the field that improves, if prices are consistently higher, for example, or if production is any higher. As some of the materials that we sent over to you earlier today would indicate, the net profit share really pours in. By the same token, it's exactly the problem that BP has with it: that for any increase in the quote benefits that might be associated with the higher production rates or higher prices, or some other economic feature, the state gets all of it, virtually all of it. And it has a fairly serious impact on the economics and the incentives for incremental kinds of projects for the company. And that's why I say it's "okay". There is a high side to this that I think we can't ignore. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Further questions? I'll just note that the next committee meeting will be next Wednesday at 3:30. The schedule will be posted tomorrow, and the next meeting on SB 318 will be next Thursday, and we will be taking up the state's model and fiscal considerations. Do you expect that any of that will need to be done in confidential session, or everything we'll be doing next Thursday will be public meetings? MR. LUTTRELL: I think I'd like to get back to you with that, Mr. Chairman. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Okay, I have Thursday--oh, I have a few more questions from the Department of Law. Is anybody here from the Department of Law? Okay. I'd though they'd have somebody here today. But the Attorney General and Jim Baldwin couldn't be at this meeting, so I told them we'd just--I had about three more questions for them. And your model, and then--I'd like to, if we could, spend a little bit of time, so committee members will understand the net profit accounting system, allowable deductions, etcetera, maybe we could spend a few minutes on that. If you can have a graphic to show clearly those things, that would make it even easier to understand. Senator Taylor? SENATOR TAYLOR I just wanted to let you know, for your future scheduling on this bill, that I'm going to be in D.C. on the 18th and the 17th of April, but I will be available for your week of hearings on this [indsc.]. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: Well, if you're going to work on this bill then, you're going to have to go up to the Finance Committee or over in the house by then. SENATOR TAYLOR Oh really? Oh. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: That's just a subtle hint about-- SENATOR TAYLOR I just wanted you to know where I'll be. CHAIRMAN LEMAN: --about anticipated schedule. I'm hoping, I think we've distributed the schedule. We'll wrap up questions, if necessary, on Saturday the 13th, and then start taking, maybe complete taking public testimony. I'd like to do that meeting in Anchorage on the 13th, but it looks very likely that it will be here, because I think we'll be in session on that day. So just for planning purposes, he'd like to be in Anchorage on the 13th, and would just as soon do it there, and he knows a lot of other people probably it's more convenient to be there. But we're going to have to flex with the schedule that we have here. There being no further business to come before us, we're adjourned. [Senate Resources Committee adjourned at 8:50 p.m.]