SB 137-EVICTING INSTITUTIONAL PROPERTY USERS  CHAIR CON BUNDE announced SB 137 to be up for consideration. JOE MICHEL, aide to Senator Seekins, sponsor, said that the university and certain other institutions are exempt under the Uniform Resident Landlord Tenant Act, AS 34.03.330. Despite the exemptions, lower court decisions have interpreted the statutes governing evictions to require a court action to evict a resident that refuses to leave one of these exempt facilities. At the university, housing privileges are not revoked without notice or without considerable administrative process. The process may include hearings and an appeals process to the Superior Court. Only on rare occasions do students insist on remaining in housing after their lease termination. Even then significant efforts are made to avoid confrontation. He said that SB 137 clarifies legislative intent versus lower court opinions. CHAIR BUNDE said there were no questions. 2:09:32 PM SENATOR BEN STEVENS moved to pass SB 137 with individual recommendations and attached fiscal notes. Senators Ben Stevens, Davis and Chair Bunde voted yea; and SB 137 moved from committee.