SB 162 MINIMUM WAGE FOR TIPPED EMPLOYEES  CHAIRMAN LEMAN called the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee meeting to order at 1:38 p.m. and announced SB 162 to be up for consideration. MR. FLANAGAN, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Labor, opposed SB 162 because it basically reduces wages effective October 1 and every time thereafter that the federal minimum wage, and then resultantly, the State minimum wage which is 50 cents higher, is increased. He said he had met with the proponents of the bill and done research based on information provided to them by employers in the form of their U.I. tax reports. He said there is much talk about servers making $40,000 per year he didn't doubt that in certain high end restaurants in Anchorage, but he is concerned about servers at the lower end like the fast food types of restaurants. Their research indicates that for every server making $40,000 per year there are several making a whole lot less. In 1995, 5,900 persons in Alaska earned the majority of their wages that year in Alaska, including reported tips, as waiters and waitresses. They found that 1,500 of these were employed as servers in all four quarters of the year and made an average of $12,213. Seventy five percent of the 1,500 earned less than $16,139. They found that many, if not most, Alaskan waiters and waitresses would not meet anyone's definition of highly paid employees. They don't question what was some testimony from the higher end restaurants, but those people are a very small minority of the people employed out there as waiters and waitresses. Number 66 MR. JOHN BROWN, Fairbanks, said he is shocked by this bill and it is so anti-worker that it takes the cake. To try and say that the people in the service industry are overpaid boggles his mind. He said there is no protection for the kind of abuse that will likely go on if this bill passes. He could see employers coercing their employees into working for tips, even if they don't make the $5.75. He said there was a whole room full of people with him who would like to testify against this and other anti-worker bills. Number 161 CHAIRMAN LEMAN noted that this committee had never stated that the workers in Alaska are overpaid and it's not his intent that this would result in the abuse of workers. SENATOR JERRY MACKIE noted that he had mixed feelings about this bill, but would make a motion to move it from committee with individual recommendations. There were no objections and it was so ordered.