SCR 3-JOINT COMMITTEE ON FEDERAL OVERREACH  9:05:07 AM CHAIR COGHILL announced the consideration of SCR 3, a resolution relating to establishing the Joint Committee on Access and Federal Overreach; and recommending that the Governor establish a working group to consider establishing a permanent office or authority to preserve state sovereignty. 9:05:21 AM SENATOR LESIL MCGUIRE, sponsor of SJR 3 introduced the resolution paraphrasing the following sponsor statement: Senate Concurrent Resolution 3 would establish a joint committee between the House and the Senate to look into federal overreach at the legislative, executive and administrative levels. By having the Senate President and Speaker of the House as the co-chairs, and requiring participation from both caucuses, the committee would be a comprehensive representation of the State of Alaska, investigating the barrage of new regulations and rules that affect the lives of the resident across the state. After reviewing these issues, the committee would also hold public hearings and take testimony from communities. This is a crucial step in the assertion of a state being a member of a federation and not simply a servile region. I respectfully urge your support for SCR 3 as it will assure the residents of Alaska their senators and state representatives speak for them and will advocate on their behalf. 9:06:50 AM SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI joined the committee. SENATOR MCGUIRE talked about the legislation this session that focuses on areas of discord between the state and federal government, and Senator Lisa Murkowski's unprecedented discussion about federal encroachment when she addressed the legislature this year. She specifically mentioned the "no more" clause in the [Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act] (ANILCA) and the people in King Cove who were denied an emergency access route through the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. The overarching concern is the belief is that the federal government is paying more attention to the land or the issue than the people who live in the state. SENATOR MCGUIRE highlighted the hypocritical policy of the federal government failing for six decades to clean up over 100 legacy wells in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) and requiring immediate cleanup by oil and gas companies. She also expressed concern about the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Marine Mammal Protection Act being used as a method of controlling resource development and hampering Alaska's ability to realize its economic destiny as a resource development state. She explained that the committee would be composed of the Speaker of the House or designee, three members of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker, the President of the Senate or designee, and three members of the Senate appointed by the President. Committee reports containing recommendations shall be submitted to the governor and legislature by January 15, 2014 and January 15, 2015. The termination date for the committee is January 15, 2015, unless extended. 9:11:58 AM CHAIR COGHILL commented on the importance of being well informed, of being willing to stand up for the state, and being willing to work with the federal government when needed. SENATOR DYSON stated support for resolution raised the question of following the Utah model and establishing a commission rather than a committee. CHAIR COGHILL observed that this may lead to a commission. SENATOR DYSON mentioned HB 83 that talks about the attorney general giving the legislature a report on the areas of conflict between state and federal law. CHAIR COGHILL referenced page 5, line 5, that authorizes the hiring of consultants and experts. He asked the sponsor if she had considered the potential for a Finance Committee referral. SENATOR MCGUIRE responded it should be deleted in that case. SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI said he had the same question. 9:15:17 AM CHAIR COGHILL moved Conceptual Amendment 1. CONCEPTUAL AMENDMENT 1 OFFERED IN THE SENATE BY SENATOR COGHILL TO: SCR 3 Page 5, line 5: Delete: (10) hire consultants and experts; and be it CHAIR COGHILL found no objection and announced that Conceptual Amendment 1 passed. He stated support for the resolution and his expectation that it would move from committee with a forthcoming zero fiscal note. 9:16:20 AM SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI asked if travel costs or per diem would be paid. SENATOR MCGUIRE answered there would be no per diem and the intention was to use legislative legal expertise, legislative research services, and consultants already on contract. SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI asked about travel costs. SENATOR MCGUIRE said there are no public members so no per diem or travel costs will be paid. 9:17:24 AM SENATOR MCGUIRE moved to report SCR 3, as amended, from committee with individual recommendations and forthcoming zero fiscal note(s). CHAIR COGHILL found no objection and announced that CSSCR 3(JUD) moved from the Senate Judiciary Standing Committee.