HB 446-PENALTY FOR UNLAWFUL TRADE PRACTICE  10:47:39 AM CHAIR RALPH SEEKINS announced CSHB 446(JUD) to be up for consideration. MR. CRAIG JOHNSON, Staff to Representative Lesil McGuire, introduced the bill. The first consumer protection bill was introduced in 1979. Today Alaska's current consumer protection laws provide the lowest allowable civil penalties of any state. The bill is meant to strengthen consumer protection laws and bring the penalties up in accordance with inflation. The bill has seen no opposition to this point. 10:49:35 AM SENATOR HOLLIS FRENCH remarked that the bill simply updates the amounts of fines and does not change any substantive law. ED SNIFFEN, Assistant Attorney General, Department of Law (DOL), testified that his responsibilities include enforcement of the Consumer Protection Act, which the bill would amend. He agreed with Senator French's comment that the bill would bring Alaska Statutes in line with the fines of the current times. CHAIR SEEKINS referred to page 1, line 6 and questioned whether the provision "A person who violates the terms of an injunction or restraining order" implies that the person would "knowingly and willfully" do so. He stated that was not always clear to the average person. MR. SNIFFEN agreed but said there are a number of statutes that have the same implied effect. 10:53:55 AM CHAIR SEEKINS asked Mr. Sniffen the standard that is used to bring someone to court. MR. SNIFFEN responded that the DOL looks at a variety of factors in each individual case. It is policy to consider the impact of the conduct on the citizens of the State of Alaska. There are cases involving private disputes between individuals where the Department would be unlikely to spend resources as the impact is localized and unique and does not demonstrate patterns of illegal behavior. CHAIR SEEKINS asked whether it was normal practice to advise the person of the illegal practice and to order them to cease and desist. MR. SNIFFEN said yes. If the harm is not monumental, the DOL will advise them of the law and have them sign an assurance of voluntary compliance, which is then filed with the court. 10:56:58 AM CHAIR SEEKINS closed public testimony. SENATOR GRETCHEN GUESS moved to report CSHB 446(JUD) from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal notes. Hearing no objections, the motion carried.