HB 34-RULE AGAINST PERPETUITIES  MS. SUE STANCLIFF, staff to Representative McGuire, said Mr. Steve Greer in Anchorage was on teleconference to answer any questions the committee might have. SENATOR COWDERY said a memo from Representative McGuire answered any questions he previously had. CHAIRMAN TAYLOR made the following comments about a question he asked during the March 19, 2001 Judiciary meeting: The question I was asking was whether or not the attorney general's (AG) office or any other branch of government was enforcing the previous laws that we'd passed that said that if you were going to go into this business, your primary office had to be within the state of Alaska. It was my understanding that Key Bank and others had shipped a significant amount of business out of state that was all being done through Omaha and other places and that we were not receiving the benefit of that. I have talked to Key Bank personnel about that and they indicated that they actually did set up an office in this state and I think I may have been misinformed as to the total amount of business being done. I just wanted to see if somebody was checking on it, Lesil [Representative McGuire] has now checked on that with Banking and Securities, unfortunately they don't do that. MS. STANCLIFF said she had inquired with the AG's office and had not received a response yet. The response was expected in a few days and she would forward it on to the committee. SENATOR COWDERY moved HB 34 from committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection, the motion carried.