SB 222-MEDICAL PATIENT BILLING DISCLOSURES    The committee took up SB 222. CHAIR DYSON introduced SB 222, saying that hospitals in particular, have a multi-tiered billing system, and if a person is a self-payor, he/she pays 100 percent while the larger third- party payers negotiate discounts at a minimum of 30 percent. This rewards irresponsible behavior and encourages folks to not take responsibility for their own healthcare; those with Medicaid/Medicare often do not pay anything. Every medical hospital in the nation has a number of services for which they do not recover cost, and those costs gets shifted to those paying their own bills. SB 222 requires, if state funding is received, that the discount rates be published. It also requires hospitals to reveal information such as "how much of your bill was a subsidy for indigent people, with the goal in mind that you'd be able to use that as a charitable gift on your income tax." CHAIR DYSON referred to a proposed committee substitute (CS) pertaining to supplies not exceeding reasonable costs over the street value, with the desire being to "shine some daylight on the processes that are going on." CHAIR DYSON announced that SB 222 would be held in committee for future consideration.