HCR 25 - STEP FAMILY DAY REPRESENTATIVE FRED DYSON, sponsor of the measure, gave the following testimony. Many "blended" families are living all across North America: approximately 70 percent of American families fall under that description. An international organization, the Stepfamily Foundation, Inc., is trying to set aside a day to honor step families and to date, 30 countries have adopted legislation to do so. The foundation publishes a newsletter, and has a web page, chat room, and consulting service to provide advice for step families and to exchange ideas. HCR 25 is a simple bill and has no associated cost. The measure recognizes the existence of these families and the particular challenges and struggles they face. Number 058 SENATOR LEMAN referred to Representative Dyson's sponsor statement and questioned the statement that says, "...of the 83.5 million households in American, close to 70% of them are step families. By the year 2000, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than half of Americans will be living in step families versus the nuclear family." He asked if that number is skewed because it takes into account single parent families. REPRESENTATIVE DYSON said that was correct according to the international organization. SENATOR LEMAN asked if the step family category includes single parent families in which one spouse died. REPRESENTATIVE DYSON said no. SENATOR LEMAN asked if a new union would have to take place first. REPRESENTATIVE DYSON said that is correct, and added that those families always have struggles. CHAIRMAN WILKEN asked if 70 percent of American families are step families and half of the population is estimated to live in those families. He also questioned whether including the source of those statistics and including a definition of what a step family is in line 1 of the resolution would improve it. Number 108 REPRESENTATIVE DYSON replied he will defer to the wish of the committee, but he thought the resolution itself will fade into the background the day after it is established, and that it will not get much circulation. SENATOR LEMAN moved to adopt a conceptual amendment, subject to slight revisor changes, beginning on line 3 as follows: "WHEREAS the Stepfamily Foundation has estimated that at least half of all Americans are members or relatives of step families; and" and to include a basic definition of a step family. CHAIRMAN WILKEN announced there being no objection, the conceptual amendment was adopted. Number 134 SENATOR LEMAN moved to report HCR 25 as amended from committee. There being no objection, the motion carried.