CHAIRMAN RIEGER brought HB 122 (CHILD CUSTODY PROCEDURES) before the committee. CHRIS CHRISTENSEN, General Counsel to the Judicial Branch, informed the committee that HB 122 is a non-controversial, technical change. HB 122 deletes from the statute the requirement that the findings and recommendations of a neutral mediator be considered by a court. CHAIRMAN RIEGER asked if the court is allowed to receive input from an arbitrator although it's not specifically referenced in statute. Mr. Christensen said that he did not believe the current arbitration statutes were applicable to family law area. SENATOR SALO questioned if the remaining list is adequate without misreading of the mediator as an arbitrator. Mr. Christensen pointed out that according to statute, the judge is to base decisions of custody on the best interest of the child. Many factors are taken into consideration when determining the best interest of the child. SENATOR ELLIS asked if the Alaska Family Support Group, MADD, or DADD have a position on HB 122. Mr. Christensen implied that they had no opposition due to no complaints from these groups. SENATOR MILLER moved that HB 122 be moved out of Senate HESS committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objections, it was so ordered.