SB 157-CANCEL INSUR. ON CERTAIN VACANT PROPERTY    4:38:55 PM CHAIR OLSON announced the consideration of SB 157. 4:39:19 PM DANA OWEN, Aide, Senate Labor and Commerce Committee, sponsor of SB 157, explained that the purpose of the bill was to correct what some insurance companies believe is a shortcoming in the statute. This amendment would clarify that an insurance company is able to cancel an insurance policy if the risk that is insured against increases. The Labor and Commerce Committee deleted the reference to "unoccupied" property because so many Alaskans leave their dwellings for long periods. The new language on page 2, lines 6- 9, [which amends AS 21.36.210(f)] adds the following reason that an insurer may cancel a policy of personal insurance: (6) vacancy of the insured property that increases a hazard insured against; in this paragraph, "vacancy" means entire abandonment of the property by the insured and the property does not contain contents of substantial utility. CHAIR OLSON questioned the urgency of the bill. MR. OWEN responded that insurance companies saw the ambiguity in the statutes and wanted clarification. SENATOR WAGONER commented on the downturn in the Alaska economy in 1980s when people dropped their keys at the bank and left their homes full of items that were of substantial utility. He said he understood the concern, but had a problem with the language. 4:46:22 PM SHELDON WINTERS, Lobbyist, State Farm Insurance, said he would address previous questions. He agreed with Senator Wagoner that the language in the CS was very restrictive, but it was better than the current statute. With regard to the question about urgency, he said this is an effort to keep rates as low as possible. All other states have adopted a similar provision with no opposition. SENATOR MENARD confirmed that the Labor and Commerce Committee deliberated on the language. CHAIR OLSON announced he would hold SB 157 in committee.