SB 109-UNINCORP. COMMUNITY MATCHING GRANTS  CHAIRMAN TORGERSON said this is another bill he introduced several years ago. He noted that the fiscal note on this bill has grown considerably. MARY JACKSON, staff for Senator Torgerson, explained that current statute provides $25,000 for communities in the unincorporated areas under the Unincorporated Community Capital Matching Grant Program. SB 109 extends the opportunity to receive funds to areas in the organized borough as well. A list of affected communities and a fiscal note are in the committee packets. CHAIRMAN TORGERSON explained to Senator Phillips that this bill addresses his question that was posed when SB 104 was under discussion. According to statute, unincorporated areas within a borough are not entitled to the money but if you're outside the borough, you are entitled. "I've always thought that was unfair and I still do." This corrects the inequity and, at the same time, generates a large fiscal note. WALT WREDE, manager for the Lake and Peninsula Borough, said they strongly support SB 109, which addresses inequities contained in the State Capital Matching Grant Program. This inequity was probably an oversight when the legislature adopted the program but it does discriminate against unorganized communities located in organized boroughs and therefore is a disincentive for forming boroughs. Eleven of the seventeen communities in the Lake and Peninsula Borough are unincorporated so aren't eligible for the $25,000 matching funds. Therefore, the borough splits a $25,000 to $40,000 grant that they receive eleven ways, which gives each community much less than $25,000. There are about 70 communities statewide that are in the same situation. CHAIRMAN TORGERSON wasn't sure it was an oversight but agreed that it did create an inequity. The money helps small communities considerably. SENATOR AUSTERMAN asked who makes the final determination as to which communities qualify for the funds. CHAIRMAN TORGERSON said he believes the assemblies must pass a resolution to officially recognize an unincorporated community that has less than 2,500, and then a non-profit community association must be formed. If there's a competing interest then the borough assembly must nominate the one they want to be the non-profit entity. He asked Bill Rolfzen to confirm the above. BILL ROLFZEN from the Department of Community & Economic Development said that currently there is a definition in regulation for association unit for unincorporated communities in the unorganized borough and the department would need to make a change in regulation to fit organized boroughs or unified municipalities. CHAIRMAN TORGERSON asked whether his procedural explanation was accurate. MR. ROLFZEN didn't disagree. SENATOR AUSTERMAN asked, "Is this your list?" CHAIRMAN TORGERSON said it was the committees' but it came from the department. UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN: "It was jointly developed." MR. ROLFZEN said it was from a previous bill that was introduced. SENATOR PHILLIPS suggested not funding the $2 million but "taking it out of the existing pot which would probably reduce every body else's per share." CHAIRMAN TORGERSON said that was "looked at" at one time. There are some advantages to an unorganized area being in a borough. "This is a Finance Committee issue more than our issue." SENATOR PHILLIPS moved SB 109 from committee. There were no objections.