CHAIRMAN RANDY PHILLIPS introduced SB 95 (MULTIPLE PERMITTEE GAMING; PRIZE AMOUNTS) as the next order of business. SENATOR FRED ZHAROFF, prime sponsor of SB 95, said the legislation is an attempt to clarify what is already in statute. It establishes a new charitable gaming permit called a multiple-beneficiary permit. Senator Zharoff said the terms of the legislation allows two to six entities that would otherwise qualify for a gaming permit to join together and apply for a multiple-beneficiary permit. It allows the permit holders to operate without an operator to give them more control. Number 354 JOHN HANSEN, Program Manger, Department of Commerce & Economic Development, stated this is already done by regulation and this would recognize it in statute. Mr. Hansen noted that the department has prepared a fiscal note to fund a position that would actually be responsible for issuing these new class of licenses. Number 362 SENATOR TAYLOR asked what impact this legislation would have on the current permittees that are operating. JOHN HANSEN answered that there are approximately seven groups of people that are doing this in the state right now. They would be recognized as a separate entity and that would require them to get licenses and to file the same reports that operators do. In some instances, it would make their operations easier because they could buy pull-tabs under one permit number, but there will also be an increase in their reporting requirements. The legislation will allow the permittees to join together at a single facility, share the expenses, and get a single permit to operate that one facility. Number 394 SENATOR ZHAROFF raised his concern with the fiscal note because he didn't think it would involve an additional person because this is something that is already being done. JOHN HANSEN responded that the department is issuing a tremendous amount of licenses already. They have one examiner performing this duty and right now he is over a five weeks behind. The bill will probably recognize another 30 to 40 organizations that may want to join together and do these activities and they will be required to file separate applications for each of those locations, which will increase the workload and push the issuance of the permits seven or eight weeks behind. Number 410 CHAIRMAN RANDY PHILLIPS directed attention to a letter from the Juneau Soccer Club in support of the legislation, but suggesting some changes. JOHN HANSEN said he has seen the letter, and the concerns outlined in the letter are addressed in the legislation. CHAIRMAN PHILLIPS also directed attention to a letter from Pat Vincent, Executive Officer of the Kenai Builders Association. JOHN HANSEN explained that the bill prohibits the people that hold these permits from operating in other locations by saying they can't have another permit. He said he can't think of a good reason why organizations should be limited to do business at one location. SENATOR ZHAROFF suggested that because the bill now has a fiscal note, it may also need a Finance referral, although he disagrees that there is the need for an additional staff person. The Chairman said he would request an additional referral to the Finance Committee. Number 525 CHAIRMAN RANDY PHILLIPS pointed out that the bill has at least two more committees of referral where some of these problems can be worked out. He then asked for the pleasure of the committee. SENATOR TAYLOR moved that SB 95 be passed out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.