HCR 10: FEDERAL-AID HY FUNDING/DRUG ENFORCEMENT Number 016 CHAIRMAN VEZEY read the title to HCR 10 and called for its sponsor to deliver his statement. Number 026 JEANNIE SMITH, LEGISLATIVE AIDE TO REPRESENTATIVE RICHARD FOSTER, PRIME SPONSOR OF HCR 10, delivered the sponsor's statement for HCR 10. She noted the resolution's necessity to ensure federal highway funding for Fiscal Year 94, and 95, and told the committee that unless the legislature passed HCR 10, Alaska would lose $9.6 million for funding in 1994 and 1995, and $19.2 million for each fiscal year thereafter. She noted passing HCR 10 does not mean Alaska will comply with federal mandates involving revoking drivers' licenses. Instead, it simply complies with the mandate that the legislature look at the idea. Number 091 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked for clarification on the deadline for HCR 10's passage. MS. SMITH stated April 1, 1993, was the deadline for passage of HCR 10. Number 101 REPRESENTATIVE HARLEY OLBERG asked if passing HCR 10 would comply with the federal mandate. MS. SMITH stated it would. CHAIRMAN VEZEY explained the federal regulation allowed states two options: To either pass a law suspending drivers' licenses for drug offenses, or to inform the government it will not. He stated HCR 10 would do the latter. Number 134 REPRESENTATIVE BETTYE DAVIS MOVED passage of HCR 10. Number 153 HCR 10 PASSED by a 6-1 vote, Representative Sanders voting NO.