HB 291 - CIVIL LIABILITY FOR SKATEBOARDING DENNY DEWITT, Legislative Assistant to Representative Eldon Mulder, introduced HB 291. He said this bill was introduced by the request of the Municipality of Anchorage, and is supported by the Fairbanks/North Star Borough. Municipalities would like to create skateboard parks so skateboarders would have a place to ride a little more safely than in downtown malls and sidewalks. They would like immunity from liability which this bill would give them. They would be required to post signs. He said he would like to propose an amendment which would simply change the word "operate" to use another term so that there is no misunderstanding that there needs to be someone on site all the time at the skateboard parks. Both the Anchorage and Fairbanks municipalities would like to establish skateboard parks. They have been requested to but have been reluctant to move forward without this minor correction to the statute. REPRESENTATIVE BUNDE said he appreciates what the municipalities are trying to do, but would like to know for sure that we can grant immunity from being sued. CHAIRMAN PORTER said the philosophy and balance this bill presents is very similar to the ski liability bill we had last year that basically says that there is an inherent risk to this activity. If we provide it to you, you are going to have to accept some of those risks. We are putting obligations on you to be properly capable of performing this activity, wearing the right equipment, and generally act responsibly. The municipalities would be responsible for posting the fact that they will not be held liable for these inherent risks. REPRESENTATIVE GREEN asked if this would require somebody to periodically check the parks to remove any obstructions that may lead to a gross negligence suit. MR. DEWITT understood there to be an obligation on the municipality to make sure there are proper signs, and that it is in proper operation, as they would have to with any other public facility. REPRESENTATIVE TOOHEY felt this was a wonderful idea for those of us who dodge the skateboarders. REPRESENTATIVE BUNDE mentioned that there is no way to indemnify the cities totally, as much as we might want to. CHAIRMAN PORTER offered Amendment 1, which provides that it is the facility that we are trying to exempt, and not require that an operator from the city to be present. Amendment 1 follows: Page 1, lines 8 - 9: Delete: "skateboarding facility operated by a municipality" Insert: "municipal skateboarding facility"  Page 3, lines 1 - 2: Delete: "A municipality that operates a skateboarding facility" Insert: "In a municipal skateboarding facility, a municipality" Page 4, lines 19 - 20: Delete: "that operates a skateboarding facility shall, before the beginning of a skateboard competition" Insert: "shall, before beginning skateboard competition at a municipal skateboard facility" Page 5, line 4: Delete: "the operation of a" Insert: "a municipal" REPRESENTATIVE GREEN felt that was a good idea, and made a motion to move the amendment. Hearing no objection, Amendment 1 was adopted. REPRESENTATIVE TOOHEY made a motion to move CSHB 291(JUD) out of the House Judiciary Committee with individual recommendation and zero fiscal notes. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.