Number 800 SB 85 - 1995 REVISOR BILL  PAMELA FINLEY, Assistant Revisor, Legal Services Division, Legislative Affairs Agency, explained that SB 85 is of very little of importance to anybody, but it does clean up the statute to deal with a few errors they have caught. She did not want to go through it section by section since it is so boring, but was happy to answer questions. REPRESENTATIVE TOOHEY asked if there was a fiscal note. MS. FINLEY believed there was not, or it was zero. REPRESENTATIVE FINKELSTEIN asked if there would be anyone in the House to answer questions when it comes up on the floor. He would like to bring something up there. MS. FINLEY said she could certainly be there on the House floor, as she was for the Senate. REPRESENTATIVE FINKELSTEIN made a motion to move the revisor bill, CSSB 85(JUD) am, out of committee with individual recommendations and the zero fiscal note. Seeing no objection, it was so ordered. Number 830