TAPE 95-28, SIDE B HJUD - 03/10/95 HB 90 - CONVENING LEGISLATURE AFTER GOV. ELECTION Number 000 DOROTHY GARRETT, Aide to Representative Davis, introduced the bill. Sponsor Statement: "It is now nine years since the President and Congress of the United States declared Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday a National Holiday. "Ironically, in Alaska, this holiday falls on the opening day of the Session in the year following a gubernatorial election. This not only means that the Alaskan Legislators are not able to pay proper homage to this great leader, but the hundreds of state workers who act as back-up staff are impacted as well. "I propose that this particular Session day be changed to the following Tuesday. This would bring Alaska into line with the other 48 states that observe this Holiday. "I would like to quote the Executive Proclamation issued by Governor Walter J. Hickel,: "Dr. King is remembered for his tireless dedication to achieving, through peaceful means, freedom and equal rights for all people, and for making the promise of democracy truly an inalienable right for all members of society." "Surely as elected legislators it is our responsibility to set an example to the millions of people who have benefited from the dreams and promises of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." MS. GARRETT noted that this bill would actually save the state money. There was a discussion on whether or not Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday was a paid holiday, or one of those holidays that employees receive flex time for. MS. GARRETT clarified that it is a state holiday. CHAIRMAN PORTER noted that the problem is, this holiday is not recognized by the legislature. REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY offered Amendment Number 1, which would have the legislature start meeting on the second Monday of January, every year. There was an objection, and a roll call vote was taken. Representative Vezey voted yes. Representatives Finkelstein, Bunde, Toohey, Green and Porter voted no. Amendment Number 1 failed, five to one. Number 240 REPRESENTATIVE TOOHEY made a motion to move HB 90 out of committee. Seeing no objection, it was so ordered.