SSHCR 25 - STEP FAMILY DAY CHAIRMAN BUNDE announced the first order of business was SSHCR 25, Relating to Step Family Day. He asked Representative Dyson to present the Resolution. Number 0038 REPRESENTATIVE FRED DYSON, sponsor, stated that 38 states have recognized stepfamilies and he agreed to introduce SSHCR 25. He noted there is a high percentage of what is referred to as "blended families" in Alaska. The national organization provides literature, counseling and comfort to families that find themselves facing situations associated with blended families. While the world may not be greatly different for the stepfamilies of Alaska if this legislation passes, in his mind it is a small step that recognizes a very valid sociological phenomena in our culture and that the legislature encourages the success of those families. CHAIRMAN BUNDE asked if there was further public testimony. Hearing none, he closed public testimony. Number 0265 REPRESENTATIVE TOM BRICE made a motion to move SSHCR 25 from committee with individual recommendations and zero fiscal note. There being no objection, SSHCR 25 passed from the House Health, Education and Social Services Standing Committee.